View Full Version : 777 bp revolver lube?

10-13-2015, 10:43 AM
I know some will tell me to use the wonder-wads under the balls...but I'm just use to greasing the chambers and having a messy/greasy revolver when I'm done shooting.

I've been using TC 17 'Natural-Lube 1000 plus in the brown tube(blue stuff inside). I just bought a couple tubes of the TC 'Bore Butter'...the tube says Natural Lube 1000 Plus..but it's the same yellow color of the old TC Bore Butter. The TC Bore Butter does not say it can be used with 777 powder like my about used-up tube of TC 17 'Natural Lube' does.

I figure it will work ok..I have used all sorts of stuff from Crisco to vasoline as revolver lube and got away with it fine. But I'm curious as to what other revolver shooters using 777 powder are successfully using as over ball chamber lube in their revolvers. So what do you folks use as 777 bp revolver lube??

10-13-2015, 11:18 AM
I don't lube over my projectiles. I use Gatofeo's #1 lube.

10-14-2015, 06:48 PM
T7 fouling is probably less of a challenge than real Black, but the metric for proper lube procedure is whether you're getting any build-up of fouling in the bore as you shoot. As fouling builds up, the pressures increase, velocity changes, and your accuracy typically suffers. Then it's harder to clean afterwards, compared to cleaning when you have practiced the correct fouling mitigation regimen.

The test is using one dry, tight-fitting patch when you're done shooting for the day, running it through once. Does the bore now look basically clean, no zones of fouling still stuck in there? All the rifling nice and shiny, all the way around and all the way through? Then you're using the right amount of whatever lube. T7 runs pretty clean, compared to others, so it's not a big hurdle.

I like GF1 also, in the form of lube pills over the powder and under the ball, but no doubt there are others that will work as well. My GF1 pills are about an eighth inch thick, or a little bit less, and that's for Goex. That results in zero accumulation. I'm not concerned with how greasy the gun is on the outside, but how soft the fouling inside, and therefore how well each shot is removing the fouling from the previous shot. Depending on the ambient temperature, some harder or some softer lubes will be "right". GF1 is pretty firm compared to Bore Butter or that Natural-Lube 1000, the latter two of which, I agree, are about the same, but even the BB or NL 1000 gets pretty hard in cold weather.

Blowing your moist breath through the bore and over the cylinder face after every six shots can work wonders too, so if you're not doing that I highly recommend trying it. It works well for BP and for T7, to soften the fouling. It might cause panic at an organized shooting range when you're playing "kissy-face" with your gun, but it sure helps to keep the gun running. You won't believe it until you try it.

old fogey
10-14-2015, 06:58 PM
Omnivore, you can get one of those flexible straws (like the ones ya get at Sonic) for gently blowing into your cylinder chambers after firing as well.

10-15-2015, 10:11 PM
Tygon tubing from the hardware store, burnt lips are hard to explain.