View Full Version : Auber SYL-2352 & Mypin TA4-SNR

Mike W1
10-24-2015, 02:34 PM
A couple observations about the 2 units as I've been "playing" in the casting shop of late. Had them hooked to the lead pot with same TC, etc. and couldn't notice any difference in actual performance.

But when I tried regulating a hot plate with them it was another story. After AT the Auber would really keep the temperature pretty constant. The Mypin MIGHT be close at any given time but gradually the PV would gradually keep climbing upwards. Numerous AT's with it and never found a good one apparently.

The Auber unit when ATing goes through 4 High's and shuts off AT on the 4th LOW.

The Mypin only does 2 High's and shuts off on the 2nd LOW.

Do you suppose that extra 2 cycles of sampling heating/cooling is why the Auber does the better job?

It looks to me like the Auber sends power to the hot plate at a much slower rhythm than the noticeably faster one of the Mypin. I can't imagine that the heat element of the hot plate instantly throws a bit of heat but that thought is confounded by the fact the temperature keeps rising on the Mypin over time and stays constant on the Auber.

Beats me! Any thoughts to feed my idle mind?