View Full Version : angels

09-11-2015, 08:38 PM
i read on other places in cast bullets several posts debateing this and that about God. it is all so boreing and such a waste of good time that cant be recovered. so this goes out to real believers. have any of you seen real live in your presence angels? i want to hear your experience and in detail. i wont doubt you or make fun of you i just want to share your experience. as for me ive had it happen several times, both good and even dark angles. ive seen more dark angles than good angles. they usually apear after ive prayed against them for a time and the prayer has done its work. they appear when they leave. my two youngest children have also seen a beautiful good angel close up and next to them. a good friend of mine has a 16 year old son who for a year saw a angel in his room for about a year as he was about to go to sleep. i know others who have seen them both good and bad up close in their presence. yes their are angels, all kinds of them on both sides of the fence. tell us what you saw and up lift us all. God is real, his son is real and angels are among us. Oh yes forgot this one. when my mother in law had a stroke and was waiting to go into surgery a angel came to her and expained every thing the drs. were going to do in surgery and that it would all turn out 100 percent perfect. and it did. she wanted to thank the member of the hosp staff who did this for her and every one said, no one works here like that and their has never been anyone like that on this floor of the hospital. it was a angel in human form. the ones i have seen on the good side and bad side where in angel form. sorry to take so long to write this post and again share what you have experienced.

09-11-2015, 09:52 PM
I have never had an angel sighting, but my grandfather told a story from 1956. Grandpa was a preacher an on an around the world tour to visit missionaries. When he was in Egypt there was a riot and a man showed up who led my grandfather and his travel companion to safety. When Grandpa turned around to thank him, the man was gone. Grandpa believed the man was an angel sent to protect him.

09-11-2015, 09:56 PM

09-12-2015, 02:12 AM
I've visually experienced many, in the spiritual realm, but only 1 in the natural.

My first encounter and my favorite was at my first healing crusade, Benny Hinn crusades. My wife and I was sitting in the arena just before the service and I heard the Lord tell me to pray for the sick. I prayed as He led, and as I was ending my prayer I could hear Pastor Hinn walking on the stage singing, hallelujah. As I looked up to see what was happening, I had my first experience.

I seen a 30 to 40 foot angel hovering right over a row of seating on stage where Pastor Hinn typically has local Pastors and friend's. As I was marveling at what I was seeing, I began to notice more movement up above in the rafters of this, what I think is a basketball arena. What I can only discribe as streaks of what looked to be long flowing gowns. There were many and they were multiplying, moving up and down and in and out while flying all around in a circle the same direction in the rafters, like they were playing. Then I began to notice they were stopping right in front of the score board ( which is suspended from the ceiling in the center of the arena ) and appeared to be bowing, then one angel would come up and the next one would bow and they flew around in a way that was in complete harmony each stopping and bowing as it came around.

This was what I saw, but as I seen the angels bowing I had this over welming sense or feeling that Jesus was right there seated in what would have been the best seat in the house above everyone atop the scoreboard. Then I began to wonder was anyone else seeing what I was seeing and I began to look around and there was one woman I believe had, she was on the floor in the very back, behind the floor chairs jumping up and down waving her arms like she was signaling in a 747 or something. My wife seen absolutely nothing.

I shared what I had seen with my Pastor one day in a conference about a month later and got what completely shook me as a response from him that made me feel like he thought I was lying and if the situation had been flopped, I probably would have acted the same way. So I began praying that he would have a simular experience, low and behold guess who's standing on stage 2 months later giving a testamony of seeing angels.

I've had other experiences, some angels of light some angels of darkness, I've also encountered one angel that I shook his hand ( I might share this one later as others chime in ). I've also encountered what I believe to have been a lost soul, a young lady.

09-12-2015, 12:59 PM
thanks, that is very very up lifting. like you, i have seen many more that i wrote about. i also find that native americans are much easier to talk about things like this to. they deal in the spritual relm all the time and easily accept what i share. their problem a spirit is a spirit and dont look at them from the dark side or Gods side. you are right about working in harmony with each other. the dark side ones do this alot also. i hope their is more input as it is all very uplifting.

09-12-2015, 04:03 PM
Yes. Messengers once, escorts home for a dying child another; didn't " see" them that time but presence was palpable.

09-12-2015, 07:11 PM
not so much angel's, but sometimes a coincident that can't be explained any other way. I get by on a wing and a prayer with my small ranch and there has been several times something that I really need to survive has come my way at just the right time, usually after lots of prayer not for the item but to be show what I should do. not that many years ago during the drought we had I could only find corn stalks for winter feed and had no way to process it so the cows did not waste half of it. after spending what little money I had on feed, I knew I could not get through the winter on the quantity of feed I had unless I could grind it to make it stretch. I was down to 500 bucks in the bank and having serious conversations with the big guy about whether to sell out or try and make it through. went to a local auction yard and they had a really nice pto grinder that was the answer to my prayers but they usually sell for about 15 times what I had, but I somehow ended up at the sale and they started at 4 grand and as I turned to leave the auctioneer said well if nobody wants it for that what will you pay. offered 400 bucks and I was the only bidder out of about 500 people, no way that grinder should have sold for that low a price. took it home and it worked like a top, processed the feed and made it till spring.

09-12-2015, 07:21 PM

09-12-2015, 07:37 PM
I have never actually seen Angles in physical form, but I have seen the dark side and have been saved from the dark side. I have personally seen the acts of the Good Angles.

Yes, God is Real, Jesus is our Savior, ever notice when opening the Bible and reading a few verses they have an immediate meaning, usually to you and yours life.

09-12-2015, 08:35 PM
I have never actually seen Angles in physical form, but I have seen the dark side and have been saved from the dark side. I have personally seen the acts of the Good Angles.

Yes, God is Real, Jesus is our Savior, ever notice when opening the Bible and reading a few verses they have an immediate meaning, usually to you and yours life.Brother, well said! Maranatha, the Lord is coming!

09-12-2015, 08:44 PM
Psalm 34: 7

Hebrews 13:1 This happened to me. Later I knew it was an angel sent with a message from God.

09-12-2015, 09:13 PM
i have to share another experience. i saw the two angels who will carry me away some day. they faced each other and with their touched finger tips they formed a place for me to sit. the one on the left looked in his 20/s, he had a white robe on and had wings. the one on the right i only was allowed to see the outline of him, the one on the left had bronze colored hair and bronze colored skin. he looked about 5-10 tall and about 175 pounds. their wings worked in perfect harmony with each other. i saw that their hands touch and formed a chair for me to sit in. they and i are waiting for that day when i will go home from where i come. they will carry me away. the difference between all the dark angels i have seen and the angels of God who didnt fall away is this. the dark angels no matter how beautiful they were was as cold as ice and had no feeling in their face except contempt and hate. the angels of God were warm and peacefull and loveing. they even spoke to me, the dark angles, they swore at me and told me not to interfear in their business. how ever they had to go when told to in the name of the Lord jesus Christ. they would even snear at me when they left. meat nothing, i know their end and so do they. i could see that they didnt even like each other, they just pretended to. they cast their lot with the wrong team. they are getting nervous as the lake of fire is getting closer for them. their are two kinds from the dark side and i hope some one can expain the two to me. their are the demons, and the fallen angels. ive seen both. the demons are gross and the fallen angles are beautiful but with out emotions except contemptand hate. the demons come in various distored ungly shapes even like those of star wars. the fallen angles look like good angles but no love and again contempt and hate in their eyes and face. the good angles are loveing and warm and of course beautiful. some carry big swords. even the female angles, they also carry big swords. i dont now whyGod has allowed me to look into this world but he has since i was 16 years old and now i am 73 this month. the angel my two youngest saw was large, female and wore a white robe and was beautiful. she was singing, come let us adore him. my children cried when she couldnt be seen any more. thanks to all of you for your post.

09-12-2015, 09:17 PM
No angels but I have seen my parents in my dreams. This went on for years, I looked forward to it. But as the years have passed the dreams have faded. I wish they would come back.

Clay M
09-12-2015, 09:41 PM
My Theology and Greek teacher in seminary described his one experience with angels that was flesh and blood reality. I believe his experience.

Do I believe in angels..Absolutely..

They are beings created by God . Messengers.
We will not become angels when we die..
They are created by God for a purpose..

09-13-2015, 10:09 AM
Have I seen any, no. Do I believe in Angels, you bet!

When my Grandfather died early one morning, I wasn't there, but went to the house asap. When I got there, the funeral home had already been there and the house was empty. I sat in a chair in the living room and finally broke down and started crying (Grandparents became my "parents" after Mom died when I was 18, Father was killed when I was a little boy-K.I.S.) and couldn't stop. I am not someone who cry's easily. In the middle of it all, I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard in my head, a voice ,that told me not to cry, that he is with US and Grandmother is there too, and he is just fine. I was startled and started shaking, but I immediately quit crying. I guess I was kind of happy for him, as I knew he wasn't hurting anymore and that he was where he belonged. Never shed a tear at his services or funeral. No need, because I knew where he was.

Clay M
09-13-2015, 10:26 AM
I had one experience with what I believe was a angel.
I had taken my family on vacation, to a remote beach in Fl.
I had been planning to go in view of a call to a mission church in Whitefish ,MT
As we were standing on the beach a woman appeared dressed in a long white gown.
She started talking with us and said she was from Whitefish ,MT..
I explained my plans for a mission church there..
She said , well if it doesn't work out , God has another work for you to do.
We talked a while ,and then walked away.. I turned and looked back, and she was gone..Vanished
I just stood there staring in amazement for a while..

Yes, I believe she was a messenger from God..
an angel

The church call did not work out, and God had another work for me to do.

09-13-2015, 05:07 PM
Do I believe in Angels, yes I do, but there are people who are not honest and delusional. God will judge those folks.

A few years after Vietnam I was working with a black light in a darken out booth in a very hot factory.
Joe and I take a break. We are sitting drinking our cokes and the conversation changes to Vietnam.
I ask a question Joe says “I don’t want to talk about it” So I stopped. Few minutes pass and we are talking about Nam again. I ask a question, Joe says “I don’t want to talk about it” So I stopped again!
The next thing I know he is giving me graphic details while he is crying. I prayed to God to give me the words to give Joe some peace. He broke down and cried like a baby. I kept praying to god for guidance, I look up and I see an AURORA, like when a flash goes off. I say to Joe do you go to church he says yes in fact I am playing Golf with the pastor in the morning. I laughed and well it sure won’t be Sunday the pastor will be busy. Joes say I haven’t told anyone this and it been over 5yrs. I smiled and said talk to your pastor he will help you find the peace you seek.

Monday we meet in the shop. I said Joe what did your pastor say
Joes says he gave me some bible verses to read, one was Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
I look at Joe with total disbelief. I said wait a minute. As I am pulling out my wallet I say to Joe. I have carried that verse in my wallet for over 10 years you mean to tell me I had the answer the whole time. What are the odds of that? I told him of the AURORA I saw when we were sitting there.

Was it an ANGEL, The HOLY SPIRIT or what. WE were touched by GOD that day. Joes gift of peace and my gift was, that GOD does work in mysterious ways and my faith cannot be shaken . When I struggle I remember that day. Then I thank GOD for his wonderful gifts.

I still carry this verse in my wallet to this very day over 45 years now. On the 2nd one now after the wife washed my wallet.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Vaya con DIOS