View Full Version : Dillion Precision .38/.357 Carbide/Deprime Die problem.

09-14-2015, 10:36 AM
Have used a Dillion 650 press since 1997 with a Dillion .38/.357 Carbide/Deprime Die. Recently the carbide ring in the die has experienced a slight build up of brass material. This is causing a vertical scratch on the outside of my .357 Mag cases. It also requires about twice the handle force to size the brass. I scraped the material off using an blade and polished the carbide ring using different scotch bright type pads. The ring looked perfect when done. Within 75 cases the build up had returned in the same location on the ring. I called Dillion and they are sending a new Carbide/Deprime Die free of charge.
This press/die had been used on about 50,000 rounds (brass & nickel) with no problems. The only thing I changed recently is I changed from a vibrating tumbler (flitz & new finish) to a Frankford rotary wet SS tumbler (Dawn & Lemon shine). The cases are much cleaner now but are also "dryer". Has anyone else using a rotary wet SS tumbler experienced similar problems?

09-14-2015, 11:11 AM
Yes, wet tumbling is the cause, you will have the same problem with the new die if you don't change your operation.

Start lubing your cases or chunk them into your dry tumbler with polish for awhile.

09-14-2015, 11:39 AM
I was afraid that wet tumbling might be the cause. Has anyone ever experimented with trying to add something to the tumbling water to provide lubrication? Don't even know if there would be such a thing.

Walter Laich
09-14-2015, 12:13 PM
I use Armor-All wash and wax instead of Dawn in my wet tumbler. I leaves a thin coat of wax that keeps the shells from tarnishing. They seem to be fine when I run them through the sizer but....

I still spray all of mine with lube as it makes it much easier to work the press. As I age I look for ways to make things easier.

The spray lube seems to dissipate on it's own and I don't have to clean it off after the reloading process

09-14-2015, 12:23 PM
I wet tumble with ArmorAll Wash'n'Wax, too, and no follow up case lube. Cases come out of the Dillon carbide sizer looking just as nice as they do going in. But that was true when I used just Dawn soap.

09-14-2015, 12:36 PM
How much ArmorAll Wash'n'Wax would I use with 1 gallon of water?

09-14-2015, 12:40 PM
I use about a tsp to a gallon of water. That and Lemi Shine sure make them look good and you can feel the "wax" coating.

09-14-2015, 12:48 PM
I'll give the ArmorAll Wash'n'Wax & Lemon Shine a try. Thank you all for your recommendations. This site is a wealth of knowledge.

09-14-2015, 01:39 PM
I do a quick clean in a vibrator machine with walnut media to get any dirt off. Then I size and deprime. The last step is a super clean cycle in a rotary machine with SS media.