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09-10-2015, 11:12 PM
So my job involves moving aircraft parts around the world to NZ to keep the national carrier in the air. This morning over breakfast I had an email exchange with our agent in the US. They have a part to come to Christchurch at measures 10 * 3 * 43 inches. The agent was telling me it had to be sent from Auckland, where the international flight arrives, to Christchurch by truck as 43 inches is too tall for the domestic aircraft. Yes, 43 inches is too tall, he is correct but as I pointed out to him I am 6 feet tall standing up but only 10 inches tall lying down.

I got steaming mad. I often think it is me that has the problem and that my expectations of people are too high so as a litmus test I run a lot of stuff past Kiera (10). I gave her the scenario and almost instantaneously she said "why not lie it down?" http://oldshooters.freeforums.org/images/smilies/clap.gif

I can't believe that this clown thought he would tender a piece of cargo to an airline and that would stand it on it's end for the entire 12000km transit.

09-10-2015, 11:15 PM
On the plus side atleast it is friday for you, still thursday here.

Jerry Jr.

09-11-2015, 12:10 AM
Well, you know what they say about common sense. lol

09-11-2015, 12:22 AM
you should have told him to wait a minute, as you just realized that you entered the dimensions incorrectly and then read them to him backwards. They are downunder there and you didn't take this into account, as it's rather obvious when your on the other side of the equator everything is backwards. Heck even the water in the toilet swirles the other way.....I read it on the internet.

09-11-2015, 02:19 AM
I once picked up a load at a university and was told it would take several hours to load, so it would be best to leave my stepdeck, and come back in the morning, which was fine with me. I drove up the next morning to see they had loaded a flagpole standing probably 25 feet in the air, maybe 30, right in the middle of the trailer. They had to unload over half the trailer to lay it down.

09-11-2015, 02:47 AM
Good thing you have Kiera. She's a Bright one.

Someday when you are old and she is an intelligent woman with a good share of common sense, she too will be bumping into short-sighted, aggravating people. By then, perhaps you will have mellowed with age, and she will be using you as her litmus test.

At least one good thing came of it--it's a wonderful story to share through the years about Kiera.

Close to twenty years ago my wife, three sons, and I were driving across Oregon's high desert. Our youngest son was five(?) years old. We were enjoying the scenery and watching for antelope when he broke the silence with, "What if this all is just a dream inside a dream?" I hope I never forget that moment.

09-11-2015, 03:20 AM
This does not even rise to the level of 'critical thinking.'

09-11-2015, 03:43 AM
Sorry your agent in the US is an Obama supporter. Some of us still use our brains.

William Yanda
09-11-2015, 05:52 AM
Someone here has a tag line about stupid. In this case I believe it applies.
Hold that thought. Several have such tags, all apply.

09-11-2015, 08:54 AM

09-11-2015, 10:17 AM
Sorta sounds to me that your US agent is a recent graduate of Obama U school of common sense.Robert

09-11-2015, 10:23 AM
Jeff, If you havent noticed there is a complete and total absence of common sense in todays younger people......

09-11-2015, 10:37 AM
stupid.... like last year when they introduced the IPhone 5 and someone posted you could charge it by placing in the microwave
hundreds of Iphones were ruined by stupid people

Ballistics in Scotland
09-11-2015, 11:10 AM
I expect the dimensions had been entered on a form that said l x b x h, and he was reading off what his computer said for the height column. I suppose your reaction should depend on whether the rules said it had to be under 43in. long.

09-11-2015, 11:22 AM
Jeff, see tag line below. Cheers Tim

"Stupid Hurts!"

09-11-2015, 11:27 AM
Just a wild guess here, but I bet the last time that package was standing so it was 43" tall was when the box was taped shut....

Ballistics in Scotland
09-11-2015, 12:42 PM
you should have told him to wait a minute, as you just realized that you entered the dimensions incorrectly and then read them to him backwards. They are downunder there and you didn't take this into account, as it's rather obvious when your on the other side of the equator everything is backwards. Heck even the water in the toilet swirles the other way.....I read it on the internet.

I doubt that. I made frequent trips to the toilet on a flight from Bombay to Mauritius for that very reason, and it never changed. Mind you, I preferred to watch the washbasin.

We can speculate on the clerk's intellectual qualities, the nature of the forms, and whether he prefers to work lying down. Any of these might be true. It amazes me that people think they can divine his age or political affiliations though. If it was due to the spark of human intelligence burning low, it seems most likely to be low all his life without improvement.

bruce drake
09-11-2015, 12:50 PM
Kinda grouchy in your old age Jeff... ;)

09-11-2015, 01:18 PM
Jeff, see my tag line over at the CBA. If you don't think too good, don't think too much! lol Gp

09-11-2015, 03:35 PM
Kinda grouchy in your old age Jeff... ;)

The short answer is YES. It was that kinda week.

In addition to the above I couldn't find anyone in the cargo division the other that could tell me the maximum permissible length that will go in an A320 bulk cargo hold. In frustration I found a tape measure, walked over the maintenance hangar, climbed inside the belly of the A320 being serviced and measured it for myself. 330cm is the answer in case you were wondering. 350cm if you can get it diagonal.

Regaling my boss with the tale of yesterday she asked 'when does Kiera want to begin her internship?'. :-)

09-11-2015, 04:00 PM

After I slammed the phone down a few decades back, swearing at the moron on the phone, for some now long
forgotten stupidity...... a friend and coworker said, over the cube wall ,"Bill, Bill, Bill, relax.." Which irritated me and
made me laugh at the same time. Walking around the cubical wall to his cube, I laughingly explained about the idiot that I
was dealing with, and he pointed out a truism which is sad, true and, unfortunately, not going to change.

"There are not enough smart people to go around, so for a lot of jobs we are just going to have to use
stupid people. It isn't going to change. Get over it."

DARN IT! He is and was right. Sad to say.


09-11-2015, 04:14 PM
what was that again ? .... OH YES ! now I remember .
"and here's your sign !" .....[smilie=1:

09-11-2015, 05:36 PM
I saw a girl at Walmart yesterday that was taller lying down than she was standing up.

09-11-2015, 07:32 PM
I saw a girl at Walmart yesterday that was taller lying down than she was standing up.

LOL. That's gold.

09-11-2015, 07:42 PM
I once picked up a load at a university and was told it would take several hours to load, so it would be best to leave my stepdeck, and come back in the morning, which was fine with me. I drove up the next morning to see they had loaded a flagpole standing probably 25 feet in the air, maybe 30, right in the middle of the trailer. They had to unload over half the trailer to lay it down.
bwahahahaha...now that is a good one. I think we all have had some real winners

09-11-2015, 09:57 PM
Sad, glad it's the weekend now! This thread wore me out!

09-11-2015, 10:17 PM

09-11-2015, 11:33 PM
I once picked up a load at a university and was told it would take several hours to load, so it would be best to leave my stepdeck, and come back in the morning, which was fine with me. I drove up the next morning to see they had loaded a flagpole standing probably 25 feet in the air, maybe 30, right in the middle of the trailer. They had to unload over half the trailer to lay it down.

Unbelievable! How do they get through life?

09-12-2015, 04:22 AM
It amazes me that people think they can divine his age or political affiliations though.

If you want to hear some Obama supporters...


09-12-2015, 09:02 AM
If you want to hear some Obama supporters...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84rcCm1VbZI&list=PLxsYWvsjUA-EwkGmmf5BQwlcolCe5KvszI watched all I could stand and realized I just found the other half.http://castboolits.gunloads.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=148718&d=1442024085&thumb=1 . So that's where the Post Turtle came from.http://castboolits.gunloads.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=148749&stc=1&d=1442062702

09-12-2015, 04:17 PM
So my job involves moving aircraft parts around the world to NZ to keep the national carrier in the air. This morning over breakfast I had an email exchange with our agent in the US. They have a part to come to Christchurch at measures 10 * 3 * 43 inches. The agent was telling me it had to be sent from Auckland, where the international flight arrives, to Christchurch by truck as 43 inches is too tall for the domestic aircraft. Yes, 43 inches is too tall, he is correct but as I pointed out to him I am 6 feet tall standing up but only 10 inches tall lying down.

I got steaming mad. I often think it is me that has the problem and that my expectations of people are too high so as a litmus test I run a lot of stuff past Kiera (10). I gave her the scenario and almost instantaneously she said "why not lie it down?" http://oldshooters.freeforums.org/images/smilies/clap.gif

I can't believe that this clown thought he would tender a piece of cargo to an airline and that would stand it on it's end for the entire 12000km transit.

I was in the local bagel shop and asked for a half dozen bagels and a half pound of cream cheese. The woman behind the counter said "...sorry sir, we olny have the 8 ounce size cream cheese."
Nice to know stupidity is world wide.

09-12-2015, 09:16 PM
I once picked up a load at a university and was told it would take several hours to load, so it would be best to leave my stepdeck, and come back in the morning, which was fine with me. I drove up the next morning to see they had loaded a flagpole standing probably 25 feet in the air, maybe 30, right in the middle of the trailer. They had to unload over half the trailer to lay it down.

Is that what they mean by "higher education" ...:roll:

09-12-2015, 09:39 PM
you should have told him to wait a minute, as you just realized that you entered the dimensions incorrectly and then read them to him backwards. They are downunder there and you didn't take this into account, as it's rather obvious when your on the other side of the equator everything is backwards. Heck even the water in the toilet swirles the other way.....I read it on the internet.

Sort of along this line of thought, I used to run the local hardware store with my Dad. We of course repaired storm windows, sold glass cut to size for the Do it your self types. It was always fun when someone would ask for a piece of glass say 14" x 22" to cut it, then hold it up and say darn I cut it 22 x 14... amazing how many would say "That won't work".......
You just can't make this stuff up.

09-12-2015, 10:04 PM
Sounds like some of the people I worked with. "Mary, this monitor is on fire... what should I do?" TURN IT OFF for starters lol that usually made the high voltage transformer quit the light show and flames.

09-12-2015, 10:07 PM
I'm thinking the fella got messed up when he was converting metric to US and vice versa. Lost the decimal point or some such.

09-12-2015, 10:36 PM
Beckworth Training had a saying that has stuck with me.

Can Be Fixed
Is Forever

This forum is in the business of fixing ignorance and has educated a lot of smart people who happened to be ignorant about the subject of Cast Boolits. Occasionally someone comes along with a a case of terminal stupid and even though we try we can't seem to make a dent.

Keep on fixing ignorance you are making a difference.