View Full Version : Bll

09-07-2015, 03:08 PM
with 4 oz lee alox how much Johnson liquid wax will I need to use

09-07-2015, 03:25 PM
60% Alox to 40% Johnson's Liquid wax. So I come up with 1.6 ounces of Johnson's

09-07-2015, 03:30 PM
Call it 2.7 oz. If the alox is really thick like mine it wouldn't hurt to use a little more.

jmort: .6x6.7=4.0 .4x6.7=2.7

09-07-2015, 04:44 PM
My previous post was in error (Oh, the shame of it[smilie=1:). Using Ben's ratio of 60% Alox and 40% of Johnson's Liquid wax, I FINALLY, remembered my algebra. The Johnson's is 2/3 the amount of Alox.

2/3 x 4.0 (ounces of Lee Liquid Alox)= 2.664 (round off to 2.7) as others have reported. So, 4.0 ounces of Lee Liquid Alox mixed with 2.7 ounces of Johnsons Liquid Wax is correct. (Jeesch!)

Now, I feel "all better"...


09-07-2015, 05:21 PM
Oldcanadice has it right. Look at jmort's post - the amount of JLW is just 2/3 of the amount of Alox. 2/3 of 4 ounces is 2.7 ounces.

The 40% proportion of JLW means 40% of the total quantity of mixture, as in Post #3, not 40% of the amount of Alox.

09-07-2015, 07:11 PM
6.7 ounces of BLL would have 4.02 ounces of Alox and 2.68 ounces of liquid wax. So I was wrong.

09-08-2015, 09:03 AM
thanks for the information

09-08-2015, 07:23 PM
Thanks. I needed that awhile back... I didn't get it right. But it is still working for me.

09-08-2015, 09:32 PM
Fellows ,

We don't have to do it with an algebraic equation !

Fill a bottle 60 % full with Lee Liquid Alox.
Next, fill the bottle to the top with One Step Wax.
Shake for 20 seconds and use.

See, how simple that is ?

09-09-2015, 10:21 AM
See, how simple that is ?
Ben you take all the fun out of it!

09-09-2015, 10:55 AM
my problem is I only have 4oz alox and no container that it will fill to 60%

09-09-2015, 11:38 AM
I had a older unopened bottle of LLA that was really thick, some solvents evaporated no doubt. I emptied the Lee bottle the best I could into a pint canning jar, then just started adding One Step Wax in small doses (and shaking the jar) til the mixture was about the consistency of coca cola, as prescribed by Ben.

09-09-2015, 04:30 PM
How much Coca Cola?:bigsmyl2:

09-09-2015, 04:45 PM
I cheat, I admit it.

I empty my new alox bottle, empty it as well as possible, pour bottle 3/4 full of johnsons one step. Shake well. Empty into the same container you put the alox. Shake well again. Pour back into alox bottle.

I use a clean Ragu jar for mixxing and storage. I am now up to 2 empty alox bottles, so jar gets emptyed, lid put on and put away for next time.

From what I have seen a bit too much one step does not hurt anything! If anything they dry a tad faster.

I have gone as high as 60-40 he wrong way. (Ok, OK, I'll admit it, I copied the recipe into a file by memory and got the % reversed)

Still worked.

09-10-2015, 10:30 PM
If your Lee Alox seems thick, dip the bottle into some hot water. Warming up the alox seems to make it mix better if its thick. This lube is hard to screw up. Ben had a brilliant inspiration finding this!

Ed C

09-12-2015, 11:52 AM
i added way to little one step to my first batch of bll.

i added rougly the correct amount back to the bottle to get it to 2.7/4 and its much more pleasant to work with.

i take one more step down in the lazy train department, i dont lay the bullets out till the last coat. i just leave them in the shaker tub.

my rifle bullets get 3 coats before the GC gets added, then it gets pushed on the back, i get one more solid lube groove!

01-09-2016, 05:50 PM
That clear plastic Ketchup bottle Ben recommended you use. And a Magic Marker.
I put a Mark at 2.25 Inches up from the bottom. That is the Fill Line for the Lee Alox.
Put another Fill Line 1.5 Inches above that (3.75 Inches from the Bottom) That is the Fill Line for the Liquid Johnsons Floor Wax. Add a ball bearing or a 357 HP Bullet for an agitator and you are set.
It does take more than a small bottle of Alox to hit the Fill Line.

I filled the sink with Hot Water and put 2 bottles in to limber up. In 20 minutes or so it would pretty much all pour out. I cut the top off to get the last small amount out of the first bottle. And topped off to the Fill Line with the second bottle.

Bob R

Bob Maerdian
01-09-2016, 09:13 PM
Hello all,

I read posts from geargnasher and btroj some time ago about the Johnson's floor wax and Lee liquid Alox and it sure looked simple and great to make and use. I made some up and used some with good results. Then I put the container back in the old refrigator where I keep a bunch of loading supplies and forgot about it for a while. I went looking for it, found it but the Johnson's floorwas had evaporated and I had about a half bottle of LLA left in the bottle. It was pretty hard, so I added a bunch more of the floor was and have been shaking like mad to liquify it all again.

Has anyone else had this experience with it? How did you deal with it? I like this stuff but I don't like it evaporating and having to make it up again. Do you have any suggestions to keep it from evaporating?

01-09-2016, 09:17 PM
As much as I admire Ian/geargnasher and btroj, they did not create this, Ben did, which is why it is called Ben' Liquid Lube. This exact issue was covered by Ben in the BLL thread. Look at post #805 on page 41 here:

Jeff Houck
01-09-2016, 10:34 PM
Hello all,

I read posts from geargnasher and btroj some time ago about the Johnson's floor wax and Lee liquid Alox and it sure looked simple and great to make and use. I made some up and used some with good results. Then I put the container back in the old refrigerator where I keep a bunch of loading supplies and forgot about it for a while. I went looking for it, found it but the Johnson's floor wax had evaporated and I had about a half bottle of LLA left in the bottle. It was pretty hard, so I added a bunch more of the floor was and have been shaking like mad to liquefy it all again.

Has anyone else had this experience with it? How did you deal with it? I like this stuff but I don't like it evaporating and having to make it up again. Do you have any suggestions to keep it from evaporating?

I keep it glass with a sealing lid and don't have any evaporation problems.

01-09-2016, 11:47 PM
As much as I admire Ian/geargnasher and btroj, they did not create this, Ben did, which is why it is called Ben' Liquid Lube. This exact issue was covered by Ben in the BLL thread. Look at post #805 on page 41 here:

Entirely true.

This was all Ben. Great lube by the way. I have used it a bit myself and plan to test it in more cartridges.

thanks for clearing the air, Ben deserves credit.

01-10-2016, 12:05 AM
Thanks Jmort and Btroj,

Fellows .....for me, it isn't about who gets the credit, it is about all of you enjoying an easy to make and easy to use bullet lube.

There are only 2 components to mix together. You don't have to heat anything.

Buy the two components mix, as per the instructions, shake for 20-25 seconds. BINGO ! ! You're done.

As has already been stressed, it MUST be kept in a 100% air tight container.

I hope that all of you enjoy it.


01-10-2016, 02:13 PM
If it evaporates, I might suggest redisolving it with something more like mineral spirits than the floor wax. Reason being that only the solvent has evaporated, whereas adding more Johnson's wax will also add more wax to the solution and may affect the performance of the lube.

01-10-2016, 02:58 PM
Correct, the " carrier " not the wax left.

So, the " carrier " is the only thing that needs replacing.

It needs to flow like COKE out of a bottle.


01-10-2016, 11:13 PM
My mixing protocol is to get a container and strike off 10 equally spaced marks up the side. If the instructions call for 60% of this & 40% of that, I pour in the first item up 6 marks and finish off the mix up to the 10 mark. Viola.

01-11-2016, 06:07 AM
I took 3 of the 4 oz bottles of Lee Liquid Alox, poured them in the container. Then poured Johnsons Liquid Floor Wax into 2 of the empty bottles and poured those into the container.

01-11-2016, 07:52 AM
My mixing protocol is to get a container and strike off 10 equally spaced marks up the side. If the instructions call for 60% of this & 40% of that, I pour in the first item up 6 marks and finish off the mix up to the 10 mark. Viola.

Now that will work ! !

William Yanda
01-11-2016, 08:47 AM
Ben, you make it too easy! purple font off

01-11-2016, 08:13 PM

Some of these lube recipes require a graduate degree in chemical engineering.

A 3rd grader can make BLL.


Jeff Houck
01-11-2016, 11:27 PM

Some of these lube recipes require a graduate degree in chemical engineering.

A 3rd grader can make BLL.

3rd Grader!? Dang it - I knew I should have stayed in school longer. :violin: Now I gotta get the little kid next door to come over and do it for me. :shock: