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10-30-2015, 11:50 AM

Alabama Teacher of the Year told she's unqualified, resigns
Alabama's 2014 Teacher of the Year

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — Alabama's reigning Teacher of the Year says she has resigned after state officials told her she's unqualified to teach in her fifth-grade classroom because of certification issues.

Veteran teacher Ann Marie Corgill said Alabama Department of Education officials recently informed her that she was not qualified despite her well-documented accomplishments. She said she grew tired of trying to prove herself, prompting her to submit a letter of resignation, dated Tuesday and obtained by Al.com (http://bit.ly/1MwE2zy ). In the letter, Corgill cites her confusion.

"After 21 years of teaching in grades 1-6, I have no answers as to why this is a problem now, so instead of paying more fees, taking more tests and proving once again that I am qualified to teach, I am resigning," Corgill wrote.

Corgill has Class A and B certifications to teach primary school through third grade, according to certification records provided by The Alabama Department of Education. Corgill said she started this school year at Birmingham's Oliver Elementary School teaching second grade, but shortly after the semester began, she was moved to a fifth-grade classroom.

In a news release Thursday, the state Department of Education said it "did not determine Ms. Corgill was not qualified. However, when an inquiry was made, the department reported that her current teaching certificate covers primary grades through Grade 3. This does not carry with it a requirement for resignation."

But Corgill — a 2015 National Teacher of the Year finalist — holds National Board Certification to teach children ages 7 to 12, a group that would include most fifth-graders. That certification is valid until November 2020, according to the National Board Certification directory.

Birmingham City Schools spokeswoman Chandra Temple said Thursday that the district is working on the matter and had no further comment.

Some little Bureaucrat is happy now!

10-30-2015, 12:25 PM
Sounds like she got somebody's panties in a wad.

10-30-2015, 01:59 PM
Probably felt 'uncomfortable' ...

10-30-2015, 03:43 PM
This doesn't surprise me one bit. My wife taught well over 30 years and retired from it. I started out teaching Jr. & Sr. High Industrial Ed and after three years, got so sick and tired of all the BS and lack of discipline that I said the heck with it.

In the H.S. I taught at . . the first question asked when I interviewed with the Principle was "what can you coach?" My reply was "Nothing . . . If you want an Industrial Ed teacher then I'm your man . . . if you want a coach . . . you'd better look somewhere else and get your priorities straight as to what the job description is." I got hired but only because several board members WANTED an Industrial Ed. Teacher . . . they were sick of parents complaining about the Shop teacher always leaving the shop and leaving the kids unsupervised while he went to take care of "coaching business". Unfortunately, many Junior and Senior High teachers got hired based on their coaching ability . . not their teaching ability. When the powers to be got tired of their "coaching record" . . . they got fired from the coaching position but then got shuffled to classes that they were not certified in. THEN the state started auditing and I knew a lot of teachers that pretty much lost their jobs due to bumping and not being "qualified" - regardless of the fact that the were excellent teachers that put 150% in to their jobs "for the kids".

Just look at what happened this week with the kid that had to be removed from the classroom for disruption by the cop - who then got fired. Cell phones in class? C'mon . . and yet their hair brained parents will be the first to stand up for them saying it's necessary they have a phone in school.

Teachers . . . there are good and there are bad . . . just like any profession but as with the story posted . . . there is no "common sense" left . . . and therefor . . . another "good teacher" is no longer teaching. The government says "they know best" as far as education . . . yet we have removed religion, prayer, the pledge of allegiance and our American flag from schools because we don't want to "offend" anyone. Unfortunately . . this posted story is repeated many times in many states. And . . . I can pretty much guarantee you that the worthless little government employee (who by the way works for the taxpayers) probably couldn't "cut it" if they had to exist in any other job than one provided by the government.

10-30-2015, 06:10 PM
They probably found out she believes in the Constitution and owns a gun......can't have those kind of people around children.

10-31-2015, 12:03 AM
Local charter school ran into a problem with a bunch of uncertified teachers. Lost half the staff this summer and they had to scramble to find qualified teachers. I have the science classes over for a night of astronomy to help them out.

10-31-2015, 01:49 PM
With the advent of No Child Left Behind in 2003 or thereabouts, they threw even another wrinkle into it. The feds added a measurement called "highly qualified" and created a situation where teachers could be certified by their state licensing agency but not deemed "highly qualified" by the feds.

Yes, the certification rules are dumb, but in this case the real fault lies with whomever assigned her to a grade she isn't certified to teach. I'm betting there's enough egg on their face that a solution will be forthcoming...

10-31-2015, 10:44 PM
I am no fan of the teacher's unions but if they were worth spit .......... this situation would/should be where they could do something GOOD for a CHANGE!

Three 44s

Bad Water Bill
11-01-2015, 07:26 AM
A friend had taught history for over 20 years when a parent sued him for failing their precious "HONOR STUDENT" and they also wanted lots of money from him as well.

Imagine THEIR surprise when in court Scott produced EVERY homework assignment,test and notice of failure and request for a meeting with the parents.

Not one homework assignment was completed but they all had comments about Scott taking a trip to he77 and what he should do to himself when he got there.

IIRC only 1 test paper had more than 3-4 questions out of 50 answered and this was for the whole semester.

Then they said that the reason for him keeping their "HONOR STUDENTS" complete records was because he was prejudiced against people of color.

The union lawyer got a continuance to bring in more documents.

Imagine everyones surprise when Scott brought in each and every paper for each student he had in his class over the last 5 years and they all contained the same documentation for each student and the reason for their grades.

Yes this case took OVER a year and many nasty remarks he had to tolerate till the judge finally told the parents they and their "HONOR STUDENT" had wasted many hours of court time,school time s well as putting not just Scott but his family and the entire school district thru he77,CASE DISMISSED.

When the DRs said he must take an early retirement (he could have taught for another 10 years as he was only 55) because of the extreme pressures he had endured.

The school had to bring in a large dumpster to remove all of the paperwork he had saved over the 25 years he had taught at that high school.

11-01-2015, 09:35 AM
Collective wisdom in this country has "left the building"!

Three 44s

11-01-2015, 04:47 PM
IMHO, teacher union is mostly - uh, 'progressive'. SIL's sister quit after 7 years, kids had no interest, no discipline, no interest. Didn't have a woodshed were I went to school but the incentive/results were the same. Most of the principles here were coaches, now replaced by 'hilary moms'. It's going to get much worse.

11-02-2015, 02:58 PM
As an added note . . . . as far as Unions being mentioned . . . I had no choice in it nor did my wife. When I hired in (1979) we didn't have to belong but the dues were still taken out of our pay check. The following year, we had no choice. It became a "closed shop" so that you HAD to belong. They served their purpose in the early years as salaries were terrible. But . . . 'nuff said on that.

As far as "Administrators" go . . . . in my case and my wife's, we were on "probation" for 2 years. After that, you were granted "tenure" . . or an additional "probation year" and then you either were "tenured" or you were out. What always got me was that we had a "evaluation" every two years after tenure. Not a problem . . . come on in and observe and if you don't like something, then tell me. This was done by the "building Principal". Funny thing though . . . most Principals I ever knew had been teachers . . . and 99% of them "lousy" teachers . . . coaches who were no longer in favor, etc. They couldn't cut it so they got promoted . . . happens all the time whether it be schools, industry or whatever. Funny thing though . . I NEVER remember, as a staff member who had to work under a "principal" or a "superintendent" that we were ever able to fill out an "evaluation" on them and their performance. Hmmmm . . .

My wife taught 3rd & 4th grade for something like 25 years and then moved to the "middle school" to teach 6th (science) for another 6 or 7 years (and yes, she was certified for those grades). She was an excellent teacher, well respected by her peers and parents and even today, after her retirement 8 years ago, she has parents of former students . . and students . . stop and thank her for all that she did. She was great at getting kids "organized" and always went the extra mile. Every year, $1,500 to $2,000 was spent out of her pocket to get what she needed for her classroom and her kids to help them learn that the district would not cover . . and yet there was ALWAYS money . . and then some . . . for "sports", etc. During her career, which was in the same district from beginning to retirement - a span of 33 years . . . SHE HAD 13 DIFFERENT PRINCIPALS! Some were good . . . most were not. They had no people skills and had no idea of how to motivate others let alone run a building . . . and most were "stair climbers" who had taught but couldn't cut it i the classroom so they told some "Administrative" classes and "moved up".

Sorry . . . but I have been around education my entire life . . either as a class room teacher or in performing school assemblies at all age levels for over 30 years. As soon as I entered a building to do a program, it was very easy to get a feel for the staff and administration. Some were excellent . . some were terrible. Teachers today get a bad rap . . and while some deserve it . . most do not. It wasn't so long ago that there was a push by the government saying that a teacher with "life experiences" but not certified should be able to teach. A teacher today can't "teach". They have to wear a number of hats from "social worker" to "teacher" to whatever. When my wife started teaching, in a class of 30 or so students, there were perhaps 2 kids from broken homes. When she retired, in a class of 30 some students, there were perhaps 2 kids from "normal" homes where both parents were present. Teachers are "wrong" in whatever they do and have to prove that they are "right" . . . the majority of parents are "non supportive" of the teacher and are too busy making sure "their needs" are met before they even think about their kids.

I feel sorry for kids who go in to education today. The cards are stacked against them from day one. And when some graduate asks my advice . . . I give it to them. Don't go into education . . . you will be unappreciated and you can do much better by entering another field both financially and peace of mind.

It takes a "special person" to be a teach and God bless them as there will be a special place in Heaven for them. We all complain about the education system . . and now we have candidates wanting "free" college for everyone. Funny thing though . . perhaps the "politicians" ought to go back to school and learn something. The first lesson is that "nothing in life is free" . . . and the second is that "hard work will always be rewarded". Want to see what's wrong with our educational system? Just take a look at Congress . . . doesn't matter what party they are . . . they may be "grown up" but they are still acting like a bunch of "third graders" . . . and we all wonder why this country is going down the tubes. I don't . . I KNOW why it is.

Bad Water Bill
11-02-2015, 04:31 PM
My son has reminded me about a teacher,principal and an administrator he had in HS.

Yes just one man and when the teacher,principal and an administrator retired from all 3 union jobs at the same time his union retirement check is $450,000.00 per year.

Now you know why the Illinois teachers fund is busted.

11-02-2015, 07:29 PM
I agree BWB, but it still isn't near what a Football player is paid.

I know, doesn't make it right, just pointing out how foolish we are overall.

11-02-2015, 07:40 PM
Maybe not what a football player makes but I don't have to buy the inflated ticket prices or watch it on TV....I do neither. If the fans quit going and watching then they would not make that kind of money. With teacher salaries ...around here there is no negotiating. You pay us this or we strike so my property taxes have elevated to 400 bucks a month. It's an extremely discriminating tax. It is now the number one complaint to the legislature here now so we MAY finally see an end to it.

11-02-2015, 07:59 PM
I've yet to attend a football game, nore do I waste my time watching it on TV. Better things to do.

I'm lucky I guess. No property taxes and yes I own my own home. Another advantage to being a Vet.

11-02-2015, 11:50 PM
My town is considered a part of a school that is 20 miles away. They decided they needed more money... but they closed all the polling places EXCEPT for at that school in town. Voting hasn't even started and a lawsuit has been filed because they are discriminating against rural voters who may not have the time to waste an hour driving to go vote no.

Meanwhile the charter school here in town that runs off donations has been able to build a football field, a new gym and cafeteria, started a trap shooting team... all with no increase in property taxes. They do not use common core, they teach the old fashioned way and concentrate on making sure the kids are college ready if they choose that route. A few kids want an electronics class so I am teaching that later this winter for a month(2 days a week, 2 hour class). Science teacher is technically teaching it, I am volunteering to help because I repaired electronics for 30 years. So she will take attendance then turn the class over to me :shock: Been a few years since I had to teach, going to have to force myself to go slow and make sure the kids are following okay. Otherwise I tend to jump along fast thinking people know the basics. Science teacher is doing the very basics for me, resistance, voltage, current etc. All the common science stuff. I am bringing some kits they assemble, test, I take the kits and break them so they learn how to troubleshoot... last class they get to come see my ham station. I may plan it for a time when the moon is up so I can run them through how far away the moon is, how weak a signal that is reflected off the surface is, how it causes doppler frequency changes as it rises and sets... some good science blended in with fun as they take a turn at the keyboard and make a contact.

Most years I do an astronomy class too where the older students get to visit my observatory along with the teacher and do some observing via camera. All depends if there are enough kids(5 minimum) interested.

Maybe not what a football player makes but I don't have to buy the inflated ticket prices or watch it on TV....I do neither. If the fans quit going and watching then they would not make that kind of money. With teacher salaries ...around here there is no negotiating. You pay us this or we strike so my property taxes have elevated to 400 bucks a month. It's an extremely discriminating tax. It is now the number one complaint to the legislature here now so we MAY finally see an end to it.