View Full Version : Need a little help

Pee Wee
10-14-2015, 05:01 PM
A few of us guys are helping a fellow shooter. Retired and on a fixed income.
We are looking for a dillon precision powder drop. One that is beyond repair, busted or just beat to heck. We are sending back a used 550 to Dillon to be rehabed and we need one so that they well replace it. If you have one and want to help let me know via a pm or here and I will give you an address to send to.
thanks in advance
Pee Wee

10-26-2015, 12:18 AM
I know it is not what you are wanting, but another idea is to use a lee auto disk. They are much cheaper and these work very well on a dillon 550 and in fact I actually prefer them in some ways.

There are two types on the auto disk. The pro version is more expensive, but with its on/off switch and swivel, it is much more user friendly, and both are a lot cheaper than the dillon.

10-26-2015, 09:42 AM
Happy may have the best idea as broken Dillon parts are as good as new with the warranty.

There is even a post here where a guy blew his up and they replaced it.

10-26-2015, 01:13 PM
The question is--why would any one have a broken Dillon powder measure when Dillon is generally more than happy to replace it?
Mine had the tube through the center simply BREAK during a reloading session--no problems before and none at the time.
Went in to Dillon, asked if it could be fixed, and the clerk walked over, grabbed a new unit off the shelf and handed it to me.
Back to original request—since I am cheap, I would at least want the shipping paid for.
Side note: the Dillon measure is simply the Lee Auto-Disk with an adjustable charge bar that actually works (and, I have been told, Dillon pays Lee a license fee).
Hope your search is successful.