View Full Version : Zimbabwe will not charge U.S. dentist for killing Cecil the lion

10-12-2015, 01:21 PM

Zimbabwe will not charge American dentist Walter Palmer for killing its most prized lion in July because he had obtained legal authority to conduct the hunt, a cabinet minister said on Monday.Palmer, a lifelong big-game hunter from Minnesota, stoked a global controversy when he killed Cecil, a rare black-maned lion, with a bow and arrow outside Hwange National Park in Western Zimbabwe.
But Palmer's hunting papers were in order, Environment Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri said on Monday. Consequently, he could not be charged.
"We approached the police and then the Prosecutor General, and it turned out that Palmer came to Zimbabwe because all the papers were in order," Muchinguri-Kashiri told reporters.
Muchinguri Kashiri said Palmer was free to visit Zimbabwe as a tourist but not as a hunter. The implication was he would not be issued the permits a hunter needs.
Two more people still face charges related to Cecil's killing. Both allegedly were involved in using bait to lure Cecil out of his habitat in Hwange National Park so he could be killed.
Theo Bronkhorst, a professional hunter in Zimbabwe, is charged with breaching hunting rules in connection with the hunt in which Cecil was killed. A game park owner is also charged with allowing an illegal hunt. Both have denied the charges.
Bronkhorst is expected to appear in a Hwange court on Thursday where a magistrate will rule on a request by his lawyers that his indictment be quashed.
Palmer, 55, has previously said that the hunt was legal and no one in the hunting party realized the targeted lion was Cecil, a well-known tourist attraction in the park.
Palmer could not be reached immediately for comment on the environment minister's statement to reporters. (Reporting by MacDonald Dzirutwe, additional reporting by David Bailey in Minneapolis; Editing by James Macharia)

10-12-2015, 02:20 PM
It's about time! How bout at least an apology for defaming this legal hunter! What about the smear campaign against him and the death threats he and his family had to endure?

Littleton Shot Maker
10-12-2015, 04:50 PM
WAIT, did he even get to keep his trophy?? DID he get his cash back if not? It's what he was there right?? those hunts are not cheap...

I would not hunt lion but that's cause they don;t live here in AZ, we hunt Mt lion. flying that far to shoot Cats?? Naw I'll stay here not give my money to some 3rd world country to go HUNT..

Wait again...Does african lion taste better than local Puma?? Man I must be hungry today, all this talk of Olive Garden and Pigs and now lion meat ,

10-12-2015, 05:23 PM
I didn't ever hear of LE even investigating death threats against him. Same occurs here, threats aren't taken seriously by LE.

AK Caster
10-12-2015, 08:21 PM
I didn't ever hear of LE even investigating death threats against him. Same occurs here, threats aren't taken seriously by LE.

I bet Olive Garden puts something in their food:)

10-14-2015, 01:27 PM
I don't think they even really cared very much in Zimbabwe.

Just a typical first world American liberal agenda throwing their ridiculous interpretations onto problems that don't affect them.

10-14-2015, 06:12 PM
All that yelling and accusations, and oops his papers were in order. Anybody else considering a hunt in that part of Africa, should think long and hard before they do. I still can't understand spending that kind of cash to hunt an animal. I hunt deer here at the house for free.

10-14-2015, 07:32 PM
What next to upset the media ? Shoot Donald the Duck ? Yogi Bear ? Porky the Pig ? I'm pretty sure we ate Chip and Dale in the stew we just had...
If I had the money, I'd just blow it on guns and reloading stuff and never have enough to safari anyway !

10-14-2015, 07:51 PM
Just another internet outrage of the day based on no evidence, wild accusations and unreasonable demands that when proven it was all false no-one is left to say sorry and it disappears.

Black Lives Matter anyone?

10-14-2015, 09:16 PM
cyber lynching unimpeded by those pesky facts.

Littleton Shot Maker
10-14-2015, 09:31 PM
does he get the cat back or did he ever even have it with him, pay for play, bag game and then get ****** with by stupid people,

--'and then one day there where no buffalo my son' we hunt to preserve not destroy-

that's what Poachers and Gov'ts do to with stupid laws that would force all folks out of the woods to save a kangaroo pouched bat if such a thing where to be found...
that turns out is not to even from here and kills off any and all Natural game but HEll no you can hunt it

OR stupid law example: lead use in Cal.., you will kill a condor, but hey we need those 12 birds around any way? IF by chance - would we still have the protection laws if the birds where to die off. will there ever be a roll back on any law aimed at controlling your abilty to hunt - fish - live- etc as a freedom loving American - born or transplanted from other lands...