View Full Version : Happy

11-05-2015, 10:51 PM
Who is happy? I have been spending too much time in the pit with all the unhappy people there. I am happy and optimistic. Am I alone or do things really suck as bad as the people in the Pit think. I have a wife and daughter that are doing good. I have enough money to retire but I have a great job and like the people I work with. I have too many toys and don't play with them enough because they have so much for me to do at work. I own my house and cars free and clear but one is 10 years old. The house needs work but is very livable. My parents and my first wife have passed but I have adjusted. The country could be doing better but we are far from collapse and I think there are a lot of good people in the country and the immigrant problems are just that problems not crisis. I don't fear someone might Nuke us. I don't fear climate change and even if it is real we will adapt. Do I have my head in the sand or are things really as good as they seem.


11-05-2015, 11:10 PM

11-05-2015, 11:18 PM
I tend to be a bit negative in day to day activities. But when I inventory my situation in life I have it great. I am retired from the USAF (since '08) and get to spend all day with my two boys who are home schooled. I have enough building/improvement projects to stay busy working as little or as much as I want. I have a great wife who is also retired from the USAF, but chose to go back to work. I can shoot in my backyard everyday. I have no debt, money in the bank and enough disposable income to make things interesting. We are also all healthy. I don't think it gets any better than that--so I am happy too.

11-05-2015, 11:23 PM
You are not alone. I've been avoiding the Pit because it's to much doom and gloom. Simple fact is that life will go on....unless an asteroid hits us.

Personally I'm doing well. Have a 17mo old son that's healthy and EXTREMELY active. I look forward to seeing him every day. I have a new job, after being at the same place for fifteen years, which prevents this.

But I knew traveling was part of the new job. I've gotten to see parts of the US I've never been to. I will get to see more as the years go by. I will get to see many parts of the world since it's an international company. What's not to like about better pay(in the long run), great retirement plan and great health insurance. The only downside is the travel but I'm home every weekend no matter what.

I don't sweat the economic conditions. My career choice means I will always have a job. Maybe not as well paid as currently. But my skill set is such that I will always be in demand....unless that asteroid hits.

I know it's hard w/ how much turmoil there is in the world. But if you shut off the television and don't go on the internet it's amazing how the world isn't falling apart before your eyes. Like I said, life will to on....unless we're hit by an asteroid :)

country gent
11-05-2015, 11:28 PM
I have my grand children, children, Dad, brother and sister and many many good friends. I have my Holy Father looking over me. My Hobbies and chores to occupy my time and thoughts. Its lifes little things that bring out the best. I medically retired several years ago due to mobility issues from MS, and while I do pretty much everything I did before I dont always do it the same way as before. DTKnoweles cherish the wife and children, The children grow up way to fast and quick. Spend all the time you can with them. Always remeber the small things can leave a very lasting impression. Make alot of memories, no one can take them away and you have them forever.

11-06-2015, 12:53 AM
Life is really what you make of it. Some of us have better health than others, but you have to want to be happy and satisfied with your situation. Nothing is perfect.

11-06-2015, 01:20 AM
It's all about perspective. Yes, we have problems in our country but there is nowhere else I would want to live. Though I enjoy some of the topics in the pit, all too often there's too much drama that comes along with it.

11-06-2015, 01:34 AM
There is that "glass is half full" perspective...and that is the one to have.

Congrats on a great grip on reality.

Driver man
11-06-2015, 01:49 AM
I think the pit is peopled by very strange types with the odd comic thrown in to stir things up.

11-06-2015, 05:20 AM
You don't have to be happy if you don't want to, and no one can make you!

11-06-2015, 10:30 AM
Life is good.

11-06-2015, 11:27 AM
There is that "glass is half full" perspective...and that is the one to have.

Congrats on a great grip on reality.

Speaking of the glass half full and reality. I have a tee shirt my step daughter gave me that says.

A pessimist says the glass is half empty

An optimist says the glass is half full

An engineer says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


11-06-2015, 11:35 AM
Some are never happy, some are always happy. Depends on your lot in life and your goals and health. We have problems in this country before and survived. Look at the Civil war, great depression, WW1 and WW2, Vietnam and since. With taxes going from 0 to 90%.

11-06-2015, 11:37 AM
No a true engineer would say I designed it for 20 ounces and you did not put enough into it, you wasted my perfect cup.

Speaking of the glass half full and reality. I have a tee shirt my step daughter gave me that says.

A pessimist says the glass is half empty

An optimist says the glass is half full

An engineer says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


11-06-2015, 11:39 AM
I just purchased a NOE mould for 357 and his new 2lb ingot mould. Life IS good! :bigsmyl2:

I believe completely in Charles R Swindoll's quote:
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”I am so lucky to have such a great family and such a beautiful and loving wife. Sometimes we all need to step back and appreciate the good things in life. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I am trying to remind myself of how good I have it.

Good post!

11-06-2015, 11:44 AM
Life is great for me and my family. Our youngest just got back from his third deployment safe.
I'm not complaining about nothing.

Clay M
11-06-2015, 09:26 PM
If you want to be happy , you best stay away from the Pit.
Arguing with people on the internet about politics and religion is was gross waste of time.
You are Not going to change their opinions, and chances are they are Not going to change yours.

Instead read a great book. Improve your mind in that way..

11-06-2015, 10:07 PM
If you want to be happy , you best stay away from the Pit.
Arguing with people on the internet about politics and religion is was gross waste of time.
You are Not going to change their opinions, and chances are they are Not going to change yours.

Instead read a great book. Improve your mind in that way..

Good advice, now all I need to do is heed it.

Overall I must say I am extremely happy. I survived polio when I was 13, survived cancer, 15 years ago, married a wonderful wife, who is also my best friend, Lord has Blessed me all the days of my life. There's little to not be happy over.

Plate plinker
11-06-2015, 10:11 PM
At times one must realize how much time is wasted watching television and ranting online.

11-06-2015, 10:19 PM
At times one must realize how much time is wasted watching television and ranting online.

True, but it also depends what you watch on TV.

Then too, depends how much time one has to waste!

At 72, I have lots of free time, LOL, to waste as however I wish. hehehehe

11-07-2015, 03:59 AM
You are not alone. ---

I don't sweat the economic conditions. My career choice means I will always have a job. Maybe not as well paid as currently. But my skill set is such that I will always be in demand....unless that asteroid hits.

I know it's hard w/ how much turmoil there is in the world. But if you shut off the television and don't go on the internet it's amazing how the world isn't falling apart before your eyes. Like I said, life will to on....unless we're hit by an asteroid :)

LOL-My skill set will be in demand as well, ESPECIALLY if the asteroid hits, or we have any lesser level of calamity. Still, there is Eternal Hope and Trust in His plan, although we may not see the goal or understand the steps He directs.

BTW, the glass is full, favorite beverage on the bottom, atmosphere on the top....there are only 10 folks who seem to understand binary, and sometimes I wonder about you.....

11-07-2015, 04:36 AM
Tim, you are right! Immigrants present neither crisis nor problem of any sort that I know of. Illegal aliens on the other hand most certainly represent a crisis.

Those who allow "The Pit" to depress or anger them, should take a walk (literally) or walk the dog, collect their thoughts, then go sit at the reloading bench and tinker or go out and check the tires and fluids in the cars, wash the wife's windows. Something that makes them feel good or feel good about themselves.

Guess I'm thicker skinned than most. The Pit or the opinions published in it that seem ridiculous, contrary or just plain ignorant, never changes my mood. I have far more important things to address that can or has an effect me, my loved ones and my household.

762 shooter
11-07-2015, 07:28 AM
No matter what happens............it can always be worse.

Enjoy what you have.


11-07-2015, 04:09 PM
LOL-My skill set will be in demand as well, ESPECIALLY if the asteroid hits, or we have any lesser level of calamity. Still, there is Eternal Hope and Trust in His plan, although we may not see the goal or understand the steps He directs.

BTW, the glass is full, favorite beverage on the bottom, atmosphere on the top....there are only 10 folks who seem to understand binary, and sometimes I wonder about you.....

Cool, I like that spin.


11-07-2015, 04:14 PM
Tim, you are right! Immigrants present neither crisis nor problem of any sort that I know of. Illegal aliens on the other hand most certainly represent a crisis.

Those who allow "The Pit" to depress or anger them, should take a walk (literally) or walk the dog, collect their thoughts, then go sit at the reloading bench and tinker or go out and check the tires and fluids in the cars, wash the wife's windows. Something that makes them feel good or feel good about themselves.

Guess I'm thicker skinned than most. The Pit or the opinions published in it that seem ridiculous, contrary or just plain ignorant, never changes my mood. I have far more important things to address that can or has an effect me, my loved ones and my household.

I am not sure the illegals present a crisis but allowing more will not make things better here.

About the Pit, what I find disturbing is that some lurkers might buy in to some ideas being spread there by the regulars, the forum has so many members who rarely post I wonder if they take some of the hateful stuff in the Pit and apply it in their life.


Love Life
11-07-2015, 04:19 PM
I'm happy. I love life...

You only get one chance, so I plan to make the most of it in any situation that I find myself in or that may get thrown at me.

11-07-2015, 04:42 PM
LOL-My skill set will be in demand as well, ESPECIALLY if the asteroid hits, or we have any lesser level of calamity.

I have plenty of skills that will be in demand after the asteroid strike. But w/out electricity my current profession is worthless. And truthfully, I don't want to be around for the hardship after such an event. Call it being weak or whatever you wish. I just hope I'm close to the impact so I don't have to worry about the aftermath.

11-07-2015, 06:35 PM
Happy as far as my life is concerned, don't have a lot, sure not enough to retire on, but I have everything I need, and much more. My take is we have probably lived through the most prosperous times as a country and as individuals, there probably ever be. There has been no reason for anybody in this country to go hungry, or without anything they need, during my lifetime, this was not the case for earlier generations, and they way we, as a country has progressed, I fear for future generations. I really doubt, my grandkids and their kids will be able to go throiugh life as comfortable and easy as what we have had the last 50 or 60 years. I know they will adapt, as we have to the changes, I just think they will have to work harder at it, to possibly have the quality of life my generation has taken for granted.

As far as the pit, it has no bearing on my happiness, and I sure wouldn't change my life for reasons garnered there. lol

Clay M
11-07-2015, 07:26 PM
I very much enjoy life..
I am into art ,philosophy, literature ,and music.
I also cast bullets and work with the accuracy of different rifles.
Just read The Grand Inquisitor from "The Brothers Karamazov"
Fantastic novel indeed.
I love Charles Dickens, but this novel may be the best I have ever read.


I try to spend what is left of my life with these disciplines, that my family and my cats.

11-07-2015, 10:00 PM
I am not sure the illegals present a crisis but allowing more will not make things better here.

About the Pit, what I find disturbing is that some lurkers might buy in to some ideas being spread there by the regulars, the forum has so many members who rarely post I wonder if they take some of the hateful stuff in the Pit and apply it in their life.


Tim if you lived in a border state where the politicians declare the State and several of the major cities to be sanctuaries for criminal aliens, even to the point of favoring those aliens who pose an immediate threat to the lives of citizens, you might see the illegal alien issue in its true light.
To the Republicans, illegal aliens make the rich richer more so than honest citizens. To the Democrats, because illegal aliens breed without thought to the financial ability to pay for another child, they produce more democrat voters than do honest citizens.

11-07-2015, 10:57 PM
About the Pit, what I find disturbing is that some lurkers might buy in to some ideas being spread there by the regulars, the forum has so many members who rarely post I wonder if they take some of the hateful stuff inthe Pit and apply it in their life.


I enjoy life greatly. I also enjoy the pit greatly. One thing that I will note that people who get depressed by the pit tend to be people that feel they must be able to control or influence how other people think. What other people post in the pits does not affect my life or outlook in anyway. The same for anything the I post. Whether it’s the news or the pit I have the ability to control how it affects me.

On a daily bases I am bombarded with literally thousands of things (that if I allowed myself to) would depress me greatly. For me to worry or fret about something I have to be able to control it. If I can’t control it I am not going to worry about it.

Four years ago the doctors told me 99% chance that I had pancreatic cancer with 6 months if I was lucky and two months being more realistic. Since I couldn’t affect the outcome I didn’t worry about it and didn’t tell anyone. The plan was to do what I wanted how I wanted until I got sick enough were I had to tell my friends and family. Against the doctor’s advice I went on a week long road trip and then I went goose hunting for two weeks. After about a month I didn’t get sick like the doctors predicted so I told the wife about it and decided to have a biopsy. It was determined that it was a very rare type of non-cancerous tumor. Still had to have a Whipple procedure but I still here minus some parts.

Someone else’s attitude in the pit is something I have zero control over, it has zero effect on my life and it is something I don’t worry about in the least. Much happier that way.

11-08-2015, 12:50 AM
Actually a real engineer would drink what is in it and go on with life, assuming it was a 'happy' fluid.

MT Gianni
11-08-2015, 01:14 AM
I cannot perceive a better time to be alive or a better place on this earth than I am currently in. I also stay out of the pit.

11-08-2015, 02:38 PM
I think I am a fairly happy jolly fellow. I have some weak moments where I am not. I had a couple of those last week, when I was taken out of my element...but am more wise now, because of those experiences.

Could I be happier ?
Maybe, if I could have the physical body that I had when I was 20, but be surrounded by the friends and wisdom I have today (30 years later). It's nice to dream, isn't it ...my Dad is a dreamer as well, I find comfort in that.

11-08-2015, 02:41 PM
Life is hectic, - YES

People are difficult -YES

God is Good -YES Count me Happy. - Check out my signature line.

Clay M
11-08-2015, 09:12 PM
I think I am a fairly happy jolly fellow. I have some weak moments where I am not. I had a couple of those last week, when I was taken out of my element...but am more wise now, because of those experiences.

Could I be happier ?
Maybe, if I could have the physical body that I had when I was 20, but be surrounded by the friends and wisdom I have today (30 years later). It's nice to dream, isn't it ...my Dad is a dreamer as well, I find comfort in that.

My daughter is sick. She will always need my help to survive.
I have things in my life that make me less than happy,
but I am here to try to make things better for those in my world.
When I play guitar I am in my own world.
When I am at the range with a rifle I am in my own world.
I enjoy life, but yes Sir , there are hardships along the way.
Many I have no answer for.
I can't stay in my world.
My wish is to make things better for my family before I die.
I want to see my son enjoy his land before I die, and that is my dream that is being fulfilled now.

11-09-2015, 10:22 AM
We just moved to a great state and my wife is retiring from her second career and joining me within a month as we watch our retirement home being built. After a lifetime of living in crowded neighborhoods we finally have our nice piece of dirt complete with a lake. Every morning the turkey's come in to eat the corn I toss out for them and lots of bucks on the trail camera.
We don't subscribe to the doomsday prepper theories.
Life is good and it could be better if our age would go backward to help get rid of the daily aches and pains