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08-28-2015, 08:10 AM
You've probably already recieved this, but if not you should take the poll anyway.

Some of you say, yeah but Tim! Everytime I look sideways at the NRA they're trying to trick me into sending more money!
OK, well that's true, but A. It's for your own good, B. you're making your voice heard, C. They only hit you up after your poll has been submitted safe and sound, and D. It's fun darn it!

08-28-2015, 09:04 AM
I'll support the N.R.A. when they roll back all these oppressive gun laws.

08-28-2015, 09:18 AM
And you honestly don't think this has been happening?

If each and every gun owner would support the NRA there would be no oppressive gun laws to worry about.

The logic of supporting after the fact is just amazing to say the least.

08-28-2015, 10:09 AM
And you honestly don't think this has been happening?

If each and every gun owner would support the NRA there would be no oppressive gun laws to worry about.

The logic of supporting after the fact is just amazing to say the least.

I agree with this 100%

Larry Gibson
08-28-2015, 10:13 AM
"They".....who is "they"..........

How about "we"?..........if you're not part of "we" then what standing do you have to complain about what "they" do or don't do?

When it comes to anti-gun repressive legislation and rolling back the laws on the books the NRA is the "Kryptonite"........Seems to me that's who "they" is. As mentioned, every gun owner shoul be an NRA member or at least support the NRA with however much you can afford.

Larry Gibson

08-28-2015, 10:27 AM
What jc said is the way to go. I spend more on ONE supper at a local diner than my annual dues.

08-28-2015, 10:35 AM
I took the poll, but wonder what usable information it might yield for the NRA. They seem like pretty basic ideas.

I can understand people not belonging to the NRA because they are cheap, but not on principal. If the NRA isn't doing what or as much as you want them to, join and increase the numbers. If every gun owner belonged to the NRA we'd be getting rid of gun control laws. There is no stronger advocate for gun owners.

08-28-2015, 10:48 AM
I took the poll, but wonder what usable information it might yield for the NRA. They seem like pretty basic ideas.

I can understand people not belonging to the NRA because they are cheap, but not on principal. If the NRA isn't doing what or as much as you want them to, join and increase the numbers. If every gun owner belonged to the NRA we'd be getting rid of gun control laws. There is no stronger advocate for gun owners.
I agree all should belong, $35 a year come on.
, don't wimp out put up or shut up.
Time for you to pay your dues

country gent
08-28-2015, 10:50 AM
The truth of it is as membership numbers increase so does the powe of any orginization. Lobbying and working to enact new legislation, fighting bad legislation, and doing all they do does cost alot, Like it or not thats the simple facts. Join get involved and make your voice heard enough member agree and speak out with you things change. Our biggest fight isnt the anti gunners but thier skills at orginizing and standing together, something shooters havent done near as well. To many shooters are willing to stand by when the legislation dosnt affect thier disciplines, I heard it for years around local gun shops concerning bans checks ammunition purchases requirements. I dont own any of those so Im not concerned. As they whitle down rights the numbers decrease to fight the next batch of laws legislation allowing more restrictive laws to be enacted easier. Join the NRA, get involved and help with the fight. If nothing else youll more than likely make new friends.

08-28-2015, 10:55 AM
Well I needed to renew anyway. If for no other reason than I enjoy the benefit of their gun insurance.

08-28-2015, 11:02 AM
I took the poll, but wonder what usable information it might yield for the NRA. They seem like pretty basic ideas.

I can understand people not belonging to the NRA because they are cheap, but not on principal. If the NRA isn't doing what or as much as you want them to, join and increase the numbers. If every gun owner belonged to the NRA we'd be getting rid of gun control laws. There is no stronger advocate for gun owners.

Good point. A few years ago the NRA seemed to want nothing to do with suppressor laws, and now that the number of suppressor owners within their membership has increased they have started to more vocally support the removal of restrictions on suppressor ownership. It seems they keep tabs on the opinions of their members and try to accommodate where they see a political victory possible.

08-28-2015, 11:35 AM
I'll support the N.R.A. when they roll back all these oppressive gun laws.

Larry Gibsons response goes to the heart of it.

You have to support the organization either by NRA membership or ILA donations. There are other groups out there, but it's always the NRA that catches the media and political blame/attacks. So "they" must be doing something that stirs up the twits in congress et al. They are asking you for money, not Taxing you for something that you'll never see a benefit from. I wasnt happy with them in 1986 when they turned a cold shoulder to the NFA manufacturing legislation, but I still do MY part.

If you spent an much time and effort supporting the NRA or another lobbying group as you do with these inane polls that
clog the site here, you might actually make a difference.

08-28-2015, 11:56 AM
Larry Gibsons response goes to the heart of it.

You have to support the organization either by NRA membership or ILA donations. There are other groups out there, but it's always the NRA that catches the media and political blame/attacks. So "they" must be doing something that stirs up the twits in congress et al. They are asking you for money, not Taxing you for something that you'll never see a benefit from. I wasnt happy with them in 1986 when they turned a cold shoulder to the NFA manufacturing legislation, but I still do MY part.

If you spent an much time and effort supporting the NRA or another lobbying group as you do with these inane polls that
clog the site here, you might actually make a difference.


08-28-2015, 12:46 PM
As a long-time Life Member of the NRA, I get a little upset with the continual hounding for money. But I was chatting w/Sandy Froman a few years back, and she said the money problem the NRA has is, to a great extent, caused by all of us vintage members that paid for our life membership 'way back, and continue to get the magazine, &cetera. I've gradually worked my way up to Benefactor status, but in a way, I'm a double-dipper - I paid for my original Life membership 40+ years ago w/Award points!
In any case I don't send them money every time they ask for it, but often enough to hope that we can make a difference - and we ARE!

08-28-2015, 01:02 PM
And you honestly don't think this has been happening?

If each and every gun owner would support the NRA there would be no oppressive gun laws to worry about.

The logic of supporting after the fact is just amazing to say the least.


I've been an N.R.A. member and supporter for many years. I've even purchased first year memberships, as gifts for non-members. I'm done with all that. I've given enough. When you see results you don't like and start finding answers to questions asked, your perspective changes. Mine has.

08-28-2015, 01:07 PM
If you spent an much time and effort supporting the NRA or another lobbying group as you do with these inane polls that
clog the site here, you might actually make a difference.

I only have so many heartbeats. How I spend them is my business.
Please list your saintly accomplishments and furnish references for all the difference you've made in your endeavors. When you're finished, put me on your ignore list.


08-28-2015, 01:21 PM
This thread needs a redhead:


08-28-2015, 01:55 PM
I'll support the N.R.A. when they roll back all these oppressive gun laws.
That says you don't support the NRA now.
And ... because it's a safe bet that "all" of those laws cannot be repealed during your lifetime ... it says that you never plan to.

08-28-2015, 02:15 PM
That says you don't support the NRA now.
And ... because it's a safe bet that "all" of those laws cannot be repealed during your lifetime ... it says that you never plan to.

See post #15.

08-28-2015, 02:17 PM

08-28-2015, 02:17 PM

08-28-2015, 02:39 PM
Thread drifts amuse me when someone is trying to direct the attention away from their comments :laugh:

Put up or shut up, it's that simple. I've said it many many times across a lot of Internet forums. If every firearm owner wad a NRA member we wouldn't have the problems we do. The number would be to large to ignore. And the media wouldn't be able to spin it as a "vocal minority".

The ILA has to get their hands dirty politically. This is the game they're playing and it can't be avoided. I understand if you take issue w/ the ILA. The NRA on the other hand supports all types training and ranges. They supply the insurance to ranges. A lot would disappear were it not for this insurance. The NRA does a lot of good.

08-28-2015, 03:04 PM
I'm boycotting all the inane Polls until I see the results I want!!

08-28-2015, 03:36 PM
I only have so many heartbeats. How I spend them is my business.
Please list your saintly accomplishments and furnish references for all the difference you've made in your endeavors. When you're finished, put me on your ignore list.


LOL Easily accomplished.

One final question, do you vote after getting the results you wanted?
Oh Ya, did you pay for that Big Mac after you posted it?

Yes, I realize that's 2 questions. By!

08-28-2015, 04:19 PM
That says you don't support the NRA now.
And ... because it's a safe bet that "all" of those laws cannot be repealed during your lifetime ... it says that you never plan to.See post #15.
It just confirms that you don't support the NRA .... and you are done supporting it. Why should I read it again?
Will you be turning your guns in soon, and joining up with Bloomberg?
He might have a good job for an expert poll taker ...

08-28-2015, 04:32 PM
It just confirms that you don't support the NRA .... and you are done supporting it. Why should I read it again?
Will you be turning your guns in soon, and joining up with Bloomberg?
He might have a good job for an expert poll taker ...

↑↑↑ Can you feel the burn Wilco?

08-28-2015, 05:05 PM
I am also a lifetime member of the NRA, I have also given from time to time but do get tired of every single time a poll, questionnaire, or many of their emails always end with money requests. I also get tired of getting told I don't support the NRA because I don't send in money when they ask. I can see getting told that if I was not an current NRA member, or never a member but when is enough enough? I understand we need to keep the fight up, and we should get as many gun owners to join the NRA and other 2A organizations but at the same time we should not be berating those that have given their support to those organizations.

08-28-2015, 05:19 PM
↑↑↑ Can you feel the burn Wilco?

Nope. I'm protected by this shield:

http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20130607/women%20redheads%20models%20green%20eyes%20faces%2 0bangs_wallpaperswa.com_18.jpg

08-28-2015, 05:20 PM
Second layer:



08-28-2015, 05:23 PM
Third layer:


08-28-2015, 05:24 PM
Yep. Nice and cool here. No burns.

Plate plinker
08-28-2015, 06:27 PM
I agree with this 100%


08-28-2015, 06:34 PM
I'll support the N.R.A. when they roll back all these oppressive gun laws.

Really Wilco, really!!

08-28-2015, 06:54 PM
Is the NRA perfect....no.....do they need a pile of money and members to combat the other side......yes. 100 million gun owners and we lose elections???????......absurd. Become a voting member and research and pay attention. The membership elects the board. There are many of us here have heard the old....they give in.....they compromise....they aren't conservative enough.....we heard all this while trying to get more and more members as we fought for board members like Neal Knox. But no....instead all we heard is complaints. So with 100 million owners either a huge number of them either don't care or are voting for the other side and letting the few carry the load.

08-28-2015, 07:16 PM
So with 100 million owners either a huge number of them either don't care or are voting for the other side and letting the few carry the load.

Right and we all know what happened to GB, Aus., and NZ. Without support we will end up in the same boat.

Wilco, you need a subscription to PlayBoy. Might help you out some.

08-28-2015, 07:17 PM
So with 100 million owners either a huge number of them either don't care or are voting for the other side and letting the few carry the load.
They don't care. They are to self obsessed and distracted by shiny objects to do what's best for everyone. Like a lot of things in life a few will carry the burden for the masses. It's pathetic that we have the issues we do because people expect an organization to think exactly like they do.

I don't get the letters asking for money all the time. I might get a handful a year. They aren't hard to ignore. If you can't contribute I understand. You are supporting them if you're a member. Anyone that says otherwise is a fool.

08-28-2015, 07:18 PM
I'm like the other 99.8% here. I like my 2nd amendment rights and I need to pay, to help the fight to keep my rights. We would be an extinct group about now without the NRA.

08-28-2015, 07:56 PM
I'm like the other 99.8% here. I like my 2nd amendment rights and I need to pay, to help the fight to keep my rights.
I like your attitude, but I seriously doubt that 99.8% of our membership is made up of NRA members.

If statistics hold true, it's probably more like 5% who are active, a similar number (like W) who have quit, and a squirming mass of gun-owning humanity which has never joined.

The quitters are very vocal about their dislikes, and because they are 'experienced' their rants help keep the squirming mass away from the membership webpages.

08-28-2015, 08:33 PM
This thread brings out a good point. I need to send a few bucks to ILA to help fight the coming storm. All that has been on TV lately is the murder of 2 TV journalists in VA. I don't hold out much hope for a reasoned approach to finding a solution to the problem of unstable persons being able to legally purchase a handgun. An unreasonable approach would probably classify all of us as unstable.

I got my Life membership when they were discounted a few years ago. I owe quite a bit on the balance of what I would have paid had I signed up for Life many years ago.

08-28-2015, 08:41 PM
They don't care. They are to self obsessed and distracted by shiny objects to do what's best for everyone. Like a lot of things in life a few will carry the burden for the masses. It's pathetic that we have the issues we do because people expect an organization to think exactly like they do.

I don't get the letters asking for money all the time. I might get a handful a year. They aren't hard to ignore. If you can't contribute I understand. You are supporting them if you're a member. Anyone that says otherwise is a fool.

If ranges denied access to people not holding NRA membership cards and FFL holders refused to transfer to the same, we might see increased numbers. Just a thought.

08-28-2015, 09:15 PM
If ranges denied access to people not holding NRA membership cards and FFL holders refused to transfer to the same, we might see increased numbers. Just a thought.

There are a lot of private ranges in my area. The majority of them require you to be a NRA member as part of the membership requirement. The ranges that don't require it have a larger membership. Tells the tale right there.

Plate plinker
08-28-2015, 10:01 PM
If FFL guys would give a break on transfers maybe that would be incentive for signing up? Or 1 free transfer with a new member signup program.

Every drop helps fill the bucket.

08-28-2015, 10:02 PM
I have more heartburn with the poll than the followup for money.

Q4 Do you think Congress should pass more gun control laws, or enforce the laws that are already on the books? More Gun Control Enforce Current Laws Undecided

How about D. Remove MOST of the firearms laws already on the books. Make MG and suppressors legal without a tax stamp. etc.

How about we go on the offense more at the federal level?

08-28-2015, 11:57 PM
I have more heartburn with the poll than the followup for money.

Q4 Do you think Congress should pass more gun control laws, or enforce the laws that are already on the books? More Gun Control Enforce Current Laws Undecided

How about D. Remove MOST of the firearms laws already on the books. Make MG and suppressors legal without a tax stamp. etc.

How about we go on the offense more at the federal level?


Sound beliefs/desires on your part, but the problem is that all who establish residency inside the "Beltway" (Washington DC) eventually sell their souls for continued access to the Power Brokers - House/Senate/White House/K Street. This includes those who are staff members of the NRA.

My wife and I have been endowed NRA members for about four decades. The NRA and ILA are now on a resurgence of "Constitutional" adherence, acknowledging the individuals Natural Right to keep and bear arms as restated in the 2nd Amendment. Such has not always been the case, for example when I and several hundred others watched Wayne Lapierre make an *** of himself at the dedication of the Clark County Shooting Park in Las Vegas on Aug. 25, 2009. He practically slobbered all over himself as he lauded praises on Harry Reid, making Reid out to be one of the greatest protectors of 2nd Amendment & Shooting Sports Rights that ever walked the face of this globe, and a great friend of the NRA (Reid was up for re-election in 2010 and needed "Conservative Gun Owner Votes"). After that spectacle, I'll always be cautious when it comes to Wayne Lapierre and those he surrounds himself with. I remain an NRA member & continue to donate from time to time; but will remain jaded and watchful - hoping that there will be no more "Political Deals" from the NRA negotiating with politicians concerning what "Reasonable Restrictions" the members will accept without too much squawking.

08-29-2015, 01:18 AM
If ranges denied access to people not holding NRA membership cards and FFL holders refused to transfer to the same, we might see increased numbers. Just a thought.

The range I belong to requires NRA membership. Each year when I renew I have to enter my NRA member number.

Lead Fred
08-29-2015, 03:04 AM
Stay on target


Id not go to any range that made me join anything

Love Life
08-29-2015, 08:55 AM
Show me your papers!! Show me your papers!!!

I tend to agree with Lead Fred. I can't stand to have to show my papers to use a facility, and don't frequent ranges that require it.

IRT NRA. Give em' some money or sit in the corner quietly while everybody else chips in.

08-29-2015, 09:58 AM
I have more heartburn with the poll than the followup for money.

Q4 Do you think Congress should pass more gun control laws, or enforce the laws that are already on the books? More Gun Control Enforce Current Laws Undecided

How about D. Remove MOST of the firearms laws already on the books. Make MG and suppressors legal without a tax stamp. etc.

How about we go on the offense more at the federal level?

It's better(cheaper and easier) to go on the offensive at the state level. A state has full and concurrent power to provide for arming it's militiamen as it wants. For example, a state is 100% free to pass a law that those in the state subject to militia call up must have a regular AK and a RPG it can.

There has been at least two Supreme Court decision that say this. Current Federal gun control laws are regulation of commerce laws and not militia laws. Even a Federal militia law can't restrict a states concurrent power to arm that states militiamen.

It only takes a few hundred people in a state to get a law to provide for arming it's militiamen introduced. It than takes 500-5000 people to show up at the hearing for that law to get it passed.

The problem of fighting the commercial regulation gun laws will never go away without such state laws. It all comes down to if one wants to solve the problem or if one enjoys having the problem.

08-29-2015, 10:07 AM
I'm like the other 99.8% here. I like my 2nd amendment rights and I need to pay, to help the fight to keep my rights. We would be an extinct group about now without the NRA.

The NRA isn't a 2nd Amendment backing organization. They only back the second part of this amendment. Whenever I've asked the NRA lobbyists at the state level about backing a state law to revitalize the state militia their 1st reaction is getting red faced mad. When I calmly say that the 2nd does say a state militia is necessary they reply that they have never looked at that part of the 2nd.

08-29-2015, 10:36 AM
The NRA isn't a 2nd Amendment backing organization. They only back the second part of this amendment. Whenever I've asked the NRA lobbyists at the state level about backing a state law to revitalize the state militia their 1st reaction is getting red faced mad. When I calmly say that the 2nd does say a state militia is necessary they reply that they have never looked at that part of the 2nd.

So are you a member or not?

If not, is the above your excuse for not supporting gun rights?

If the answer to question #2 is yes, just letting you know the load is getting heavy, & I have few years left to worry about it, but hey, its your future, not mine.

08-29-2015, 11:01 AM
So are you a member or not?

If not, is the above your excuse for not supporting gun rights?

If the answer to question #2 is yes, just letting you know the load is getting heavy, & I have few years left to worry about it, but hey, its your future, not mine.

I support the NRA for what it is. I merely posted that it isn't a 2nd Amendment backing organization. If you don't like the load you're under, back the 1st half of the 2nd.

In the 1840's Supreme Court Justice Joeshop Story wrote that if the 1st half of the 2nd isn't done, the RKBA will go away.

"The importance of this article will scarcely be doubted by any persons, who have duly reflected upon the subject. The militia is the natural defence of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpations of power by rulers. It is against sound policy for a free people to keep up large military establishments and standing armies in time ofanding armies in time of peace, both from the enormous expenses, with which they are attended, and the facilee means, which they afford to ambitious and unprincipled rulers, to subvert the government, or trample upon the rights of the people. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. [FN1] And yet, thought this truth would seem so clear, and the importance of a well regulated militia would seem so undeniable, it cannot be disguised, that among the American people there is a growing indifference to any system of militia discipline, and a strong disposition, from a sense of its burthens, to be rid of all regulations. How is it practicable to keep the people duly armed without some organization, it is difficult to see. There is certainly no small danger, that indifference may lead to disgust, and disgust to contempt; and thus gradually undermine all the protection intended by this clause of our national bill of rights."

ole 5 hole group
08-29-2015, 12:24 PM
I suggest everyone go back and read post #44 again - Mustang has seen the light. I am a life member, have been for a real long time. I always thought the NRA would stand firm for our 2nd Amendment rights and the United States of America. Well, they backed water in 1968 and on a few other "small" details since then - I just can't recall at this moment. However, that Harry Reid thing got my blood boiling. Here is the NRA backing an individual, Harry Reid in this instance, who will take away our 2nd Amendment in a heart beat and one who will also change our way of life, as we knew it to be, by his everyday actions.

Every time I get a call from the NRA to contribute since that Reid endorsement, I tell them I will start the day I see the NRA standing up for the good ole USA by backing ONLY the politicians who support our Constitution and all it's Amendments everyday with their actions and votes - until then, my money will go to those I support for Congress and the Presidency that will abide by our Constitution and all its' Amendments. This idea that the NRA is non-political is total BS - they better be political when it comes to our Constitution.

Now the current TV ads of former SEAL's and other Patriots telling listeners to stand-up and be counted/heard that are sponsored by the NRA are refreshing - Enough Said.

Post #51 is very good as well and perotter has referenced a Supreme Court Justice who knew the intent of the 2nd - 1968 took away the peoples ability to fend for themselves against a modern army but our State Governments can restore that power but I doubt that will ever happen in the near future.

08-29-2015, 11:34 PM
If ranges denied access to people not holding NRA membership cards and FFL holders refused to transfer to the same, we might see increased numbers. Just a thought.

This is a great idea ,let's effectively license a right .

08-30-2015, 12:08 AM
I'm an NRA life member. I'm also a resident of the Peoples Republic of NY. Why? Because this is where I was born and raised and I refuse to be driven from my home by a bunch of alpha hotels. Can one of the NRA koolade drinkers please explain to me why I should continue to support an organization that ran out on the gun owner of this state. As far as I'm concerned they've got a lot of gall calling here asking for money from the people they turned their backs on to protect the rights of others. The NRA can go pound salt.

08-30-2015, 12:18 AM
I'm an NRA life member. I'm also a resident of the Peoples Republic of NY. Why? Because this is where I was born and raised and I refuse to be driven from my home by a bunch of alpha hotels. Can one of the NRA koolade drinkers please explain to me why I should continue to support an organization that ran out on the gun owner of this state. As far as I'm concerned they've got a lot of gall calling here asking for money from the people they turned their backs on to protect the rights of others. The NRA can go pound salt.

I feel sorry for you,and it's not because of where you live.

08-30-2015, 12:37 AM
Have you tried to even make contact with a mutual ideas group ? Apparently even the states that have authorization for militias can't keep them active ,based on what I can get from my search/research.

In 1789 the militia was every able male over 16 to 40. Every home was expected to have a rifle for each such person . They were expected to drill quarterly locally and to present with a pound of powder and shot in a cal of defined in balls per lb(which I can't remember at the moment but was about 78 cal I think it was 11 but 14 is ringing clear ) .

Everyone says we need to do this or that but when it comes to doing it .......... well even buying participation isn't enough to get it . Votes and letters well at least to my reps Hari Reid D Nv being 1 of mine is a lot like filling up the Grand Canyon with marbles ,useless and a waste of time and a near impossible task.

Bitter no not me ......
This is a lot like a flat tire . You can pay someone to change it . Be angry and blame any number of entities for the flat . You can change it yourself. The way I see it no less than 70% of us are quite capable of digging the jack , lug wrench and spare out and changing the tire . Yet half are happy to pay someone to do it for them and half of those that remain are happy to be angry because it is flat and not fixing itself. The rest fail for whatever reason to organize. Imagine if 3% showed up to make a statement and surrounded DC for a day , ya think the message go home ....... me neither but at least we'd be all in 1 place to round up for the camps .....

08-30-2015, 01:19 AM
NRA all the way!

08-30-2015, 08:04 AM
Have you tried to even make contact with a mutual ideas group ? Apparently even the states that have authorization for militias can't keep them active ,based on what I can get from my search/research.

In 1789 the militia was every able male over 16 to 40. Every home was expected to have a rifle for each such person . They were expected to drill quarterly locally and to present with a pound of powder and shot in a cal of defined in balls per lb(which I can't remember at the moment but was about 78 cal I think it was 11 but 14 is ringing clear ) .

Everyone says we need to do this or that but when it comes to doing it .......... well even buying participation isn't enough to get it . Votes and letters well at least to my reps Hari Reid D Nv being 1 of mine is a lot like filling up the Grand Canyon with marbles ,useless and a waste of time and a near impossible task.

Bitter no not me ......
This is a lot like a flat tire . You can pay someone to change it . Be angry and blame any number of entities for the flat . You can change it yourself. The way I see it no less than 70% of us are quite capable of digging the jack , lug wrench and spare out and changing the tire . Yet half are happy to pay someone to do it for them and half of those that remain are happy to be angry because it is flat and not fixing itself. The rest fail for whatever reason to organize. Imagine if 3% showed up to make a statement and surrounded DC for a day , ya think the message go home ....... me neither but at least we'd be all in 1 place to round up for the camps .....

I belong to one such national group and in active contact with another.

As for why the current state defense forces aren't very active has a few very simple reasons that can be corrected. I'll post more about that latter as I have go some where for most or all of the day.

08-30-2015, 09:07 AM
The gun range I belong to requires NRA membership for members, not for guests. You are told this before you apply. This is largely to get cheaper range insurance through the NRA and they will also help with range improvements if you meet this requirement. Yearly NRA membership is $25.00 when renewed through the club.

08-30-2015, 09:24 AM
I'm an NRA life member. I'm also a resident of the Peoples Republic of NY. Why? Because this is where I was born and raised and I refuse to be driven from my home by a bunch of alpha hotels. Can one of the NRA koolade drinkers please explain to me why I should continue to support an organization that ran out on the gun owner of this state. As far as I'm concerned they've got a lot of gall calling here asking for money from the people they turned their backs on to protect the rights of others. The NRA can go pound salt.

What group is helping you w/ the issues there? I'm just wondering if there are any. I feel bad about your situation because it's the majority of the state versus NYC. Has the NRA abandoned the state completely? Are they not trying to help overturn your draconian gun laws?

08-30-2015, 09:26 AM
The gun range I belong to requires NRA membership for members, not for guests. You are told this before you apply. This is largely to get cheaper range insurance through the NRA and they will also help with range improvements if you meet this requirement. Yearly NRA membership is $25.00 when renewed through the club.

Same with the club I belong to. I'm a life member and contribute when I can. One member mentioned he gets solicited a few times a year. I get stuff from the NRA almost weekly including phone calls as well.

I also send money to Gun Owners of America. Personally I feel they are a more effective organization. I like the take no prisoners attitude.

Plate plinker
08-30-2015, 09:41 AM
I also send money to Gun Owners of America. Personally I feel they are a more effective organization. I like the take no prisoners attitude.

I like your way of thinking.

08-30-2015, 09:58 AM
I also send money to Gun Owners of America. Personally I feel they are a more effective organization. I like the take no prisoners attitude.

More aggressive, but not more effective. GOA doesn't have the numbers or clout with Congress.

08-30-2015, 09:59 AM
This is a great idea ,let's effectively license a right .

You have a right to use a privately owned range?

08-30-2015, 10:58 AM
If ranges denied access to people not holding NRA membership cards and FFL holders refused to transfer to the same, we might see increased numbers. Just a thought.
Well - I wouldn't go that far. But giving NRA members a discount would be in the right direction - IM never-to-be HO.

08-30-2015, 11:02 AM
I suggest everybody do their research on the NRA before trying to tell others how to support them or not.

Bad Water Bill
08-30-2015, 11:19 AM
How many members here hand out OUR business cards while waiting to get a tire mounted,get a battery installed etc?

How many meetings have you attended THIS YEAR to learn what is going on in fed gov,state even county gov?

Just sending in some money to the NRA or another organization and patting yourself on the back is not enough.

You need to make YOUR point of view heard as many times each and every day as you can.

Have you invited ALL of your neighbors to ride with you to your local range where you will not only teach them safety but also furnish the firearm and ammo so they can understand just why we continue to fight each and every day for our 2A rights.

If the NRA and other national groups had not stepped up and helped us here in Illinois there would STILL be 49 states with CCW.

Yes we had 8,000 folks march on the state capitol to get the job done BUT there are over one million residents buying hunting licenses each year and crying because they do not like some of the state laws.

08-30-2015, 11:36 AM
You have a right to use a privately owned range?

A lot of people have no place to shoot if not on organized ranges . So make them buy a membership to use it not only for the range but to a specific organization . I know I'm not always clear but this seems pretty clear .

My Dad is a lifer since 68' . All of the mailers come to me and I do contribute.

Get out your back issues of AR .
The names have changed .
The sides are more polar .
The left (I guess) is more willing to straight out Lie .
That pretty much covers what has changed in the last 50 yr.

I'm sure we can hagle them to death but what will we give up to get it back.

ole 5 hole group
08-30-2015, 11:53 AM
If folks vote for the likes of harry reid and organizations support the likes of harry reid, we'll keep getting more restrictive guns laws and before you know it, a new "interpretation" of the 2nd Amendment will come about.

The commies know how to fight - they just keep coming and take what little we give them until they have it all - we will win or lose this battle at the ballot box, as it's those elected politicians who seem to pass laws, appoint the federal judges and members of the supreme court - that's where it's at folks. Support only those who support the entire Constitution and aren't afraid to call a spade a spade or a lie a lie.

Bad Water Bill
08-30-2015, 12:50 PM
Most importantly remember that the next president can possibly appoint 3 at a minimum supreme court justices we will have to live with for as long as THEY live.

08-30-2015, 12:51 PM
I just read this whole thread and I have to tell all of you there are some things that completely disgust me.

First I agree that Every Gun Owner should be a member! I have talked to La Pierre personally three or four times at various functions and floated the idea of a membership, or a renewal automatically included with every gun sale. I see this as the most effective way to get increased membership.

If you have a gun it is because there is an NRA. We are the only country that has this, and by definition we are the only Free Country ! Maybe that's why everyone wants to live here? !!!

I live in CA, and if it wasn't for the NRA we wouldn't be allowed to own guns at all, 2nd Amendment or not. Our Crazies invent the gun laws that the rest of the country tries to use.

Our Crazies are died in the wool Far Left Extremists, and they will stop at nothing to disarm this country so they can do whatever they want. All you have to do is Google and read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," and you will see what they are trying to accomplish. I personally think them, and all of their supporters, either direct or indirect, (IE: stupid Democrat followers) are all traitors. But they are formidable opponents and right now they are winning! Just look at the division in this country.

The goal of the far left is Chaos. How de doin' wit dat ?

Speaking of traitors,,, I really take exception to the "Principled Individual" who withholds his vote in protest in an election when the chosen candidate of his party isn't "Conservative enough!" or is in some way disagreeable to him. He thinks deliberately withholding his vote says something.

What it says is,,, YOU SUCK!

The time for your actions was 30 years ago. This country is in sharp decline and the other side is winning! Once the tipping point is reached,,, and we are very close,,, You don't get a say any more!

I don't get a say in California any more because of YOU! The state has tipped too far to the left and my votes are now meaningless!

This is simply because too many of you stay home and don't vote because of your principals.

Withholding your vote for petty reasons is tantamount to voting for the other side. And there is no intelligent argument against this fact!

Your "principals" do not trump the "Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of People." You have a responsibility to this country that allowed you to have those so called "principals" to vote in every election,,, Period!

You are either with us,,, Or you are against US! There is no fence!

You stayed home in the last election because Mitt Romney was a Mormon or wasn't Conservative enough for you, or some other BS reason, which doesn't amount to a pinch of pooh in a dark room. And you called it your "principals."

We all lost as a result of your "principals!"

You are Patently Stupid! And you deserve what you get in the way of leaders!

However what you don't vote for,,, affects me too, And I don't want the leaders you helped elect! And that pisses me off and I want to slap you!

You Principals, your Religion, your Moral Compass, what your Union told you to do, what you had for breakfast,,,, have no bearing here. They are meaningless.

The only thing that matters is,,, You are either with us or you are against us.

It is that simple.

I don't give a Ship if you don't like the Candidates Hair! If you are a Republican,,, YOU VOTE REPUBLICAN ! There is no other alternative, period!

You'll notice that the Democrats still are supporting Hildegard even though she is effectively an Unindicted Felon, a Liar, and a generally poor candidate too boot! Can you believe that Joe Biden looks good next to her?

They are unified no matter what! That's why they run New York and California! They are organized and they are counting on your stupid principals!

The funny thing here is that if push came to shove, you wouldn't be standing with the rest of us with our guns ready to defend Freedom either.

Your "Principals" would prevent you from doing that too. That's because deep down you are a wuss!

Get off your arses and act right!

Oh,,, and if my comments offend some people here,,, TFB!

I meant to offend you! I only wish I could slap you, and maybe you'd wake up.


Bad Water Bill
08-30-2015, 01:04 PM
Well said Randy.

08-30-2015, 01:04 PM
Randy, harsh but true.

08-30-2015, 01:09 PM
Most importantly remember that the next president can possibly appoint 3 at a minimum supreme court justices we will have to live with for as long as THEY live.

This is my fear.

08-30-2015, 01:13 PM
If ranges denied access to people not holding NRA membership cards and FFL holders refused to transfer to the same, we might see increased numbers. Just a thought.

Every range I've belonged to required NRA membership. One was privately owned but the owner wanted everyone to belong to the NRA. I don't know if insurance was a factor.

This is a great idea ,let's effectively license a right .

The right is to keep and bear; not to belong to ranges or gun clubs.

NRA all the way!

I am an NRA supporter but not a blind supporter. I have my issue with them but GOA and other splinter groups are not fighting the fight as effectively as the NRA. Remember when not that long ago) the Gov decided all brass had to be demilled before reselling? The NRA helped fight that. Same with the SS-109 green tip attempted ban. I can understand that they have to carefully pick the battles but they're doing better than any other gun owner's group. In the current political environment I don't understand the 95% of gun owners that don't belong to the NRA. I'm appalled that such active members here have decided to turn their backs on the NRA. I understand their dissatisfaction with the NRA but without the NRA we would have led rather than followed GB, AUS and NZ.

When they call begging for more money I tell them that I participate in the add-a-buck and round-up programs every time I order parts.


08-30-2015, 02:44 PM
i am a benefactor life member. i also from time to time send a couple hundred bucks. i figure that with how much i spend on components, guns, targets, cleaning supplies, and hunting licenses that i can afford to send some money outside of membership dues.
it is funny to me how people complain about the NRA sending soliciting mail and use that as their reason NOT to join or support the NRA. it is really simple, get a membership every year, or buy a multi year. when something comes in the mail, ignore it. why does that offend so much? I get all the same letters asking for money, i used to get phone calls too. I told them on the phone that i contribute on my terms, and do not like soliciting calls from anyone. they do not call me anymore, but i still send money as well as upgrade my membership. I also give NRA memberships as christmas and birthday gifts.
if i were in the firearms industry i would offer incentives to help with membership. Think about every person that buys a gun on gunbroker, they pay the dealer from $20 to $50 for the transfer, each time. then they will put a couple boxes of shells through it every now and then, and buy a case, or a scope, or a holster or whatever. and then complain that they do not have the money to send $20 to the NRA! They probably spend more than $20 per month on gas to get to the range!

I think most of the people that are not members are cheap ********. Many can find a pitiful excuse why not to join, to mask their cheapness. They mostly talk tough about gun laws, but many do not pay enough attention to vote where it counts. The VAST majority of non-members i think are people who will not care until it is their pet gun that is being banned, and then it will be too late.

08-30-2015, 02:58 PM
Well said Randy. I'm not liked here anyways . But I agree with Randy whole heartedly...

08-30-2015, 03:32 PM
:awesome:For once we've had a thread concerning NRA and membership and all in all it's been pretty positive.:2_high5::happy dance:

Clay M
08-30-2015, 05:57 PM
I am a life member of NRA and so is my son. I try to support them as best I can, and sometimes they can get pesty about money.
Whenever I buy stuff I always round up for the NRA..

08-30-2015, 07:27 PM
Keep in mind it's the NRA/ILA....while you believe the NRA should take a stronger no compromise stance the ILA is the primarily political side. Both sides need support. Yes....they supported Reid....the lesser of two evils.....see where that gets you. If they had 100 million members and they expressed that they wanted them to back a different candidate believe me they would do it. The membership elects the board. Much like any election with enough members we can elect anyone we want. GOA takes a tough stand and JPFO takes the hardest but they have no where near the size or the potential to get as large so the NRA/ILA is your best bet.

08-30-2015, 07:53 PM
What group is helping you w/ the issues there? I'm just wondering if there are any. I feel bad about your situation because it's the majority of the state versus NYC. Has the NRA abandoned the state completely? Are they not trying to help overturn your draconian gun laws?

My support, monitory and otherwise, goes here http://www.scopeny.org/. As far as I know the NRA has done little if anything of value.

08-30-2015, 08:20 PM
I feel sorry for you,and it's not because of where you live.

Please believe me the feeling is mutual.

Bad Water Bill
08-30-2015, 08:20 PM
My support, monitory and otherwise, goes here http://www.scopeny.org/. As far as I know the NRA has done little if anything of value.

Perhaps you should look at how the NRA has helped us here in Illinois.

Without their help Otis Mc Donald could NEVER have owned a handgun in Chiraq in order to protect his loved ones

Rhonda Ezell would have lost her case about Chiraq prohibiting gun shops and ranges in Chiraq.

And then there was the countless hours of negotiating with the Illinois State Police to get some decent laws in place once CCW was passed by the NRA rep Todd Vandermeid.

Perhaps some folks NEED to take time to attend meetings in their area to see what is being done and how they can lend a hand to achieve their goals.

Keep in mind that politicians DO NOT see or care how much money you send to ANY 2A organization BUT they do see you and your friends when you show up IN THEIR FACE.

08-30-2015, 08:30 PM
You should do some research as to just what the NRA has done, furthermore I seriously doubt SCOPE makes any government official whether Federal, State, or Local tremble in their shoes!



There are many, many more, do a google search as I did, I spent maybe 5 minutes.

Clay M
08-30-2015, 08:41 PM
I am certain without the help of the NRA we would have no 2nd amendment rights at all.
My father was also a member all his life.
I for one, don't like to be dogged for money.
I will send them some in the next six months.

08-30-2015, 08:54 PM
I agree folks do not like to be dogged for money, but we need to realize that if it didn't work for them they wouldn't do it.

Same reason the Sunday papers come with all the sale flyers, if the stores didn't get a payback from all the flyers they wouldn't stuff the Sunday paper with them.

Fact of life!

Also remember The NRA IS the BIG DOG ON THE PORCH!

Frankly I thing he is a Wolf Hybrid.

08-30-2015, 08:58 PM
Please believe me the feeling is mutual.

Believe me I don't need any sympathy here or anywhere else. But if it makes you feel better, have at it.

Clay M
08-30-2015, 09:09 PM
I can remember when S&W was bought out by a bunch of liberals.
They offered a $50 rebate on some of their revolvers.I wanted the revolvers, so I bought them and sent the rebate money to NRA.
How bout that..:lol:

08-31-2015, 01:16 PM
Benefactor Life member here. Sure , as a Neal Knox kind of guy(still keep up with and donate to the Firearms Coalition), I don't think the NRA has been as hardcore as I'd like. BUT, you can't change their direction from outside ! If all the non-members who think LaPierre/etc. should be replaced with others, joined and voted in the Board elections, you could effect changes. Sadly , a very small percent of currently eligible NRA members vote in these elections. Give a few bucks now and then to the ILA, the GOA, your state R&P assoc. at least. I doubt we'll get rid of the most atrocious gun laws in my lifetime, but maybe my grandson's. Maybe volunteer with the local FNRA Dinner(or attend) and help raise some bucks for shooting in your state.
Every little thing helps. The NRA ain't perfect , but a million or 2 more member's voices can push 'em in the right direction.

08-31-2015, 08:12 PM
Have you tried to even make contact with a mutual ideas group ? Apparently even the states that have authorization for militias can't keep them active ,based on what I can get from my search/research.

In 1789 the militia was every able male over 16 to 40. Every home was expected to have a rifle for each such person . They were expected to drill quarterly locally and to present with a pound of powder and shot in a cal of defined in balls per lb(which I can't remember at the moment but was about 78 cal I think it was 11 but 14 is ringing clear ) .

Everyone says we need to do this or that but when it comes to doing it .......... well even buying participation isn't enough to get it . Votes and letters well at least to my reps Hari Reid D Nv being 1 of mine is a lot like filling up the Grand Canyon with marbles ,useless and a waste of time and a near impossible task.

Bitter no not me ......
This is a lot like a flat tire . You can pay someone to change it . Be angry and blame any number of entities for the flat . You can change it yourself. The way I see it no less than 70% of us are quite capable of digging the jack , lug wrench and spare out and changing the tire . Yet half are happy to pay someone to do it for them and half of those that remain are happy to be angry because it is flat and not fixing itself. The rest fail for whatever reason to organize. Imagine if 3% showed up to make a statement and surrounded DC for a day , ya think the message go home ....... me neither but at least we'd be all in 1 place to round up for the camps .....

There isn't a single state that has a state militia. Those with that have a state defense force have problems for various reason. Many because their state defense force is only for supporting the NG. Who wants get do things like load trucks, pick up trash or hold doors open for the NG?

One of the main missions of a state militia today would be supporting and helping the civil government during emergencies, natural or man made. This may or may not call for them being armed when doing this or some armed and some not.

At least around here and as an example, the emergency communications are handled by a sub-group of the each local HAM radio club and sub-group would be part of the state militia. There is also an organization of medical doctors and nurse for helping in emergences and would also be part of the militia. One can add the 'search and rescue' clubs. These wouldn't need to be arm, but armed militia units could provide security for these if needed. The Red Cross can't be made part of a militia and fwiw one doesn't want to come close to stepping on the toes of the Red Cross in the area of what they do to help during emergencies.

As for the armed/general part of state militia, they need to be assign missions at the local level and assign militiamen tasks to be carried out when needed. Somethings like helping evacuate a nearby nursing home. For an examples for needing to be armed, guard a school, bridge, power plant, sub-station, maybe emergency traffic control, etc. That is the tip of the iceberg. In the Nordic countries that have their version of the militia they include motorcycle and ATV clubs among other clubs. As the US Army isn't organized nor does it have the same mission it had in the 1880's, a modern militia shouldn't be organized like the ones in the 1880's.

Of course if desired, one could offer other benefits for being active beyond being able to take off time from ones job to help during an emergency. For example if one want a large militia, free or reduced cost for college would get a large number to to active. IMO for this, a state might want to require a 'basic training' along the lines of the Finns or how Norway/Sweden does it. Also things like reduced taxes, free hunting licenses, free car/truck plates, etc.

08-31-2015, 10:40 PM
God bless the NRA, forgive them of their mistakes, and break their bread so there is enough to continue to sustain the rights of even those who spurn them.
American gun owners are all that is left of the original America in my humble opinion. The only problem is, a portion of them are cowards. Too frail and weak to fight the real enemy, they choose to fight a foe they know is easily beaten:........Themselves.
This thread, demonstrates this tragedy, as does all that is wrong and broken with this country.

Again I say God bless the NRA.
This was my fathers. A cherished keepsake, and it will not allow me to forget who I am, who is fighting for my rights, and who was fighting in years past.

You want to lean on your shovel, that's your right. Enjoy your rest. I come from a long line of people who know how to work so that it does some good. I don't believe it's something you cultivate. Patriotism is something you either have or you do not. Those that have it do what patriots do without having to be begged or coerced. Those that don't, spend the same amount of energy making excuses and trying to win as many people as they can to their way of thinking.
Do what comes naturally to you. After all, most can do nothing else.

Larry Gibson
08-31-2015, 11:32 PM
Having spent numerous years in the NG in 2 states the NG there was considered the "State Militia". Unless on active duty orders all training such as regular weekend drills and when on state activation we were under the authority of the Governor not the Federal Government or POTUS.

Larry Gibson

08-31-2015, 11:32 PM
:roll: you do know that there are women members and that this is a bit much... I don't expect perfect but this is locker room material...

Third layer:


08-31-2015, 11:34 PM
Need to get gun dealers to pass out a membership application and a coupon for $5 off or something...

I like your attitude, but I seriously doubt that 99.8% of our membership is made up of NRA members.

If statistics hold true, it's probably more like 5% who are active, a similar number (like W) who have quit, and a squirming mass of gun-owning humanity which has never joined.

The quitters are very vocal about their dislikes, and because they are 'experienced' their rants help keep the squirming mass away from the membership webpages.

09-01-2015, 12:09 AM
Edit your membership or cal them and have them put you on the do not solicit list. Then all you might see is mail once a month or less.

I am certain without the help of the NRA we would have no 2nd amendment rights at all.
My father was also a member all his life.
I for one, don't like to be dogged for money.
I will send them some in the next six months.

Bad Water Bill
09-01-2015, 12:17 AM

That photo is all many of YOUR VETS had to remind them of the reason they put their very lives on hold to serve and protect YOUR country.

Memories and photos like these are all we had to remind US while WE were/are away from home for many months or years.

If that were some other pictures I had seen on lockers I would be right there with you but this is just a picture of our neighbors daughter or sister.

09-01-2015, 02:33 AM
My neighbors daughter sure doesn't look like that.

Bad Water Bill
09-01-2015, 05:05 AM
My neighbors daughter sure doesn't look like that.

By all reports Girty is a big improvement over that girl.

My sympathies are with you.[smilie=s:

09-01-2015, 06:41 AM
Do what comes naturally to you. After all, most can do nothing else.

I rest my case.

This thread was about the NRA.

09-01-2015, 07:57 AM
Exactly goodsteel. And who brought up the red heads in the first place!

09-01-2015, 08:39 AM
I'll never understand why it is that people find a way to disagree and hate the organizations that have done the most to help them.
We have more freedom of firearms in this country than any place in the world any of us would care to live in. This wonderful situation exists entirely because of the effective efforts of the NRA and the Republican Party. However, seems to me that over half the people who enjoy the milk and honey won by these organizations find petty excuses not to help them.
There are those who claim to "walk their own path" and refuse to help those who provide for their freedom. I wonder if those who do this realize that the only people happy about their decision are the people who would take away both their firearms and their freedom, and subject them to a socialist government structure? I wonder if they realize that the NRA wouldn't lose any battles if they had the help of a united, gun owning, NRA supporting, right wing.

09-01-2015, 09:10 AM

09-01-2015, 09:36 AM
Having spent numerous years in the NG in 2 states the NG there was considered the "State Militia". Unless on active duty orders all training such as regular weekend drills and when on state activation we were under the authority of the Governor not the Federal Government or POTUS.

Larry Gibson

You are wrong about that. The US Supreme Court ruled that it isn't a state militia. See Perpich v. Department of Defense, 496 U.S. 334 (1990)

Larry Gibson
09-01-2015, 10:47 AM
You are wrong about that. The US Supreme Court ruled that it isn't a state militia. See Perpich v. Department of Defense, 496 U.S. 334 (1990)


Did you notice the word "considered" in what I said? Apparently not. I did not say they "were" a militia, simply said they were considered a militia by the folks in said militia's. The SCOTUS ruling has not changed that consideration or perception.

BTW; that SCOTUS decsision did not rule the NG is not a militia. It merely ruled the NG of any state is subject to federalization (active duty or active duty for training). The case had nothing to do with whether the NG was a militia or not but rather cnsidered the qestion whether the NG could be ordered to active duty over the ojections of a govenor.

"This interpretation merely recognizes the supremacy of federal power in the military affairs area and does not significantly affect either the State's basic training responsibility or its ability to rely on its own Guard in state emergency situations."

Larry Gibson

09-01-2015, 12:02 PM
I'll never understand why it is that people find a way to disagree and hate the organizations that have done the most to help them.
We have more freedom of firearms in this country than any place in the world any of us would care to live in. This wonderful situation exists entirely because of the effective efforts of the NRA and the Republican Party. However, seems to me that over half the people who enjoy the milk and honey won by these organizations find petty excuses not to help them.
There are those who claim to "walk their own path" and refuse to help those who provide for their freedom. I wonder if those who do this realize that the only people happy about their decision are the people who would take away both their firearms and their freedom, and subject them to a socialist government structure? I wonder if they realize that the NRA wouldn't lose any battles if they had the help of a united, gun owning, NRA supporting, right wing.

Tim...The far right wing, likes guns, but hates all organizations and governments of any kind. They are a bunch of misfits who have made common cause against everybody who is not like them. They are a unorganized society of social rejects. Logic and common sense is wasted on them. Hate is an emotion and not something arrived at by logic. Therefore logic won't dislodge hate from the hearts and minds of these people.

They are in fact no different in thought, understanding and attitude than the far left bunch of nuts. While the goals may not be the same, they are the same kind of people. Both right and left have lunatic fringe that hatched from the same clutch of eggs.

09-01-2015, 12:44 PM
I agree with you Charles, but any time you have more than one person participating or sharing a common thing, such as a piece of property, a country, a town, or a raft on the Mississippi River, it is necessary to organize in order to be effective. Some look at organization as a hindrance on their will, but I see it as a force multiplier for my energy because there is more than just me tugging on the rope, pushing the load, or voicing my opinion. In this way, slaves remain enslaved even more, and free men are free indeed all because of how each man views his place within civilization. I'm not saying people need to drop their ideals and do something that is against their nature to do. I'm only suggesting that if they wish to move a huge rock to get to the well under it, they would do much better to get on the same side as a lot of other people who want to move the same rock, instead of chocking up the other side and working in direct opposition to everyone pushing a different way.
This doesn't seem like rocket surgery or deep intellectual logic to me. It just seems to me that any sane person would help the people who are already doing what needs to be done, being successful, making mistakes, learning from them and asking for help.

I don't feel that I lose my individuality by considering myself just one small part of a larger force. I know my limitations, and I know my place, and I know what side of the rock I'm pushing against. It's that side with an overwhelming mass of like minded individuals doing the same thing I want to do.
Unfortunately, the work is hard, and things do not move like I calculated they should. When I ask "who's pushing against the other side of the rock? Liberals? Socialists? Gun Grabbers?"
Nope. The people keeping things from moving forward are people just like me. Laying on the rock, against the rock, under the rock, and pushing against the other side in perfect synchronization to our efforts on this side.
When I ask them why they are working so hard to keep the rock from moving when we all need the precious water that lies beneath it, I am answered with: "And who are you to tell me which side of the rock to push against?!?! This here is a free country, and you can't tell me when and where to work!!!
Meanwhile the fields burn for lack of water.

Just a word picture, but that's what I see.

09-01-2015, 12:56 PM
This doesn't seem like rocket surgery or deep intellectual logic to me. It just seems to me that any sane person would help the people who are already doing what needs to be done, being successful, making mistakes, learning from them and asking for help.

You are of course correct in all that you say, BUT you are a sane, emotional healthy, well socialized person like most in this country. I like to consider myself as the same kind of person as well.

The people we are talking about while perhaps being "legally sane" are still crazy, not emotionally health nor well socialized. I have heard all my life; "You can't make sense out of nonsense", to which I would add, you will never understand the misfits of life, for they don't think like you/us. They just are what they are and while they can be explained, they cannot be understood.

It is not a good use of time or emotional energy to try and reason with these folks. Just state your position and move on. Perhaps somebody will listen and perhaps not.

09-01-2015, 01:08 PM
You are of course correct in all that you say, BUT you are a sane, emotional healthy, well socialized person like most in this country. I like to consider myself as the same kind of person as well. The people we are talking about while perhaps being "legally sane" are still crazy, not emotionally health nor well socialized. I have heard all my life; "You can't make sense out of nonsense", to which I would add, you will never understand the misfits of life, for they don't think like you/us. They just are what they are and while they can be explained, they cannot be understood.It is not a good use of time or emotional energy to try and reason with these folks. Just state your position and move on. Perhaps somebody will listen and perhaps not.

All I did here was post a fun poll just for the enjoyment of doing it. Whereupon my thread was besieged by NRA haters who used my thread as an opportunity to inform the world they are the ones enjoying the fruit of our membership dues.
I find that to be extremely obnoxious, so I thought I would give them a good dose of reality to suck on while they enjoy the ride.
I can't stand moochers, cowards, lazybones, nor weaklings.

09-01-2015, 01:17 PM
All I did here was post a fun poll just for the enjoyment of doing it. Whereupon my thread was besieged by NRA haters who used my thread as an opportunity to inform the world they are the ones enjoying the fruit of our membership dues.
I find that to be extremely obnoxious, so I thought I would give them a good dose of reality to suck on while they enjoy the ride.
I can't stand moochers, cowards, lazybones, nor weaklings.

You did nothing wrong, but through experience on this board, I new NRA haters would flock to it like flies to a pile of poop, for that is their nature.

09-01-2015, 01:30 PM
I'll support the N.R.A. when they roll back all these oppressive gun laws.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this site. Tell yourself a story, keep your money to yourself, (every last penny by golly), and continue to enjoy the rights we fight for for you. Since you won't fight. When I'm in a brawl I want friends who jump right in. You aint one of those kind of guys. I know, I'm ranting. But it ticks me off when I hear this BS. I'd have a lot more respect for a guy who was honest enough to just admit he's too cheap to pitch in but is still happy to ride the wagon he won't help pull. GO AWAY. You don't deserve to own a gun.

09-01-2015, 01:38 PM
You did nothing wrong, but through experience on this board, I new NRA haters would flock to it like flies to a pile of poop, for that is their nature.

I'm surprised it took them as long as it did. They usually scream the loudest and the supporters don't feel like dealing w/ them and stop posting. The haters walk away thinking they've won.

09-01-2015, 01:40 PM
I just consider the source of the whining.

09-01-2015, 01:43 PM
The "NRA haters" all have one common trait. They need to justify in their minds why they are freeloaders. It's guilt showing thru.

09-01-2015, 02:49 PM
The "NRA haters" all have one common trait. They need to justify in their minds why they are freeloaders. It's guilt showing thru.

You are projecting on them the emotion of guilt which normal people would feel if they freeloaded. In this case, I doubt there is any guilt, just satisfaction with being the only true Americans, the only true Patriots and the only people who stand up for what they believe. Guilt over hating the NRA is not on their menu.

09-01-2015, 03:01 PM
I would like it if ALL NRA members on this site would declare their membership by using their Profile Section to list as a NRA Member or NRA Lifetime Member. Maybe No.1 could make it a requirement of using this site.

09-01-2015, 03:01 PM
You are projecting on them the emotion of guilt which normal people would feel if they freeloaded. In this case, I doubt there is any guilt, just satisfaction with being the only true Americans, the only true Patriots and the only people who stand up for what they believe. Guilt over hating the NRA is not on their menu.

I never viewed it like that, however, that explains why some will not support a candidate that agrees on 80% of their issues even if this lack of support allows a candidate to be elected that does not agree with any of their views.

09-01-2015, 03:53 PM
You are projecting on them the emotion of guilt which normal people would feel if they freeloaded. In this case, I doubt there is any guilt, just satisfaction with being the only true Americans, the only true Patriots and the only people who stand up for what they believe. Guilt over hating the NRA is not on their menu.

You are 100% correct, and it's as obvious as the nose on their face.
A person who had an ounce of shame wouldn't be able to post one single line in this thread if they did not support the NRA. Just like in my "help needed" thread concerning voting in the coming election rather than throwing America under the bus again.
I think these people truly believe they are somehow standing for something, even though their actions do more to destroy this country than any socialist in Washington ever thought about.
Personally, if I had my way, they would be strung up as traitors, but since our laws protect people and their right to be armed and stupid, I'll just keep showing them a mirror till they catch a glimpse of an anti-American in the reflection and maybe, just maybe, draw a conclusion about the moral state of that pitiful traitor, and be ashamed at long last, that such a person owns a firearm.
If you don't support the NRA, if you don't take care of your family, if you don't provide for your children's freedom, if you don't help the people who are helping you,
you best stay out of my threads, and away from me, because I have some things to say about that sort of a person, and I'll say it to their face.
This country would never have had a beginning if these types had been tolerated, and none of us would have firearms or weapons of any kind if such as these had been tolerated when great decisions were being made, and a great country was being erected. Noe would we have the freedom to speak together towards the goal of effecting change in Washington as we do.

09-01-2015, 03:59 PM
I never viewed it like that, however, that explains why some will not support a candidate that agrees on 80% of their issues even if this lack of support allows a candidate to be elected that does not agree with any of their views.

Yep, they are a narcissistic bunch, totally self absorbed and live only to make them feel good about themselves. They don't care about the country, others or anything, but their own sense of self and being the only ones right.

09-01-2015, 04:07 PM
Tim..No sense getting spun up about that bunch of self absorbed, self styled patriot crazies. It is about as productive as getting mad at a brick for being a brick. I have a pretty comprehensive list of them on my "ignore list". Not having to read their inane ravings makes life easier.

In my life, I have had to deal with many loonies of all stripes. The sooner, I can slap a label on their foreheads that reads "CRAZY', the sooner I can get on with life and people that are rational.

There is no real need to refute or challenge them on anything. Rational people can spot a crazy pretty easy but other crazy people cant spot another of their own kind, no matter how much logic you heap on them.

09-01-2015, 04:24 PM
I don't always like what the NRA does. I am a Benefactor member. I am a certified instructor. I do not like 'haters', it takes to much energy. Could be doing something useful. If'n y'all don't like what we're doin', and we're not steppin' on yern toes, STFU.

09-01-2015, 04:27 PM
I suppose you're right Charles, but I just can't bear to give up on people like that. I keep thinking if they could only see the damage they are doing to themselves and to the people around them, they would change.
Probably hubris of youth.

09-01-2015, 05:54 PM
I suppose you're right Charles, but I just can't bear to give up on people like that. I keep thinking if they could only see the damage they are doing to themselves and to the people around them, they would change.
Probably hubris of youth.

I hear you Tim, but at 73 I have finally learned I can't inform people that don't want to be informed, help people that don't want to be helped and change people that don't want to changed. It is a pity they do so much damage. It took me a very long time to learn this.

09-01-2015, 06:38 PM

Did you notice the word "considered" in what I said? Apparently not. I did not say they "were" a militia, simply said they were considered a militia by the folks in said militia's. The SCOTUS ruling has not changed that consideration or perception.

BTW; that SCOTUS decsision did not rule the NG is not a militia. It merely ruled the NG of any state is subject to federalization (active duty or active duty for training). The case had nothing to do with whether the NG was a militia or not but rather cnsidered the qestion whether the NG could be ordered to active duty over the ojections of a govenor.

"This interpretation merely recognizes the supremacy of federal power in the military affairs area and does not significantly affect either the State's basic training responsibility or its ability to rely on its own Guard in state emergency situations."

Larry Gibson

I missed the 'considered'. Reread said case and the US Constitution about training the militia.

09-01-2015, 07:05 PM
I am also a little tired of the money raising gimmicks of the the NRA. However, the reason the liberal left fears the NRA, is the same as the reason that the press continually say's "The NRA caused this", and "the congress couldn't pass this because of NRA's big money influence".
It's not because they believe the NRA is really some individual giant money influence on politics as their media portrays us. After all George Soros could buy and sell us, but he can only cast one vote. It's because they are not morons, and they can do simple arithmetic. Anyone can take the money reported as spent by the NRA and divide it by $35 to get the number of active supporting voters. That is the number the politicians are forced to consider. WE VOTE, and WE PROVE OUR INTENT WITH OUR OWN MONEY. THEY KNOW IN ADVANCE HOW WE WILL VOTE. That is why the NRA has clout. Plain and simple we are the largest truly grass roots political organization in the world today. $35 a head to express a truly held, simple opinion gives us gravitas that every other political organization can only dream about. It can, and has, outweighed the entire liberal media establishment, no matter what they say on TV. At this point Politicians know this is true in their souls. In my opinion, missing out on the chance to be part of this is just plain foolish.

09-01-2015, 07:38 PM
I am also a little tired of the money raising gimmicks of the the NRA. However, the reason the liberal left fears the NRA, is the same as the reason that the press continually say's "The NRA caused this", and "the congress couldn't pass this because of NRA's big money influence".
It's not because they believe the NRA is really some individual giant money influence on politics as their media portrays us. After all George Soros could buy and sell us, but he can only cast one vote. It's because they are not morons, and they can do simple arithmetic. Anyone can take the money reported as spent by the NRA and divide it by $35 to get the number of active supporting voters. That is the number the politicians are forced to consider. WE VOTE, and WE PROVE OUR INTENT WITH OUR OWN MONEY. THEY KNOW IN ADVANCE HOW WE WILL VOTE. That is why the NRA has clout. Plain and simple we are the largest truly grass roots political organization in the world today. $35 a head to express a truly held, simple opinion gives us gravitas that every other political organization can only dream about. It can, and has, outweighed the entire liberal media establishment, no matter what they say on TV. At this point Politicians know this is true in their souls. In my opinion, missing out on the chance to be part of this is just plain foolish.

Superb post BD. Very well said.

09-01-2015, 07:46 PM
Odd that some will waste so much time and energy arguing and fighting with the ones that are supporting the good of the cause, but can't muster the gumption/funds to take the fight to the people that are trying to steal their liberties...

09-01-2015, 07:49 PM
I am also a little tired of the money raising gimmicks of the the NRA. However, the reason the liberal left fears the NRA, is the same as the reason that the press continually say's "The NRA caused this", and "the congress couldn't pass this because of NRA's big money influence".
It's not because they believe the NRA is really some individual giant money influence on politics as their media portrays us. After all George Soros could buy and sell us, but he can only cast one vote. It's because they are not morons, and they can do simple arithmetic. Anyone can take the money reported as spent by the NRA and divide it by $35 to get the number of active supporting voters. That is the number the politicians are forced to consider. WE VOTE, and WE PROVE OUR INTENT WITH OUR OWN MONEY. THEY KNOW IN ADVANCE HOW WE WILL VOTE. That is why the NRA has clout. Plain and simple we are the largest truly grass roots political organization in the world today. $35 a head to express a truly held, simple opinion gives us gravitas that every other political organization can only dream about. It can, and has, outweighed the entire liberal media establishment, no matter what they say on TV. At this point Politicians know this is true in their souls. In my opinion, missing out on the chance to be part of this is just plain foolish.

Of course I don't belong to every RKBA or 2nd Amendment group, but the ones I do or have belonged to all ask for a little more money than than the basic dues to be a member.

The only thing that bugs me about any of them asking for more money, is me not having a big enough budget for such things to give more than I do.

09-01-2015, 08:16 PM
Odd that some will waste so much time and energy arguing and fighting with the ones that are supporting the good of the cause, but can't muster the gumption/funds to take the fight to the people that are trying to steal their liberties...

People choose their own path, but pushing, shoving only results in a push back. The foundation of liberty is free choice, and responsibility, not a mob telling others how to do it. This is one of the reason people are put off by the NRA.

09-01-2015, 08:54 PM
The NRA isn't a mob. It's your fellow gun owner. People complain about being asked for money all the time. Did you call or change your preferences online? You can opt out of most of it. I think I get a discrete letter once a quarter asking for a contribution. Easy to ignore if I don't have the funds. I get the same type of solicitations from the local fire company and ambulance core. Both of which are volunteer. I have the ear of the fire company treasurer since he's my father. He refuses to take me off the mailing list :laugh:

09-01-2015, 09:08 PM
Anyone can take the money reported as spent by the NRA and divide it by $35 to get the number of active supporting voters. That is the number the politicians are forced to consider.
And, THAT is why the simple (and cheap) act of joining up and paying dues is so effective.

You can pay your piddlin' $35 and ignore all of the other offers, come-ons, and funding drives ... if that's all you care to contribute.
Your individual 'boost' to the membership number is the key to NRA influence, and success.

You can whine about them asking for money ... while you refuse to donate.
You can refuse to join ... because they don't do the things you want done.
And, as a non-member you can bad mouth the organization ... while bragging about how you have stayed out.

But, if the NRA can't reach an objective because of a shortage of funds, or if they lose clout in Washington because of a dip in membership ... and if your badmouthing helps cause the lack of funds and member losses, you aren't worth the time of any of us when it comes to having questions answered or any of the other forms of fellowship found here.


09-01-2015, 09:15 PM
I am also a little tired of the money raising gimmicks of the the NRA. However, the reason the liberal left fears the NRA, is the same as the reason that the press continually say's "The NRA caused this", and "the congress couldn't pass this because of NRA's big money influence".
It's not because they believe the NRA is really some individual giant money influence on politics as their media portrays us. After all George Soros could buy and sell us, but he can only cast one vote. It's because they are not morons, and they can do simple arithmetic. Anyone can take the money reported as spent by the NRA and divide it by $35 to get the number of active supporting voters. That is the number the politicians are forced to consider. WE VOTE, and WE PROVE OUR INTENT WITH OUR OWN MONEY. THEY KNOW IN ADVANCE HOW WE WILL VOTE. That is why the NRA has clout. Plain and simple we are the largest truly grass roots political organization in the world today. $35 a head to express a truly held, simple opinion gives us gravitas that every other political organization can only dream about. It can, and has, outweighed the entire liberal media establishment, no matter what they say on TV. At this point Politicians know this is true in their souls. In my opinion, missing out on the chance to be part of this is just plain foolish.

The mention of $35/yr brings up a good point for me. I bought into a life membership when they had a special before the last election. I've decided it is a good plan to send at least $35 a year to ILA. Maybe I can also talk some friends into joining. Most of all, I hope that even those who complain about the NRA will at least go vote when the time comes. While the presidential election next year is important, local elections are important too.

I'm not going to jump on the wagon that is tearing thru this thread since others can express it much better than I can.

09-01-2015, 10:19 PM
People choose their own path, but pushing, shoving only results in a push back. The foundation of liberty is free choice, and responsibility, not a mob telling others how to do it. This is one of the reason people are put off by the NRA.

So I have to ask if the law of the land says ,everyone has the right to do what,when, where ,who so long as it doesn't interfere with anyone else's right to the same and is not morally repugnant.
The problem is that people just can't live with that idea as a whole . So this 1 says you can't marry a 16 yo girl even though you're only 17 and have your own 20 acres and 10 cows and been making your own way for 3 yr . Circa 1800 . Next thing ya know we have we have 5000 laws basically defining our morality and what everyone, when ,what ,where and who means now in the name of compromise we have push and shove. A few think that none should have or do some particular thing and here we are . It feels like we need to push back with about a dozen D 12 Cats .

09-01-2015, 10:33 PM
People choose their own path, but pushing, shoving only results in a push back. The foundation of liberty is free choice, and responsibility, not a mob telling others how to do it. This is one of the reason people are put off by the NRA.

Everyone has the “right” to not defend their liberties, however, they should not be surprised when others that don't share your views takes your "liberties" away. No person or organization is perfect the NRA included. If you are contributing to other pro-gun organizations great. If not you are more of a problem than the anti-gunners. At least they are honest with their intentions.

09-01-2015, 10:35 PM
I did a little political work for a group I was involved with. In Political circles, perceived number of actual followers is computed at 5:1. IE if you have 1 person who voices an opinion the politico sees 5.

So if you show up with a petition with 100,000 signatures on it the politico sees a Half Million which is a significant voting block and is thus their opinion is carefully considered.

The NRA has 5 million current members and that equates to 25 million votes.

The NRA is the second biggest lobby in Washington DC behind the "Friends of Israel" and ahead of the Insurance Lobby.

Being second place does have it's perks.


09-01-2015, 10:41 PM
Everyone has the “right” to not defend their liberties, however, they should not be surprised when others that don't share your views takes your "liberties" away. No person or organization is perfect the NRA included. If you are contributing to other pro-gun organizations great. If not you are more of a problem than the anti-gunners. At least they are honest with their intentions.

Really, a law abiding citizen who owns, and carries guns that goes about their life is more of a problem than anti's. Amazing, just amazing! Is it any wonder more, and more people turn away from organizations with people who insult them unless they do as they say. Pretty much the same agenda as Mommies Demand Attention.

The only person a person can control is the person they look at in the mirror. If as much energy was used to bully politicians, as used to bully law abiding citizens we would have much less of a problem.

09-01-2015, 10:51 PM
I have attended NRA functions, never saw a mob at one.

The last real mob I saw and was in was when stationed in Washington DC during the 1960's with the peace marchers heckling me and spitting at me & calling me vile names and accusing me me of being a baby killer among other things as I walk into work at the Pentagon. That sir was a mob.

The NRA asking for funds to help the very sport we all enjoy, for little more than a tank of gas fill up, or a dinner with your wife, or worse a carton of cigs, which likely will give you a slow and painful death for Gods sake not a mob.

Furthermore if it offends you so much with all the mailings which many seem unable to handle to throw away, is it REALLY that hard to dial the 800 number on the back of your membership card and sat to be removed from the mailing list? REALLY NOW, IS IT THAT DIFFUCULT??

09-01-2015, 10:54 PM
Really, a law abiding citizen who owns, and carries guns that goes about their life is more of a problem than anti's. Amazing, just amazing! Is it any wonder more, and more people turn away from organizations with people who insult them unless they do as they say. Pretty much the same agenda as Mommies Demand Attention.

The only person a person can control is the person they look at in the mirror. If as much energy was used to bully politicians, as used to bully law abiding citizens we would have much less of a problem.

You must be pretty thin skinned if you consider the NRA to be bullying, that in itself is a laughing matter.

09-01-2015, 10:57 PM
Really, a law abiding citizen who owns, and carries guns that goes about their life is more of a problem than anti's. Amazing, just amazing! Is it any wonder more, and more people turn away from organizations with people who insult them unless they do as they say. Pretty much the same agenda as Mommies Demand Attention.

The only person a person can control is the person they look at in the mirror. If as much energy was used to bully politicians, as used to bully law abiding citizens we would have much less of a problem.

And what good are "gun owners" that do nothing to support the rapidly eroding "right" to own firearms. The anti's will never stop until they have a 100% ban. If you are not helping to defend your "right" you are part of the problem. No different than the "good Muslims" that do nothing to stop the extremist Muslims.

09-01-2015, 10:58 PM
You must be pretty thin skinned if you consider the NRA to be bullying, that in itself is a laughing matter.

Hell, it is right here in the posts, insulting law abiding citizen gun owners who for one reason or another go about their business are called worse than anti gun. That is not thin skinned, I couldn't care less, but don't whine about the bad PR, that is thin skinned. The biggest problem NRA has is a small amount of pushy members who run around insulting people. They use the same tactics that the Brady bunch uses, and it turns off people just the same.

You want to further the NRA, then stop acting like children, and treat law abiding citizens with respect.

09-01-2015, 11:00 PM
And what good are "gun owners" that do nothing to support the rapidly eroding "right" to own firearms. The anti's will never stop until they have a 100% ban. If you are not helping to defend your "right" you are part of the problem. No different than the "good Muslims" that do nothing to stop the extremist Muslims.

BS, law abiding gun owners further the cause. They do not have to jump on your band wagon, many do not have the time or funds. It is downright insulting to expect a single mother working 2 to 3 jobs to spend her money, and time for people with no respect for her.

09-01-2015, 11:03 PM
BS, law abiding gun owners further the cause. They do not have to jump on your band wagon, many do not have the time or funds. It is downright insulting to expect a single mother working 2 to 3 jobs to spend her money, and time for people with no respect for her.

OK educate me. How are they furthering the cause?

I am currently paying the yearly dues for 3 individuals that don't have the funds. I have been doing that for years. As to not having time that is truly a load of BS!!!!!!!

09-01-2015, 11:06 PM
OK educate me. How are they furthering the cause?

They are gun owners, without gun owners the NRA is nothing, whether they belong or not. Many normalize the carry of firearms, and help reduce the public fear. Most don't sit behind keyboards on their behind whimpering. They live freedom, they don't talk about it. They practice, and respect liberty, not insult others for not being like the group.

They are not anti's, and I doubt that Wayne Lapierre believes that or would endorse that dogma.

09-01-2015, 11:22 PM
Hell, it is right here in the posts, insulting law abiding citizen gun owners who for one reason or another go about their business are called worse than anti gun. That is not thin skinned, I couldn't care less, but don't whine about the bad PR, that is thin skinned. The biggest problem NRA has is a small amount of pushy members who run around insulting people. They use the same tactics that the Brady bunch uses, and it turns off people just the same.

You want to further the NRA, then stop acting like children, and treat law abiding citizens with respect.

YUP That's why the NRA is growing as fact as it is. You seem to be the whinner. That's OK, we've done a fairly good job of carrying you so far!

09-01-2015, 11:28 PM
BS, law abiding gun owners further the cause. They do not have to jump on your band wagon, many do not have the time or funds. It is downright insulting to expect a single mother working 2 to 3 jobs to spend her money, and time for people with no respect for her.

They have enough to buy a ftrearn and anno, and not enough to spend $25/35 bucks for a membership? LOL

I'm a disabled vet, with a small pension, and somehow/ just somehow I manage to do it. All depends of ones priorities. You want it, you'll have it.

09-01-2015, 11:30 PM
YUP That's why the NRA is growing as fact as it is. You seem to be the whinner. That's OK, we've done a fairly good job of carrying you so far!

Don't bother, we have had the right to carry without a permit in NC for 90 years without any NRA help whatsoever. It grows not because of loud mouth cry babies but because people are concerned with gun grabbers. That does not mean those who are not NRA members are anti gun, otherwise right to keep and bear arms would be dead. There are a lot more citizens in the US than NRA members, and if they were all anti the NRA would lose. I doubt very many members joined because you called them names.

09-01-2015, 11:32 PM
Hell, it is right here in the posts, insulting law abiding citizen gun owners who for one reason or another go about their business are called worse than anti gun. That is not thin skinned, I couldn't care less, but don't whine about the bad PR, that is thin skinned. The biggest problem NRA has is a small amount of pushy members who run around insulting people. They use the same tactics that the Brady bunch uses, and it turns off people just the same.

You want to further the NRA, then stop acting like children, and treat law abiding citizens with respect.

Respect is something that is earned. If you are doing nothing to earn respect you will not recieve any nor deserve it. That is with with everthing in life. Letting other people carry your water earns you zero respect.

09-01-2015, 11:34 PM
I doubt very many members joined because you called them names.

Hey guy, point out one place I called anyone a name!

09-01-2015, 11:42 PM
Hey guy, point out one place I called anyone a name!

It doesn't have to be you directly, but one member refereed to gun owners as anti's, it appears you approve of that language. Otherwise I would think you would have stepped up to the plate instead of arguing with me.

Some NRA members use the same tactics that Gov Christie uses, how is that working out for him? The good thing is not all NRA members act like that, just the ones on the internet. I doubt the NRA approves of that type of tactics.

09-01-2015, 11:42 PM
I think he was referring to me JC. The truth is not setting him free today. It's setting him loose.

Just owning a gun doesn't further any cause. That's showing up to the wedding for the booze. Saying on one hand you own a gun, but then in the same breath claiming you can't afford $35 membership dues is an interesting display of intelligence. Then it's taken one step further by suggesting that showing respect for these illogical, asinine arguments would change anything.
Then there's the lame attempt to shame me by claiming you're a single working mother.
You don't shame me. I have nothing to be ashamed about. Last week I gave my Ruger LCP to my new neighbor. She is single but not a mother. She is alone in her first home, and scared that she was unprotected. I gave her a quick course in gun safety, showed her how to load, unload, clean and shoot the pistol.
Now Angie is going to take her shooting at the local indoor range, and she will be told that the only reason I was able to provide for her safety and give her a handgun in the first place was because of the NRA, and it will be suggested that she join up.

Things you can do with $35:
One box of ammo.
One set of dies
One Lee mold
One pound of powder
30 pounds of lead
One good cleaning kit
Two packs of Shoot-n-see targets
One case of shotgun shells
One hunting licence

Tell me. In the past 6 months, were any of these things more important to you than the right to own the gun they are all used for? Just curious.
Yeah, the right to have that gun is there, and it's not going away any time soon. That's my gift to you. I paid for it. Enjoy. But don't demand my respect in this issue if you don't pull your end of the load. Sorry if you're offended.........wait, that would be a lie. I'm really not sorry at all. Can't stand people who don't work/pay for what they have or take other peoples effort for granted.

Are you insulted by that? It's the truth you know. What a shame to find the truth insulting. That means you need to be lied to in order not to be insulted. What lie would you like me to tell you? Spell it out, and I'll say it back to you, then you won't be offended. I may not be as good at lying to you as you are, but I'll give it my best shot.

Bad Water Bill
09-01-2015, 11:49 PM
Walkingwolf (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/member.php?41419-Walkingwolf)

Please tell us just what you have ever done for firearms owners or your country?

No state no memberships but a lot of noise.

Yes I am an OLD man but I still attend 2-3 gun rights meeting EVERY MONTH to see what I can still do to help.

Yes I travel to the state capitol every year to let my politicians see my face and hear me.

That was what many of us did year after year in March where we marched in the freezing weather including rain and snow till we became the final state to get CCW but we finally won.

If it was not for the NRA and their help there would still be only 49 states with CCW.

09-01-2015, 11:52 PM
Oh and kudos to Montana Charlie for the post on the last page. Great post.

09-01-2015, 11:54 PM
It doesn't have to be you directly, but one member refereed to gun owners as anti's, it appears you approve of that language. Otherwise I would think you would have stepped up to the plate instead of arguing with me.

So I'm calling folks names because else made a statement you din't like, unblieaviable?

Talk about the spin zone!

09-02-2015, 12:01 AM
Walkingwolf (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/member.php?41419-Walkingwolf)

Please tell us just what you have ever done for firearms owners or your country?

No state no memberships but a lot of noise.

Yes I am an OLD man but I still attend 2-3 gun rights meeting EVERY MONTH to see what I can still do to help.

Yes I travel to the state capitol every year to let my politicians see my face and hear me.

That was what many of us did year after year in March where we marched in the freezing weather including rain and snow till we became the final state to get CCW but we finally won.

If it was not for the NRA and their help there would still be only 49 states with CCW.

I carry every single day openly, and promote carry on a daily basis, that is not including the letters, and phone calls to anybody that will listen. I promote the second amendment, not privileges, not gun control laws. There is only one valid gun control law, and it has nothing in it about the NRA.

I live it daily, not because of some other person telling me to do, but because it is my choice. Once people decide to push their agenda on others they become socialists. There is more amendments to the BOR than just the 2A.

I have nothing against someone who wishes to be a member of the NRA, it should be personal choice. There are millions of people in this country that carry for the most important reason. To protect their family, and themselves, and that is admirable. They also vote, and most likely vote for their right to defend their family with a firearm. They are not anti's.

It is NOT up to YOU who has, and has not met your standards. That is up to you to meet your standards, if you fail that is on you, not others.

Lack of respect for other gun owners is the largest enemy gun rights have, and the anti's love it. The best thing, IMO, that a gun rights advocate can do is support legal gun owners.

09-02-2015, 12:09 AM
I carry every single day openly, and promote carry on a daily basis, that is not including the letters, and phone calls to anybody that will listen. I promote the second amendment, not privileges, not gun control laws. There is only one valid gun control law, and it has nothing in it about the NRA.

I live it daily, not because of some other person telling me to do, but because it is my choice. Once people decide to push their agenda on others they become socialists. There is more amendments to the BOR than just the 2A.

I have nothing against someone who wishes to be a member of the NRA, it should be personal choice. There are millions of people in this country that carry for the most important reason. To protect their family, and themselves, and that is admirable. They also vote, and most likely vote for their right to defend their family with a firearm. They are not anti's.

It is NOT up to YOU who has, and has not met your standards. That is up to you to meet your standards, if you fail that is on you, not others.

Lack of respect for other gun owners is the largest enemy gun rights have, and the anti's love it. The best thing, IMO, that a gun rights advocate can do is support legal gun owners.

So in your opinion, if we all just buy a gun, and stick it in our pants, there would be less oppressive gun laws? Please continue! tell me how this works! And while you're at it, explain to the good people of Illinois how they could have saved themselves so much effort.

09-02-2015, 12:22 AM
I have a question for all of you NRA supporters, how many of you red NRA banner members are working on a blue banner? Not trying to diminish your contributions, I honestly want to know. I have only finished paying off my lifetime membership a few years ago, less than two or three I think, and had yearly membership for a bit before I decided to do the lifetime. Also, I see a few seeming to be members but no banner, what's up with that? Seems advertising NRA membership would possibly help recruit others, no?

09-02-2015, 12:27 AM
So in your opinion, if we all just buy a gun, and stick it in our pants, there would be less oppressive gun laws? Please continue! tell me how this works! And while you're at it, explain to the good people of Illinois how they could have saved themselves so much effort.

Do you even know the history of NFA, and GCA? Who do you think helped with those laws, and supported them?

Every single gun law has gun control in the law. I have not seen the NRA lobby for nationwide constitutional carry, that is what the second amendment is. Having some, is better than nothing, but let's not fall into the trap that the 2A was written for gun control, in any form.

Without gun owners, there would be no resistance to taking gun rights away. And there are a hell of a lot more gun owners than NRA members. In 2010 there were 70 to 80 million gun owners in the US, I doubt that most of them are anti gun. They dwarf the NRA's 5 million members.

09-02-2015, 12:27 AM
I have a question for all of you NRA supporters, how many of you red NRA banner members are working on a blue banner? Not trying to diminish your contributions, I honestly want to know. I have only finished paying off my lifetime membership a few years ago, less than two or three I think, and had yearly membership for a bit before I decided to do the lifetime. Also, I see a few seeming to be members but no banner, what's up with that? Seems advertising NRA membership would possibly help recruit others, no?

I'm still paying year by year (sometimes three years at once). I've longed for a lifetime NRA membership and a lifetime Arkansas sportsman licence since I was a kid, but they both cost $1000 each, and I believe the NRA gets more help from me by doing a yearly membership. If somebody knows which is actually better or equals more effective support, do tell.

09-02-2015, 12:32 AM
I'm still paying year by year (sometimes three years at once). I've longed for a lifetime NRA membership and a lifetime Arkansas sportsman licence since I was a kid, but they both cost $1000 each, and I believe the NRA gets more help from me by doing a yearly membership. If somebody knows which is actually better or equals more effective support, do tell.
Do the EPL, its only $25 a month or every three months, until you reach 1k : https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp

09-02-2015, 12:36 AM
At my age of 71 & 11 months I but by every 5 years as my health is at this time. When I pass the NRA will get their share as I have requested.

09-02-2015, 12:39 AM
Without gun owners, there would be no resistance to taking gun rights away. And there are a hell of a lot more gun owners than NRA members. In 2010 there were 70 to 80 million gun owners in the US, I doubt that most of them are anti gun. They dwarf the NRA's 5 million members.

And if every gun owner was an NRA member there would be no worry about restrictive gun laws, even in CA or NY.

09-02-2015, 12:43 AM
there were 70 to 80 million gun owners in the US, I doubt that most of them are anti gun. They dwarf the NRA's 5 million members.

Owning a firearm makes you a firearm owner. Nothing more nothing less. Owning a firearm and voting for anti-gun candidates makes you anti-gun.

09-02-2015, 12:51 AM
And if every gun owner was an NRA member there would be no worry about restrictive gun laws, even in CA or NY.

It is their choice, but almost every person that buys a gun or accessory donates to the NRA, companies like Ruger donate a dollar to NRA for every weapon sold. Taurus donates for a membership every weapon sold, the purchaser only has to fill out the card. Not included in that is the advertising to the tune of over 20 million dollars that is supported by gun manufacturers, and accessory manufacturers. Without the votes of those(probably over 80 million) gun owners the NRA would be up a creek without a paddle. It is about time that some of the members show some respect for those voters. At least try not to turn them off, and push them to the other side, or have them just sit at home.

BTW the NRA brings in over 200 million dollars a year, and in 2010 only 10 million went to lobby, or legal action. So far I have not seen one constitutional carry case that the NRA has tried to get to SCOTUS. If the 2A was held up to strict scrutiny, and a case was won, there would be no more gun control. Can't imagine why they are not going for it, especially when Scalia made remarks that he would at least be in favor of constitutional open carry in Heller. Yet years later NRA has not taken him up on it, how much longer do you think he will be on the bench.

09-02-2015, 12:55 AM
Owning a firearm makes you a firearm owner. Nothing more nothing less. Owning a firearm and voting for anti-gun candidates makes you anti-gun.

You think that 5 million voters are electing pro gun conservatives? Do you know how many votes are cast in an election? You really think that NRA members alone are winning without the support of other voters?

Bad Water Bill
09-02-2015, 01:09 AM
Do you even know the history of NFA, and GCA? Who do you think helped with those laws, and supported them?

Every single gun law has gun control in the law. I have not seen the NRA lobby for nationwide constitutional carry, that is what the second amendment is. Having some, is better than nothing, but let's not fall into the trap that the 2A was written for gun control, in any form.

Without gun owners, there would be no resistance to taking gun rights away. And there are a hell of a lot more gun owners than NRA members. In 2010 there were 70 to 80 million gun owners in the US, I doubt that most of them are anti gun. They dwarf the NRA's 5 million members.

Have you ever taken the time to meet any of those folks and shook their hand as I have or attended ONE of their meetings?

If you would like to receive MY Second Amendment Freedom Rally Host hat (where my late friend Otis McDonald spoke shortly after he won the right to own a handgun in Chiraq with the SCOTUS) please send me your real name and address.

Some day look up illinoiscarry.com to see a very active group I am also a member of.

Then there is the Illinois State Rifle Assn and a couple more I help out at.

Again please share with us just how you are actively working to achieve many of the goals YOU mentioned?

09-02-2015, 06:56 AM
It is their choice, but almost every person that buys a gun or accessory donates to the NRA, companies like Ruger donate a dollar to NRA for every weapon sold. Taurus donates for a membership every weapon sold, the purchaser only has to fill out the card. Not included in that is the advertising to the tune of over 20 million dollars that is supported by gun manufacturers, and accessory manufacturers. Without the votes of those(probably over 80 million) gun owners the NRA would be up a creek without a paddle. It is about time that some of the members show some respect for those voters. At least try not to turn them off, and push them to the other side, or have them just sit at home.

BTW the NRA brings in over 200 million dollars a year, and in 2010 only 10 million went to lobby, or legal action. So far I have not seen one constitutional carry case that the NRA has tried to get to SCOTUS. If the 2A was held up to strict scrutiny, and a case was won, there would be no more gun control. Can't imagine why they are not going for it, especially when Scalia made remarks that he would at least be in favor of constitutional open carry in Heller. Yet years later NRA has not taken him up on it, how much longer do you think he will be on the bench.

I don't suppose you can see the circularity of your reasoning can you?

09-02-2015, 09:55 AM
Instead of beating up on gun owners that are not part of the NRA why not instead let them know what they get with NRA membership? The insurances alone are worth the $25 a month for a lifetime membership using the Easy Pay Life (EPL) plan. I do not recommend the yearly plan, it does not count toward your $1000 lifetime membership. You can give more once you pay for your lifetime membership, and with the NRA roundup program at some LGS'.

I hope a plug for the NRA is not out of place, but here is what you get:

An official NRA Membership ID card - showing your Membership ID number and expiration date or Life Member status. You should carry this card with you at all times.
Yea, I know whoopty-do a card, but this card gets you many NRA discounts such as car rentals and such.

With all regular memberships, you will get a choice of subscription to American Rifleman (http://www.americanrifleman.org/), American Hunter (http://www.americanhunter.org/), or America's 1st Freedom (http://www.nrapublications.org/a1f/index.html). (Premium Digital Editions now available)
A lot of ads and political columns but some good articles as well, I get the digital edition to reduce costs for the NRA.

Junior members receive a subscription to Insights. (http://www.nrainsights.org/)

Annual members receive $5,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage at NO COST to you. The plan covers accidents at, or to and from, an NRA event; and accidents that occur during the use of firearms or hunting equipment while hunting. Insurance must be activated at time of renewal. (Does not include Junior membership.)
This is roughly $5 to $10 a month through an insurance company.

Life members receive $10,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage at NO COST to you. The plan covers accidents at, or to and from, an NRA event; and accidents that occur during the use of firearms or hunting equipment while hunting. Insurance must be activated at time of upgrade to Life member status
This is roughly $5 to $10 a month through an insurance company.

Law Enforcement Officers, that are NRA members, killed in the line of duty will have $25,000 in coverage.

$2,500 of ArmsCare coverage with your NRA membership. This plan covers insured firearms, air guns, bows and arrows against theft, accidental loss, and damage.
Yea, its only $2,500 and most of us have more guns than that but its another $5 or $10 if you paid an insurance company on your own. And it will cover you if your weapon is stolen from your vehicle if you need to leave it in there for any reason.

Then of course is the NRA-ILA, what I take it is that your membership dues can't be used by them so those that say they are supporting our 2A rights by being a member only are not entirely correct. Here is what I understand:

NRA membership dues go to the main organization and are not used for political purposes and are not tax deductible.

NRA ILA http://www.nraila.org/ is the lobbying branch of the NRA and this is funding used for NRA people in DC and the state capitals who interact with various legislative bodies.

The NRA PVF http://www.nrapvf.org/ is the fund used for making contributions to political candidates and for political advertising.

The NRA Foundation http://www.nrafoundation.org/ is tax deductible and it does things like safety and marksmanship training and range programs. This is a Section 501(c)(3) organization making donations tax deductible.

The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund http://www.nradefensefund.org/ is the branch that helps with things like law suites and other gun rights court cases. This one is also tax deductible as a Section 501(c)(3) org.

09-02-2015, 10:12 AM
It is their choice, but almost every person that buys a gun or accessory donates to the NRA, companies like Ruger donate a dollar to NRA for every weapon sold. Taurus donates for a membership every weapon sold, the purchaser only has to fill out the card. Not included in that is the advertising to the tune of over 20 million dollars that is supported by gun manufacturers, and accessory manufacturers. Without the votes of those(probably over 80 million) gun owners the NRA would be up a creek without a paddle. It is about time that some of the members show some respect for those voters. At least try not to turn them off, and push them to the other side, or have them just sit at home.

BTW the NRA brings in over 200 million dollars a year, and in 2010 only 10 million went to lobby, or legal action. So far I have not seen one constitutional carry case that the NRA has tried to get to SCOTUS. If the 2A was held up to strict scrutiny, and a case was won, there would be no more gun control. Can't imagine why they are not going for it, especially when Scalia made remarks that he would at least be in favor of constitutional open carry in Heller. Yet years later NRA has not taken him up on it, how much longer do you think he will be on the bench.

The NRA does a whole lot more than legislative work. Maybe you do not see the value in shooting ranges, youth programs, safety programs etc...
If that was your beef with the NRA, you can easily send money directly to the ILA. That money goes solely for legislative work.

Good for you if you send letters and make calls, that is good and everyone should do it. The whole point here is that membership numbers give the NRA (gun owners) clout. Without that we would be nowhere. You can open carry all day long, that does not change any politician's desire to ban guns, it DOES give them something to point at to give their liberal voters someone to hate. I am not saying that people should not exercise their right to carry, I am saying that carrying openly does nothing to help defeat or prevent anti gun legislation or even attitudes.

I am a patron or benefactor life member, I do not recall which. But, I still send a couple hundred dollars a year to the ILA. I also attend NRA Foundation dinners. The foundation has nothing to do with legislation, but the money raised goes to shooting range grants, youth shooting programs, Boy Scouts shooting programs, and other things that will help keep our gun heritage alive.

Go save your $35 per year, and when you buy a gun for $500 you can think to yourself how much you contributed involuntarily by the manufacturer donating for you. At a rate of 0.2% of your purchase.

NRA membership has no downside that I can see. There are some benefits, none that I have used, but other than the $35 NO DOWNSIDE. I do like American Rifleman, and read First Freedom when one of my gift memberships is done with it.

09-02-2015, 10:49 AM
I am a machine gun owner with a fair amount of NFA stull. The NRA sold us out. But I am still a member. Reluctantly, but I am still a member.

Lloyd Smale
09-02-2015, 10:56 AM
the nra may not be perfect but there the best dog in the fight right now.

09-02-2015, 11:57 AM
I support the NRA and have for the last 40 years or more, but I do get a little tired of the constant begging. The wasted money on sending support us letters to the same folks who have BEEN supporting them. As for the polls what good does it do to have a poll that asks gun owners what they think about gun laws, that's like asking a vegan what he thinks meat!

Bottom line is I don't like all they do but they are the best we have so I put up with the stuff I don't like and keep sending the dollars.

09-02-2015, 12:21 PM
I had contacted the NRA years ago, and told them to knock off the constant solicitation. Now I get maybe two mail notices a year, a phone call maybe once a year. Now if I could only get AARP, non-profits, and politicians to do the same, or less.

09-02-2015, 12:38 PM
I like that some suppliers have round-up programs to give money to the NRA. Every-time I buy from Midway I add a little. Since the NRA does not know its me they don't sent me extra advertising. I still always try to get everyone to join the NRA as its the only game in town. Plus my range requires it as the NRA also is the biggest help to get ranges operating, trained and insured. Yes, they have the best safety training programs.

It is their choice, but almost every person that buys a gun or accessory donates to the NRA, companies like Ruger donate a dollar to NRA for every weapon sold. Taurus donates for a membership every weapon sold, the purchaser only has to fill out the card. Not included in that is the advertising to the tune of over 20 million dollars that is supported by gun manufacturers, and accessory manufacturers. Without the votes of those(probably over 80 million) gun owners the NRA would be up a creek without a paddle. It is about time that some of the members show some respect for those voters. At least try not to turn them off, and push them to the other side, or have them just sit at home.

BTW the NRA brings in over 200 million dollars a year, and in 2010 only 10 million went to lobby, or legal action. So far I have not seen one constitutional carry case that the NRA has tried to get to SCOTUS. If the 2A was held up to strict scrutiny, and a case was won, there would be no more gun control. Can't imagine why they are not going for it, especially when Scalia made remarks that he would at least be in favor of constitutional open carry in Heller. Yet years later NRA has not taken him up on it, how much longer do you think he will be on the bench.

09-02-2015, 12:41 PM
Waksupi I did the same when I upgraded to life membership. They've been very good about limiting calls and solicitations. Fortunately I've never gotten an aarp call and EVERY single piece of mail gets a return call demanding that they remove my name from their mailing list. Not much you can do about politicians. They specifically exempted themselves from the "Do not Call" laws.

09-02-2015, 01:19 PM
Do all of you get this upset about the HWI, or ACE Hardware, or whatever you have in your area, flyers you get in the mail. Non of you get any other local ads or sales info. Is that also maddening?

How bout those freebe so called papers you likely get every week.

09-02-2015, 02:02 PM
I have a question for all of you NRA supporters, how many of you red NRA banner members are working on a blue banner? Not trying to diminish your contributions, I honestly want to know.

Also, I see a few seeming to be members but no banner, what's up with that?
I don't know red banners from blue banners because I don't do banners, but I joined the NRA in '65, when I bought my first guns.

Except for 1972, I have been an annual member ever since.
I fantasized about having a Lifetime membership back around '69/'70. but could not come close to the $300 price.
During various membership drives, I managed to convince something like thirty people to join up. Many only stayed for that one year, but some became permanent.
So, my 'contribution' has been around $1300 and a dozen solid additions to the membership ranks ... the part that impresses politicians.

As for the banner question ...

I don't wear a shooting cap with a dozen pins on it, and I don't own a vest covered with membership patches.
I do what I do without much fanfare, and I've never been much for joining groups just to keep from feeling lonesome.

I think I qualify to have a number of banners on display, but I don't see any importance in that ... for me or anyone else.

09-02-2015, 03:03 PM
While I have a banner under my name. I cannot view it or others. They don't display on Tapatalk. Same for the other forum readers. I don't care one way or the other if you have a banner. It's your membership that counts.

09-02-2015, 03:53 PM
I do not do banners myself. same with bumper stickers. I once went to Gilleys (ONCE) when I came out I had a Gilleys bumper sticker on my pickup. I went back in inquiring about who was going to get it off. I know I could easily, but I didn't put it on, they were going to remove it. I was told that if I didn't want it, I was suppose to put my left sunvisor down, and I apparently didn't is why they put it on there. GROAN
They kindly removed it after a little explaining what I thought of their practices. lol

09-02-2015, 03:54 PM
Do all of you get this upset about the HWI, or ACE Hardware, or whatever you have in your area, flyers you get in the mail. Non of you get any other local ads or sales info. Is that also maddening?

How bout those freebe so called papers you likely get every week.

Of course they dont. Those pieces of junk mail don't offend what little conscience they have left.
I don't know what to say. I'm sick and tired of hearing convincing arguments made by gun owners as to why they refuse to support the only organization that has any effectiveness.
I could understand it if a man would argue as effectively against liberal gun grabbers, but that's usually not the case. They either mutter under their breath about the efforts of the people fighting for their freedom, or they say nothing.
Seems the conservative method is now to wait out the opposition because fighting for what you believe is too hard? What gives? I always do what I think is right. I stake my life on it every day. I feel that if I do not have moral high ground, then I have nothing. Why is that wrong? Why would a man voluntarily choose to live another way?
I do not understand.
However, I see a lot of other people trying to sweet talk conservative gun owners into making a few good choices to save their own way of life, and for Gods sake, don't offend anyone in the process! I don't see it that way. Davy Crockett said "be sure you're right, then go ahead". Well the only way you can claim the NRA is bad for gun owners and not worth supporting at this time is to dig up anything you can to slander the organization so that you can sleep at night. I say that's wrong. Wrong wrong wrong!!!! I believe someone who does such a thing needs to be put in their place and made to wear the shame they try so despirately to cast off. I believe that is the right thing to do. I call wrong, wrong, and I call right, right.
I base these ideals on the blatantly obvious facts that are there for anyone to see. You'd have to have a mind the size of a pinhead in order to not see the impending peril or the danger we are in, and not recognize the best chance we have to protect ourselves.
Do you see the news? Do you see where they are steering the ship? Look back at the history of gun control in this country, and tell me what you think is about to happen.
It's vital I tell you! VITAL that we quit squabbling amongst ourselves and pull together as one voice. Stop making excuses for why you will not help. Stop minimizing the power of your opinion! Start using your first amendment rights to protect your second amendment rights. If you don't, you will have neither.

Bad Water Bill
09-02-2015, 04:17 PM
Living near Chiraq ANY gun related stickers is an invitation to break into your home or car to get FREE firearms.

09-02-2015, 04:34 PM
Living near Chiraq ANY gun related stickers is an invitation to break into your home or car to get FREE firearms.
I feel the same way, and go further by not really putting much on my truck that can be used against me in a negative way. We have been asked not to put our unit decals due to force protection issues, I have a US Flag which has "Freedom is not Free" on it, a Denver Broncos logo and a Geocaching Logo and that is it. Well I do have a military license plate which I may change if the threat gets worse. But as MC (CM) stated, I do not advertise much as far as hats and apparel, but do not see putting a banner or two on a gun related site as the same thing. Just like my gun safe is full of weapon related stickers, my toolbox has a few tool company logos etc, I feel having a few banners is just par for the course. I don't feel someone should HAVE to announce their associations, but its not a bad idea either.

09-02-2015, 04:36 PM
It took me a few minutes to realize what was being referred to as "banners". When I got my life membership I was proud of it and went looking how to put it next to my ID. I have no idea why some are blue and some red. Is that an indication of your residence state? Can anyone help me?

Like Montana Charlie, I don't go in for patches, pins, etc. Not sure what they prove or what status they provide. I probably wouldn't have any anyway.

09-02-2015, 04:53 PM
Living near Chiraq ANY gun related stickers is an invitation to break into your home or car to get FREE firearms.

I had an NRA sticker on my 15 year old F150. It was on the rear window and finally fell off due to summer heat I guess. Anyone seeing that sticker probably concluded that anyone driving such a reprobate truck couldn't have anything of value, either in the truck or at home. I don't have anything on the Tundra I bought 2 years ago.

Although we live in a small town, homes still get broken into and guns stolen. Not often though.

09-02-2015, 04:54 PM
I look at them as sorta like the Medals we wore on our uniforms.

I have small pins on my Legion hat. I have a special Tie Tack when wearing my Honor Guard Uniform.

Clay M
09-02-2015, 05:33 PM
I don't put any stickers on my vehicles.
To me an NRA sticker says I have a gun inside.
That is no ones business.
The less information the public has the better IMO.

09-02-2015, 05:34 PM
I believe a red banner is for a NRA member. And blue is for a Life member. Like I said I can't view them unless I use an internet browser.

I don't mind advertising here. We are all like minded individuals. But my vehicles and residence, no way. First thing I do to any vehicle is remove any decals or license plate frames the dealer has out on it. I don't believe in giving them free advertising. Second thing I do is remove any and all badges.

We will never be able to convince most firearm owners to help themselves. Unfortunately this hobby is not a tight knit community. It's splintered into all types of factions. And everyone is wiling to give up your preferred firearm type to protect theirs. Shotgunners immediately come to mind as most of them have their heads so far up their.......that they can't see that they are coming for ALL OF THEM.

ole 5 hole group
09-02-2015, 05:43 PM
Lots of people have a hat with a couple dozen match pins stuck on it or a vest with colorful patches - usually means they traveled to a firearm's match, paid their entry fee, obtained the trinkets and shot the match - much like a guy with a huge rodeo belt buckle. Their competitors and I like that. My kids and now my grandkids are thrilled when I give them ribbons, medals etc - and they like to show them off for awhile and then what happens to them only God knows.

When I see a license plate with a purple heart - I know he's got skin in the game unless he "knew" the medic or the medic was in a mood to sign off. I appreciate the fact that they allow me to know just a little bit about themselves, so if we ever get a chance to chat, I'll be a leg up, maybe?

This is one long thread and it really all comes down to who we vote for in the coming political elections, local, State and Federal - just look at the Iran deal - osama and the media now think the deal is locked in as enough senate dems have committed to vote for it - those are the types who will, if given the opportunity, change the interpretation of the words written in the 2nd Amendment - just like the word "if" clinton made so infamous.

09-02-2015, 05:58 PM
Actions like joining the NRA is much more powerful than voting. I posted a call to vote in the proper section as I believe that is another vital facet to keeping our way of life strong.
Think about this: if you vote, that's a shot at getting somebody in office that doesn't drain your precious NRA influence. If elected, a strong 2nd amendment candidate will "take care of themselves" as it were.
But spending energy and money on the NRA guarantees that you voice will make a difference regardless of who was elected, and that choice keeps having an effect all year long, every day.

Yes, I believe the NRA has made some tragic errors over the years. I would submit to you that the NRA has learned some lessons the hard way (as have we all, and we still feel the sting of those errors as Fish4bugs pointed out), and as the years go by, and their role in the direction of our country becomes more and more vital, they are getting much smarter about how they take care of business in Washington. It seems to me, they have learned their lessons and are going for the jugular in recent years.

09-02-2015, 06:55 PM
Davy Crockette said "be sure you're right, then go ahead"...
I hope (departed) Davy doesn't object to me speaking up to protect his manly man reputation.

He might be quick to say that his family name is Crockett ... not Crockette.

That added 'e' seems to conjur up visions of a rainbow-colored figure in leotards (rather than leather) skipping trough the piney woods with a long stem rose (instead of a long rifle).

It may be too late to save our U.S. Army, but lets not turn legendary Davy Crockett into a gurley-man ... okay?

09-02-2015, 10:28 PM
I hope (departed) Davy doesn't object to me speaking up to protect his manly man reputation.

He might be quick to say that his family name is Crockett ... not Crockette.

That added 'e' seems to conjur up visions of a rainbow-colored figure in leotards (rather than leather) skipping trough the piney woods with a long stem rose (instead of a long rifle).

It may be too late to save our U.S. Army, but lets not turn legendary Davy Crockett into a gurley-man ... okay?

Perish the thought! Sincere apologies. I am making some of these posts with my "smart" phone, and it will not capitalize "american" nor (apparently) does it know who Davy Crockett was.
I repaired the post.

09-02-2015, 10:35 PM
I think you meant well.

09-02-2015, 11:05 PM
I am making some of these posts with my "smart" phone, and it will not capitalize "american" nor (apparently) does it know who Davy Crockett was.
Hmmphf ... and they call it a 'smart' phone ...

09-02-2015, 11:06 PM
On a more "to the point" note. I just went and signed up for the NRA easypay to become a Life member. I chose the monthly deduction of $25 for 40 months. I would encourage anyone who is on the fence about joining to do likewise. If there were ever a time when the NRA needs our support, this is it. (I say that based on the news. Not just parroting what I've been told umpteen gazillion times by the NRA. This time, I believe them.)

Special thanks to Omega for recommending EPL. Very good advice, and I just took it.

09-02-2015, 11:07 PM
Only stickers on my truck are 2 small "Infidel" stickers on the rear side windows.I try to get people to join and most who buy at my LGS are members already.

09-03-2015, 12:39 AM
On a more "to the point" note. I just went and signed up for the NRA easypay to become a Life member. I chose the monthly deduction of $25 for 40 months. I would encourage anyone who is on the fence about joining to do likewise. If there were ever a time when the NRA needs our support, this is it. (I say that based on the news. Not just parroting what I've been told umpteen gazillion times by the NRA. This time, I believe them.)

Special thanks to Omega for recommending EPL. Very good advice, and I just took it.
Your welcome, though as a supporter already you didn't need much prodding to upgrade. I believe showing others in a positive manner what the NRA does and showing how to easily become a lifetime member works much better than to try and shame them into it or become abrasive with those that choose not to join. We all can become defensive when someone tries to force something on us, even if it's something that is otherwise good for us in the long run.

Only stickers on my truck are 2 small "Infidel" stickers on the rear side windows.I try to get people to join and most who buy at my LGS are members already.MaryB, do your infidel stickers have an m4 as part of it? I had one like this on a truck I had a few years ago:
http://i3.cpcache.com/product_zoom/311862004/english_arabic_infidel_rectangle_decal.jpg?height= 250&width=250&padToSquare=true
We actually had patches made but the pc police decided it was not a good idea to wear them overseas, they may of been right for once. But here it adorned my range bag until a kid took a liking to it and I gave it to him.

09-03-2015, 02:16 AM
Actions like joining the NRA is much more powerful than voting

I was going to stay out of this until I read this sentence. Promoting the establishment that has arguably done more than all other such organizations COMBINED to preserve second amendment rights is all well and good and I applaud it.

But THIS is over the top.

Yes, let the assault begin. How dare I compare the office of POTUS to the importance of the NRA?

The NRA has no influence regarding domestic economic policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding domestic energy policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding domestic monetary policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding domestic immigration policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding ANY foreign policy.

I could continue, but the point is made. Joining organizations such as the NRA more important than VOTING? I STRONGLY disagree.

09-03-2015, 03:02 AM
Think about it, the nra fights dems and repubs alike, they may get a breather of sorts, but never get to rest, no matter who is in charge..
I'm sure not saying voteing for the right candidate,is not very important, in fact it is everyones duty, but I doubt we would have any gun rights at all if it wasn't for the NRA.

09-03-2015, 08:58 AM
I was going to stay out of this until I read this sentence. Promoting the establishment that has arguably done more than all other such organizations COMBINED to preserve second amendment rights is all well and good and I applaud it.

But THIS is over the top.

Yes, let the assault begin. How dare I compare the office of POTUS to the importance of the NRA?

The NRA has no influence regarding domestic economic policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding domestic energy policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding domestic monetary policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding domestic immigration policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding ANY foreign policy.

I could continue, but the point is made. Joining organizations such as the NRA more important than VOTING? I STRONGLY disagree.

Overall I agree with you, however, in the context of stopping the anti's efforts to ban or restrict firearm usage and ownership joining the NRA is more powerful than voting. I live in a state that has not gone for a pro gun POTUS in a very lone time. My vote for a pro-gun POTUS has zero influence. My NRA membership does have some influence for issues related to gun rights.

When I vote I basically vote six issues - spending/economy, immigration, energy, military, Supreme Court nominations and gun rights. The most pro gun rights candidate is usually the best choice on my other issues.

ole 5 hole group
09-03-2015, 09:59 AM
I had made up my mind to stay clear of posting anymore on this thread as I thought it to be a lost cause to my way of thinking but when Hannibal made his excellent post but was countered by M-Tecs - well, I'll just give it one more go.

The NRA is only marginally effective as long as we have sitting Supreme Court Justices who abide by the Constitution - we are currently at the tipping point especially with Roberts and Kennedy who were suppose to be Justices abiding by the Constitution and have been found "wanting" in that category when they were called. The next POTUS with assistance from the Senate will probably seat 1 to 3 new members of the Supreme Court within the next 5 years and one of them just might be Roberts' current position, as he's given signals he'd like to retire. These next Supreme Court Justices will either abide by the Constitution or they will be activists ruling from the bench.

Your vote will count - that is, unless you live in States like California. If we get 3 more activists on the bench, this Nation will resemble California with a different "interpretation" of our Constitution and its' Amendments. The NRA and other groups have been able to persevere in Supreme Court rulings ONLY because of some (so far the majority) current Supreme Court Justices abiding by our Constitution and it's Amendments - that could change in a heart beat after the next National Election.

One just needs to look at the rulings handed down over the past 20 years and one should be able to see the direction we are heading with "activists" ruling from the bench, whether it be County, State, Federal or the Supreme Court. That is why the NRA needs to take a stand against "court activists" as well as any type of infringement on our 2nd Amendment rights by political activists at any Government level and endorse only those candidates that have a proven track record in upholding our Constitution - not just flapping their jaws about doing so, BUT have done it. I hope they never repeat their actions such as backing the likes of harry reid, as it's my opinion, based on his actions as the dem Senate majority leader, that he isn't at all concerned about abiding by our Constitution and its' Amendments.

Over the past 100 years the socialists have been grabbing power a bit here, a bit there and they have now got control of the media and the education system - and they are now into a full court press (for lack of a better term) to change this Nation and only your vote at the ballot box will make the difference and hopefully the NRA leadership will join us in this fight and support true Patriots and we just might be able to fight another day against great odds that are now formed against us - otherwise when the "activists" are appointed to the supreme court they will ignore every word coming from the mouths of the NRA's attorneys speaking before the bench and they will provide a new "interpretation" of every word contained within the 2 Amendment - that I have no doubt of.

09-03-2015, 10:17 AM
I was going to stay out of this until I read this sentence. Promoting the establishment that has arguably done more than all other such organizations COMBINED to preserve second amendment rights is all well and good and I applaud it.

But THIS is over the top.

Yes, let the assault begin. How dare I compare the office of POTUS to the importance of the NRA?

The NRA has no influence regarding domestic economic policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding domestic energy policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding domestic monetary policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding domestic immigration policies.
The NRA has no influence regarding ANY foreign policy.

I could continue, but the point is made. Joining organizations such as the NRA more important than VOTING? I STRONGLY disagree.
I was speaking specifically to the issue of gun rights. You are absolutely correct outside that specific field.
However, I would say that in any of the issues you brought up, if there were a lobbying organization as powerful as the NRA to bring your beliefs and interests to Washington and constantly make the politicians understand where you stand on these issues, then I would say the same thing. Definitely vote, but hedge your bet by supporting an organization that will ensure whoever actually gets elected knows where you stand.

If all you do is vote, then if your candidate doesn't get elected, your goose is cooked till the next time you hit the polls. By supporting the lobbying organizations like the NRA, you're not limited to voicing your opinion just one day in as many as four years.
Furthermore, I would submit that even if the official that gets elected was the guy you voted for, its highly unlikely that he/she feels as strongly as you do about all the issues that are important to you (gun control being at the top of the list). The NRA makes sure they cannot minimize my interests and insures they understand that their job is directly connected to how favorablely they act on these issues.

That's what I was saying. Please don't take it out of context.
This thread was started with the NRA and gunrights as the subject matter.

09-03-2015, 10:35 AM
I don't think people realize that the power of the NRA is because their members VOTE. If the members did not vote no-one would pay attention to them. The amount of money the NRA has to spend is piddly amount to the Bloomburgs and Soros of the world. But, 3 or 4 million votes has clout!

Overall I agree with you, however, in the context of stopping the anti's efforts to ban or restrict firearm usage and ownership joining the NRA is more important than voting. I live in a state that has not gone for a pro gun POTUS in a very lone time. My vote for a pro-gun POTUS has zero influence. My NRA membership does have some influence for issues related to gun rights.

When I vote I basically vote six issues - spending/economy, immigration, energy, military, Supreme Court nominations and gun rights. The most pro gun rights candidate is usually the best choice on my other issues.

09-03-2015, 10:36 AM
I believe showing others in a positive manner what the NRA does and showing how to easily become a lifetime member works much better than to try and shame them into it or become abrasive with those that choose not to join. We all can become defensive when someone tries to force something on us, even if it's something that is otherwise good for us in the long run.

People who have decided to sit back and fold their hands have done so in spite of many heartfelt and kind pleas for help that have been made by many many different people. They have ignored it.
I agree you catch more flies with honey, but what do you do when the honey runs out? Sometimes people need a good dose of reality, and reality isn't pretty nor is it soft spoken. I heard testimonies from the English who said they just didn't see it coming in spite of the fact that they were politely warned thousands of times.
I'm not going to make a habit of busting peoples chops on this issue, but I will speak my mind just once and say my piece, especially when my thread on enjoying the NRA is immediately besieged by anti-NRA sentiment.

09-03-2015, 10:55 AM
I don't think people realize that the power of the NRA is because their members VOTE. If the members did not vote no-one would pay attention to them. The amount of money the NRA has to spend is piddly amount to the Bloomburgs and Soros of the world. But, 3 or 4 million votes has clout!

I agree with you. I edited my original statement to "powerful" from "important" as that reflects my intent more accurately. As I stated it has be a very long time since Minnesota supported a pro-2nd candidate. In MN my vote for a pro-2nd candidate has zero clout. As a voting block the NRA does give my failed vote some clout.

09-03-2015, 10:58 AM
I was speaking specifically to the issue of gun rights. You are absolutely correct outside that specific field.
However, I would say that in any of the issues you brought up, if there were a lobbying organization as powerful as the NRA to bring your beliefs and interests to Washington and constantly make the politicians understand where you stand on these issues, then I would say the same thing. Definitely vote, but hedge your bet by supporting an organization that will ensure whoever actually gets elected knows where you stand.

If all you do is vote, then if your candidate doesn't get elected, your goose is cooked till the next time you hit the polls. By supporting the lobbying organizations like the NRA, you're not limited to voicing your opinion just one day in as many as four years.
Furthermore, I would submit that even if the official that gets elected was the guy you voted for, its highly unlikely that he/she feels as strongly as you do about all the issues that are important to you (gun control being at the top of the list). The NRA makes sure they cannot minimize my interests and insures they understand that their job is directly connected to how favorablely they act on these issues.

That's what I was saying. Please don't take it out of context.
This thread was started with the NRA and gunrights as the subject matter.

Your points are well taken. I simply do not wish to see the importance of voting dimished. I apologize for any resulting thread drift.

09-03-2015, 11:08 AM
Your points are well taken. I simply do not wish to see the importance of voting dimished. I apologize for any resulting thread drift.

I don't think it was thread drift at all. One of the common themes with the NRA haters and the "I won't vote if my candidate doesn't get in" crowd is single minded "my way or the highway". With voting it comes up as "I will not vote the lesser of two evils". The reality is that their never has been nor will their ever be a "perfect" candidate or organization so we are left with voting/supporting for the candidate/organization that we agree with the most.

09-03-2015, 11:26 AM
People who have decided to sit back and fold their hands have done so in spite of many heartfelt and kind pleas for help that have been made by many many different people. They have ignored it.
I agree you catch more flies with honey, but what do you do when the honey runs out? Sometimes people need a good dose of reality, and reality isn't pretty nor is it soft spoken. I heard testimonies from the English who said they just didn't see it coming in spite of the fact that they were politely warned thousands of times.
I'm not going to make a habit of busting peoples chops on this issue, but I will speak my mind just once and say my piece, especially when my thread on enjoying the NRA is immediately besieged by anti-NRA sentiment.

Goodsteel all your posts on this have been spot on.

I have been recruiting members for the NRA for over 40 years. I know I have sign-up well over a hundred members. 5 or 6 have become life members.

Honey works for most gun owners but a surprising number dig their heals in and will not joining irrespective of how much honey we give them. For these individuals unless there is a direct negative impact they will never join.

I have successfully worked to convert all five gun clubs that I am a member of too NRA membership required clubs. Other than brand new shooters if you want to go hunting or shooting with me you will be an NRA member. Some for me building you a match rifle or general gunsmithing. I build match rifles on the side. If I was fulltime I could not afford to turn customers away.

I no longer give cash to the NRA. What I do is I purchase NRA memberships for individuals that are on the fence or may have problems with coming up with the money. After a year or two most renew their membership on their own.

09-05-2015, 02:51 AM
Same as this but on a rectangle of self stick white sign material with a black core(lettering comes up black). Made them on my laser engraver...


Your welcome, though as a supporter already you didn't need much prodding to upgrade. I believe showing others in a positive manner what the NRA does and showing how to easily become a lifetime member works much better than to try and shame them into it or become abrasive with those that choose not to join. We all can become defensive when someone tries to force something on us, even if it's something that is otherwise good for us in the long run.

MaryB, do your infidel stickers have an m4 as part of it? I had one like this on a truck I had a few years ago:
http://i3.cpcache.com/product_zoom/311862004/english_arabic_infidel_rectangle_decal.jpg?height= 250&width=250&padToSquare=true
We actually had patches made but the pc police decided it was not a good idea to wear them overseas, they may of been right for once. But here it adorned my range bag until a kid took a liking to it and I gave it to him.

Lloyd Smale
09-05-2015, 08:21 AM
4 bumper stickers on my truck and im proud of each one. 1. NEXT TIME VOTE FOR AN AMERICAN! 2. MY GRANDKIDS RACE MOTOCROSS. 3. LIFE MEMBER NRA 4. RETIRED LINEMAN. Wife wont let me put any on her new truck yet:roll: