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10-09-2015, 10:50 PM
Notified my employer this morning, that 12/31/2015 would be my last day on the job. I will start my retirement on 1/1/2016. I have always taken the last 2wks of Dec off...this time, I will not return... will seem weird. It will have been a long time since I started (early 20's)...I have been blessed to have had this job and for the most part, it has been a pleasant experience. I am sure it's the right thing to do and the right time...just want to make sure that I handle it properly. I want about a month off...to do as I please, then I hope to establish a good balance with my time. I don't want to "not" have something to do and look forward to and this will probably require some planning on my part, but I look forward to working that out. I am 55yrs old and in relatively good health...hope to get to enjoy at least a few of my remaining years.

10-09-2015, 10:58 PM
Great ! Hope you enjoy but you will need a good hobby . Something to keep you off the couch . lol Being retired surly makes hunting season more enjoyable.

10-09-2015, 11:04 PM
Congrats! Very fortunate that you can retire at that age. Best wishes finding new pursuits. Pretty sure we know part of what you'll be doing as soon as you find more lead.

Today I attended a retirement luncheon for 9 fellow workers that were all forced to retire. Business has been really bad for a year. Eight of the 9 had 35 or more years in the company. The low timer had 30 years in. It was a somber celebration of their service.


Plate plinker
10-09-2015, 11:13 PM
Enjoy your retirement hope you can travel and get more shooting time in.

10-09-2015, 11:17 PM
I retired a year ago and it don't get no better than this. Congratulations to you and good luck.

10-09-2015, 11:21 PM
Good luck and congrats!m I'm constantly amazed at how busy some retired folks seem, I think that's important. If possible I'd back it up to the start of hunting season, lol, In my business retirement is not generally an option. I'm your age but have several (God willing) good years left in me and most days I enjoy my work. My investments need a few more years until they can help support me but I live simply so it shouldn't be a big deal.

Rufus Krile
10-09-2015, 11:28 PM
You will hear the common "Won't have anything to do..." ****. Been retired for 4 years now and the standard rejoinder is: "I wake up every morning with absolutely nothing to do.... and by dark I'll have about half of it done." The same folks telling the 'boredom' lies are the ones that tried to convince you how terrible the 'empty nest' would be. I recommend expanding old hobbies (like casting) and maybe finding some newer ones. I've decided on small-batch bourbons. Works for me.

10-09-2015, 11:40 PM
Congrats. I hope you do better than you think! I'm guessing I still have another 20 years to go......

10-10-2015, 12:02 AM
Congrats to you shoot-n-lead! If you are serious about reloading,casting,shooting ect. you will never be bored. I've been "retired" for quite a while now and just don't know how I kept up with all my hobbies and a job to. For me, the hobbies are much more rewarding in life. We will all be on the other side of the grass sooner than we care to think about, so have as much fun as you can.

big bore 99
10-10-2015, 12:22 AM
Congrats! I have you beat out by 5yrs. Thought I'd get bored too,but just isn't enough hours in the day it seems. Don't know how I had time to work all those years.

10-10-2015, 01:22 AM
Pick up a hobby that doubles as a small business! I do as much work as I want on my schedule.

10-10-2015, 02:45 AM
I envy you retiree's! I probably have another 20-30yrs to go which would still be an early retirement but my back is going to likely take me out of the game by then, barring some kind of miracle. My back will probably decide for me, when I'm done.

10-10-2015, 03:02 AM
I have four more years to go till I will be 62. I have been thinking of making my last day Dec. 3 2019. That way I will be walking out 40 years to the day.

10-10-2015, 07:22 AM
Enjoy the retirement. It's been well earned.

10-10-2015, 08:25 AM
Congrats on setting a retirement day! I have been off since last spring and my official last day at work was Wednesday of last week. My first retirement check arrived on Thursday of last week (10-1). My check for my unused vacation arrived this week. Its not a bad gig!

I don't think you will be bored, there are lots of things to do. Like others have suggested, travel some or do things with the Wife. Expand some of your hobbies and hunt and fish more. Help out with Boy Scouts or the Youth group at Church. Do some home improvements that you did not have time to do when you were working. Some retirees just sit on the couch and die in 6 months, not for me Thanks. What ever you do, Good Luck!

10-10-2015, 09:27 AM
Keep busy! The olde rocking chair has killed more folks that anything else!!!!!! It will definitely be a shock to not go to work.

Trust you have enough financial investments to allow you to live the lifestyle your have been used to. It takes a good sum "in the sock" to do that these daze. The financial experts say it takes a million dollars in investments to retire comfortably today. I know I sure have never planned on SS being there when I retire.

Owning my own engineering firm, I have thought about retiring for the past 15 years!!!!! But I don't.

"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now, I am so far behind.......I will NEVER die!"

Good luck in 2016 and beyond!


10-10-2015, 09:53 AM
Congrats to you on a retirement at 55 ? Dang I'm jelious. I hope another 5 yrs or so and I should be out too. I'm sure you made a good decision and when next spring comes you will be enjoying the outdoors while the rest of us are dreading going into the job.

Make the best of it and enjoy.


10-10-2015, 10:00 AM
You will get to wondering how you had time to work and all the other too.

10-10-2015, 10:27 AM
I envy you retiree's! I probably have another 20-30yrs to go which would still be an early retirement but my back is going to likely take me out of the game by then, barring some kind of miracle. My back will probably decide for me, when I'm done.

That is my issue also. 55 now but will not make it past next year. Between that and my divorce which should be final next year I will be forced into a very modest life style which I can deal with.

762 shooter
10-10-2015, 10:34 AM
"I am 55yrs old and in relatively good health...hope to get to enjoy at least a few of my remaining years."

Lord a mercy man! Odds are that you will only have about 30 years to enjoy. I hope you have plenty of hobbies. I hate chores.


10-10-2015, 10:50 AM
Congratulations on your retirement! I retired (or semi-retired as I still manage a farm, etc.) at around 58 due to health and also I was self-employed and the business I was in was dropping off due to the funding drying up for what I did (school programs - living history). The bad part is that you are in that "in between zone" - too early to go on Medi-Care . . but if you have your health insurance covered, then you'll be fine.

Don't listen to those who say that they instantly liked their retirement - it's an adjustment for anybody. The nice thin is that you have the time to sit back and "take stock" of where you want to go next. I ended up with several new hobbies and it's nice as my wife is retired and we have more time to spend together. We still have one parent left and that takes up a lot of time for her care. At first, I felt guilty for sitting down and reading a book - I felt like I should be doing something "productive". You'll adjust just fine though . . . keep busy . . . there are lots of things to volunteer for where you can give a few hours a week to help others out.

The one thing about retirement is that you "learn to do more with less". I'm not speaking just about money . . . but you learn that it's more enjoyable to not worry so much about "material things' . . and you have the time to enjoy things more. Take some trips, see some things you've put off seeing, get in touch with those that you've just haven't had the time to visit or see for a long time . . . and it's alright to sit and enjoy another cup of coffee.

Good luck to you and enjoy the new chapter in your life . . . when one door closes . .. another opens.

10-10-2015, 01:42 PM
There is absolutely nothing better in retirement than waking up on a cold, grey, windy and snowy day, cracking an eye open, assessing the weather and rolling over and going back to sleep.

Enjoy ! You earned it.

10-10-2015, 03:51 PM
Congrats on your retirement, may you spend many happy, healthful and enjoyable years ahead of you.

God Bless!

10-10-2015, 04:14 PM
I retired at 62 and now it has been nearly 5 years.
It was the correct time for me and I stay REAL busy

p.s. here is what I do waking up on a cold, grey, windy and snowy day


10-10-2015, 04:30 PM
There is absolutely nothing better in retirement than waking up on a cold, grey, windy and snowy day, cracking an eye open, assessing the weather and rolling over and going back to sleep.

Enjoy ! You earned it.

On the first snowy day after I retired I called one of the guys I had car pooled with for years before he got in and just laughed into his voice mail.. He forwarded my "message" to a lot of the people that we had worked with.

10-11-2015, 11:39 AM
I retired at age 55 do to an offer I could not pass up. That was over a decade ago, went back to college got my masters and if I can pass my license exam will be working again one or two days a week.

10-11-2015, 11:43 AM
That is my issue also. 55 now but will not make it past next year. Between that and my divorce which should be final next year I will be forced into a very modest life style which I can deal with.

Ron, you are the kind of person that God will show favor on and you will be richly blessed by Him. I pray for you always as you are my very good friend and I appreciate you more than you know. You have always been very kind to me and always have a word of encouragement. I am sure that your life will be better than you think.

Your friend,

10-11-2015, 11:53 AM
I only hope that you have the financial aspects of retiring figured out. Social Security won`t kick in for you until age 62 if I recall correctly, possibly age 65 with the way they are fooling with it. I`ve been retired, for the last time, since `03. After the first month off I was wondering how I did all the things I normally did around the homestead and still worked 10 hr. days and 7 days a week?Robert

10-11-2015, 12:14 PM
Retired in 08 best job I've ever had. If I'd have known it was this good I'd have never worked.

10-11-2015, 04:01 PM
That is my issue also. 55 now but will not make it past next year. Between that and my divorce which should be final next year I will be forced into a very modest life style which I can deal with.

I wish you the best of luck with it all my friend, I really do! At least you are a bit further along in matching a retirement age with the averages. That might be helpful. I unfortunately, am still a whippersnapper at 32 and my back is more or less in the condition of a man that's more like someone at least twice my age. I think retirement isn't going to be the proper word, more likely the word will be disability. Just being realistic with myself!

10-11-2015, 05:33 PM
"I am 55yrs old and in relatively good health...hope to get to enjoy at least a few of my remaining years."

Lord a mercy man! Odds are that you will only have about 30 years to enjoy. I hope you have plenty of hobbies. I hate chores.

I have to say that you never know, I retired this year at 63 because you just don't know how much time you have. Look at the obituary's and see how many people that are younger than you.
Good luck on your retirement.

10-11-2015, 11:03 PM

Hang in there. I first hurt my back at age 34. Docs told me I had the back of a 60 year old with my first two herniated disks. Have you tried accupuncture (traditional type)? The woman I went to did all the traditional aspects including "cupping" where she burns incense and the smoke goes into a small bowl then onto your back. Basically makes a hickey mark. My kids told me I had pepperoni back. She also connected electrodes to the needles to relax the muscles. I swear by the accupuncture as she got me walking again to where I could do my own rehab. For me physical therapy was worthless and actually hurt more as they pushed me into a generic regime.

Scott - thanks buddy.

Good luck,


10-11-2015, 11:24 PM
Thanks guys, for all of the encouragement.

To be honest, I will not be able to stay off long...I know that I will have to do something to keep me busy. I am currently working on a few things that I hope will pan out, business wise, for me to do. If that does not happen, I will pursue other avenues and I also plan to volunteer in some places that I think, could use some help.

I have the option of going tomorrow, and that would really coincide with hunting season, very well. But, I think that I probably need the time between now and the end of the year to fine tune my mental preparation for the change...and to let my family have more time for that also. I have kids in college and they knew that I was thinking about this, but I am not sure they knew that I was serious. So, it will give them a little more time. My wife is Principal of a public school and she is talking about this being her last year also... We have a lake place that we really have not spent much time at in several years, so we would probably do the lake thing some...but we both will have to work at something or we will probably be miserable, to some extent. At any rate, I know it is time for me to get out and move onto to something else, I am content with my decision and as I said...I just want to make the most of it...in other words...I would to do some more of the things that I enjoy, but I also want to be worthwhile to others, as well.

Again, thanks for the encouragement and suggestions...and please continue as I am open to your wisdom and experience.

10-12-2015, 11:51 AM
There is absolutely nothing better in retirement than waking up on a cold, grey, windy and snowy day, cracking an eye open, assessing the weather and rolling over and going back to sleep.

Enjoy ! You earned it.

Or another thing. Waking up, wondering what day it is,(before awake enough to really think a deep thought like that), then realizing "who cares" I don't have to get up, get ready for WORK! then rolling over to go back to sleep.

I always dreamed of taking my alarm clock to the range to shoot it to pieces, like I was tempted to do every time it woke me from a sound sleep. Then I realized I would still need it if I had to get up for a dr. appointment or some such nonsense.

10-12-2015, 02:13 PM
Notified my employer this morning, that 12/31/2015 would be my last day on the job. I will start my retirement on 1/1/2016. I have always taken the last 2wks of Dec off...this time, I will not return... will seem weird. It will have been a long time since I started (early 20's)...I have been blessed to have had this job and for the most part, it has been a pleasant experience. I am sure it's the right thing to do and the right time...just want to make sure that I handle it properly. I want about a month off...to do as I please, then I hope to establish a good balance with my time. I don't want to "not" have something to do and look forward to and this will probably require some planning on my part, but I look forward to working that out. I am 55yrs old and in relatively good health...hope to get to enjoy at least a few of my remaining years.
If your still married,buy a new pair of work gloves and boots they will go a long way with the honey do list.

10-12-2015, 03:30 PM

Hang in there. I first hurt my back at age 34. Docs told me I had the back of a 60 year old with my first two herniated disks. Have you tried accupuncture (traditional type)? The woman I went to did all the traditional aspects including "cupping" where she burns incense and the smoke goes into a small bowl then onto your back. Basically makes a hickey mark. My kids told me I had pepperoni back. She also connected electrodes to the needles to relax the muscles. I swear by the accupuncture as she got me walking again to where I could do my own rehab. For me physical therapy was worthless and actually hurt more as they pushed me into a generic regime.

Scott - thanks buddy.

Good luck,


I'll have to give the acupuncture a go, I've heard good things. I have had trouble since my mid teens and it hasn't gotten any better unfortunately. I have 3 herniated disks, one each in my cervical, thoracic and lumbar. My lumbar L4-L5 is the worst, it has burst. So the gel is getting in my nerve canal and irritating my nerves. Along with moderate scoliosis, arthritis, and degenerative disk disease among other things. I had limited success with physical therapy. Epidural injections help but im limited on how many I can get, that cortisone isn't good for the disks. It would be nice to not have to lean on pain meds so much as a crutch.

Sorry for the thread hijack!

10-12-2015, 10:58 PM
Exactly how I went out at 46! Back gave out form to many years of lifting, twisting, crawling... add in a couple nasty falls at work when the crappy ladders they had gave out... Lower back surgery in 2009, need it again and this time a fusion, neck fusion too, bone spurs everywhere...

I wish you the best of luck with it all my friend, I really do! At least you are a bit further along in matching a retirement age with the averages. That might be helpful. I unfortunately, am still a whippersnapper at 32 and my back is more or less in the condition of a man that's more like someone at least twice my age. I think retirement isn't going to be the proper word, more likely the word will be disability. Just being realistic with myself!

10-12-2015, 11:27 PM
Exactly how I went out at 46! Back gave out form to many years of lifting, twisting, crawling... add in a couple nasty falls at work when the crappy ladders they had gave out... Lower back surgery in 2009, need it again and this time a fusion, neck fusion too, bone spurs everywhere...

I think mine has been divided source of factors. I think I just drew the short straw on my physiology for the most part and the other main factor was my working lifestyle. My family has a small carlot that I more or less grew up at and became a gearhead. I may only be pushing 33yrs old but I have been wrenching on cars since I was a kid as I have been gifted with mechanical ability. I was doing tune ups and rebuilding carburetors since I was about 5. I worked automotive professionally up until a few years ago I switched to aviation. Lots of being bent over the hoods of cars and repetitive motion, none of which has done my body any favors combined with my physiology issues. My doctors don't feel I am to the point of needing surgery yet, I don't disagree, that can be a road hard traveled just as easily as it could be successful.

10-12-2015, 11:28 PM
....I always dreamed of taking my alarm clock to the range to shoot it to pieces, like I was tempted to do every time it woke me from a sound sleep. Then I realized I would still need it if I had to get up for a dr. appointment or some such nonsense.

My job required me to be on call nights and weekends for 30 years. Not every night or weekend, but at least 2 nights a week and 1-2 weekends a month. I really wanted an anvil at my retirement with a pager sitting on it and a 2 pound hammer next to the anvil. At some point, have the pager go off...walk over and pick up the hammer...:bigsmyl2:

Rick Hodges
10-13-2015, 12:58 PM
Congratulations......enjoy every minute of it.