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Clay M
09-16-2015, 11:29 PM
Just wondered how many people here dream at night?

I dream very vivid dreams. Mostly surreal.
It is often the most creative time of my though process.
Sometimes my dreams are frightening, but most of the time they are very pleasant.
I always dream in color.
I look forward to my dreams every night.
Sometimes I have nightmares, like the other night I was drifting into sleep, and I could hear the music "Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf.
I woke up gasping for breath and felt like I was suffocating.

So if you don't mind sharing this part of your life, I would be interested..

09-16-2015, 11:33 PM
Almost never

09-17-2015, 06:28 AM
Also dream every night. Hmmm wonder if we will be like the folks in The Stand?

Yellow Fang
09-17-2015, 10:03 AM
I dreamed last night that I was in th CO Rockies with my 10 year old son. We were camping or hunting. It was pretty dark, and we were scared. I sent up a flare (I don't actually own a flare gun), and saw about 100 wolves stalking us.
All I had was a semi - auto pistol.
Then I woke up, in a sweat and out of breath.

09-17-2015, 11:05 AM
I had a dream a while back that I went to open my gun safe, and all my guns were rusted. Not just a little rusted...but dripping wet and very, very rusted. That was a bad one!

country gent
09-17-2015, 02:15 PM
The mind is a powerfull and dreams can be very real. Even now 13 years after the accident that took my wife, I dream of her things we did and such. During some of these dreams I can hear her heartbeat, breathing, and smell her hair and scents. Its scarry at times how real these are.

Clay M
09-17-2015, 06:09 PM
The mind is a powerfull and dreams can be very real. Even now 13 years after the accident that took my wife, I dream of her things we did and such. During some of these dreams I can hear her heartbeat, breathing, and smell her hair and scents. Its scarry at times how real these are.

My dreams are very animated and 3D. I also have reoccurring themes..
I have also had dreams that actually came true in real life..
When I was young I had Clairvoyant dreams, but not so much anymore.

09-17-2015, 06:24 PM
one I had for along time was I would be in a situation where I needed my gun. but as hard as i pulled the trigger it just would not move. the next day I would check my carry gun test fire it clean and oil it. every day for a week or more I would dry fire it just to be certain it worked. then I would stop and I would have the dream again.

09-17-2015, 06:44 PM
Gee and I thought this thread was going to be about a dream where we were asked about using the Blue lube or the Red lube...

MT Gianni
09-17-2015, 07:10 PM
At least once a month I wake up with a fragment of a dream.

09-17-2015, 07:21 PM
Except for a dream I had a week or so ago, whenever I'm having a bad dream, a separate part of my semi-conscious mind always tells me or reminds me that what I'm experiencing right now is just a dream. It's been this way for me since early adulthood.

I've never known anyone who didn't dream in color.

Clay M
09-17-2015, 07:21 PM
Gee and I thought this thread was going to be about a dream where we were asked about using the Blue lube or the Red lube...

Morpheus..except I use no illegal drugs..

Sometimes I feel that my dreams are from Satan, and sometimes they are from God..

09-17-2015, 07:32 PM
i have night terrors.

2-3 times a night 2-3 times a week.

Clay M
09-17-2015, 07:37 PM
i have night terrors.

2-3 times a night 2-3 times a week.

Sometimes I wake in a cold sweat, and my blood pressure will be 180 over 100.

Last night was a bad night, but I drank some wine so tonight I may have a beautiful dream..

I have dreams of the past.. One is that I signed up to take a class, but never attended.
Now I have to pass a make or break test..

09-17-2015, 07:37 PM
Only time I ever had vivid dreams was when I was taking anti-malaria pills in the sand box. Normally I dream about hunting with family or friends and the normal red blooded male dreams. Last nightmare was when I was 12. That was over 43 years ago.

I can control my dreams if I think about them before I go to sleep.

09-17-2015, 09:50 PM
I dream all the time and often remember them. The night before my dad died I dreamed he was in a head on accident, that happened the next day. When I had the dream I bolted upright in bed heart pounding...

09-17-2015, 10:02 PM
one I had for along time was I would be in a situation where I needed my gun. but as hard as i pulled the trigger it just would not move. the next day I would check my carry gun test fire it clean and oil it. every day for a week or more I would dry fire it just to be certain it worked. then I would stop and I would have the dream again.
My firearm dreams are close, when I do get the trigger pulled the boolit comes out of the barrel in slow motion
and just bounces off what I am shooting at. Scares the mess out of me.
I also dream of aliens like in the Alien movies, scary stuff.
Most of my dreams are of my wife or the women I have known, not all end good.

09-17-2015, 10:16 PM
My dreams are generally a continuation of thoughts in my head when I fall asleep. I almost always know ahead of time what I will dream.....

Clay M
09-17-2015, 10:28 PM
I dream all the time and often remember them. The night before my dad died I dreamed he was in a head on accident, that happened the next day. When I had the dream I bolted upright in bed heart pounding...

I am sorry for your loss my friend.

Clay M
09-17-2015, 10:48 PM
Dreams are an interesting state of consciousness.
R.E.M. sleep. I could try to control them, but I just let them happen as they will.

It may be something that my mind needs to process, a bad memory, or a good one.

09-20-2015, 11:49 PM
I've had 1 sleep study test and going in for another next month. The Doc. says that I'm lucky to get into the 3rd stage of sleep for 2-3 minutes per night. I never even get into the 4 stage of sleep. I very seldom dream. It sounds like most people's dreams are scary. Maybe the scary ones are easer to remember. The spooky dreams are the ones that come true. Good luck with that. I'm going to bed and I will think of nothing. Lucky me.

MT Gianni
09-20-2015, 11:52 PM
Since I was a kid for me the best way to remember my dreams was to gorge myself on watermelon. For whatever reason my dreams are remembered better if I do, probably all in my head.

09-21-2015, 12:03 AM
I dreamt the other night that a turkey & a huge rabbit were fightin' each other & rollin' all around the campsite where they rolled into the fire still fightin' & cooked themselves to a nice crunchy golden-brown. weirdest dream I've had in a while but not that unusual for me.

09-21-2015, 11:14 AM
Clay M, If you have frequent dreams about drowning etc. where you wake up gasping for air, pounding heart. You may have sleep apniea, you stop breathing when asleep, please get it checked out. It can cause all kinds of problems from high bp to heart attacks. I too have some vivid dreams in color. Some good some bad. Not very often but sometimes I'm glad I sleep alone as I'm ready to attack someone, something. Don't know the cause as I've never been in service much less combat. Most of the time the dreams are b&w. I've also had the gun malfunction/ineffective dream. The strange thing was one dream I was using a 1911 and I was counting shots and it locked back on 8 shots. I was also working the controls right. I think Freud said that dreams are a window to the subcounsous, if so I don't think I would want to know mine.

09-21-2015, 12:02 PM
I have this recurring nightmare... I died and my wife sold all my guns and reloading equipment for what I *said* I paid for them... :(

Best dreams I ever had was under the influence of Demerol. I was in a hospital after a motorcycle wreck that caused a few broken bones and internal injuries / bleeding and the nurses would give me Demerol in my thigh muscle for the extreme pain. The dreams were vivid and it was like you could control them.

09-21-2015, 02:27 PM
I used to have a recurring dream when I was young, where I was searching and searching for a bathroom. I would find one that was locked, or out of order, no walls out in public, or some such illogical problem. I would finally find one I could use, then I would start to feel really warm...

09-21-2015, 02:46 PM
I used to have a recurring dream when I was young, where I was searching and searching for a bathroom. I would find one that was locked, or out of order, no walls out in public, or some such illogical problem. I would finally find one I could use, then I would start to feel really warm...

This is quite normal. I realized early on that you don't need to go the bathroom in your dreams.

I dream every night. Very rarely are they lucid. You can train yourself to control them. It seems every time I get to the lucid state and am about to score w/ a pretty lady my alarm goes off. Pretty sure I do this just to tick myself off :laugh:

09-21-2015, 02:57 PM
I studied Freudian dream analysis many years ago, and found it to be very valid. Forty-plus years ago I was in an elevator with another student, and she mentioned that she had a dream, and related it to me. I gave five factors the dream told, and she agreed with all 5. I had never met her before, and had no ken of her individual situation. One is not always able to analyze a dream, but repetitive dreams are extremely important, and valid. I'll give you my own example:
Back in High School I started having a dream. The dream started with me being in a church, behind the alter area, in the choir room. I noticed an open door on the wall to the right, and went to close it. When I got there, a bear was outside, it roared at me, I slammed the door, and that was the end of the dream. That dream continued, occasionally, for a several more years, and then it changed.
The dream started again, as before, I went to the door, there's the bear, and I slammed the door. Then I noticed another door on the left wall. I decided I had better check it out, did, and there was the bear again. I slammed the door, and that was the end of the dream, again. And it, too, repeated several times over the next couple of years.
Then I had the last dream of the series.
The dream started as before, and I went to the right-hand door - but there was no bear!? Where was my bear? Hmmm - I snuck out of the door, and crept toward the alter area. My bear was there, on the other side of the railing at the front of the alter area - wearing a poke bonnet - and ushering along a little bear cub. Mama Bear looked over at me, and then went back to tending the cub. And that was the last dream of the series.
The interpretation is easy. The bear obviously represented my Mom, who knew everything and couldn't be confused by any facts. The first door slam was my joining the USAF and getting away from her control, to some extent. The next door slam was my getting married to my HS sweetheart. And then, one time when we were home on leave, I saw how my Mom was molding my Sister into her own image, resulting in the final dream - Mom had someone else to mold...
I also learned when NOT to give any dream interpretations. One of my service friends' wife had a dream she couldn't understand, and my wife said "Oh, tell Ed. He knows all about dreams.". Esther said, "Well, it is really short. I'm outside, and a snake is chasing me. But it isn't down on the ground, slithering along. It's standing up on it's tail, and chasing me.". Oh me... well, I pointed out that the snake was a phallic symbol, and it indicated that you were afraid of sex. She denied it, and her husband said "Oh, Esther, you know that's true!" Oh me...
And I DO go on...

09-21-2015, 03:49 PM
I have very lucid dreams at times too. They seem like real life, sometimes things happen that make it feel unrealistic but they still happen as if it was reality. They can be pleasurable or just terroristic feeling. I've had the classic "falling from a high object" dream where it feels so real, the wind, the acceleration all of it. Just as im hit bottom i wake up jumping out of my sheets terrified and heart going like a hummingbird! I've also had the dream where im in some kind of altercation and no matter how hard i tried to hit my opponent, i can't hit them hard enough or run fast enough, etc.

09-21-2015, 05:49 PM
My Dad passed away in 2005 at the age of 74.
He shows up in my dreams regularly to this day.

I sure miss him.