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11-06-2015, 09:41 PM
There are 2 sawmill company trucks hauling out of the same area I am. These guys are trying to make 2 loads a day and beating their already beat trucks to death.
I time it so that I am going the same direction as they are, and just find a place to let them pass when they catch me, We also call out with our location every mile, so that their no suprises from trucks at least, but it doesn't always work. lol
Yesterday I called out that I was starting off of the top of 25 mile, when a driver that should have been 30 minutes ahead of me called back that he was dead in the water at 24 1/2 mile loaded going down the hill.
He told me his trailer brakes had froze and locked up, now normally I would sit on the top of the hill until he told me that he was moving again, but I know this guy. I told him I would ease down, but his brakes were not froze up, because it is not cold enough. He said it didn't matter they were froze. lol
I told him it was impossible. lol Well he had drug them 1/4 mile or more, the trailer had even slid into a bank a time or two. It turned out he had busted the spring on the right side and the rear axle was back about a foot on that side.
He looked it over and decides there is nothing to do about it, no matter that I or one more truck, and 2 complete logging crews are stuck until this thing gets out of the road. lol
I told him to back it up and it will force the axle back in line, then chain it up. He don't have a chain, got that a log truck, don't have a chain. So I get a chain and CHAIN it up for him, then bleed the brakes off for him and tell him he will not have any trailer brakes, so ease it down another half mile to a wide spot, and I would take him to the mill.
On the way out, I ask him why they are chaining up empty when they leave the pavement. His answer was so they can go fast with out going over. lol He says they are trying to run 40 empty and 30 loaded.
Now this road is 31 miles of BUMB, I'm talking major BUMB. I mentioned, if he wanted to continue on with that plan, they should order a truck load of them springs. lol

Now today, the other driver, which is an experienced driver, I have known for several years, comes in late for some reason, and for some other unknown reason isn't monitoring his radio. I meet him in a switchback and immedietly he gets on his brakes and goes sideways, He does get off his brakes and started straightening up, but when we got stopped we could roll down the windows and shake hands, his drivers were tight against my drivers side fender, but luckily no contact, but noo place to go. lol
We both tried pulling up, but even with his mirror pulled in, we still liked about an inch being able to pass, so he had to bach up the hill. lol

GLAD it is the weekend, and since the mills do not off load, I think I might just make a north run. lol

11-06-2015, 09:57 PM
And my daddy thought I was crazy when I used to road race. You got nerves of steel my freind and an angel on your shoulder.

11-06-2015, 10:02 PM
No chain, what, just gravity to keep the logs in the bunks?

11-06-2015, 10:46 PM
Ha Ha Gravity would do it fine, but we use cable wrappers. Ever tried to throw a chain over a log truck, heck I'm thinking about getting some of them newfangled synthetic wrappers, as they are considerably lighter than the cable ones. lol

I always carry one chain, in case I need pulled up a hill or need to pull a 4 wheeler out of the pucker brush, when I meet one in a bad spot. lol My chain is still on his rig, but I throwed another one on this morning, I can't imagine trucking without a chain.

11-07-2015, 12:08 AM
Never hauled logs, but started with a drop deck in the 80's. Used chains and straps. Even now, with a reefer, I keep a chain and binder handy. Real handy with broken suspension parts, as well as towing someone.

11-07-2015, 12:35 AM
Never liked box freight, and literally hated to go to a food warehouse, or farmers market.
I keep a chain or two and even a couple of straps and portable ratchets even when pulling tankers though. I just couldn't belive somebody working in the woods would be without one, I know for a fact he came over and pulled a load of logs for the logger I work for, and they had to pull him up to the loader.

11-12-2015, 12:25 AM
These sawmill company trucks just get more entertaining daily. Today we were leaving out loaded about the same time, I waited at the y for him to come on down and get ahaed of me, as I would have to find a wide spot and let him around otherwise.
He comes blowing by me in a CLOUD of snow. He was draffing their drag they pull in and out with the pickup to knock down the snow with. lol
I hollared at him on the radio, asking what in the world he was doing now, as it is tied much higher on the log truck, and at that speed just bouncing with the front blade in the air. lol
Anyway I pull out and get a 1/4 mile or less and there it set, blocking the road, with him long gone. I had to back all the way to the Y so that the logging boss could get a pickup around me to hook on to it.
These guys sure provide some priceless entertainment. lol

11-12-2015, 01:28 AM
There's probably some cameras filming the whole thing for future TV show footage.

11-12-2015, 02:05 AM
There's probably some cameras filming the whole thing for future TV show footage.

I seriously doubt that, all the time they were filming ice road truckers, they edited all of us except the movie star company trucks. When they had no choice but to show another companies trucks, they were real careful not to show the name on it. lol

11-13-2015, 06:51 AM
Well it got better, I get a call tonight telling me not to go to work tomorrow, cuz their truck is off the road, and not enough room to get around it. I hope it was not to bad of an angle to leave the motor running, or they will likely have to heat it up, when they do get it back on the road. I have to wonder how much they are going to tear up and spend before they figure out you can't make two trips a day.

bruce drake
11-13-2015, 09:47 AM
Is this a yardboss telling them to drive two trips or they in their youth and desire to make a buck are making the calls to destroy those trucks at the risks of themselves and the more responsible drivers who are trying to share the road with them?

11-14-2015, 11:59 PM
Damn morons

11-17-2015, 05:30 AM
Come on - we need some pictures


http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/attachments/general-chit-chat/560031d1290181718-still-believe-chaining-down-your-rig-x-g00025800000000000076f11648045e8b21d0dcd426da9ae0f 62bf6195a.jpg


though you can skip this kind from your dash cam


11-17-2015, 10:56 PM
Them, has to be fake pictures, log truck pictures always use white for everything except the truck. lol

11-17-2015, 11:04 PM
Can DO
http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg97/co-brat/snow2008022.jpg (http://s246.photobucket.com/user/co-brat/media/snow2008022.jpg.html)





How about a white truck

11-17-2015, 11:42 PM
Now, you're talking, but that cabover must stay os some real easy and groomed log roads.

11-20-2015, 12:40 AM
what kind of tire chains is the COE using ?????

11-20-2015, 12:55 AM
I was wondering about that myself. They look oversize with spiders holding them tight, but can't think ov a reason for it. I'm thinking it is something for show, the truck itself couldn't go in the woods outfitted the way it is.

12-04-2015, 12:56 AM
The mill owners have funny ways of thinking, or at least different. lol
Their trucks first day back on the job since the one got off the road was tuesday. Both trucks were repaired and ready to go by monday, but we have had some heavy wet snow making many saplings bend over the road, their logging crew had told them you couldn't get a truck in.
When I showed up monday evening with a load, the owner followed me to the unloading yard to find out where I had loaded at. lol
Now here is the kicker, he told me he would send his truck out tomorrow (just one) as he figured the new driver that had put it off the road needed some training.
Now here is the bigger kicker, their old driver has told them he will not try to make two trips anymore, as our daylight hours are too short now to try and run that hard. So with one day of training the driver that didn't qualify and had to do a ride along, suddenly gets to load first the next day so he can make two loads.
In two days the guy put both of their trucks down for nearly 2 weeks, but after one day they jump right back in to the same program. lol