View Full Version : Old Redding Standard Powder measure

09-15-2015, 02:18 AM
I got this in a box of reloading stuff I recently bought. The operating instructions state to put that small metering chamber into the bottom of the measure, pull the handle foward and then push back. Pull down on tube and then pour it into the funnel on a case. Do these pour accurate charges? Has the old school cool factor to it. I am either going to mount it to the bench, throw it in a box in the attic or sell it. How old is this thing, any idea?

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09-15-2015, 08:18 AM
I have two of them and I really like using them. They're slow but I have found them to be quite accurate. At least, they are when you use them the same every time. I use them with stick powder. Hold the chamber tight in it and don't move it while it is filling with powder. I have made more chambers out of pipe that are a fixed length for certain charges. By the way, yours is in beautiful condition. One of mine is the old brown paint but the other is that same green as yours. But I think yours is newer than either of mine. I hope you enjoy it.

Le Loup Solitaire
09-15-2015, 09:00 PM
I had one of these for my original first PM back in the sixties. Was well built and performed accurately. Yes, was kind of slow compared to later models, but nothing ever broke. It was a good idea to keep some sort of vessel under the operation just in case the mind wandered. It was reliable and very reasonably priced. LLS