View Full Version : and on that lamp there was a duck ....... a rare duck and a rattlin duck....

10-21-2015, 04:23 PM
I bought a lamp
and there was a big heavy duck on it

the duck is hollow

the duck weighs 8lbs! .....well there is maybe 3oz of brass soldered to it

it​ pencil tests
where a B will scuff it
and a HB will curl it
so that gives me 12-14bhn or so
that makes this pretty leady pewter

anyone have any experience with just how leady this stuff is?
I know ornamental pewter is leady but how leady ? (is that a new word? leady ?) :veryconfu
but i did only pay $.75/lb for it so yup a $6 duck

10-21-2015, 04:29 PM
Can be just about anything...especially from Asia. Only an x-ray shoot will tell for sure.

10-21-2015, 04:53 PM
lead based pewter and heavy on the lead , i've melted many of his umm ducklings , and it isnt brass but rather bronze attached ( yeah yeah i know a wee bit of difference but still a difference )
as to actual tin content ....even the ones i had ( which were smaller and made more to handle ) varied , my biggest one was a lil over 3 #'s and the smallest just under 8 oz. , all but the smallest one were in essence duck shaped boxes

10-23-2015, 04:46 PM
and it isn't brass but rather bronze attached ( yeah yeah i know a wee bit of difference but still a difference ) Big difference of some of it gets dissolved into the alloy. :wink:

10-23-2015, 06:16 PM
I get a lot of chiner "pewter" picture frames. I put all those plus my unknown lead into the 12guage slug/fishing weight pile.

10-24-2015, 12:27 AM
ill melt Howard down and cast a couple round balls
and do the guess work to see how heavy it is
but im sure its just duck class pewter
probably 30% or so lead
ill report my findings:lovebooli

10-24-2015, 09:20 AM
guncheese, Here's a calculator for determining RB weight, if you don't already have or use it: http://www.beartoothbullets.com/rescources/calculators/php/roundball.htm?v1=.495&v2=2876.1

John Boy
10-24-2015, 09:42 AM
that makes this pretty leady pewterIf there is no marking that says 'Pewter' (tin-lead) then only analysis will determine what the alloy is

Nose Dive
10-24-2015, 10:28 PM
Yea...John Boy is dead on.... No 'good' maker's marks...well... "you pay your money, you take your chance'.... Smelt it! see what happens.

I got some 'good Pewter' from Angola... 'mugs',,,glasses....trays.... no stamps. Well...it wasn't what 'we' call pewter here in the good ole USA.

But, it smelt OK and helped out in a 'bad news' batch of scrap smelt. I remember that pot to this day...UGH!!! I treated it with all know substances to get it to pour deceent boolits. Don't be afraid of it.... smelt it.... pour it....load'em Up!

Nose Dive.

Cheap, Fast, Good. Kindly pick two.