View Full Version : My Lee #10 pot mods

10-08-2015, 10:34 PM
Some mods I did on my old Lee #10 pot.
Still drips sometimes, but easy to stop.
I made the rod out of 1/2" round stock. Thinking the extra weight would help.
Made it extra long and added a wooden ball on the end.
This way I can turn it when the drip starts.
Made the pivot out of a cut-down hinge.
Seems to work well. Doesn't drip much, but easy to stop with a turn of the ball.

10-08-2015, 10:44 PM
Thanks for sharing.

Mike W1
10-08-2015, 11:08 PM
Haven't quite grasped just what you did yet but am gonna study those photos tomorrow. Like that wood handle deal. Mine just has a 1/4x20 bolt welded on top and a T handle. It sometimes gets out of balance and get drips but easily taken care of by touching the T. Just might be time to cabbage onto someone's better idea!

10-09-2015, 04:09 AM
The rod has the lifting slot all around the shaft.
I did this so I could turn the rod when it started to drip.
Can't do it with the original rod.
Slot in the hinge is so the rod can spin around.
All done to slow down on the drip.
Don't use it much since I got a Lyman #20 pot.

10-15-2015, 01:44 AM
Wooden ball! Now why didn't I think of that? Sweet, and thank you.


Mike W1
10-19-2015, 04:45 PM
Liked the wooden ball idea but I already had a 3/4" 1/4-20 bolt welded on the end of mine and past experience with a knob indicated a set screw. Couldn't visualize tapping the ball so got to looking through the scrap pile. Came up with a couple pieces, and tapped them along with a set screw. One for the top pot is 3.3 oz and lower pot handle was cut to 2.1 oz mainly so I didn't have to raise the top pot to get clearance under it. Did some casting this AM and they seem to be the ticket so far. They get hot but I always wear gloves while casting anyhow.

10-20-2015, 06:38 PM
I also changed to a hinge to hold the rod.
The slot on the rod was cut all the way around to I could twist the rod.
Don't use this pot much anymore.
I got a Lyman20 cheap and use that now.

Mike W1
10-20-2015, 09:27 PM
I also changed to a hinge to hold the rod.
The slot on the rod was cut all the way around to I could twist the rod.
Don't use this pot much anymore.
I got a Lyman20 cheap and use that now.

All I've ever had to do with twist the rod back & forth a bit at worst to stop a drip. After only one session since the new handles the pot on top seems to be balanced just right. A little fiddling with the lower pot next time out hopefully will find the sweet spot for that one too. The bottom one tends to drift to the left and with that flat spot on the handle maybe a slight adjustment will overcome that tendency. Will see.