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View Full Version : Tsunami warning for US west coast, Alaska and Hawaii

09-17-2015, 12:23 AM
8.3 quake off Chili.

09-17-2015, 12:39 AM

09-17-2015, 12:52 AM
I don't think the USA has anything to worry about according to fox.


The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center initially issued a tsunami watch for Hawaii, but later downgraded its advisory and said no major tsunami was expected.

Lead Fred
09-17-2015, 01:00 AM

09-17-2015, 01:14 AM
Maybe California will fall off... Haha

Hope everyone in chilli is doing ok

09-17-2015, 01:21 AM
At least it may put out the fires. And it could wash all those lead slugs out to sea so the condors will stop dining on them.

Gotta love the "shake-n-bake" state!

09-17-2015, 05:39 AM
And NZ!

09-17-2015, 12:56 PM
Maybe California will fall off... Haha

Hope everyone in chilli is doing ok

They are not all ok, some dead many thousands homeless.


09-17-2015, 01:25 PM
Our turn will come one of these days. The biggest worry in Puget Sound is inland tsunamis. Soil records show that earthquakes have set off landslides next to the Sound that resulted in waves over 200 feet high (not kidding). There are still intact sunken forests 100 to 200 feet down in lakes and the Sound around Seattle from such landslides.

09-17-2015, 01:36 PM
I watched a special a few years back, it claimed when (not if) we get another quake and tidal wave that compares to the 64 quake in Ak, the death toll will be in the millions. Mostly because of everything built and populated right to the waters edge in Or, Wa, BC and Ak. The reason it wasn't real high in 64, is the coastline was just not very populated.

09-17-2015, 04:45 PM
There's a petrified forest in Lake Tahoe ....... I'm waiting for the quake that hooks the Salton sea back to the Pacific. .......Vegas needs the water . If I remember right that should wash over into Death Valley , good times .

We had a couple little dish rattlers last week too.

Here's to hoping for deep water dispersion for the whole of the Pacific.

09-17-2015, 05:57 PM
I watched a special a few years back, it claimed when (not if) we get another quake and tidal wave that compares to the 64 quake in Ak, the death toll will be in the millions. Mostly because of everything built and populated right to the waters edge in Or, Wa, BC and Ak. The reason it wasn't real high in 64, is the coastline was just not very populated.
Exactly! People in my area are completely complacent with living on clay soil that will heave in blocks that will shift permanently 6-8 feet, and don't even think about all of the bridges we have around the northwest. Not only will many structures fall, but there will be no way to put out many of the fires because roads will be impassable. Getting supplies such as water that is clean, and food is no joke when the only way to get around will be a bicycle. Contamination of water sources will be severe, and with all of the rivers, and streams with no bridges to pass over them many people out here will die even after the main event. Food, water, and a way to keep that food and water will be key. Helicopter drops to get supplies into populated, cut off areas will be the norm for several months, or there will be massive evacuations of areas. But, there are many people like me who are dug in, and wont be moving to a "camp." The quake of 64 was a glimpse of what will happen here in Oregon and Washington, but our fatalities and unrest will be much more catastrophic. These subduction zone quake make California quakes on side slip faults look like nothing. Praying for the survivors of the Chile quake to have food and clean water over the next few months. Its going to be a hard time for them until they can rebuild the infrastructure in that area.

09-19-2015, 12:19 AM
Harter, I believe the limit on the Sea of Cortez joining the Salton Sea is Palm Springs. About a mile of Interstate 10 is under sea level. Not sure where you would have to go to get serious water into Death Valley. You do realize that Salton Sea water came from an overflow of the Colorado river in about 1905. An 8+ quake on the lower San Andres would not do Mexacali any good and may open up a flow path to the Salton Sea. It would also probably damage/destroy So. Cals source of Colorado River water. Depending on how much of the fault moves it could seriously damage/destroy our State Water Project and Sierra sources of water. Major earthquakes are not things to be joked about. It has been more than 200 years since the New Madrid Fault shook the eastern half of the United States.

Bad Water Bill
09-20-2015, 05:19 AM
" It has been more than 200 years since the New Madrid Fault shook the eastern half of the United States"

How many structures will still be standing in cities like Chiraq,St Louis and the hundreds of cities that have been built since the last shake and flood.

Yes Lake Michigan probably will still be there BUT how many of todays residents can drink untreated water when all of their piping system has been twisted beyond repair?

09-20-2015, 11:45 AM
Living in the shadow of the eastern Serria and watching "my lake"die because of the contributions to the LA water project of Mr Mulholland and as small child living in the dust fallout from its 3rd victim lake I would feel really bad about them loosing either pipe line for about 35 seconds . Yes a quake of 7+ would be horrible. I live on top of a fault the recent 4.5 reminded me to rotate the water stock and put MREs on the stock rotation list for this winter . A fault jumped 12 ft not over 40 miles from my home in 1954 and the Serrias were probably made in a day in a quake that makes the San Francisco quake look like a street hum. We live with the possibility every day ,we do what we can to be a little bit braced for it . If the wise cracks seem caluse it is just how some of us in total immersion deal with the reality that knowing my luck I'd be standing on some random accidental concrete slab "boat" in a park when it happens and be 1 of the lucky 1s left to mop up the millions that had no idea it could happen . It will happen with out warning and there's nothing I or you or anyone else can do to stop it .

Expect the worst every day, hope for the best , and have at least 2 plan B's for plan B because some jacksnipe will make the simple plan A unworkable or over whelm it with stupidity or regulations.