View Full Version : Fun in the yard.

09-28-2015, 01:15 PM
I had my little dog out this morning and was by the apple tree when a doe ran up to the other side, not 10 yards. I talked to her and she just looked at us. She went around the tree into the yard so I picked some apples and tossed them to her. She went to each to eat, then she looked out front, there was another deer in the yard so I tossed apples at her too. She came closer.
I had to load ammo so I picked my dog up to go in. Both deer got together and went right past us to the tree.
With time I could hand feed them.

09-28-2015, 01:44 PM
Not quite that tame, but we have a doe with triplet fawns living on the property we see pretty regularly too. I like to watch them about as much as I like to hunt them.

09-28-2015, 03:04 PM
I let my other dogs out in the pen and if the deer are there they bark like crazy. The deer will walk halfway to the pen and I think they delight on driving the dogs nuts. I holler at the dogs and that doesn't bother the deer either.
They see deer every day and I don't know why they bark at them. They would never harm one and even a cat will sleep on top of the stupids.

09-28-2015, 03:27 PM
O man you need to set up a vid now.. I did a wedding with my phone by sticking it onto the mic clip on a microphone stand you couldn't tell it was a phone vid. Came out great. Set the phone somewhere and turn it on when they come close.

09-28-2015, 06:56 PM
This hasn't happened recently but has several times in the past. My yard borders my hayfield on one side. No fence just a line that is mowed with a lawn mower and the other side with a sickle mower.
The deer will come up to the mowed line but my dogs won't let them in the yard. The dogs just bark from the yard. The deer just keep eating the clover and look at the dogs as if to say shut up or go lay down and let your pups suck!

Turkeys and rabbits are a different story. The dogs now think they live here just like the chickens and horses.

10-03-2015, 11:43 AM
Thanks for this story, 44man, I can visualize it in my mind. Never had deer that close, but I did hand feed pecans to squirrels and had a fox sniff my boots one afternoon while I sat at the base of a large tree. I always have enjoyed wildlife out in their ''Home'' more fun than zoos. Thanks again and take care, John.

10-03-2015, 07:32 PM
Not quite that tame, but we have a doe with triplet fawns living on the property we see pretty regularly too. I like to watch them about as much as I like to hunt them.

Hunt Em/Eat Them. Fired up the wood burner last night, spent the day with the smoker and a cooler full of brewskies. cleaned out the freezer of last years ground venison. Made up 12lbs of summer sausage, DEER SEASON IS HERE!!!

Geezer in NH
10-03-2015, 08:55 PM
Sweet! We have a JRT nothing stays around if it does it leaves after getting bit or chased. She lets nothing near HER chickens who are her buddies.

Ask the bear she bit on the back of it's flank. He ran off like he was hit by a Taser.

10-03-2015, 10:03 PM
I enjoy hunting, not just for the meat but to see nature. I think it would be awesome to be able to hand feed a deer. My favorite thing to watch while hunting is a family of racoons.

10-04-2015, 11:31 AM
We were out this morning and deer know when we are out, came to the tree. Got what they could find and then walked towards us, begging. I went to the tree and picked some. We were 10' from the deer. To look into their beautiful eyes when they trust me has stopped me from hunting my woods. I go far away.
Bandit, the coon comes on my deck every night to eat cat food. I turn the light on and he does not care. My dog barks but is getting used to him. How could you hurt that little butt? It is interesting to watch him eat. He scoops food with his paw and eats it. That nose wiggles like mad.
Damage is different so a chuck that ruins a foundation or makes holes to break horse or cow legs must go.

10-04-2015, 11:41 AM
Pretty much the same around here as well. Wild turkeys around the yard/driveway are very messy. The deer tear up the yard (but we nor the dogs bother them) and they eat all the Missus's flowers. I'm with you on Chucks' and Gray Diggers (nasty little ground squirrel we have in the NW) but I disagree and any "Rats With Masks".....(raccoons) that come around here (if seen) is doomed. Can be very destructive and are second only to a Coyote for carrying disease. (around here anyway)

10-05-2015, 08:25 AM
Bandit has never done any damage and our cat will be sleeping on a chair on the deck, does not even look at Bandit.
The worst I have seen from him is he came up one night full of those weed seeds, begger lice we call them. He is spreading those seeds. Next night he was clean. I don't know how he gets them off, I can't get them off my dog without scissors. Dang, I hate those weeds.

10-05-2015, 02:39 PM
Two BIG bucks come through my yard every night to get to the neighbor's apple trees. One is a 12 point with a drop tine on one side. The other is it's twin except it is only a 10 point. Either one would feild dress 200 or more. Put the flashlight on them and the go ahead with what they are doing paying no attention to the dog or my light. Hope the stay around till ML season in 3 week.