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View Full Version : Really???

10-28-2015, 11:04 PM
I haven't been on this forum for quite a while.. I like to think that for the most part gun people are pretty much down to earth.. Seems that I have ruffled a few feathers with a for sale ad.... Seems i have broken a rule or two??? I am the first guy to admit my mistakes but it seems like some chicken ^&it is a fowl... No pun intended...... Is this really what the forum has come to??? For years I have given my machine advice-reloading advice- general gun advice... Life got in the way and I haven't been online for quite some time. The youngest has had severe seizures the last year or so. The wife and I have had to deal with that. It has been rough... She told me to clear out the garage and I sold some gas checks that were laying around.. I get a notice that i have had the first warning because of numerous listings/length of membership to list... REALLY??? I haven't posted in a LONG time because of family issues and I am being slammed for it?? Really?? screw it... I am done.... A lot of the members will say good riddance but for the guys who know better.........

10-28-2015, 11:17 PM
You got in trouble for selling 13,000 gas checks? REALLY!

10-29-2015, 04:32 AM
There were some members selling many items consistently without becoming a vendor seller. This is what caused the new owner to implement the new rules. I don't blame him for this as this site does cost to run it.
Still one of the best sites on the internet and the very best dealing with boolits.
Your not having been on the site in awhile means you missed the initial discussion on this and you probably did not think to check for new rules. Now that you know it should be easy for you to stay within the bounds of the new rules. Too good of a site to leave over getting busted in my opinion.
Hope you decide to return to the site.

10-29-2015, 11:16 AM
Yes this site does cost money, with that said has there ever been a time lately when the cost was not covered by members and not leaving it up to the owner to put funds into it from his own pocket?

Just asking.

Lloyd Smale
10-29-2015, 11:26 AM
yup its changed here. Used to be a bunch of good old boys that were all friends but to many new guys kind of ended that and made rules necessary. I got wrote up myself earlier this year on the classifieds for something I thought was wrong but oh well it was a rule and its your responsibility to know them. Just like ignorance of the law is no excuse in court. If your looking for another good old boy site good luck with that. I haven't found one. As a matter of fact this is still the most easy going one Ive found. Do I wish people would go away and we could get back to the old ways? You bet. But bottom line is for the owner here this is a business not a favor hes doing us by giving us a place to hang out.

10-29-2015, 11:50 AM
I bet he's gone, all over 13,000 gas checks.

Heck even cops give warning tickets.

10-29-2015, 12:18 PM
That's what he got was a warning.

I bet he's gone, all over 13,000 gas checks.

Heck even cops give warning tickets.

10-29-2015, 12:22 PM
That's what he got was a warning.

Right, I stand corrected, I went back and reread the OP post.

Thanks, Gary

10-29-2015, 12:23 PM
If I read the rules right all he had to do was break it up into 3 threads and sell 5 "lots" per thread.

10-29-2015, 12:46 PM
But he could have sold them in lots of 100 and had 130 sales which violates the 5 item 3/ month .
I have a box of dies I listed about 6 months ago 7 sets requires me to have 2 ads to get duplicate and cartridges that hold no interest for me off the bench . Nope I'll just keep checking WTB/T someone will need them.

These 2 are small good Ole boys forums . Gunslingers gulch is pretty course but as long as you go in with the beer buddies after a bad day at work it's a great bunch . Mostly BP but their open to pretry much whatever.

Ranch Dog himself runs the other and it's not really a fan boy sight ,RD recently gunned down his load masters .



I guess ultimately it comes downs to rules are rules and if you didn't phrase the ad correctly or modify it for compliance then it is what it is . Seems like he could have changed it to lots of 3000 and a 1000 and been in compliance or even offered it as a lot and broken it up for 5 buyers or something.
I guess it doesn't matter, he probably has 5 PMs asking what caliber by now .

10-29-2015, 12:59 PM
Yup those "hi-cap" sales can get ya in trouble.

10-29-2015, 02:28 PM
Kind of sensitive about being warned. A thread like this could get you even more than a warning. They give you a mild rebuke and you fly off the handle? Some times when times are hard it does not take much to put you over the edge so I will give the OP some slack and wish him the best and hope for better time for his family going forward. I hope he does have some offers to buy his GC's in his inbox.


10-29-2015, 02:32 PM
O.K. . . . new rules are new rules and we all have to abide by them regardless of what we think of them . . .

BUT . . . if they are going to stick to the rules . . then stick to them. I don't remember seeing anything in the rules that allowed for a member to advertise for "Harley Parts" in the WTB section . . . the WTB has been up since the 25th . . .

Go read it . . . a member mentioned that it wasn't associated with the site theme . . and the attitude seems to be "so what?".

If that's the case . . . then maybe I should post my WTB ad . . . "Looking for a spare hoof for my three legged mule".

Personally . . . I never minded ads with more than 5 items listed . . . if it was reloading/casting related . . . it gave the members a chance to buy the items if they were looking for them. Now . . . well it just doesn't seem like there is a multitude of items available in the WTS/WTS section like there used to be . . . but then that's just my opinion and YMMV.

paul h
10-29-2015, 02:59 PM
Seems most missed the point.

AR, I'm sorry to hear about your child's health problems. Anyone who has gone through that knows how stressful it is and how hard it is to deal with.

In that context, he comes hear to get a respite from the stresses in his life and get's what comes across to him as a petty warning.

Having been involved and several hunting/shooting forums for over 20 years I've seen heavy handed moderation as the death toll of many a forum.

Something for the moderators to consider when implementing new rules and changes to deal with problems is what affect it will have on all members and how well they are able to enjoy the forum. Advertisers will choose to use this sight based on how busy it is, and turning off or away members isn't a good way to attract advertisers.