View Full Version : Sprayed by a skunk

10-25-2015, 08:08 AM
You know everyone hears about how their dogs or cats get sprayed by a skunk and what a mess it is to clean up. Well, last night it was my turn. Very dark, 9 pm, I put on my head light and took the wood carrier out to the wood pile to get overnight wood and rounded the corner of the pile only to run head long into a skunk.
I didn't see him because I was looking 10-15 feet ahead with the light, and he was a few feet down from the corner of the pile. I walked right past him and he really didn't have any place to retreat to because he was flush up againt the wood pile.
So what's a poor skunk to do? Raise a tail and squirt! I got it on the legs, my boots and a bit on my right sleeve. I can't really blame the little guy.
Let me tell you something....that smell is as strong as anything I have smelled in my life. I took off my pajamas and boots and left them on the wood pile to air out. My other half had to laugh, because I came in the house with the headlight on and bare butt naked stinking to high heaven I laughed also after I took a shower. There was no stink oil on my skin so I cleaned up quickly.
So now, when going outside at night, I will always do a critter check. Good lesson here.
See how Mother Nature teaches us lessons?

10-25-2015, 08:17 AM
One in ten people enjoy the smell of skunk. I am one of them.
A direct hit would be a different matter all together.
Sorry you received a direct spray.

10-25-2015, 09:05 AM
One in ten people enjoy the smell of skunk. I am one of them.
A direct hit would be a different matter all together.
Sorry you received a direct spray.
1 in 10? Wow!
I do like it but an occasional whiff is all I need.

10-25-2015, 09:17 AM
As a Southeastern boy, I'd never seen a skunk before my first trip out to the Great State of Texas. I was nineteen at the time and spied a furry little kitten like animal that I wanted to turn into a pet. Just as I was about to grab it a friend with much more sense than me called me off. I'm a quick learner.

Love Life
10-25-2015, 09:46 AM
That stinks...

10-25-2015, 10:18 AM
Glad you didn't get blasted worse. I don't mind the smell of skunk either, but I've never been directly sprayed. That might be a little offensive.

10-25-2015, 10:22 AM
I USE TO DUCK HUNT A LOT IN NY AND SURE AS HELL THE LABS WOULD FIND A SKUNK . shed get wet and the smell would come back for a long time .oh boy ..

10-25-2015, 10:26 AM
Did you know that they only have one natural enemy?

The Great Horned Owl! It turns out it can't smell them ..........

I have been told that gasoline takes skunk smell away better than about anything else ...... might help you save your PJ's .......

I'd hate to hear you had to go bare butt after wood from now on ......... it's bound to get colder!

Best regards

Three 44s

10-25-2015, 10:39 AM
That stinks...


10-25-2015, 11:22 AM
Lol, been there done that and bought the Tee shirt!!!!!! Not sure where HarryT got the "South Eastern boy never seen a skunk", this place (Tn) is overrun with the dang things! In the spring when they have love on their minds the roads become littered with their carcasses and a long drive can get quite smelly, even in the fall just recently my wife and I stopped at the local Family Dollar store and the Skunk "Aroma" in the parking lot and even inside the store was literally breathtaking. I have managed to narrowly avoid getting sprayed a couple of times and another couple of times I wasn't so lucky. One time I lifted the mowing deck on my lawn tractor to check the blades and there was one of the darn things under there with his butt pointed right at me! I dropped the deck and jumped back and luckily he only hit my boots and the lower legs of my pants but if he had of fired a couple of seconds sooner he would have hit me right between the eyes! Another time, a year or so ago, our little long haired black and white cat was doing her usual and trying to get onto our screened in porch when the door was opened so I gently kicked her back from the door as I opened it, yep this time it wasn't her! That darn thing got me from the waist down then waddled off as if he hadn't done anything and was in no hurry at all, fortunately I never got the scent oil on my skin since I shed those jeans instantly but the odor was all over the porch so we had to put up with it for a few days.

10-25-2015, 11:31 AM
Peroxide, baking soda and dish detergent - search internet for skunk solutions. Worked out by chemist. It really works. Have used multiple times on Lab and Chesapeake. The smell just goes away very quickly.

10-25-2015, 12:35 PM
I have never used it but Tractor Supply has a product called Natures Way ( Ithink) they say is real good on taking away the skunk stink.

10-25-2015, 12:45 PM
Growing up on the farm, we had a collie that would never learn to stay away from either skunks or porcupines. More than once my dad and I were up in the middle of the night pulling quills out of a dog's mouth and nose with a pair of pliers.

10-25-2015, 01:09 PM
for the past two weeks we had raccoon's going in our trash so i put a have hart trap out for them first night i caught one of them
well last night i caught a skunk dang it well i thought i could shoot him and hope he don't spray or i could try and let him go
well i put old clothes on cut holes in trash bag to make like a vest and a plastic bag with eye holes cut in over my head
let the little guy out his tale was up the put didn't spray me but after he ran about 50 ft he let it go
no more have hart trapping for me

10-25-2015, 01:30 PM
Years ago when I was a kid,still in school and was with my mom to see one of her friends not far from where we live and I went home to get something and took my bike back and it was dark to get home so my mom said you stay ahead of me so you can see with the head lights.Well it work half way down the hill of the road and I ran over one of them and got all spray up.So the next morning I had spray every thing on the shoe to go to school and all then after i got to school the VP call home for my mom to pick me up because I smell like a skunk.and told my mom for me to was up in tomatoe jucie and then was up in some thing else and then had to get rid of the shoes and change of close.They had call me the school pet after. But now I trap them and skin them the smell dose not bother me.To me the smell is extra money on the trap line.I even mounted one for one of my sisters.I gas it.no smell at all.did wash the fur in gas then after in dish washing with water. before I had tan the skin for the mount.

Dan Cash
10-25-2015, 01:36 PM
For those times when you can't use gasoline, a heavy dose of Right Guard Sport spray deoderant will make your dog and you socially acceptable in short order.

10-25-2015, 03:03 PM
for the past two weeks we had raccoon's going in our trash so i put a have hart trap out for them first night i caught one of them
well last night i caught a skunk dang it well i thought i could shoot him and hope he don't spray or i could try and let him go
well i put old clothes on cut holes in trash bag to make like a vest and a plastic bag with eye holes cut in over my head
let the little guy out his tale was up the put didn't spray me but after he ran about 50 ft he let it go
no more have hart trapping for me

If you throw a blanket over the trap, you can pick it up and carry it. I have done that many times.

Geezer in NH
10-25-2015, 03:14 PM
Son & I make good money removing unwanted skunks covered Have-a-hart traps tps sides and bottoms covered. We have caught many with no spray in fact offer 450 off if they spray so long as the homeowner keeps away from the traps. We have never had to give the discount. They won't spray what they don't see.

10-25-2015, 05:53 PM
Son & I make good money removing unwanted skunks covered Have-a-hart traps tps sides and bottoms covered. We have caught many with no spray in fact offer 450 off if they spray so long as the homeowner keeps away from the traps. We have never had to give the discount. They won't spray what they don't see.

good thing to know but how do you get them out without them spraying

10-25-2015, 07:20 PM
You might need a refresher course on how to make friends.

MT Gianni
10-25-2015, 07:33 PM

This is the stuff to use.

10-25-2015, 08:35 PM
Heard of a pest control guy that used Havahart traps. Held up a blanket in front of him to hide behind as he approached the traps. Threw the blanket over the trap and dumped the skunk, trap and all into a water filled 55 gallon drum. No smell.....Probably not PETA approved either. RD

10-25-2015, 10:17 PM
Donald I can smell your boots and PJ's in Northwood :lol:.

10-26-2015, 01:04 AM
Walked out the front door the other night to get something from my truck. Glance over and there is a skunk 5 feet away waddling along the edge of the foundation... I ran to the other side of the truck and he didn't even raise a tail. Just kept on going towards the neighbors were her black cat got in a fight with it. 5th time this summer Smokey has decided he loves skunks...

Trapped it because I do not need it taking up residence under my deck or shed. 22 to the head from 50 feet and buried it.

10-26-2015, 05:01 AM
Walked out the front door the other night to get something from my truck. Glance over and there is a skunk 5 feet away waddling along the edge of the foundation... I ran to the other side of the truck and he didn't even raise a tail. Just kept on going towards the neighbors were her black cat got in a fight with it. 5th time this summer Smokey has decided he loves skunks...

Trapped it because I do not need it taking up residence under my deck or shed. 22 to the head from 50 feet and buried it.

I killed one that my dogs were after, but before they got sprayed. Used a post hole digger and dug a 2+ ft deep hole in the high clay soil that we have around here, pushed him in it, and packed it down firmly over him. Wanted to get him in the ground before the muscles relaxed and the scent glands leaked out. Well, day or so later, I could smell it. It was less than if I had just left him there, but the smell could definitely make it through 2 ft of clay. Strong stuff...

10-26-2015, 06:20 AM
For those old enough you remember this song.


Lloyd Smale
10-26-2015, 09:05 AM
we got a gallon jug of consentrated odor killer from a business here localy that does mostly fire restoration work on homes. It worked real well when my dog got sprayed.

10-26-2015, 09:21 AM
Thankfully we dont get skunks here but I did get down wind of one when I was working in Tennessee a couple of years back. I had to ask my host "what the hell is that smell?" as we were dropping off a work colleague. "Dead skunk" was the reply, "probably been run over for a few days", that is one smell I dont think I could ever get used too, let alone enjoy!
The only thing that came close is when we were taking the dog for a walk on the coast and she decided to roll in the putrid remains of a dead seal. The rancid grease and oil got really deep into her fur-the journey home was not a good one!

10-26-2015, 09:28 AM
One in ten people enjoy the smell of skunk. I am one of them.
A direct hit would be a different matter all together.
Sorry you received a direct spray.

I actually like it to some extend when its in passing and not very strong. Its not bad when its at a distance but a whole different story when its a direct hit. Eyes burn, Dry heave sets in. Ohh its just horrible. I hope to never experience that again. Sounds like you lucked out and didnt get much on your skin.

10-26-2015, 09:31 AM
Heard of a pest control guy that used Havahart traps. Held up a blanket in front of him to hide behind as he approached the traps. Threw the blanket over the trap and dumped the skunk, trap and all into a water filled 55 gallon drum. No smell.....Probably not PETA approved either. RD

Also the best way to get rid of feral cats. No noise, no chance of getting scratched, quick and easy. Just don't let any of the animal lovers see you doing it.

10-26-2015, 09:40 AM
look at the bright side you would not be crowded in at stores, gun shows, auctions or church.

Love Life
10-26-2015, 10:16 AM
Also the best way to get rid of feral cats. No noise, no chance of getting scratched, quick and easy. Just don't let any of the animal lovers see you doing it.


10-26-2015, 10:36 AM
I really like the gun show idea. Nobody around for a 20 foot radius, and the guy behind the counter is always in the mood to make you a good quick deal. Just keep handling the gun and seeing how it comes to the shoulder etc. Price is dropping by the second, and everybody is happy you got a great deal and go home. LOL!

10-26-2015, 11:04 AM
I have used the Skunk-Away product on my dog and it works well. It's probably similar to MTgiani's post.

10-26-2015, 01:00 PM
Donald I can smell your boots and PJ's in Northwood :lol:.

You know, that might not be too much of an exaggeration!
The clothes and the boots are still on the wood pile. They went through a rain and maybe a few more days I can throw them in the washer and all will be well.
I can assure you that there will be no more trips outside at night without making noise and looking around. My significant other does that all the time....she sings to the critters when she goes outside at night. She calls to skunks, raccoons, possums, cats, foxes, coyotes, and who knows what else is out there. I always thought she was a little nuts but now I know why she does it.

10-26-2015, 03:08 PM
I like the smell of skunk. It smells like money to me.

I catch skunks (among other animals) for a living. I've caught 73 so far this year. Not a single one sprayed but a dead skunk I pulled from under a cottage this week certainly had let go and was a little rough.

They're actually rather friendly critters.

10-26-2015, 03:51 PM
They're actually rather friendly critters.

And amorous?


10-26-2015, 05:04 PM
They're actually rather friendly critters.

I'm not sure I would say "friendly" but certainly not bad. You know, as long as you don't surprise one and they have an escape route, you are right. I have had some nice chats with the skunks as they waddle away. This one, unfortunately, felt cornered and let 'er rip!
Really kind of my fault for not paying attention. Never again!

Geezer in NH
10-26-2015, 05:16 PM
good thing to know but how do you get them out without them sprayingOpen the end and let them walk away when we release. Don't get in front of the opening however.

Euthanizing them here in NH you may not drown them, we use a kill box that the trap is put into and then closed. CO2 is then let in filling the box we let it fill then sit 15 minutes. They go to sleep and don't make a fuss. The only other way is to have a vet put them down.

Get caught using any other way and the animal control operator level II license will be lost.

I am one of the 1 in 10 They smell like fresh brewed coffee to me and I desire a fresh cup right then!

Years ago I sold the essence pulled form the glands (hypo-needle) of the fur trapped ones I caught. it brought $$$$!

Geezer in NH
10-26-2015, 05:20 PM
Donald I can smell your boots and PJ's in Northwood :lol:.Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!:killingpc:bigsmyl2:

No wonder I wanted coffee late the other night here in Sandwich. :kidding:

10-26-2015, 09:12 PM
I was on the farm this weekend and saw a skunk waddle out of the brush on Saturday night around 8:30 PM. I was on top of the ATV, and I gave it an extremely wide berth. We each went our respective ways, and no trouble ensued.

Was making a trip up to the well head, to turn off the well (was checking on it really) I didn't actually turn it off until 9:30 PM.

Had I shot the skunk, the whole area would be toxic for a few days. They always let go when they die.

Have had a few icky skunk episodes myself. A Lab who was too curious, along with a wolf hybrid that just could NOT learn to leave the cute little black and white kitties alone, and consequently got to sleep outside for a while. The worst one though was a dog that got sprayed under the cabin... The whole house reeked for a good month.

Many years back, during Winter time I had one skunk waddling very slowly up the dirt/mud road to my place. There was no room to pass him, and he wasn't getting out of the way any time soon. Followed it for a while, then got annoyed and tried to pass the skunk. It sprayed my truck on passing. Fortunately there was a good coat of mud on the car already and most of the stink didn't last that long. Needless to say another vehicle got driven for a while after that episode.

I'm not one of the people who likes the smell of skunk. I generally try to give them a wide berth. Fortunately I don't have that many around, but just one in the wrong place is one too many. Even in Infra Red, the color pattern of a skunk is pretty darn easy to recognize.

Anything ornery enough to prey on a skunk is definitely tougher than me, or outright nose dead. More power to em.

- Bullwolf

10-26-2015, 09:28 PM

10-26-2015, 11:43 PM
Friend had a pet skunk, descented when a baby. Very friendly, inquisitive, like to cuddle... super soft plush fur too! When I visited I brought a treat in my pocket or purse and he would rummage around until he found it. If I forgot he would sit and glare at me for 5 minutes until I went and got one of his treats from the kitchen and put it in a pocket. Then he would settle in my lap and make little squeaks like he was happy. Loved to be petted just like a cat.

I'm not sure I would say "friendly" but certainly not bad. You know, as long as you don't surprise one and they have an escape route, you are right. I have had some nice chats with the skunks as they waddle away. This one, unfortunately, felt cornered and let 'er rip!
Really kind of my fault for not paying attention. Never again!

10-27-2015, 04:51 PM
I worked 8n a kennel/grooming shop as a kid .

Massengale feminine hygiene powder mix was what we used on sprayed dogs . Even a fresh spay was odor free in 1 wash . We mixed it in a quart for a lab sized dog and a pint for cocker spaniel class and under .
Ya know just in case you want to salvage your clothes .

10-27-2015, 08:25 PM
I went back out to get more wood tonight, and let everyone know I was coming. It heard me and so the skunk waddled away. I guess he is now living under the barn or the back deck.
I will try my best to exhibit peaceful coexistence, and always let whatever is out there know I am coming when it is dark. No sense in shooting him (her), for it is just trying to make a living like the rest of us.
Let's see how far THAT goes.

10-27-2015, 11:37 PM
Skunks will get to know you and become semi tame.

10-28-2015, 02:06 AM
Skunks will get to know you and become semi tame.

And how will you know when that happens?

When they no longer spray you?

Not sure I would like those odds...

10-28-2015, 06:04 AM
And how will you know when that happens?
When they no longer spray you?
Not sure I would like those odds...
I think as long as I let the skunk know I am coming, I watch out for him/her and don't surprise it, I should be fine. The only reason i got sprayed was because i surprised it and it didn't have a retreat path.
Maybe I am getting soft in my old age. I my younger days I would have shot that skunk in a heartbeat. Now I guess I'll try to get along. He/she really isn't hurting anything and I just need to modify my behavior a bit.
Out here where I live we have every critter known to mankind, up to and including a mountain lion. I would not have believed people if they told me until I saw it with my own eyes. Had a moose standing in our driveway one morning. The Ho Chi Minh trail for deer runs along side our stone wall in the side yard. 40+ turkeys visit daily. Coyotes singing at night....and more critters.
What's one more?

10-28-2015, 09:07 AM
Smelled one last night going through the park in Gatlinburg. Someone must have smashed one.

10-28-2015, 12:20 PM
I've used the TSC stuff. Works pretty good but there is a residual amount remaining for a LONG time. Dog got it and we got him cleaned up but from then on for months when he got a bath, it came back faintly. With pajamas you didn't get a full load so you might be all right./beagle

I have never used it but Tractor Supply has a product called Natures Way ( Ithink) they say is real good on taking away the skunk stink.

10-28-2015, 10:35 PM
One I had 2 years ago would stop, look at me, then keep on waddling. I set out bad lettuce and stuff on the compost pile and he munched a lot of it and knew when I had it and often came within 4-5 feet and just sat and waited. I stepped on him one day and all he did is chatter at me with a get that fat foot off my tail.

And how will you know when that happens?

When they no longer spray you?

Not sure I would like those odds...