View Full Version : PPing my Gonic

10-05-2015, 10:17 PM
Just had a great range experience today. My old .45 cal Gonic ML is a true .450 (it was rebarreled from the original .458) and today I tried my first PP ML boolit. Pure success. Cast a conical which I believe was meant for a .43 Egyptian and wrapped it with two turns of typing paper. Ran it through the lubrisizer and a couple of sizing dies to reduce the over size(.450 was the last and final die) along with a little bore butter. Fit very snugly in the barrel and a firm push was all that was needed to seat it. 1/4 - 1/2 inch groups at 50 yards with confetti at every shot. Shot way better than the power belts I tried earlier. Had tried other boolits with dismal results. Whoo hoo, I'll never have to buy another power belt. Pure lead, round nosed boolit steaming right along from 70 grains of Triple Seven. It was a smart little crack, much stronger than the power belts (heavier boolit). I'm ready for deer season.

10-05-2015, 10:35 PM
I have a .451 Green mountain barrel that loves the RCBS 11mm bullet. It is 409 grains and I paper patch them size them to .446
I use 80 gr of pyrodex P with a .500 over powder wad. I have had a great season this year with them.



10-06-2015, 11:59 AM
Wow. Those are stunning. This year, I'm hoping for a whitetail and maybe a black bear if I get picked in Maryland's lottery. Congrats on your harvest!

10-19-2015, 10:24 PM
ML - deer - starts this week in Maryland. Hope I can get out with the Gonic!