View Full Version : .22 competitive target shooting choice

09-14-2015, 03:43 PM
OK, so I've joined a local club,
shooting my trapdoor and falling block, 45-70,
and they shoot
.22's against other local clubs,
bad thing is,
i gave my .22 springfield model 15 to my daughter,3 weeks ago,and a tack driver, (i know dumb move) that my dad gave me,
so im .22 short of competing LOL

Im looking at getting a Remington Model 511 from my dads friend, he wants 300.00 for it, and its scoped,
i think maybe i can sizzle him down to 250 or 275,
were these good target shooters?
whats the good,bad and ugly?

Is this worth getting for competing? or should i take my 300.00 and buy something newer,


09-14-2015, 04:13 PM
What kind of a "competitive target shooting"?

("competitive .22 target rifle" sounds like this (http://jga.anschuetz-sport.com/index.php5?produktID=1093&menu=105&sprache=1&produktShow=detail).. not exactly a 300 dollar rifle.)

09-14-2015, 04:35 PM
What kind of a "competitive target shooting"?

("competitive .22 target rifle" sounds like this (http://jga.anschuetz-sport.com/index.php5?produktID=1093&menu=105&sprache=1&produktShow=detail).. not exactly a 300 dollar rifle.)

now thats way out of my price range, never gonna happen,
Its small town shooting, winner goes home with the beef, 3rd place goes home with some beans,
I've got 3-400 to spend as my main focus is my 45-70's
just wondering if the 511 was a good shooting rifle, or a melon, and if it can hold its own with a modern Ruger, CV or marlin, ect,
as I've read some of the older 22's hold there own,

09-14-2015, 04:42 PM
I bought a used BSA Martini action 22 target rifle last year for about $350 it came with peep sights and a Lyman 17A front and shoots better than I can hold, say 1 1/2" from a rest at 100 yards. check out Simson's or such I think that would put you in the money except for rapid fire matches.

09-14-2015, 04:46 PM
I can't help you with the Remington, I'm pretty sure I have not even seen one.. ever.

But, if you need a nice inexpensive bolt action .22 take a look at CZ. I would buy the American (http://cz-usa.com/product/cz-455-american-22-lr-5-rd-mag/)-version.

09-14-2015, 04:56 PM

This is my BSA Martini International .22.

This particular rifle was built between 1950 and 1953 and is an absolute tack driver with the right ammunition, (it doesn't like H/V)

They still hold their own against modern target rifles for a fraction of the cost.

Their build quality is second to none.


09-14-2015, 05:03 PM
Mossberg made a fine target model years ago I sold my target rifle a few years ago,you need to search for quality ammo even a run of the mill 22 will out shoot target rifle with the right ammo and a bit of practice.

country gent
09-14-2015, 05:06 PM
Need to know more info as to whats allowed rules and or specifics to be more precise with an answer. Look at the cmp website they have had Kimber 82 target models win 52s, rem 40, H&R, amnd mossberg target 22 rifles at times very reasonably priced and normally good shooters. These are heavy barreled target rifles from the military. Something to consider and look into.

09-14-2015, 05:19 PM
As others have stated, it depends on what kind of competition it is (rules, etc.). However, I had a 511 that my grandfather left me. It was a great shooter for what it is, an inexpensive target rifle. I shot it until I literally wore the trigger out. I have since passed it along to my son (with repaired trigger). I recently acquired another 511 which shoots almost as good. Love the rifle, but would not be competitive in our local matches with it, a much more expensive rifle would be needed for that.

All this probably does not help you much, but the 511 is a great rifle for the money, but it is not going to compete with the high-dollar rimfires you are likely to come up against.

09-14-2015, 07:39 PM
I used to own several Remington 22's of that family 510,511, and 513T. They don't have a good enough trigger for a target rifle. None of them shot nearly as well as the cz 452's I replaced them with, not that there a target rifle either. The only one I have left is my grandfathers 510.

Doc Highwall
09-14-2015, 08:26 PM
I need to know what kind of competition it exactly is, prone, three position, bench, or standing.
This is the rifle I use for prone with both scope and iron sights.

09-14-2015, 09:58 PM
The Remington 511 is a great field rifle. But it was never meant to be a competition rifle. Over on rimfire central the goal for the Remington (510,511 or 512) is 1/2" at 50 yards. Scopes are difficult to mount on receivers that were not grooved.
The CZ 452 with a little work seems to be around a 1/4" at 50 yards. I bought a used CZ 452 with a cheap 3-9X scope for $375.00.
Another rifle you may consider is the Savage 93. They can be had with HB and accu-trigger for $300.00. The CZ and Savage have better triggers and easier to mount a scope on than the Remington 511.

09-14-2015, 10:25 PM
I have a old 513t that does a real good job. now if I want to really do good I break out the Brno number 4 . or if I have to go light I use the Brno number1.

09-14-2015, 10:55 PM
CZ452 if you can find a good one used. Be sure you are sitting down when you find out what ammo it likes, though.

Hawks Feather
09-14-2015, 11:42 PM
I have owned a couple of 511s and while they were O.K. they were not what I would want to use for any type of competition - unless it was a 511 only competition.

09-15-2015, 06:06 AM
bench rest shooting,

thanks guys, lots to think about

09-15-2015, 09:03 AM
I shoot a decent amount of rimfire prone at 50 and 100yds. I primarily use an Anschutz or a Remington 37, but have found a couple other lower priced rifles that will suffice for a beginer. Here are a couple in your price range.
The Savage Mk 2 series of rifles are fairly accurate, a lot of beginers use them until they can afford an anschutz. Buy the version with the laminated stock, the plastic stock is kind of flimsy and will flex.
I would not recomend the remington 511, thats a squirell rifle. Look for a model 513, 513t or 514. Those were built as entry level target rifles.
Also winchester 69a or model 75's.
A used cz is also a good rifle.
Of course if you come across the deal of the century on a used Anschutz, BSA Martini, Rem 40x, 37, or Win 52
However you will find that the key to rimfire accuracy is good quality standard velocity ammo that shoots well in your gun, so you have to test lots of brands and types. More expensive is not always better for your gun. Concentrate on Wolf (its suprisingly accurate) Eley, Lapua, and RWS.

Doc Highwall
09-15-2015, 09:04 AM
For benchrest shooting get a heavy barrel and make sure your scope has parallax adjustment for focus, I would recommend a air gun scope as the cheapest way to go.

Petrol & Powder
09-15-2015, 09:35 AM
I'd have to say it depends on the rules and the particular Remington 511 you're considering.
A lot of those older Remington 500 series rifles had very good barrels but more have likely been worn out by cleaning rod than bullets.
I'll also say that if it's within your price range, the CZ is a lot of rifle for the money.

09-15-2015, 11:32 AM
For benchrest, club-level 22 rimfire shooting, the CZ to have is the heavy-barrel "varmint" model. With a good bedding job and an inexpensive trigger kit(eg a 'Brookies kit') will get you in the door.

There's a lot to learn that only good coaching and lots of Quality practice can teach you. Practicing poor technique can be worse than none at all. You need to learn how the rifle :likes" to be shot--rest, shoulder pressure or the lack of it, on and on.

Start with quality ammo your gun likes--most of the CZ I have seen do pretty good with Wolf match target and SK standard plus (same stuff made in the same factory).

Honest 1/2" groups at 50 yards will put you at least in the middle of the pack--most guys who claim 1/2"@50 are kidding themselves. I sometimes think what they're really seeing is, Looks like 1/2" from 50 yds.

Good luck have fun stay safe.

PS-lotsa info here:


09-15-2015, 12:55 PM
when you guys say a CZ rifle, I take it you DO NOT mean the CZ99 that cabbalas has for sale at 180.00

09-15-2015, 12:56 PM
For benchrest, club-level 22 rimfire shooting, the CZ to have is the heavy-barrel "varmint" model. With a good bedding job and an inexpensive trigger kit(eg a 'Brookies kit') will get you in the door.

There's a lot to learn that only good coaching and lots of Quality practice can teach you. Practicing poor technique can be worse than none at all. You need to learn how the rifle :likes" to be shot--rest, shoulder pressure or the lack of it, on and on.

Start with quality ammo your gun likes--most of the CZ I have seen do pretty good with Wolf match target and SK standard plus (same stuff made in the same factory).

Honest 1/2" groups at 50 yards will put you at least in the middle of the pack--most guys who claim 1/2"@50 are kidding themselves. I sometimes think what they're really seeing is, Looks like 1/2" from 50 yds.

Good luck have fun stay safe.

PS-lotsa info here:


THANK YOU for the link,

Ballistics in Scotland
09-15-2015, 01:40 PM
I dearly love my Brno which I bought in 1970, of the same weight as the sporter weight 452 American. I found it exceptionally unpicky as to ammunition, and it has one of the best adjustable triggers you will find in a fairly light sporting rifle. But it is too light for target shooting against anyone who takes it at all seriously, and I don't believe anybody gets a consistent žin. at 50 yards with a .22 rimfire rifle of this weight.

Quite a few rifles have been named which should be better for the purpose stated. But I think you will get more for your money with the BSA Martini International than any of the others. It is accurate, with a first-class trigger, and you will have to move in very high-flying target shooting circles before finding it outclassed. It is also interesting. Beware of ads for other BSA Martinis, because although I like them, they are nowhere near its equal for this purpose, and the vogue for centrefire conversions means they may not be any cheaper. With luck you will get the sort of iron sights which sell for a lot of money on their own. The MkIII is worth finding for its fully floated forend.

A point to watch out for is the bore. One regularly used, especially by a club, may have fired a very large number of shots. and although rimfires erode very little, they aren't totally free from it. No Martini International dates from the days of corrosive .22s, so unless one has been treated pretty eccentrically, the bore is either worn or good.


09-15-2015, 02:48 PM
I go with CHeaterMK3. There are a lot more 1/2" 50yd groups claimed than shot. Especially with ammo that you can afford today. The 513T and 521T were the target rifles of that series, but were pretty much regarded as starter models even in their time. Fun rifles, though. You can learn a lot competing with one, and skill counts for a lot in any type of shooting. Even benchrest. Your training would go a long way to making up the difference.

09-15-2015, 03:00 PM
i should note, this is bench rest with a fore-rest only,

Ballistics in Scotland
09-15-2015, 03:23 PM
There is a bit of truth in the statement we sometimes hear, that more development work has been done on the .22LR cartridge than any other. That doesn't mean it is the most accurate, for it is nowhere near. I always think it is great pity that Winchester didn't give equivalent attention to the inside-lubricated .22WRF, which might have made a far better standard .22 rimfire. But it never was.

09-15-2015, 09:56 PM
BScotland is spot on with the BSA recommendation if you can find one in your price range. Be prepared for some heavy lifting, though. I think the barrels were turned down from truck axles. Wonderfully accurate rifle.

09-16-2015, 08:46 AM
The last two 510&511 rifles I bought were $35 and $65 they are fairly accurate but not "match" accurate.

09-16-2015, 09:53 AM
BScotland is spot on with the BSA recommendation if you can find one in your price range. Be prepared for some heavy lifting, though. I think the barrels were turned down from truck axles. Wonderfully accurate rifle.

Quite correct on the weight, my International weighs in at 14lb.


Ballistics in Scotland
09-16-2015, 02:26 PM
That would be the heavy model. There was also a light one at about 11lb., and dimensions of both barrels are given in the website I posted earlier.

09-16-2015, 02:33 PM
I've been reading about the CZ 455 varmit, thinking of going that route, or the CZ 455 ultr lux just a few more pennies for a new rifle,

09-16-2015, 07:53 PM
The varmint model (452 series) is nice - heavy barrel. Triggers usually need a little work to be decent. They like standard velocity food.

Looks like the 455 series has some revisions to the 452 series.


09-17-2015, 04:42 PM
I shoot a Winchester 52 D even today they are hard to beat in bench rest.Ammo is a big factor in how any 22 rifle shoots good ammo is a must.

09-19-2015, 12:30 PM
Plus one on a BSA if you can find a nice one. I have two, one is a parts rifle and is very accurate. But they are heavy the action is soild and easy to maintain.
be safe

country gent
09-19-2015, 07:35 PM
I use 2 diffrent 22 target rifles a 52 D that has Property of US Army on side of reciever, and a Kimber target model 82. The kimber was like new and sold as never used. The winchester has seen alot of use and is somewhat rougher looking. Both are very accurate with their perfered ammunition.

09-21-2015, 12:23 AM
bench rest shooting,

thanks guys, lots to think about

Suhl 150, but not cheap. You would be lucky to find one under a grand.

Greg S
09-21-2015, 12:57 AM
Another possible rifle to look at would be the H&R 5200 or U.S. Model 12 made in the early 80s for the CMP. I've seen them listed in the 300 to 700 range and probably better on a gun show table or pawn shop. I would say they are on par with the kimber 82s maybe alittle better. If your going to spend money though for a BR gun, contact some BR smiths and see what they have available from folks leaving the game.

I'm still looking for mine... got a 541 and a 40x and an anschutz 64 action. The 40x is a shooter, just wish it was a repeater.

09-27-2015, 03:40 AM
I have a scoped 512 and a 511.

Scopes are difficult to mount on receivers that were not grooved.Yeah. I made a set of bases that glued on. Been on for over thirty years now. I reworked the trigger a little (it broke) and it was superb. It did eventually wear out so I fitted a reworked spare. Still good. I don't know what groups it produces but I can generally hit small targets out to 100 m standing. Or could. I'm thinking of target shooting with my 511 but I have never fired it so have no idea how it will shoot. I'm a little less hopeful now after reading all these comments.:roll:

Anyone know what the Russian Toz is capable of? Mine has a 1 in 14 twist barrel (but no bolt so I would have to find one).

09-27-2015, 06:50 AM
Hi 303guy, i had a Toz single shot target, for its rough look it was a fine rifle, deadly accurate with most 40gr ammo. Wish i never sold it, sold it to buy a Brno model 4, nice rifle but not as deadly as the Toz. My cousin has a Toz "91/30 trainer" same thing, rough around the edges but very accurate.
be safe

09-27-2015, 11:51 AM
Friend as the import lighter weight barrel version of TOZ that they marketed as the "Whisper" and it will bounce golf balls at 100 yds with Eley ammo ($8 box of 50 - ouch) - I compete against it with a Romanian 1969 trainer which will also bounce golf balls with cheaper Federal Match [smilie=1:

Neither of these are what I consider "Match" rifles - I still have my Winchester 75 which was considered the inexpensive trainer (peep sight) but I would say go to a couple of matches and see what the club shooters are using - for all we
know they are using accurized Ruger 10/22's for whatever game they are playing.

10-13-2015, 06:48 PM
lots depends on that word "competitive".

for "fun competitive" and on a budget, consider the savage mark II fvt, comes complete with peep sights and an accu-trigger.

got to shoot one earlier this year and it was very accurate with cci standard.


10-13-2015, 08:19 PM
I built a match rifle out of a 10/22 my wife bought me. Mine will do 1/4" groups but that's barely good enough to hang with the big boys. The most important thing to do is to get some quality ammo. Mine shoots best with Wolf match.
One thing I have noticed is that a fair quality .17 HMR will stand shoulder to shoulder with a better quality .22LR. Rules are rules... do the rules say you have to use a .22 LR or do they say you can use a "rimfire?"

10-13-2015, 08:35 PM
when you guys say a CZ rifle, I take it you DO NOT mean the CZ99 that cabbalas has for sale at 180.00

CZ99 is the model of the rifle made by Zastava from Serbia. They are accurate rifles but most of them have some bugs that have to be worked out.

10-13-2015, 10:29 PM
49M: "i should note, this is bench rest with a fore-rest only,"

??? What other rules are there for the game you're wanting to compete in?

The problem with rimfire BR is that you're at the mercy of the ammo producer; but shooting w/out a rear rest you won't be getting into that issue.

Just look around at what the guys you'll be shooting with and then find a good deal on just about any of the guns mentioned in this thread.

The latest CZ 455 series has, I believe, a set trigger. That and a good barrel and some decent mid-range ammo, if you can find it, ought to get you into the game for at least a couple of years. No sense paying for Center-x or Tenex if you won't be solidly rested fore-and-aft.

10-13-2015, 11:51 PM
Yep get a cz 542. I have a remington 512 that I scoped and it is very accurate. Even with like 4 rings in the barrel (no idea how they got there the gun was handed down to me). Probably from firing with a bore obstruction.

10-14-2015, 10:37 AM
I competed against it with a Romanian 1969 trainer which will also bounce golf balls with cheaper Federal Match [smilie=1:

Haha! Gotta love the M69!
Art, is yours scoped?

10-14-2015, 04:38 PM
I have an inexpensive 4-12 Bushnell in Airgun Rings that grip the "rail" that it came with.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/rowdyfisk/FAL/Romanian196922LR.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/rowdyfisk/media/FAL/Romanian196922LR.jpg.html)

I think I spent more money threading the muzzle and scoping it than I paid for it - I should have bought a dozen of 'em when they first started coming in cheap.

10-15-2015, 07:51 AM
I like it!

10-15-2015, 09:35 AM
this heavy barrel mark II has been more accurate than my old eyes and trigger finger. i modded the accu-trigger with the apachee kit and she breaks clean at just under a pound. scope is a bushnell banner 3-9x40.


10-21-2015, 01:53 AM
I have an old H&R 451 "MEDALIST". How should that fit in target rifle class?

10-21-2015, 06:28 AM
extremely pleased with the mark II fv. it's quite consistently accurate, but that bushnell scope is a *** pure Krap. took 40 rounds of cci standard to dial in the scope @ 25 yards, and the scope wouldn't focus properly at all, just junk. not to mention it maxed out the left reticule adjustment. being replaced with a simmons .44mag 6-21x44 side focus.

even with a blurry scope image and off the bipod at thoff the bipod at thoff the bipod at the club indoor range,e club indoor rangee club indoor range, the last 5 rounds out of 50 (on the left face), finally started looking good.

i highly recommend the savage mark II fv heavy barrel w/accu-trigger, and only $212 to yer ffl. it comes with weaver bases, then just add the glass and rings of yer choice.


10-21-2015, 03:05 PM
I have an old H&R 451 "MEDALIST". How should that fit in target rifle class?

Ah, an oldie but a goodie
According to the "Blue Book", the Model 450 is identical to the Model 451 except that it was sold without sights. In my 1951 Stoeger Catalog, the 451 lists for $59.00

From the Gun Trader's Guide of 1968, "Bolt action Target Rifle, 5-shot detachable box magazine, 26 inch barrel. Wt. about 10.5 pounds, Lyman 524F extension rear sight, Lyman 77 front sight, scope bases. Target stock with full pistol grip and forearm, swivels and sling. Made from 1948 to 1951."

They are very accurate but definitely not in the same league as Win. 52s or Rem. 40Xs. One nice feature about 450/451 is that it is not overly picky about ammo. The chamber it has shoots many brands/types to about the same point of aim.

10-21-2015, 03:23 PM
for $300 budget I would buy a second hand bull barrel 10/22 with scope and sit down with some cci standard velocity ammo and be competitive to the best of your abilities. good luck.

10-22-2015, 12:44 AM
I would kill to have a usmc property remington 40x! As for scopes I really like the nikon prostaff rimfire on my remington 512.

10-22-2015, 07:51 AM
i highly recommend the savage mark II fv heavy barrel w/accu-trigger, and only $212 to yer ffl. it comes with weaver bases, then just add the glass and rings of yer choice.

Good Morning, I've been thinking of getting a Savage for the grandkids too shoot but haven't found one for that good of a price. May I ask where you got it from? Thanks much


10-22-2015, 08:14 AM
Good Morning, I've been thinking of getting a Savage for the grandkids too shoot but haven't found one for that good of a price. May I ask where you got it from? Thanks much


the good folks at grab-a-gun in texas ...

however, should you with iron target peep sights fore and aft, the savage mark II fvt is $370/shipped ...


10-22-2015, 12:48 PM


Forrest r
10-23-2015, 06:52 PM
[QUOTE=Mauser48;3412423]I would kill to have a usmc property remington 40x!QUOTE]

Went to the ohio gun collectors show in cleveland a couple years back and ended up buying a usmc marked 40x.

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t242/forrestr-photo/usmc40x_zps6lmpwywn.jpg (http://s162.photobucket.com/user/forrestr-photo/media/usmc40x_zps6lmpwywn.jpg.html)

Been sitting in the safe since then, I'll get around to firing it some day.

Another remington to look at is the remington 540, it's a bull bbl'd single shot rifle that has a match chamber, anjustable butplate and an adjustable trigger. They can be found for $300 to $350 every now and then. I picked this one up back in 2008 for $325, it's in excellent condition. They come with a hand stop and redfield sights along with receiver scope mounts and bbl scope mounts. I like the extra weight of a bbl mounted scope.

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t242/forrestr-photo/scoped540_zpsggy08wia.jpg (http://s162.photobucket.com/user/forrestr-photo/media/scoped540_zpsggy08wia.jpg.html)

Playing around shooting off-hand with the setup above, 5/8" @ for 4 5-shot groups @ 25yds.

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t242/forrestr-photo/25ydohsweet_zpstmwqc0sb.jpg (http://s162.photobucket.com/user/forrestr-photo/media/25ydohsweet_zpstmwqc0sb.jpg.html)

These rifles shoot bugholes in paper when br'd & the adjustable butplate is a huge + when using a front rest only.

10-30-2015, 11:19 PM
Remington 5teens are capable of excellent accuracy but are hard to scope. The 510X is grooved for scope mounts. Also Weaver makes bases for the ones that are not grooved, but the front base is meant to be mounted on the barrel. Better to get two rear bases and put one on the front receiver ring. Even better, get a Remington 580. Now, you can shoot these in the USBR plinker class where you are competing against similar rifles. Max scope magnification is 9X. Also, the winner's rifle can be claimed for $100 (or he gives up the win). This keeps the "race" guns out.

I shoot a CZ 452 Varmint in hunter class and a Remington 580 in the aforementioned plinker class. Also, I just acquired a Remington 40X for unlimited class. It's all fun. Find a club that shoots USBR or silhouette and have fun. It doesn't take a pile of money to be competitive shooting the .22 LR.

11-02-2015, 12:50 PM
Need to know more info as to whats allowed rules and or specifics to be more precise with an answer. Look at the cmp website they have had Kimber 82 target models win 52s, rem 40, H&R, amnd mossberg target 22 rifles at times very reasonably priced and normally good shooters. These are heavy barreled target rifles from the military. Something to consider and look into.

The Remington 40X is long since ancient history at the CMP. Win 52 bits OTOH... The barreled action is not so bad, but you'll need trigger, bolt and stock. Bolt is available as new production from Browning, have not looked for triggers...stocks is not a limited item.

The H&R 12's from the CMP look quite promising. See if you can find a CMP store and see it in person, and perhaps select one. The sportsman's club I belong to has several, and they shoot quite well.

I must admit to taking the slightly higher cost option; an Anschutz 1813 Super Match( it's actually an 1811 as it came with a prone stock, instead of the 3P thumbhole ). I found a low mileage one, and it shoots quite well indeed. I hunted a 40X for a while. You'd be looking for a low mileage one too( not an ex-CMP rifle, unless the USMC stamp is of value to you ). Two sets of choices there, heavy, or heavier barrel and light and lighter trigger. Still hunting one...just not as hard since finding the Annie...:D

11-11-2015, 11:48 PM
It sounds like you're looking to play the informal local "fartin' around" matches without breaking the bank, and for that, there's a lot of decent choices to be had.

The various Mossberg 44 / 140 series heavy barreled bolt guns have a good following. I can vouch for these.

Marlin did the 2000 (entry competition) and 880 SQ (basic sporter on same heavy barreled action without the sexier 2-stage trigger). I can vouch for those as well. Rather wimpy, stamped extractors in my opinion, but then, I was using my 2000A with 5-shot Biathlon mags for low-cost practice of the NRA Highpower rapid-fire strings I usually shot with a .308 bolt gun. Odd are, I was cycling the bolt A LOT harder than Marlin had in mind. . .

Winchester did the 69A and heavy barreled 75 version as an inexpensive option to the more serious 52. Climbing in price these days, but I'm still vouching.

You will NEVER go wrong with a CZ. Especially with a little tweaking to the trigger/sear. They took a lot of inspiration from the Winchester 52, and are a great value in that they don't cheap out ("because it's just a .22") with stamped extractors, plastic triggerguards, and the like. Probably your best value available today. I will vouch for CZ till the sun explodes.

Savage. . .good following. Kind of like the Marlin 2000 in that they seem to be gearing it to either get the kids started in "official" competition or for the bigger kids to find out if they really want to play the game. No personal experience.

The old Remington 510/511/512/513 series. . .I learned how to shoot on a single shot 510 and bought a mag-fed 511 to relive those early days with. They made a lot of club match rifles with the 513 stamp. If you can find any of them in good shape and find ammo they like, they will deliver the goods.

Odds are, if you have a decent barrel, a decent trigger, and decent ammo, most of them will shoot better than you can.

11-11-2015, 11:55 PM
Im thinking asking the daughter if you could borrow the 22 rifle.

11-12-2015, 12:05 AM
I have several Rem 700 RF rifles. The barrels have been replaced with barrels that have been laped to put some taper in the barrels. The rifles were used in rimfire bench rest.
These were used back in the BR-50 matches some years back.

11-14-2015, 10:59 PM
My Remington 40X .22LR single shot rifle with Weaver T36 scope for USBR 50 meter bench rest.

Doc Highwall
11-15-2015, 09:26 PM
bstone5, who did the conversion in the Remington 700 to accept 22lr. and is it a single shot or a repeater?

Forrest r
11-16-2015, 09:39 AM
bstone5, who did the conversion in the Remington 700 to accept 22lr. and is it a single shot or a repeater?

Looks like one of the us property usmc rifle.

They are a rem 722 single shot action.

Doc Highwall
11-16-2015, 12:46 PM
I have seen them in the 700 action from the Remington custom shop and built on a 40X action (same action except for how it is machined) but only as single shots, I have a U.S. marked one that I recently purchased.

I have only seen them made in a right hand action and would love to have one in a left hand repeater.

11-16-2015, 01:03 PM
bstone5, who did the conversion in the Remington 700 to accept 22lr. and is it a single shot or a repeater?

The Remington 700 RF is a factory made 22 RF that was made from a modified Remington 700 action.

I purchased one second hand, it was a single shot but Remington made some with a clip.

I purchased five of the bolts for this rifle that were from scraped rifles from the government.

I made five receivers on my milling machine for the five bolts following the dimensions from the one rifle I purchased.

CMP sold some a few years back, the military had a lot of the REM 700 RF rifles at one time.

11-16-2015, 01:08 PM
Picture of 40XP Rim Fire Remington Rifle