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08-31-2015, 08:00 PM
I did a little experiment today . It was different but the same . As predicted the negative angry dark description of a generally pleasant weekend received nearly 3x the views and over 600% of the replies of the happy feel good post . I say that's a damned shame . It's getting worse here all the time . Really who cares about a 9 poll bump , there's a little row of numbers representative of the pages available click #2 ....... crumbs I broke a nail just writing this.

Are we all so miserable that we can't see the or don't want to see any hint of light ?
I'm about to quit my 2-5 x a day check ins just because if I want misery all I have to do is look to my coworkers and management.

Suck it up ,you're breathing on your own ,both feet are on top ,the vast majority aren't deathly I'll or facing a death sentence and can get around the house if nothing else . Maybe what yall need to do is childishly take an hour and marvel at a danged sunrise or sunset and watch the stars go out or come up .

08-31-2015, 08:12 PM
Wasn't a 9 poll bump, more like a 35 poll bump all at once. Just to irritate others.

Just the facts.

08-31-2015, 09:09 PM
You the board wonders why members like Jim, Trey, 101 etc have disappeared.

Clay M
08-31-2015, 09:25 PM
Success is what you make of it in life. I have to stay positive to survive. To me, being a successful guitarist, is having someone say they enjoyed what I played.
The world is what it is, I can only answer success for myself.
If I chose the wrong path, I only have myself to blame.

I still have the inspiration to going back to college and becoming a licensed counselor .

I am pretty old, but I love learning new things ,and the prospect of being able to help other people
with the time I have left.

I love a challenge, and this is it..

To play jazz guitar, cast bullets, and progress with the time I have left. Whatever that may be.

My parents died of Alzheimer's when they were 70 and 74..

I try to challenge my mind with new learning every day.

08-31-2015, 09:30 PM
Why are so many hung up on who has left? That's the natural course for all boards. People post for a few years and then move on. If this place was static it would be very boring.

Getting upset because people chose to post in threads you didn't find "worthy" is foolish. Everyone has different tastes. I didn't find those threads negative. I did find the actions of Wilco to be very negative. But I'm not a mod so there is nothing I can do about it......except post in threads like this :laugh:

country gent
08-31-2015, 09:31 PM
Negativity draws crowds just like nascar wrecks. Most have forgotten to look for the good and see the forest for the trees. I go to the carry out once a day to pick up odds and ends flirt with the ladies running the cash register, ( if its slow time we may sit out by the door and enjoy a pop and conversation) most days there is a new bunny by my truck and hes growing fast I always talk to him as I walk out, I can walk up to about 5-8 feet from him now, lol. People have forgotten to notice all the beauty around them, the sky dark and star filled slowly turning to grey the red then the first actual morning light. Or as the Sun fades from the sky and stars begin to twinkle. A positive post gets some replies and some positive remarks. A poll with problems issues or unhappy gets way more.

08-31-2015, 09:33 PM
Doesn't matter how many it was . Point is there's too many of us that see a narcissistic attention ***** instead of possibly a cry for help or someone who is just trying to lighten things up . My weekend posts make the point crystal clear. The 1 about 1st class service and good scores at the thrift stores is now off of page 1 and still no atta boy while the 1 addressing the server that was always at the table so you barely got to eat in peace and the prices were high gets several replies .

The point has nothing to do with silly polls , it has to do with the angry negative tone of the board and people getting all twisted up over stupid dung that doesn't matter . I could write angry posts all day about all the people that can't grasp that 9mm/38/357 are capable of using 1 bullet . I choose to look at it in the light .

08-31-2015, 09:52 PM
I could write angry posts all day about all the people that can't grasp that 9mm/38/357 are capable of using 1 bullet.
Now you're just talking crazy.

09-01-2015, 03:52 AM
Well reading all the post on your thread, 4 people posted, myself twice, and I told you I liked your first thread better, nothing negative there.
1 was something about weed, negative to some apparently pure heaven to some, so that would be your call. lol
1 only said was you made a point, I wouldn't say that was negative.
1 was just letting you know where to get a better deal on some glasses, thinking you weren't happy with the price, I have to assume he didn't know about the experiment.
Oh yea 1 was about bad traffic, so pretty mich negative, but all in all I would say your thread responses were basically pretty positive.
I had read your first happy thread, sounde like you enjoyed the weekend, but didn't respond mainly because I have never been to scheels or any of the other places you mentioned, I have been to cabellas, but imagine my suprise when I got there thinking I was headed to BOOMTOWN, where I always parked and waited till the last minute I could to deliver in Cali, and comebachk there as fast as i could to wait for another load, as I didn't spend anymore time in Cali as I had to and ero money there. There now you have a negative post. lol

Come to think of it I may have been in a thrift (antigue) store or two that you mentioned. My wife and I spent a couple of days there in a 4 wheeler once, and hit the antique stores (the ones we found). I don't recall any names, but my FIL has a fishing room in his house, and I did find a nice antique fly reel in one of them, pretty good price too iirc.
Now were batting 50/50 negative to positive again, HAPPY now. lol

09-01-2015, 08:53 AM
Starmac the Legend says Sheels started as an Alaskan outfitter but every picture of early store fronts seem to be No Dakota. In thinking about it it is probably just Herter's salesmanship. It's on the other end of Reno in Sparks just outside Western Village and Serria Sids . The camping gear is missing but it is otherwise Cabelas/Sportsman's Warehouse x25,000 Sq ft.

I'm over it ,the Monday blues are behind me, a major stress issue is being resolved as I write this , the new body dump is easier to get into than it looked like it would be and the new Lyman tool works as expected.

We will now return to my normal happy self. Thank you for your patience.

09-01-2015, 12:26 PM
If it makes you feel any better, I poasted a thread the other day with a news link about a cop that killed an innocent bystander shooting at a perp running from him with a toy gun, it as far as I know never got the first response.

Ya just never know. lol

09-01-2015, 05:17 PM
Somethings I just don't wanna touch. :~) i just like reading mostly.