View Full Version : After all these years ...........

10-29-2015, 12:30 AM
After all these years of using a Ohaus 505 as my scale ...... I have been making some changes!

First, I found and bought a RCBS 5-10

What I got tired of with the 505 is it's tendency for the "tenths" adjuster to jump to another location on the beam and thus cause a error on the next and subsequent charges when one would remove the charged pan to transfer powder to it's intended case.

The 5-10 fixed that!

But what it could never fix is my yearning for the RCBS 304 scale for the past 40 years of my time handloading.

Answering an ad on Craigslist from the upper central Heartland and sending significant monetary resources did fix it however!

For some time, I used a homemade elevated stand to get the pointer on then my 505 and more recently, the 5-10 to eyeball level ....... getting older and less inclined to crane my head into ackward positions ......

......... but then, I could not look at the powder as I trickled the charge up to weight ........

There just was no good answer!

WELL ...... I think the 304 will fix both issues with pannash!

.......... I'll just have to refrain from breathing while settling charges ....... and cut my other winds ........ by refraining from eating beans on "Man Cave Nights"!

Best regards

Three 44s

10-29-2015, 05:32 AM
Congrats on the new old toy. Nothing like getting what you want. Your complaint with the 505 is the exact reason I never bought one.

10-29-2015, 05:57 AM
I mounted my scale in a small kitchen cabinet hanging on the wall. Three sides minimize the effects of drafts, it's at eye level, and the doors keep it from getting dusty.

10-29-2015, 10:26 AM
Thanks Dave!

I think it needs a little cleaning as I notice I can approach weight from below consistently but from above is a different story.

I use a trickler so it's not a deal breaker but I figure with that much scale I might as well strive for more perfection.


I have thought about an enclosure of some sort for that purpose. My load room gets warm in the summer and if I start swishing air around in there ....... it's going to cause mischief!

Best regards

Three 44s

10-29-2015, 01:28 PM
I have an RCBS 304 scale that I purchased sometime in the early 80's--I think...

I have never looked back with the money I spent for it--it was pricey for sure, but is a very good scale and easy to use also...

The grey cover that came with it has long since ripped a couple of the seams, but I still use it...

I did contact RCBS to see if they might have one to sell and they do not--Sure wish I had a new cover for it though...

You'll like yours for sure...


10-30-2015, 12:01 AM

That's on my radar as well ....... a good cover!

It just dawned on me ........ since Ohaus still makes the basic scale (in metric) perhaps a cover could be forth coming from them?

Barring that, I figured on building something of my own for protection.

Best regards and thanks

Three 44s

10-30-2015, 12:04 AM
Well ... wonders never cease:

http://www.coleparmer.com/Product/Ohaus_Vinyl_Dust_Cover_for_Cent_O_Gram_and_Dial_O_ Gram_balances/UX-01003-00?referred_id=778&gclid=COHD-_en6cgCFc5hfgodi3ADBA


Three 44s

10-30-2015, 09:49 AM
I have 4 different scales with the 5-10 type beam and one with the 505. I much prefer the 505.
I find the 5-10 type clumsy to adjust.

10-30-2015, 10:01 AM
I have 4 different scales with the 5-10 type beam and one with the 505. I much prefer the 505.
I find the 5-10 type clumsy to adjust.

I agree that the 505 is easy to adjust. But I find myself setting a scale and leaving it there for some period of time and don't want it adjusting itself in the meantime. While the 5-10 demands a certain bit of concentration and "eye sight" if you will to set ....... once it's there ....... it's definitely there until you deem it somewhere else.

When I am loading Hornets, a tenth or two or even more of the "tenth's" weight adjuster getting shifted when you remove the scale pan to move the just weighed powder makes a big difference ....... same for handgun round and running accuracy rounds for long range rifle rounds as well.

My 505 isn't going anywhere just yet. But it certainly is on the back burner now.

Now, the 304 is in a whole different league. While it is not a scale that stores easy when not in use ...... I figure it will store right where it's used ..... save banging it around as well ....... I finally after 40 years handloading have my own man cave expressly for handloading ..... so the having to stuff all my stuff in a pigeon hole days are over .........

The other issue with the 304 is air currents which are not it's friend. I figure a storage in place solution and taming the wind currents will come to me. Something that works as a working shelter and then morphs into a complete cover when not in use?

It will all work out in due time ..........

For me the pay off with the 304 is that your balance indicator is at an ideal location or nearly so while the scale pan and trickler are ALSO at their ideal location.

Best regards and good shooting!

Three 44s

10-30-2015, 10:01 AM
Well ... wonders never cease:

http://www.coleparmer.com/Product/Ohaus_Vinyl_Dust_Cover_for_Cent_O_Gram_and_Dial_O_ Gram_balances/UX-01003-00?referred_id=778&gclid=COHD-_en6cgCFc5hfgodi3ADBA


Three 44s

I contacted coleparmer to see what the dimensions of that cover are. She indicated that Ohaus does not state the size of the cover. So, I looked at some of the scales it is to cover and couldn't find dimensions of them either so as to compare with the size of the 304's. But, the scales this cover is to fit look very similar to the 304's...

But, I think I will chance it and order one of them...


10-30-2015, 10:18 AM
I just measured my cover-the original one for the 304...

It measure approximately, LxWxH=16"x7"x10"...

I have noticed that some I looked at on eBay or wherever that were used--The dust cover is seldom with them. It seems to be an item that wearsout with time...

Enclosed is a pic of mine that is 30+ years old!!!...


10-30-2015, 12:04 PM

I just also bought a Cent-O-Gram scale and it's the same foot print but slightly wider at the top cause of the four beams vs. two with the 304.

The Cent-O-Gram is a fair bit taller ....... 3-4 inches more ........... so if the cover you are looking at is rated for the C-O-G model you should be good to go with some excess to deal with as to it's "skirt".

Best regards

Three 44s