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View Full Version : Slip on recoil pad for 336?

10-20-2015, 10:33 PM
Hey folks. I need a slip on style pad for my 336 Texan when shooting off the bench. Anybody know which one would fit this rifle best, as in not slide around constantly? From what I can tell the small size from most makes comes closest to fitting.

10-21-2015, 07:04 AM
I've tried leather laced pads and rubber pads, and have had bad luck with all of them. You might want to try a shoulder pad instead.


10-21-2015, 09:56 AM
"Shooter's Friend" and don't look backShooters Friend Recoil Pad - Amazon.com‎ (https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=CLTwL1pknVsH3FciQ-gPqs5roDJKWqaoEqsO06qAC1qbw44gBCAAQASC5VCgCYMnG8o2 EpcAXyAEBqgQkT9CpD3j_r94cOOyT2SX3J1SLMEBgQYBtk3LhO cGSJgj481CGgAWQToAHqp2tKZAHA6gHpr4b2AcB&sig=AOD64_0bwpmEsevSFF1ehYzNGTu9IjmUKw&clui=0&q=&ved=0CBwQ0QxqFQoTCIDl-Zjc08gCFcSUiAodKaYA1A&adurl=http://www.amazon.com/s/%3Fie%3DUTF8%26keywords%3Dshooters%2Bfriend%2Breco il%2Bpad%26tag%3Dgooghydr-20%26index%3Daps%26hvadid%3D77532461066%26hvpos%3D 1t1%26hvexid%3D%26hvnetw%3Dg%26hvrand%3D1383701589 9153854044%26hvpone%3D%26hvptwo%3D%26hvqmt%3De%26h vdev%3Dc%26ref%3Dpd_sl_2uf0c0u83h_e)