View Full Version : What would you do as a Mod?

08-28-2015, 02:32 PM

08-28-2015, 02:34 PM
Probably end up getting banned for arguing with myself.

08-28-2015, 03:21 PM

08-28-2015, 03:26 PM
Definitely put an end to your asinine polls.

08-28-2015, 03:42 PM
I concure with NavyVet.

Love Life
08-28-2015, 03:47 PM
I'd promise a Star on every bench, and a Dillon in every garage.

08-28-2015, 03:52 PM
Remind folks that this is a cast boolit site first and foremost. The other drama does not add but detracts from the site.

08-28-2015, 03:59 PM
Get a section to place all polls after 30 days of them being put into whatever original section. That way it would make it easier to find the 'obsolete' ones.

08-28-2015, 04:00 PM
I'd suggest that Wilco find something better to to. Your'e clogging up this whole sub-forum with BS.

08-28-2015, 04:08 PM
Get a section to place all polls after 30 days of them being put into whatever original section. That way it would make it easier to find the 'obsolete' ones.

I try to bump them to the top once in a while. It's funny how the old one's get more play on the third or fourth time.

08-28-2015, 04:18 PM
Ban Polls, Auctions, Polls, Obese Woman Pics in the Pit, and last, but certainly not least, Polls.

Sorry bud, but it got really old, a really really long time ago, and you asked,,,,,

One a week, on a timely, pertinent subject would make a poll something to look forward to IMO.

08-28-2015, 04:19 PM
I bring back the random facebook thread.

08-28-2015, 04:24 PM
Ban Polls, Auctions, Obese Woman Pics in the Pit...


08-28-2015, 04:37 PM
I like big women.Hehe

Love Life
08-28-2015, 04:42 PM
I like big women.Hehe

So do I.

08-28-2015, 04:45 PM

08-28-2015, 04:45 PM
First thing I would do is triple my salary ... cause 3 times Nothing is FAR better ::bigsmyl2:

08-28-2015, 04:47 PM
first thing i would do is triple my salary ... Cause 3 times nothing is far better ::bigsmyl2:


08-28-2015, 05:02 PM
Apply S&S rules to polls!

08-28-2015, 05:24 PM
Remove your poll posting privileges. Nothing personal but you asked. A fricken' dozen polls about nothing? Really?

08-28-2015, 05:27 PM
Remove your poll posting privileges. Nothing personal but you asked. A fricken' dozen polls about nothing? Really?

Sounds personal. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/eating/hamburger-waving-hello-smiley-emoticon.gif

Bent Ramrod
08-28-2015, 07:07 PM
I would be King of the Forum, Moderating wisely, truly and well. And then there would be some changes around here, viz:

Be it here known to all that the reason there is a powder, primer, brass, wheelweight, .22RF and other shooting-related shortage is because of Me. Long ago I met with Kaiser Soze, George Soros, the Koch Brothers, certain Mideast Oil Shiekhs, a selection of Russian Oligarchs and the Triads. A deal was proposed, palms were crossed with silver and agreements were made. I obtained funding to buy up all the available shooting stuff I could locate and store it in a Rental Locker in an unnamed city in an undisclosed country. Sometimes we all go over there, have our bodyguards chase away the half-starved dogs that roam the location, unlock and roll up the door, and just stand there and gloat over it.

So no more threads about the Shortages need be started anymore. Certainly threads which inform where some of this stuff can still be found are welcome (particularly by me and my backers), but the general queries to no other purpose can stop taking up bandwidth.

All threads over three months old will have an Emoticon of a zombie rising from its grave over there where that row of stars currently takes up space to no purpose. All threads over six months old will have an Emoticon of a vampire rising out of its coffin. If the new posting does not significantly add to the content of the thread, the zombie or vampire will wear one of those belled coxcombs on its head. Those of us with CRS need to know which threads are truly up to date and which ones aren't.

Any argument made that certain guns are inferior in workmanship or quality of materials to others of the same pattern will need supporting data to show that this is indeed the case. For instance, "soft parts" will need Brinnell, Charpy and other hardness and fracture testing, on a representative sample (say ten of them) against a similar number of tests made on the supposedly superior parts, so the data can be seen by all. Poor fitting, bad polishing, undue wear and other cosmetic features will be photographed. Internal problems will need chamber casts and barrel measurements to the half thousandth. Accuracy claims will need the usual bench group testing at stated ranges, with pertinent statistical and weather data included.

In a similar vein, any argument made that certain guns wind up costing just as much or more than other guns of the same pattern, despite the catalog price comparisons, will need fiduciary data to back this up. This will not be limited to the catalog price or MSRP, but must include the cost of whatever additions are needed to bring either item up to the out of the box condition of the other one, such as cheek pieces, forend tips, checkering, finish, wood grade, sights, and so forth. Any extra costs for leaving features off that would ordinarily be on the gun would also be added, if they exist. Taxes, import duties, fees and other hidden costs must be added to each gun as applicable to arrive at a fair total for comparison. Finally, an intelligent analysis of the fluctuation of the relative value of the Euro vs the Dollar over a period of time (say the past five years up to the present) and a prediction of where this relative value is likely to go over the next six months, based on the data, will be necessary.

Data will also be needed to illustrate any arguments about how anything shoots. Photos of targets will be needed to judge whether a gun, powder, powder substitute, boolit design, alloy, primer or whatever actually shoots well, and the distances shown. Everybody has a smart phone or tablet now, so this cannot be any hardship any more. Assertions of "good accuracy," "bad accuracy," "MOA accuracy," and so forth need documentation. Any downside that is insisted upon, such as excessive leading, need for cleaning, and so forth, needs similar supporting data.

The Pit area will be off limits to anyone who actually has anything of technical value to impart in the other threads. The Moderators' Committee will meet in secret every six months to determine, from the overall quality of their postings, who has permission to enter the Pit. (Anyone who gives any indication that they think this is some kind of emolument, perk, award or privilege, will only be allowed to post in the Pit from then on.) We can't continue to lose good, technically savvy people because they insist on going to the Pit and getting their feelings hurt or engaging in exchanges frowned on by the Rules. All should remember that there are Bars, Saloons and Taverns on about every street corner where arguments can escalate to abuse, and they can be beat up and thrown out of those places with no loss to the shooting community here.

I invite any suggestions for additions to this list, and will give all submissions my due consideration. I may even come up with a few more myself.

08-28-2015, 07:26 PM
There is a myth or urban legend or whatever that The Pit is the root of all that is bad and wrong here. To me, the majority, best and brightest, who have left, did so over arguments about ballistics especially of late. Where are cbrick, btroj, geargnasher et al. ?????? Started their own forum. 45.1.1 got banned and he was most a useful member. cbrick was seriously useful. Ben now scarce. The boys from the Michigan Liars Club gone or scarce. We are far worse off with these members/former members gone or essentially gone as opposed to The Pit causing members to leave or be banned.

08-28-2015, 07:30 PM
"What would you do as a Mod?"

About What?

08-28-2015, 09:06 PM
I would improve the signal/noise ratio.

08-28-2015, 09:26 PM
There are to many things that are vague and to many old boys clubs. I'd go into details but that would lead to an infraction. I've been a moderator on forums that have a lot more members, w/ a drastically younger median age, and active threads then here. The mods here are unable to stay unbiased and it really shows. There is no way I'd want to be a mod here. To many grown men acting like children.

08-28-2015, 09:31 PM
I'd expand the pit to another level, where anything goes except profanity & porn.
No cry babies allowed, a place where the cry babies get banned.
It would be like cage fighting, only with words, if you can't put up a good fight, you should stay away. A place where you take the punches and like it or stay out.

08-28-2015, 10:19 PM
i'd expend the pit to another level, where anything goes except profanity & porn.
No cry babies allowed, a place where the cry babies get banned.
It would be like cage fighting, only with words, if you can't put up a good fight, you should stay away. A place where you take the punches and like it or stay out.

Long Live USENET !!!

Katya Mullethov
08-28-2015, 10:25 PM
Reinstate prima nocta

08-28-2015, 10:51 PM
Sounds personal. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/eating/hamburger-waving-hello-smiley-emoticon.gif

Downright hostile.

Really though, get off my lawn.

08-29-2015, 12:55 AM
Reinstate prima nocta
People in high places would die.

08-29-2015, 06:02 AM
Definitely put an end to your asinine polls.
....as would I.

08-29-2015, 08:08 AM
I try to bump them to the top once in a while. It's funny how the old one's get more play on the third or fourth time.


08-29-2015, 01:49 PM
What would you do as a Mod?
Lock every poll that currently exists on this website if it was authored by WILCO.

( ... you asked ... wanna ask what I would do next ? ... )

08-29-2015, 01:57 PM
Order Chinese takeout.

08-29-2015, 05:30 PM
I would encourage you to do more pointless polls. Then I would ban everyone that participated. Starting with myself for this post. I would use the free time from being banned to track poll creators and participants down across the internet and urinate in their entire powder supply, even that really dusty jug of whatever that is buried way in the back. Rub salt on their reloading press to encourage corrosion if I did not approve of that color on the reloading bench, assuming I survived that (a highly doubtful proposition, ok being honest surviving it would be a miracle worthy of papal notice).

So since I would probably be in the hereafter for my valiant efforts to annoy people with guns if I am spending eternity in heaven due to my contrition at participation in a poll and retribution on those that continued in their sinful ways. I will spend that time sitting by the pearly gates laughing as poll creators and political pollsters and the people that comment on polls all get turned away and cast down into the fiery pit for all eternity.

If on the other hand there is no redemption or contrition that can atone for poll participation I will be doomed to spending all eternity as a Moderator of a forum devoted to polls on meaningless issues and questions that are extremely popular with Wilco, his poll followers and fans. Who will all be there with me.

08-29-2015, 05:39 PM
I would put an end to the stupid rule that only 3 item are allowed a month in the for sale section, I always listed here first to give guys a chance at what I had no reason to keep, but I think I will sell else where from now on.

08-29-2015, 06:23 PM
I would put an end to the stupid rule that only 3 item are allowed a month in the for sale section, I always listed here first to give guys a chance at what I had no reason to keep, but I think I will sell else where from now on.

It's five items per thread, three threads allowed for a total of 15 items.

08-29-2015, 07:41 PM
Why is my wife on here? Been a mod and admin. What id do to polls would be internet legend. 😀

08-29-2015, 07:42 PM
Reinstate prima nocta
Ooooo... with wilco?

08-29-2015, 08:04 PM
Oh no. wilco didn't ride off on a horse and come back as god, did he. lol

08-30-2015, 01:03 AM
Oh no. wilco didn't ride off on a horse and come back as god, did he. lol

Nope. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/eating/hamburger-waving-hello-smiley-emoticon.gif

08-30-2015, 01:15 AM
What would I do? That is a good question.

08-30-2015, 11:05 AM
I would be King of the Forum, Moderating wisely, truly and well. And then there would be some changes around here, viz:

Be it here known to all that the reason there is a powder, primer, brass, wheelweight, .22RF and other shooting-related shortage is because of Me... Sometimes we all go over there, have our bodyguards chase away the half-starved dogs that roam the location, unlock and roll up the door, and just stand there and gloat over it.

All threads over three months old will have an Emoticon of a zombie rising from its grave

Any argument made that certain guns are inferior in workmanship or quality of materials to others of the same pattern will need supporting data to show that this is indeed the case.

Data will also be needed to illustrate any arguments about how anything shoots.

The Pit area will be off limits to anyone who actually has anything of technical value to impart in the other threads. The Moderators' Committee will meet in secret every six months to determine, from the overall quality of their postings, who has permission to enter the Pit.

Hmm, for the first, why not be like Scrooge McDuck and dive into a pile of loose 22LR rounds?

Can mere users lock threads? I wanted to zip up the .32 for bear after it got a little off-track and I couldn't...

Empirical data wins. My surfing through the period articles in the 1870s to 1930 uses attribution and links to the original (if not too difficult).

The Pit is a bit odd. My point of view is that everything has been slimed with political intrigue past where SOMEONE is going to react to a supposed stab at whatever party or group they follow. So do we all hunker down in a fetal position, put our arms around our knees, and rock back and forth while whimpering? For example: Is mentioning a bad deal which most likely going to get a lot more innocent people killed, maybe even people we know, something that is banned from Our Town? (I don't think the Cruz/Trump take on the Iran "deal" was moved, no harm no foul)

Lastly, can we kill polls? I set one up in Test, might be gone by now, but it was like a honey pot, it didn't even have a real question... or maybe other people can read (what's left of) my mind...


Lloyd Smale
09-02-2015, 10:59 AM
sure wouldn't ask me in the first place. I tend to tell it like it is and some don't like that.

james nicholson
10-26-2015, 06:54 PM
They should make Wilco a Mod, that would reduce his free time

Iowa Fox
10-26-2015, 07:05 PM
I'd promise a Star on every bench, and a Dillon in every garage.

I'll vote for you Love Life.

10-26-2015, 07:19 PM
Id take a poll, once a month, as to whether or not wilco should be able to post a poll for the month, and the ayes and nays would have their say. Leave it to the common people you see.

10-26-2015, 08:31 PM
I'd promise a Star on every bench, and a Dillon in every garage.

I like my Dillon's in the house!

I also like the idea of 30 or 60 days and move the Poll to a Poll Home

10-26-2015, 09:26 PM
Free beer and hot wings!

10-26-2015, 11:21 PM
Awww man! Did I miss the memo to pile on WILCO for no apparent reason... again? :coffee:

10-26-2015, 11:25 PM
Free beer and hot wings!
You got my vote!

Love Life
10-27-2015, 08:04 AM
Awww man! Did I miss the memo to pile on WILCO for no apparent reason... again? :coffee:

WILCO dog pile? I'm in!

10-27-2015, 08:33 AM
Institute a "Poll Tax" by Executive Order . . . .

bruce drake
10-27-2015, 10:37 AM
Finally get time to do all my cast bullet projects...