View Full Version : Disappointed with RCBS

09-22-2015, 08:35 PM
I am very disappointed with RCBS and here is why. A vld rifle deburring tool was ordered for the RCBS case prep center last week from Midway. When it arrived the label said made in China. I accept that electronic things are Chinese but not tooling. Evidently further diligence is required with RCBS then was previously thought to be the case.

09-22-2015, 08:37 PM
& I'm sure you got it for a good price ...Correct?

09-22-2015, 10:09 PM
And it's backed by the RCBS "No BS" warranty?

09-22-2015, 10:58 PM
I understand. but I'm over it!

Weve been sold down the river by our greedy Politicians and Wall Street!

09-23-2015, 12:08 AM
I am hoping their other stuff like dies and case trimmers isn't made there. I suppose it is hard to stay profitable with the type of warranty they have.

09-23-2015, 09:05 AM
It's probably hard to stay profitable with the type of government we have.

09-23-2015, 09:37 AM
The computer the OP posted with is probably made in China, too...............

09-23-2015, 09:55 AM
it will not be long before our bandwidth comes from China :]

09-23-2015, 09:57 AM
RCBS has been outsourcing from China for a while.

09-23-2015, 11:49 AM
I understand the frustration with buying tooling made in China; I would prefer made in the USA, but.......RCBS has been a great company to deal with for 50 years IMHO. No matter where an RCBS product is made they stand behind their stuff 110%. I love my made in the USA Starrett micrometers and dial calipers; the quality and attention to detail is second to none..but for most reloading operations I have to admit that the made in China copies work pretty well at a greatly reduced cost...I applaud a company like RCBS for standing behind their products 100% wherever they happen to be made. Just my 2 cents worth....

09-23-2015, 11:59 AM
I understand. but I'm over it!

Weve been sold down the river by our greedy Politicians and Wall Street!

That is absolutely true but it has been going on all my adult life. It is nothing new.

And. it is not RCBS's fault that Washington has made it so difficult to do business of any kind in this country.

09-23-2015, 12:15 PM
For several years now their cast reloading press frames have been Chinese. Seem to remember that they were 'finished' in the states.

09-23-2015, 12:21 PM
I like American made too, but it's not productive to go around villainizing everyone who uses China. It's not RCBS's fault, or even Wal-Mart's.

It's a government problem; we have all the resources, natural and human, to do almost all our manufacturing here, but taxes are too high.

The alternative is for RCBS to price itself out of the market and go out of business, or more likely be bought by a company that does more outsourcing.

Ken in Iowa
09-23-2015, 12:34 PM
I like American made too, but it's not productive to go around villainizing everyone who uses China. It's not RCBS's fault, or even Wal-Mart's.

It's a government problem; we have all the resources, natural and human, to do almost all our manufacturing here, but taxes are too high.

The alternative is for RCBS to price itself out of the market and go out of business, or more likely be bought by a company that does more outsourcing.

Add to that environmental regulations and low wages elsewhere.

09-23-2015, 01:01 PM
Don't worry fellas!

The way things are going we will be a "Third World" country soon and can manufacture here as well as overseas!

Wages will be nothing of course!!!

Thank you, Obozo!

09-23-2015, 02:08 PM
The alternative is for RCBS to price itself out of the market and go out of business, or more likely be bought by a company that does more outsourcing.

Already happened. They are not an independently owned and operated company. And let's realize that a company can make these tools in the US using US made raw materials and sell them for less than RCBS does.

I fully understand the regulatory problems we have here. But there are companies making everything here so there is no reason RCBS can't.

09-23-2015, 02:16 PM
You must also remember that these small parts are better made in Asian countries because their people and child laborers have smaller hands than we do!Robert

Ranger 7
09-23-2015, 05:53 PM
Lets get down to the basics: If people really preferred to buy American and preserve American jobs, they should only buy American.
All the companies would get the message very quickly!

09-23-2015, 06:01 PM
I buy what I want. When possible AMERICAN MADE. Have for years. Just trying to advise not start a political debate. If big green is going Chinese then my money will go to the other 4. Gold standard warranty or not.

MT Chambers
09-23-2015, 06:31 PM
I agree, if it's true, they are off my list......Redding remains on top.

09-23-2015, 07:48 PM
China makes everything, except CH4D dies. Thought Herrets gun grips were getting copied / counterfeited by the Chinese and sold on E-Bay, turns out Herret's knew all about it and stated they had made a deal with them to make " inexpensive / affordable " knock offs for folks not wanting to pay for their custom USA grips. How's them apple's.

09-23-2015, 09:10 PM
For several years now their cast reloading press frames have been Chinese. Seem to remember that they were 'finished' in the states.

This is not true. RCBS did try some castings from China several years ago but they were never actually used. It was reported (the castings) in some magazine article that the author of said piece said he saw them in a pile when he was touring the RCBS facility. And the legend was born. All RCBS presses are made in the USA.

09-24-2015, 12:57 AM
1bluehorse is correct. I asked the RCBS reps at the SHOT Show where their presses were cast, and they said in the U.S., and all finish work is done in their shop in Oroville, CA.

Hope this helps.


09-24-2015, 04:55 AM
I agree with another poster, as long as it is backed by the very good RCBS warranty, why are you worried about it, just about everything is made in China these days, heck, even your skivvies are probably made somewhere over there. Are you going to look for American made skivvies?

09-24-2015, 09:13 AM
What isn't "out sourced"? Remember that the next time you fire up your Weber grill or your Big Green Egg . . . you'll be cooking on cast iron grates made in China as well. You want an "eye opener" . . take a road trip across this country . . go through small towns that have vacant commercial property because they can no longer operate under the government restrictions and tax structure and remain profitable and stay in business.

Sorry to get on a soap box . . . but I've seen entire strip malls vacant because the businesses can no longer compete and the owners make a "living wage" . . . I'm not talking about getting rich . . I'm talking about being able to pay their overhead and still have enough for groceries and necessities after paying their employees. Think things have gotten "better" over the last eight years? I have a commercial building in our small town here in MI that we've been trying to sell for close to 8 years. It's well kept, attractive and very reasonably priced . . . why can't it sell? Simple . . .there are no incentives for a small business anymore. Our Ford plant has been closed for many years. Most major industry in the nearest city . . . Firestone, Aeroquip, etc closed many years ago . . . . and yet the politicians and the rich boys on Wall Street . . . who play with American's money . . get richer and if they screw up . . oh, well. Politicians are corrupt and self serving . . . what more can be said.

Right now . . . the industry that I see "getting rich" are the health care providers . . hospitals, health insurance companies . . in our county, the only hospital "owns" something like 75% of the physicians now . . and then they "lease" their offices at a high price . . . call it a "redistribution of wealth" . . . mean while . . . the average American who works struggles to pay for medical tests that have multiplied in cost since Obama Care has gone in to effect that their high cost health insurance no longer covers . . . prescriptions prices keep going up and up . . . no different that the young executive of the drug company who announced that he was going to raise the cost of a specific drug by 5,000% this week . . and now he is taking flak over it. I'm sure he is not cutting down on his "expenses" such as his big boat and perks . . . but those who can afford it least . . the "working people" are going to pay the price because they are not part of the "entitled" who are 3rd and 4th generation welfare, get fee phones, free tuition, etc. And . . our self serving elected politicians stand by and do nothing . . but put even more restrictions, rules and regulations into effect that further prohibits a business from operating and furnishing employment to others.

Sorry for the "soap box" . . . but in the end . . can you blame RCBS or any other company from outsourcing? We have brought much of this on ourselves . . because we are the "silent majority" who try to live our lives the right way and we never speak out . . .or throw the bums out of office and tell them to go home and no, you don't get a life time pension, full health care and other perks after serving one term.

In reality, I think we should consider ourselves lucky that there are still companies like RCBS, Lee, Lyman, Dillon, etc. that are still able to keep their doors open. If things don't change in this country and people realize that we ALL need to WORK and that "life isn't a free ride" . . . those plants will close their doors some Friday night and never re-open.

09-24-2015, 01:20 PM
Mom and Pop businesses all feel the squeeze when we purchase off the internet. I am guilty as a lot of others are, too.

09-24-2015, 01:36 PM
i only use the good china when i eat...
italian sausage,
french toast,
canadian bacon,
kungpow chicken,
mandarin duck,
spanish onions,
hungarian goulash,
irish potatoes,
and cherry danish

can't we all just get along?

09-25-2015, 02:57 PM
The majority Of American Complain About buying China stuff, Buy Very short on doing something about It. it fills The bill for everyone and supports The Motto. " Cheap is Good expensive Is Bad". American Have Made There bed years ago. Everyone want Cheap stuff. Now it's No jobs, No industry, No nothing. Everyone including Myself should Enjoy sleeping In it. As long as American Keep[ Buying . They will Keep making. Buy used

09-25-2015, 03:35 PM
I buy almost all used RCBS stuff - so it American made.

It makes no sense to produce presses in China. The freight to get them to the USA would cost more than the press is worth.

Small expensive items like integrated circuits are best made in China.

Some of the semi-conductor machines are made there by American companies but the finished machines are sold to the Chinese so there is no shipping to the US.