View Full Version : The sky is falling

09-25-2015, 03:12 PM
At least some of it is falling, we have 3 inches of fresh new white stuff in the last 3 hours.

Funny thing is they are still laying asphalt on colledge street today in the snow. lol

s mac
09-25-2015, 05:04 PM
Just keep it up there for now buddy.

09-25-2015, 05:15 PM
Winters round here rarely gets much snow. Last year was a real exception. And normally the snow doesnt last very long, only a few days or a week.

09-25-2015, 05:37 PM
I doubt this stays, it is suppose to warm up monday or so.

09-25-2015, 05:56 PM
I don't think we got that much here in the last Ice Age.

09-25-2015, 06:09 PM
I love it when it snows. My whole state shuts down, milk and bread (why i don't know) disappear off the shelves and everyone buckles down for the emergency. I don't go to work because i can't, i'm as inept as the rest and have no 4 wheel drive nor chains. I'm as stuck as the rest of em if its more than a few inches.. So we stay home, crank the woodstove and enjoy the party. We got a foot way back and i remember the city was shut down for a solid week.
Send some of that stuff down here. :mrgreen:

09-25-2015, 06:16 PM
When I lived about 250 miles north of here, we would sometimes get ice storms in the winter. It was fun watching the people try to drive on it. You would have bridges that iced over and then some idiot would slam on his brakes as soon as he was on the bridge. At that point, he was just along for the ride. I've seen cars abandoned in the middle of I-635 pointed the wrong way because the person hit some ice, spun a few times, and then just left the vehicle.

09-25-2015, 06:18 PM
when ya get what y'all need send a few inches my way. after this hot muggy*** summer i'm ready to build a snowman.

09-25-2015, 06:36 PM
I'm ready for a good layer of the white stuff here too! That's the downside of living in Washington desert..hardly get any here.

09-25-2015, 08:29 PM
104 here........no snow!

09-25-2015, 09:15 PM
No desire to see snow at all this coming winter.

09-25-2015, 09:21 PM
I love fall and winter the most. Spring and summer...in that order.

09-25-2015, 10:02 PM
Last November I got 4ft on Tuesday and another 4ft on Thursday. Payloader finaly cleared us out and off to work we went. Worst part is ....i never got beer Monday... long 4days. The snow can wate a little longer

09-25-2015, 10:57 PM
Been to Fbks numerous times, mostly in winter, never lost anything there I needed to go back for. Wasilla was cold dam enough!

09-25-2015, 11:17 PM
My daughter and her husband lives just outside of Wasilla, too cold there for me. lol

09-25-2015, 11:26 PM
UMmmm, Fbks at normal winter temps is as cold or colder than Wasilla at it's coldest. Plus we got those nice warm Chinooks that could warm it up to 40 & sometimes no snow until Jan.

09-25-2015, 11:40 PM
In Utah we have two seasons, winter and summer I think in that order. I love spring and fall but I think they only last one weekend each around here.

09-26-2015, 01:54 AM
UMmmm, Fbks at normal winter temps is as cold or colder than Wasilla at it's coldest. Plus we got those nice warm Chinooks that could warm it up to 40 & sometimes no snow until Jan.

It isn't the temps, but the moisture and sometimes wind. It's hard to explain, but I get a lot colder down there than I do here. Like today, no need for a jacket, in wasilla at the same conditions, I would have been wearing at least a coat.

09-26-2015, 09:51 AM
LOL that's exactly what I said about AK weather vs the nasty wet cold of VA winters. At 20 in Wasilla we're wearing short sleeves, & a windbreaker, in VA your freezing your butt off.

The thing about Wasilla is that being at the tip of Cook Inlet it got the ocean warming effect, but all you had to do is go up the Parks a few miles past the town itself & turn the corner towards Big Lake & you had all the snow you wanted & it stayed a more consistent temp so that it didn't freeze, then warm up & then freeze again, so often. Just like Anchorage & going south, get to Alyeska & you had snow up the butt.

Don't care what the weather is, I still miss it & wish the wife would go back but she said 4 different decades with over 20yrs was enough for her. She rather pay for the grandkids to fly to us then go back.

The worst weather to me is in places like Bethel, Nome & Kotzebue where it's -10 or more with snow blowing sideways, it's just nasty there.

Ketchikan could be like that, except it never got "cold", but you might get 3' of snow in a day or 2 & get cold but in a couple days it would warm up & rain the snow away & temps in the 40s.

Wayne Smith
09-26-2015, 01:14 PM
In extreme hot or cold humidity makes a big difference in the comfort level. Dry cold and dry heat are comfortable, wet cold and wet heat aren't.

09-26-2015, 01:26 PM
That's the ticket!

We have Dry Heat (sometimes leads to dry heaves!) here in the desert SW. We are on track for our normal annual rainfall.........7".

I do not miss the cold wet damp frigid winters of Iowa and Michigan. Sunshine is sure easy to shovel in Nov-Mar! Can't beat a high of 65 and a low of 38 in the winters. I always look forward to putting my shorts away and getting out my long sleeve flannels and light jackets.

09-26-2015, 01:50 PM
I spent a year on Adak, the supposed "Birthplace of the Winds." Personally, I felt the winds there were fully grown, as I remember seeing gravel blowing across the road. As I remember the record temps were +3 and 75 degrees; which flat out amazes people around here, They here Alaska and immediately think winter is about 400 days a year and 90 below zero.
