View Full Version : What are these?

10-07-2015, 10:38 AM
A friend of mine bought these at a gun show for a 71/84 Mauser that were being sold as .43 Mauser. Problem is they don't fit. I've done a chamber cast on rifle and it's definitely a .43 Mauser. Per the Cartridges of the World, they would fire form to either an 11 MM French Gras or 11.15 MM Werdle
M/77 but would be a really loose fit. Dimensions are:
Bullet dia. .437
Neck .455
Shoulder .523
Base .544
Rim .612
Case Length 2.280
OAL 2.916
I will sell then at the next gun show I go to, but would like to know what they are. Friend paid up to $2.00 apiece for them too.

10-07-2015, 12:08 PM
11mm Mannlicher (11x58 R)

they were intended for the M1886 Mannlicher rifle, an straight-pull action design. It was one of the latest BPCR designs for military use before switching to smaller/smokeless cartridge designs. It lasted only a couple years since the Austrians realized that it was already obsolete by the time the rifle went into production. They soon developed a 8mm. cartridge under that same straight pull design.


10-07-2015, 03:03 PM
Good eye (Buen ojo) Argentino.

I saw a few of the M1886 rifles in the Austrian Army Museum in Vienna a few years ago.

10-08-2015, 07:00 AM
The box has to be wourth more than the 8 bucks u paid lol. Might be better to try and sell online, bigger audience, if you can figgure out shipping

10-08-2015, 07:46 AM
Don't sell the ammo. You obviously need to get an 1886 Mannlicher!

10-08-2015, 08:31 AM


I saw only one of those rifles a few years back and I´ve been looking for one ever since but without any success.

I guess the stripper clip is also an indication of a Mannlicher design, as I don´t remember any other BP military rifle from that era having a similar magazine: most of them were of the tubular (Kropastcheck) type (suchs as prussian Mauser 71/84, and french Gras 74/78).

The 8mm. (M1888) Mannlicher rifle is a little bit more common though, as it was in production for a longer time than the M1886.


10-08-2015, 08:52 AM
Don't sell the ammo. You obviously need to get an 1886 Mannlicher!
My thoughts exactly.
I´ve recently received a Lyman 446110 (it came as part of a mold lot I Bought), so now I guess I have no choice other than finding a nice ´71 Mauser! :bigsmyl2:

10-08-2015, 09:43 AM
I've got the Lyman 446110 mold and have been using it in this 71/84 with 24 gr. XMP5744. Chrono'ed @ 1150 fps. Some of the bullets my friend bought were actual .43 Mauser. Shot one over chrono at 1425 fps. A real thumper in that light rifle. For brass I converted .45-90 WCF. Would get some failures to fire until I made a tool to move some rim material to correct the head space. Have been shooting it in CBA matches. Can get 8 good shots per target, but usually two of them go somewhere else. Will try a harder alloy. Thanks for the info about the 11mm Mannlicher.

10-08-2015, 10:39 AM

10-08-2015, 10:13 PM
This ammo is actually pretty common in the U.S.
