View Full Version : Ruger BH Rear Sight retaining pin

11-07-2015, 06:07 PM
I have a quick question for you folks. I just got back from spending 9 hours out in the woods hunting. When I got back to the house I went to wiping down my firearms as always, and noticed that the retaining pin for the rear sight was protruding from the left side of the frame. No big deal really I just used the plastic handle on a screwdriver to put it back in place. I just don't understand how it worked loose though, all I was doing was walking around as usual, just glad it didn't decide to leave. So my question is is this pretty much par for the course for these sights? And what can I do to keep this from happening again if anything? The last thing I need is to need to rely on the revolver only to find the rear sight went AWOL.

11-07-2015, 06:20 PM
I don't think it's normal. I've got 15 Ruger Blackhawks and Single Sixes (same basic design) and it's never happened to any of them.

You might try some LockTite on the pin and see if that helps to keep it in place.

Hope this helps.


11-07-2015, 06:27 PM
Yeah that's what I was thinking already. Is there a spring under there that I would need to pay attention to so as not to lose it?

11-07-2015, 06:28 PM
My ruger GP did the same thing. I put a slight bend in it and it hasn't happened since. Same with a colt woodsman with Elliason sights. I'll bet the drift happened when you shot it last time and just didn't notice it.

11-07-2015, 06:34 PM
Ive got a blackhawk in 44 special that does the same thing. i drove it in with a small punch the other day. We will see if it stays.

11-07-2015, 09:18 PM
Happens more than people know, and not just to Rugers. I ran a pistol shoot for about 7 years, and saw plenty walk out. Saw a few make it all the way out and the goodies go flying too. :) Do as Apen suggests and put a slight bend in it, whack it with a hammer against an anvil to fattten it up, or use a little Loctite. It's not fun to look for your rear sight and find nothing.

Yes, there is a spring, just jack the rear sight all the way up to relieve the tension and removing/reinstalling shouldn't be too hard. Good luck.

11-07-2015, 09:55 PM
Ok, first off the pin itself does not have a spring in any way pushing on it. The rear sight blade as well as the adjustable portion of the assy does have springs.

The retaining pin that the adjustable elevation portion is held in by does occasionally work it's way out. Not uncommon, yet not always common.
Peening the ends or adding loctite is not the best way to go. If you try & peen it ends,, you could mar the finish on the side of the sights. Loctite could find it's way into other places & not be good for later adjustments.

The best, easiest & most common fix is to simply push the pin out about 1/3 of the way, the using soft taps sideways to the pin will put a small bend in the pin. I use a brass faced small hammer to tap any I have that need this. Once you get the pin slightly out of "straightness" you can tap it back in the base & it'll have some resistance. Once it's in,, it will not easily walk out again.

11-07-2015, 10:26 PM
I have had it happen many times.
I push the pin out and hammer a very small flat on one end, then push it back in.
I would imagine that a pair of vise grips might work better, giving you more control over how much of a flat you wanted and where.

11-09-2015, 07:09 AM
Thanks folks, I did as contender1 described and put a small bend in the pin.