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10-20-2015, 10:56 AM
The folks in California better band together.

Remember what starts in the Far Left West usually moves to the east.


Gun control advocates are launching a new regulatory push in California to impose first-in-the-nation instant background checks for ammunition sales, a move that comes as gun violence surfaces as a lightning rod issue in the 2016 presidential race.
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democratic candidate for governor in 2018, joined with the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence in announcing the initiative last week.
The November 2016 ballot initiative, which already is being slammed by the National Rifle Association and other gun rights groups, would make changes on several fronts.
It would require owners to turn in "large-capacity" magazines -- those holding 11 rounds or more -- and report when their weapons are stolen. Perhaps the most controversial provision would handle ammo sales like gun sales by requiring "point-of-sale background checks" for ammunition purchases; dealers also would need a license similar to those required to sell firearms.
As New York has backed off a similar initiative, California would be the first state to enact such background checks, if the initiative is successful. Four states -- Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts and New Jersey -- require ammunition purchasers to obtain permits ahead of time, according to the initiative's supporters.
The proposal comes in the wake of high-profile killings nationwide and three in the San Francisco Bay Area that were tied to stolen guns.

"Stuff doesn't just have to happen," Newsom said last week, responding to comments by Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush about a recent mass shooting on an Oregon college campus. "We have the ability to step in with some common sense. We have the ability to protect our families."
But the National Rifle Association said Newsom's effort would chip away at Second Amendment rights.

10-20-2015, 11:34 AM
So nice to be out of California. If you live there or lived there, you knew, for sure, that gun laws and regulations would keep coming and in the end, will make gun ownership such a hassle that it would not be worth it. Ammunition regulation is only one such "tool." The day is coming, when gun ownership will not be worth the hassle for most people. The only impediment is the SCOTUS and possible federal legislation which I see going the wrong way as well. Enjoy what you got, while you got it. I am not optimistic.

10-20-2015, 12:39 PM
I'm sure not "making light" of this...Gavin Newsom is a real left wing nut case and running for Governor...he was Mayor of Frisco and is responsible for much of the gay marriage stuff and the sanctuary city insanity that goes on...however...we have been faced with various types of ammo "restrictions" for the last 15 or more years...every year and every session there is a huge move toward restriction..I recall that there was a move to allow only one box (not case) of ammo per purchase...thumb print...and ID card to purchase ammo....then there was the move to shut down all internet and out of state shipments (several folks that had always been decent on line vendors shut California off ...on the come..and when it didn't become law they came begging around to be a supplier again....many folks like me won't ever do business with them again)....Then we had state Senator Yee that was the big gun control mover and shaker...he got busted for gun running with a bunch of criminals from Frisco's china town and is either in prison or waiting sentence...all the right folks for the libtards to cling to.

Again, not to minimize but it is a long way to get an idea to a real bill with all the signatures needed to get it to the ballot, to the assembly, to the senate, have all the changes and law suits that will occur and then get it passed and then get it signed by
Brown...Brown may be a jerk but he's a political jerk that worries about re election...the California gun insanity has not been one he likes to play in if it is really visible...

So we are off and running again...hoarders will hoard...panic prone will panic...out of staters will sit nervously wondering whether to stock up or not...etc...Many of us have taken good care of our needs long ago...we are kind of doing what we can with support for the folks that support us....supporting Calguns and the NRA causes...writing some letters and moving ahead. If this one goes through it will create a whole illegal underground railroad of ammo, supplies, etc....just makes law abiding citizens that want to just enjoy the sport become law breakers...fact is there are many law breakers already involved...you can only force folks so far before things happen.

10-20-2015, 03:08 PM
The folks in California have banded together. The only problem is most of the citizens are liberal Democrats. Gavin Newsom is a nut case with low moral standards. My fellow citizens will probably elect him Governor but in the past they have defeated anti-gun legislation. Hopefully they will do so in the future.

10-20-2015, 06:50 PM
Maybe Arizona, Texas and Nevada could band together and invade California?

10-20-2015, 08:18 PM
We've all seen those animated maps of a virus spreading across the country in pandemic movies.

Beware, the Newsome Virus has jumped those bridges and is spreading.

10-20-2015, 08:34 PM
opos has said it very well. Do not take this lightly, it could be in your State soon.

10-21-2015, 12:00 AM
It's infringement by any definition of the word. You can't make an honest argument with some of these people, they are SO SET that their plan will miraculously reduce gun crime. I mean what are their REAL expectations?

Moynihan years ago proposed banning all .22 .25 .32 and .380 ammunition. I'm like well, those are the calibers that WOUND a lot of ppl and if he takes those away, the only thing left will be more effective calibers that actually KILL people when they are shot, so in effect his ban would make for more gun deaths. You just can't beat any sense into some of these idiots.

10-21-2015, 01:27 AM
I disagree, just because it happens in Cali doesn't mean it hits the rest of us. Maybe it does go to the East, but it tends to skip over us in the Midwest.

It's too late for Cali, regardless of how much the boys band together.


Kent Fowler
10-21-2015, 11:40 AM
Maybe Arizona, Texas and Nevada could band together and invade California?

Instead of invasion, I'd rather see a blockade around them. We're already seeing too many Californians leaving there because the state is so screwed up, but, unfortunately, they are bringing their liberal political ideology with them. The Texas State Motto used to be "Friendship" but we changed it to "Welcome to Texas, now go home".

white eagle
10-21-2015, 12:06 PM
I just don't understand why these people can't figure out that it's no the gun that is violent it's the psyco

10-21-2015, 01:28 PM
I disagree, just because it happens in Cali doesn't mean it hits the rest of us. Maybe it does go to the East, but it tends to skip over us in the Midwest.

It's too late for Cali, regardless of how much the boys band together.


I farmed in Central Nebraska (old family farm from generations)...watched the spread of the libtard view of wetlands that all began in California...it almost destroyed a whole line of productive farms that ran along a river for miles ... caused us as with many to sell out and let the gubberment have their way with folks...it's not just about guns...it's about a total idiology..Colorado is not "mid west" but it's been devistated by California folks that "liberalized" the front range..how do I know? I grew up in Colorado and now live in California...and watched the whole thing take place...When the libtards run out of things to change in places like Colorado they will head into other areas...Not doing the "tinfoil hat" thing...just saying that things are spreading..Gang fights and dope problems began in California...now look at places in Minnesota, Omaha, St. Louis, etc....started here but spread like wildfire.

10-21-2015, 03:49 PM
The actual movement of people is the slowest vector.

The bi-coastal strangle hold on media and 'culture' infects us at the littoral speed of light.

10-21-2015, 03:52 PM
Opos, I have to agree fully, but many don't see it. Many,many,many of the laws,rules, and regulations started life in California.

Where did the ***** movement start, call it gay if you want, I will call it what it is. If people still doesn't think that it is affecting their life ANYWHERE in the country, they have their head deep in the sand.
Look at auto regulations, which has also gone to trucks, heavy and farm equipment. We all pay dearly for what they can dream up in California.

Geezer in NH
10-21-2015, 06:21 PM
Shut the water off to CA and they can dry up and blow away leaving the rest of the USA alone

10-22-2015, 12:00 AM
Maybe Arizona, Texas and Nevada could band together and invade California?

Been there, don't want it back.
They do deserve to be their own happy little island though, like a live mouse trap, one way in and no way out.
