View Full Version : What is 'good enough' for a .243 coyote rifle? 1 MOA? 1 1/2?

09-19-2015, 02:40 PM
I'm new to predator hunting. My H&R Handi will hold 1 1/4" off the bench. GTG? I'm thinking the .243 because I want a red mist, no squealing. Maybe even a 30-06.

09-19-2015, 02:56 PM
22-250 with a ballistic tip fast one shot one kill ..

09-19-2015, 04:35 PM
I have shot lots of coyotes with 243 and never found it lacking as long a dead dog is my goal. If fur hunting expect to sew a lot up and even throw some out, have seen small exit holes to blow "it in half". My old worn out 243 shot last few i tried and it won't shoot any better than yours. Now I have shoot it thousands of rounds I know it. Go hunt and see for yourself you are not under gunned.

09-19-2015, 11:51 PM
Coyotes are pretty easy to kill as long as you hit the right spot the first time. If you don't, and they get their adrenalin up, they can take a lot of hits before giving up.

As far as accuracy goes, a softball sized group will get most of them.

30-35 years ago my buddy and I killed a lot of coyotes with .22-250's and 52 or 53 grain hollow points. They usually went to pieces and had a small exit. The .243 can work well, depending on bullet choice. In my experience anything larger makes for a lot of sewing of hides.


09-20-2015, 03:03 AM
I've found a Hornady 58 grain V-max and a stiff charge of Varget to be stellar on 'Yotes. Seldom exit at all, but they sound like they are full of semi-set Jello and nothing seems to be holding them together but hide anymore. DRT if you hit them in the boiler room.

09-20-2015, 09:15 AM
I'd say your accuracy it good go and get some!

09-21-2015, 01:41 AM
Coyote is pretty fair size target - the question is what's the distance...

If you calling them into you it may be real close - friend used electronic all
and used a shotgun ... close. Out here in Arizona you may see 'em from 50 to 500 yards - that's where a 243 shines - at distance out here - if it's 20-200 I'll use an AR. But I'd say your rifle is good to go get some.

09-22-2015, 08:07 PM
No wind i like a 70 Nosler BT
If it is windy I like the 85 grain bullets or even a 100 grainer.

09-22-2015, 10:47 PM
Handi rifles may not like the 100 grain, but I have whacked everything from squirrel (he was really getting annoying during deer season) to whitetail with the Sierra 90 grain gameking. Ballistic jewelry.

El Bango
09-23-2015, 12:34 AM
I just stick with the 100 grainers,very accurate and can be used on a variety of game. Rabbits to elk very effective, but can be very destructive to meat and hides. Be selective with your shots, try for head and neck shots only.