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View Full Version : Looking for 45 ACP SWC for revolver

09-29-2015, 08:13 PM
Hi all,
I've recently acquired my second 45 ACP revolver and I'd like to find a mold for a good square shouldered SWC bullet. Are there any molds available currently that cast bullets heavier than the H&G 68, 200 gr?

09-29-2015, 09:40 PM
Accurate has several which are dimensioned especially for .45 ACP revolvers which you can ponder. Large meplat is more important than square shoulder.


Michael J. Spangler
09-29-2015, 09:41 PM
NOE makes an awesome copy of the old Elmer Keith design 453423
It drops about 250 grains with my alloy which is pretty soft. I push them to 900 fps or so from my 5" 625 per a great article Brian Pearce wrote in hand loader. Seems universal clays was the best powder for the job.
Shoot me a pm with your email address if you want the article. He goes from mild to wild in the 45 AR cases

09-29-2015, 10:36 PM
NOE also makes this tool, not a SWC but it is a WC
there is one at 250gr or so
but thats long there is no room for powder
but this thing should punch a round hole

09-30-2015, 06:09 AM
I have a few S&W 45 ACP revolvers. I use the 452423 and the 454424 for times when I want a SWC boolit. Both are based on the designs of Elmer Keith and do a good job on target and on game.

The Lee 45-255 SWC is another boolit I have used. It worked also. And it was available in a six cavity mold.

The wadcutter boolit is a great one in a revolver but I prefer something heavier, like the SAECO 453.


09-30-2015, 01:20 PM
I have a pair of 625 revolvers (a 625-6 with 5" barrel and a 625-8 JM Special with 4" barrel). My range load is a H&G #68 (from a Mihec mould) which is a 200 gr swc ahead of 4.0 grs. of Bullseye. This is light target load which is also suitable for edible small game (DRN without excessive meat damage). I size to .452" (throat size of my revolvers).

My heavy load is the NOE version of the Lyman 454424 sized to .452" which weighs 250 grs. ahead of 7.0 grs. of Unique. This gives in excess of 900 fps. and will do just fine on deer and hogs at reasonable ranges. I assure you, penetration is not a problem! I use .45 Auto Rim cases with the heavy load and a good roll crimp (Lee makes a roll crimp insert for their Lee Factory Crimp die - it requires and add'l spacer as it is the .45 Colt insert and a bit shorter than the .45 ACP taper crimp insert - Lee will supply the spacer when you request it. The pair cost around $7.50 as I remember.) The NOE is a premier quality mould - mine is the five cavity. I can recommend without reservation.

http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj80/Dale53/4DalesPistolsRevolversSelects-3336.jpg (http://s269.photobucket.com/user/Dale53/media/4DalesPistolsRevolversSelects-3336.jpg.html)

Elmer Keith used this heavy bullet ahead of 7.5 grs. of Unique. I decided that mine were heavy (and fast) enough at 900+ fps.

This heavy load is not recommended in the 1917 revolvers. They were a bit tender (not heat treated as well as the Smith's made after 1950). Skeeter Skelton reported a split cylinder in a 1817 using heavy loads with a heavy bullet. Just sayin'...

Accuracy with both my target load and the heavy load are under 1" at 25 yards.


09-30-2015, 04:35 PM
Thank you all, for the great information.

09-30-2015, 04:58 PM
I was just ponderingof a boolit for my 45AR. I like your choice Dale53. I recently loaded some 225 gr. WC from vender at the top of page, SS. Those were loaded in acp brass, but have not fired them yet.

A boolit that I like is H&G 265 Adams, a RNSWC. I have not heard it discussed much on here though.

09-30-2015, 05:01 PM
I am just starting to cast from the old Lyman 454309 mold. This makes about a 242 grain wadcutterlike bullet from clip-on wheelweights. It show promise in my 1917 model at target velocities.

09-30-2015, 10:05 PM
That's a good looking round Dale

10-01-2015, 08:26 AM
Remember to taper crimp 45 ACP loads. IIRC, the typical convertible revolvers headspace on the case mouth. As such, a roll crimp will be problematic.

John Boy
10-01-2015, 08:43 AM
Are there any molds available currently that cast bullets heavier than the H&G 68, 200 gr?
What's wrong using the H&G? It is a fine bullet and chambers well in semi auto's also

10-01-2015, 08:51 AM
I really like the 240g Revolver bullet, 150199
This was actually designed from a member here for the S&W 625. Works great, I also run it in my little Sig for plate shooting.

10-01-2015, 10:40 AM
Remember to taper crimp 45 ACP loads. IIRC, the typical convertible revolvers headspace on the case mouth. As such, a roll crimp will be problematic.

In the Smith revolvers, roll crimp is preferable to avoid bullet creep from recoil. This is a real problem with heavy bullets and taper crimp in the .45 ACP. If you have a Ruger convertible in .45 ACP/.45 Colt (I do) another solution is to use cut down .45 Colt cases (cut to the overall length of a .45 ACP case). I use the .45 Cowboy Special cases that I had left over from another project. They are simply the same length as the .45 ACP case but have the thin rim of the .45 Colt so that they headspace perfectly in my .45 ACP cylinder for the Ruger. Right now the only way you can get them is to buy loaded ammo. Hopefully, that will change so we can again purchase them. They are made by Starline but exclusively for the present day ammo manufacturer.

If the revolver happens to be a Smith, then the .45 ACP cases can be roll crimped with heavy bullets if you use moon clips for the rounds to headspace properly.

Ron Reed;
That is certainly a good looklng bullet for the revolver.


10-02-2015, 01:46 AM
150275 Second in from the right is the NOE 453423 clone. Elmer designed it for the .45 Auto Rim and moon clip applications. It makes a clean hole in paper and it does hit hard. You CAN make it work in a .45 autoloader, though I've found the LBT 230 grain WFN just to it's left works FAR better for that application.

10-07-2015, 09:25 AM
150275 Second in from the right is the NOE 453423 clone. Elmer designed it for the .45 Auto Rim and moon clip applications. It makes a clean hole in paper and it does hit hard. You CAN make it work in a .45 autoloader, though I've found the LBT 230 grain WFN just to it's left works FAR better for that application.

Thanks. Love the look of that one.

10-07-2015, 10:13 AM
+1 to what Dale53 said about the 454424. Size to 452 works great in a S&W 625 or the Ruger convertible with the ACP cylinder. I have used up to 8gr of SR4756(use at your own risk). Afraid to go any hotter with no load data available. I went that high because the hotter the load the more accurate it was.


10-07-2015, 11:55 AM
http://noebulletmolds.com/NV/images/N.O.E._Bullet_Moulds_453_238Gr._SWC_247_gr_Sketch. Jpg
I think this is just what you want. Call Al and let him know what you want.

10-07-2015, 08:53 PM
There is a guy that shot NRA Bullseye with revolvers. 22LR, Centerfire (.38 Special) and ,45 ACP.
I read an article about his quest to obtain accuracy with the Model 25. He was good,maybe the only guy to shoot 2650 with only reveolvers.
I can't remember the details but IIRC he used a 240 gn bullet. I would search the Bullseye forums for the article.

10-07-2015, 08:56 PM
http://noebulletmolds.com/NV/images/N.O.E._Bullet_Moulds_453_238Gr._SWC_247_gr_Sketch. Jpg
I think this is just what you want. Call Al and let him know what you want.

Thanks, but I don't know who Al is or where to call him at. :)

10-07-2015, 10:34 PM
Yep NOE, I have 230 & 250 FN that are kinda semi wadcutter that I use in my 625 & use the 230 in my 325PD. Both shoot good.

10-08-2015, 05:53 AM
Thanks, but I don't know who Al is or where to call him at. :)



10-08-2015, 12:16 PM
I thought everybody knew the Swede! My bad.
Al Nelson http://www.noebulletmoulds.com/NV/
1030 S 350 E. Provo UT 84606 (http://noebulletmolds.com/)

(801) 377 7289 (http://noebulletmolds.com/)

10-09-2015, 04:37 PM
Al makes top quality molds

10-09-2015, 09:55 PM