View Full Version : Chart "Explains" Welfare Reform

11-06-2015, 03:39 AM
A chart released Tuesday by the House Ways and Means Committee shows how 80 programs created to benefit low-income families cost around $1 trillion a year — a figure spending critics say could be lowered with the right reforms, and entitlement supporters say wrongfully includes things like the Earned Income Tax credit and Head Start programs.

Whatever the case, this chart certainly paints a confusing picture of all the programs the government provides to low-income communities on the tax-payer’s dime:


11-06-2015, 09:20 AM
even with reading glasses I don't have a hope in heck of making out the writing on that poster and it won't let me resize.

Rick Hodges
11-06-2015, 09:27 AM
even with reading glasses I don't have a hope in heck of making out the writing on that poster and it won't let me resize.

I think that is the point....the whole object of gov't budget systems is to confuse the decision makers to fund the biggest piece of the pie possible. "Dazzle them with Bull ---- "
I'm pretty sure you could blow that up as large as you wanted and still wouldn't be able to make heads nor tails of it.

11-06-2015, 09:51 AM
Artful . . . thanks SO VERY MUCH for posting this chart . . . it makes everything so much more clear now as to how our hard earned dollars are spent. The one thing I didn't notice on the chart was how this affects those who are 3rd and 4th generation Welfare who don't want to work? Will they still receive their free schooling, free phones, free medical services and of course their monthly "bridge cards" that can be sold on the black market for drugs?

There are many folks out there who really do need "help" through the loss of their jobs, benefits, etc. . . all of which was supposed to be "fixed" by the last election (like every other election). A "short-fall" on funding? Perhaps Congress should give up their perks, salary, lifetime pension and medical care (remember they don't have to abide by Obama Care - they exempted themselves) . . . those monies could go towards the funding of their reforms.

At what point is Washington ever going to realize that you can't spend money you don't have . . . and then expect those who DO work to pay for all their spending. Maybe they could all pool the millions and millions that are spent on getting re-elected and give the taxpayers a break.

11-06-2015, 12:05 PM
what I see there is 9 agencies and an oversight group running them all.
plus sum hundred thousand employee's on the government payroll to go along with the recipients.