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View Full Version : NRA members in favor of universal background checks?

bullet maker 57
10-06-2015, 06:05 PM
Life member. Not I!

10-06-2015, 06:22 PM
The "universal background checks" THEY refer to now, are MUCH more than background checks. I've been buying handguns since about 1973 and I've N E V E R purchased one without passing a background check. N E V E R !!! I will never buy into the theory that making restrictive "laws" for law abiding citizens will ever have an effect on criminals. Criminals live in a different society than the rest of us. They can't begin to care about any law. Any.. Can't buy it. Never have. Never will. Period..
Problem is, it's harder to put the criminals in jail and keep them there than to just make a new "law" and feel all good about yourself. NRA annual member since 1971.

Big Boomer
10-06-2015, 06:26 PM
NRA life member. No to background checks or any form of infringement. The 2nd Amendment is all I need to carry concealed, hunt, fish, farm, go to the grocery or anything else I choose to do. Big Boomer

10-06-2015, 06:31 PM
I have a concealed carry permit, passed a background check by BATFE and the Secret Service because I work in their facilities. What the hell do I need with a background check to buy a gun?

10-06-2015, 06:34 PM
It is you right as an American to own and bare arms. It is in our second amendment.

10-06-2015, 06:44 PM
absolutely not. And nobody polled me except right here

10-06-2015, 07:02 PM
I would consider background checks when the government enforces the guns laws already on the books. Cops arrest a guy and he has a concealed handgun. He has a prior conviction. But he skates on a plea deal and the gun violation is not even prosecuted. This BS goes on and on! My wife and I think we have too many guns laws on the books already. They don't even hammer the thugs with those laws, cause federal prosecution is too expensive and too much trouble.

Ed C

10-06-2015, 07:04 PM
Why do Democrats want me to submit to a more checks than they did the traitor they have put in the White House?

smoked turkey
10-06-2015, 08:16 PM
Absolutely not. NRA is also opposed to them. The libs would like to drive a wedge between the membership and NRA. Don't let it happen!

10-06-2015, 08:37 PM
NRA life member. I say no to any check. The point of the 2nd Amendment is that you do not need permission from the government to keep and bear arms. "Shall not be infringed" is quite clear.

10-06-2015, 08:39 PM
No to background checks.

10-06-2015, 09:01 PM
Say WHAT????

10-06-2015, 09:04 PM
I oppose background checks, gun registration, and limits on magazine size. We all know that the ultimate goal is the total banning of firearms in the hands of the American citizen.

10-06-2015, 09:08 PM
Lies. They ALWAYS lie.

I prefer as it was when I was young. Anyone could mail order anything, including
20mm semiauto antitank rifles

Astra 600s were $36 in NRA excellent, Mauser 1895 NRA excellent for $35, Carcanos
in NRA good for $10. No paperwork at all, no age limits. I bought through the
mail at age 16, with parents knowledge.

This is my feeling also.

10-06-2015, 09:12 PM
Opposed. I could be talked into a civics background check before getting a voter ID card. An uneducated voter is pretty dangerous.

10-06-2015, 09:19 PM
No I don't

10-06-2015, 09:34 PM
BUT there is a far greater reason than most have mentioned.
Universal Background Checks would require any individual that sold a gun to another individual to do so through a FFL with a background check. This would be required if the transaction took place within the same state.
The Constitution does not allow the Federal government to get involved in legal private intrastate transactions. The Federal Government can only control business transactions and interstate commerce.
If we allow UBC the federal government could theoretically impose regulations, if I wanted to sale you a garden tractor or a set of golf clubs. A legal private transaction is none of their business.
All that said, UBC would not address the issue. A criminal acts like a criminal and does not obey the law. It is laughable that a drug dealer would not buy a gun (probably stolen) because of a law requiring a UBC.
I think the GCA of 1968 and the Federal Firearms Act of 1936 (or is it 1938) are entirely unconstitutional in light of the 2nd Amendment.

10-06-2015, 09:39 PM
What everybody else said.....

A pause for the COZ
10-06-2015, 09:48 PM
Life member here.
Nope never been poled, and if I were my answer would be NO!!!
But they already know what they are saying is a lie...

10-06-2015, 10:07 PM
Universal background checks sound reasonable to the uninformed....and that's no accident. Just like more than a few "common sense" proposals there's a lot more to this idea than meets the casual eye.
Longtime life member here, I think we have more than enough laws on the books to put away plenty of bad people. Time to enforce those laws and quit aggravating law-abiding citizens.

10-08-2015, 10:14 AM
I bought revolvers through the mail from other states when I was young. My rights have been infringed on so I can't buy one from another state now. I can buy a rifle or shotgun but no hand guns.
A nut case can get a legal gun if he is not on record. A family should know the thoughts of family members and keep them from guns. Not all are dangerous either.
When a doctor sees a person full of anger it might need action.
if I was in charge no Muslim would ever buy a gun either. The Koran says to kill the infidel or non believer. False God when the true God says "do not kill."
We have arms to control the government FIRST and ourselves second. Soon Muslims will control who is in power as they expand into every country.
The worst thing to ever do is have the government know who has guns. What would you do when the jack Boots come to your door? History will be repeated because it was not learned from.
Obumbler should try gun control on ISIS. He hates our military and the millions that died to keep us free. He can't even care for our wounded warriors.
Gun free zones! I want every teacher and principal to have an AR slung on. What is an unarmed guard all about? He must have a mean eye.
Liberals have armed guards or own guns but hate the rest of us having them.
How about taking the secret service away from Hillary and the prez?
The president should be able to walk free anywhere with gun owners armed to the teeth if he is a real president. We would love and protect him.

10-08-2015, 10:27 AM
Let's go back to the rules needed to purchase a firearm in the 60's, that would suit me just fine

10-08-2015, 10:31 AM
My daughter works at the schools. Kids can't have birthday parties or bring candy, cakes, etc to school anymore. They cant dress for Hollow ween or Christmas.
All do to monkey face with her junk. Trick or treat, a carrot in your bag. What have they done to our children? Your child is submitted to communist agenda every day, soon to be Islam. But that has been started so you must take your child in hand to teach other.

10-08-2015, 10:57 AM
Life was never easy. I worked hard and when out of work I searched for work. I needed some food stamps once since I was out of money and had to jump through hoops on fire to get a few bucks. Now you just need to be an illegal to suck tax payer money.
It must stop, SS is earned from a lifetime of paying, not to be given to a border crosser. I paid for Medicare and Medicaid. Demoncrats stole our money from funds. These moneys are NOT tax payer funded but now the demoncrats have made it so. Yes, today the taxpayer pays my SS after I paid my entire life into it. Now they want refugees from Islam to take more while they plot to kill us.
I do not want one single dollar to go to them.
Have you seen how many have businesses? Some because they are smart but many with gov help.
An American can't get that help.

10-09-2015, 01:04 AM
OK, what happened to my original post? Copied and agreed to, but erased?

What the heck?

10-09-2015, 12:28 PM
OK, what happened to my original post? Copied and agreed to, but erased?

What the heck?
It goes that way. For universal checks NO. It only takes freedom away from us and no terrorist will ever be known.
I would prefer every law abiding person to have a gun, in school or the court room. Every store you go to. Open carry is best too.
Now we see the hero that stopped terrorists in France stabbed, why did he not have a gun? Could it be liberal laws?
Today is worse the then the old west with arms taken from citizens but not from bad people.
Go out on the streets and say "please" to drug dealers to turn in guns.
We have federal laws not enforced. a felon with a gun should get life behind bars. The fear is gone from criminals. A slap is what you get. Every felon with a gun is supposed to go to federal jurisdiction but it does not happen.
Now if you kill a family member under sharia law, you go free.
When will we take back our country?
Watch what happens in Europe with Muslims pouring in. They feel sorry for them but soon they will destroy freedom. I do not want a single one left in here. They form neighborhoods where you die if you enter. Police will not enter. If you think blacks are crazy, look out.
Black lives matter even if a criminal. Cops have fear now so crime goes up. I would not interfere with a black doing wrong myself if I lost my job. Cops should strike and let the liberals see what happens.
Cops are sworn to uphold the law like our troops that fight for freedom that are dumped by demoncrats. I give a little prayer every time I see a cop. I want him to go home safe to his family. Same to every man in uniform.
To remove guns from troops and let them be killed at "gun free zones" makes me wonder what is wrong.
Liberal stuff to tell all in the east to make peace.
Tell a drug lord to stop sending drugs across the border.
Obumbler has love from from every criminal.

10-09-2015, 03:51 PM
You want background checks? Try owning machine guns, supressors, AOW's or any NFA item.

10-09-2015, 06:04 PM
You want background checks? Try owning machine guns, supressors, AOW's or any NFA item.

While it's more hoops to jump through it's not hard for me. The sheriff signs the forms no questions asked. He makes it extremely easy. I realize a lot of others have major issues trying to own these items.

10-09-2015, 06:48 PM
Like what has already been said, it's not about guns it's about control.
And NO for UBC's


10-09-2015, 07:07 PM
While it's more hoops to jump through it's not hard for me. The sheriff signs the forms no questions asked. He makes it extremely easy. I realize a lot of others have major issues trying to own these items.
I have never had issues with the CLEO.
I meant fingerprints, mug shots, CLEO signoffs, returned F4's because I forgot to put a period at the end of a sentence, etc.
THAT kind of BS.

10-10-2015, 02:40 AM
If they want me to ask permission to buy a gun, then that "permission" better be good enough to buy any firearm ever made in any country, until then. #ell No!

10-10-2015, 08:15 AM
Canada has had background checks on every licensed gun owner since the advent of the mandatory gun license to possess a firearm in 1998.
The Canadian homicide rate hasn't changed
This research is an audit of ALL homicide in Canada between 1974 and 2008 and a comparison of any changes in that homicide rate to the introduction of the various levels of "Background check" done by the police on gun owners during that time. The net effect of licensing and the daily background check on the homicide rate is ZERO.


10-10-2015, 07:15 PM
The NRA does not screen its members. There is nothing preventing an anti-gun person from becoming a member in order to voice their dissension among the ranks.

10-10-2015, 07:31 PM
NRA life member. I am not in favor of any additional back-ground checks but if they wanted to test their idea do it in Chicago which already has the most strict gun laws and the highest crime rate. Enough said.

10-10-2015, 09:38 PM
OK, what happened to my original post? Copied and agreed to, but erased?

What the heck?

I think the whole first page is gone.

10-10-2015, 10:14 PM
Biting my tongue.........

10-10-2015, 11:33 PM
I would consider background checks when the government enforces the guns laws already on the books. Cops arrest a guy and he has a concealed handgun. He has a prior conviction. But he skates on a plea deal and the gun violation is not even prosecuted. This BS goes on and on! My wife and I think we have too many guns laws on the books already. They don't even hammer the thugs with those laws, cause federal prosecution is too expensive and too much trouble.

As far as I'm concerned, those laws are wrong since they violate the "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" clause of the 2nd Amendment. As such, I do not have a problem with the police not prosecuting the criminals for violating laws that are clearly unconstitutional. Some people might believe otherwise, but as far as I'm concerned, they have already slipped well down the proverbial slippery slope, but just don't know it. Sometimes, you have to make a stand on your principles and the 2nd Amendment means more to me than whether some criminals are allowed to possess firearms.

10-10-2015, 11:39 PM
Let's go back to the rules needed to purchase a firearm in the 60's, that would suit me just fine

You've already started down that slippery slope and you don't know it...

At the very least, we should turn back the laws to before 1934 -- for starters. After that, turn them back to December 15, 1791 (http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/bill-of-rights-is-finally-ratified).

10-11-2015, 07:20 AM
Wish in one hand, crab in the other, see which one fills up the quickest.

The reality is none of the above will happen.

10-11-2015, 07:53 AM
all of the recent shooters would have passed a universal background check so what's the point? oh, to register guns and then confiscate them. I get it.

10-11-2015, 09:04 AM
In MI we have to have background checks. My CPL takes care of that - walk in, fill out FFL form, give them my CPL to copy number off of and out the door..

Before everybody goes off on a National Back Ground check . . and starts waving their flags . . . there is a far more serious aspect to a "national background check". Just hear me out please . . .

We are forced into the "great healthcare plan" by our clowns in Washington. Even if you are on an insurance policy you've had for years . . the great "Obama Care" has turned the health care industry upside down. I know because I've gone though my insurance required doctor appointments and my yearly "Health visit" - and we are on my wife's teacher retirement insurance through the state.

I have been handed all of these new forms to fill out - most of you have as well - your "Health History". On there, there are questions such as "have you been depressed", etc. Simple questions that can have a lasting impact on your "records". And, if your doctor or dentist recommends that you do something - like get a flue vaccine or "you have gum disease - you need my expensive treatments" - AND YOU REFUSE - you are considered "non compliant" and they can drop you as a patient.

A lot of you are veterans and use the VA. What questions are you asked? From my understanding, based on the response of some Vets to what appear to be "innocent questions" - they can be denied the right to purchase AS CAN some of their family members.

The government tries to put a "band aid" on any problem with a idiotic law instead of looking at what the REAL problem. First problem is too much interference in our personal lives - sorry - but I don't want the Feds. in the doctor's examination room telling me "what is best for me" . . . I though we all had intelligence and free will.

IF they push a federal background check it will have a far wider scope than to check out a persons criminal and mental background. Just like the questions you have to fill out as far as "race & creed" - sorry, but I refuse to answer that on any form. The big cheese preaches "we are all equal" but then they want to single out and put a label on you?

Already good comments have been posted . . . just think it a little further though. Just how "private" are our lives? None of us . . . law abiding citizens . . . . are happy about any shooting. But the idea that ore laws will fix the problem is lubricous. Ban guns? How's that working Chicago? (And I won't mention who is from Illinois)

You want to fix some of the? Then put some family values back in to practice. Put discipline back in to the school where now, the teacher is always wrong. Stop blaming the Police for all problems when there is a shooting . . . and I am so tired of hearing . . . "but he was such a good boy" . . . yea . . . with a rap sheet. Stop glamorizing everything in the media and I won't even go in to the video games and stupid cell phones glued to a kids hand 224/7. But most of all . . Washington . . heal thyself first . . . and that is a job that will take years. It's a festering cess pool of those who make laws but are "above the law". Put the money that is wasted on life long pensions when you retire after one term and your free health care . . . all the money wasted on ridiculous 3rd and 4h generation welfare recipients who don't want to work . . stop the entitlement programs . . . and put it in to better mental health care . . . . and stay out of our private lives because you think "you know better" and we are all stupid.

And I'm proud to be a NRA member . .. and I guess I don't need to tell you how I stand on the question.

10-11-2015, 09:38 AM
all of the recent shooters would have passed a universal background check iso what's the point? oh, to register guns and then confiscate them. I get it.

I was going to ask.....which school shooting would have background checks prevented?

10-11-2015, 09:45 AM
NRA Life Member. I was never polled. Would not matter if I was or what I would say because the truth is what ever the media makes it out to be. The anti's have been trying to implement incremental gun regulations as long as I can remember ( I am 55). UCB is just more of the same. We must stay more vigilant than ever and never give up. It has nothing to do with common sense or safety and everything to do with Change and Control.

Bad Water Bill
10-11-2015, 09:57 AM
Slightly off target but why is it MY SS ENTITLEMENT fund is going broke but the entitlement fund for folks that haven't held a job in generations nor paid .01 to support the gov EVER seem to have a limitless supply of cash.

When BIG gov decided to trash all mental facilities they FLUSHED all of the folks needing help or hoping to get help onto the streets and just walked away from the problem.

How many of the mass shooters needed mental help?

It seems that the gov is more interested in rewarding a PROSTITUTE for her 6-8 illegitimate git than taking of those folks that have mental problems.

10-11-2015, 03:59 PM
Slightly off target but why is it MY SS ENTITLEMENT fund is going broke but the entitlement fund for folks that haven't held a job in generations nor paid .01 to support the gov EVER seem to have a limitless supply of cash.

When BIG gov decided to trash all mental facilities they FLUSHED all of the folks needing help or hoping to get help onto the streets and just walked away from the problem.

How many of the mass shooters needed mental help?

It seems that the gov is more interested in rewarding a PROSTITUTE for her 6-8 illegitimate git than taking of those folks that have mental problems.

At least you are receiving the money you worked for. I will never see a dime of it. It will be bankrupt long before I reach retirement age. I have to adjust my plans to make sure I will be fine w/out it. This is what happens when less than 50% of the population works.

10-11-2015, 04:16 PM
We now have UBC here in Oregon. My understanding is that they tried and tried for at least some compromise to exempt CCW license holders, as well as eliminate the permanent record/de facto registration aspect of the law. Nothing going, heck no!

It's not about background checks, it's about registration. It's not about guns, it's about control.

I've said many times that background checks don't particularly bother me; I've had plenty of them. I'm not in favor of them, they just don't bother me much personally. What I don't like is the de facto registration, and that's what the left has been after for a century.

Bad Water Bill
10-11-2015, 04:43 PM
NO I am not getting my money back.

LBJ stole all of MY money when he put every dime that was supposed to be invested and paying dividends over the years that I worked (till I quit at age 70) into the general revenue fund.

It was all spent in the next fiscal year.

Now IF I could get just 1/2 of the bennies that the welfare and illegal folks collect I would be living high wearing all of the gold stuff they wear when they go shopping in their new Escalades that WE PAID FOR.

IF my money had been invested in an outside fund over all of the 50+ years I worked my account SHOULD have had well over a million dollars which at 5% would be over $50 K per tear till I die + the million would have been passed on to my heirs.

10-11-2015, 07:56 PM
Another life member here, and no way in hell! Why do these traitorous politicians always insist on punishing all of us that DIDN'T commit a crime?!?

Bad Water Bill
10-11-2015, 10:08 PM
It is simple.

No matter what stupid laws they pass against honest citizens they know we will not retaliate.

If they even slightly offend the criminal element they will have to worry each time they enter their car,office or go out to make a speech.

Which group would you want mad at you or your loved ones and property?