View Full Version : mosin 9130 question

08-28-2015, 05:27 AM
hey everybody new to the forums just had a quick question about my old 9130. it shoots great at 50 yard but at 100 yard its all over the place and im starting to wonder if its got to do with the bore of the gun. i want to slug the barrel of the gun to see if it really need a 7.62 round or i have seen some people have to use a 303 british round. but the question is how do i slug a barrel i know you put a lead ball throught it and measure but that is about it. can anybody point me in the right direction?

08-28-2015, 07:34 AM
There's some pretty good video on youtube about how to do it. What's the rifling look like?

08-28-2015, 10:03 AM
well to me the rifling looks good and the guy at the gun shop where i had the scop put on says that the rifling looks brand new even though its a 1938 tula barrel

08-28-2015, 11:14 AM
Many of these guns have oversized bores. My 2 MNs have large enough bores that I use .314" or .315" boolits in them.
You should slug the throat of the bore seperately as this will most likely be larger than the rest of the bore. The muzzle end may also be worn from cleaning rods so watch for this when slugging the bore.

08-28-2015, 11:15 AM
I'd play with velocity. You need to stabilize the bullet in flight and that requires a certain RPM performance. Of course, there are many reasons for poor performance, and RPM is only one of them.

08-28-2015, 01:55 PM
Mosins are all over the place when it comes to specs, not like US guns where 308 is generally pretty close. An of course the abuse they take. The war time made rifles seem alot worse, took alot of short cuts.

But if your shooting jacketed, 308 does work, but depends on the rifle. So might try some of what they label as 303 bullets, does reduce your choices considerably.

The crown on most of the rifles are generally pretty bad, a proper crown usually does wonders for them. And cleaning out the bore, it usually takes some effort to scrub all the crud out of them.

08-29-2015, 02:18 AM
well i know there is copper fouling in the barrel from all the patches i sent through it. i tried kroil oil but does not seem to work, so i bought some sweet's 7.62 i know it has ammonia in it and that is why i have not tried it yet because i have not had time or the open space to try it out. now im pretty new to doing gun maintence just know how to clean a gun good. so know i am just looking for a list of steps i need to do after i get all the copper fouling out.

08-29-2015, 02:56 AM
well i know there is copper fouling in the barrel from all the patches i sent through it. i tried kroil oil but does not seem to work, so i bought some sweet's 7.62 i know it has ammonia in it and that is why i have not tried it yet because i have not had time or the open space to try it out. now im pretty new to doing gun maintence just know how to clean a gun good. so know i am just looking for a list of steps i need to do after i get all the copper fouling out.

The manufacturer of Sweet's recommends not leaving it in the bore very long, as it can etch some steels. Just be certain to get it all out of the bore when you're done and you should be okay.

08-29-2015, 09:23 AM
There is a forum called So cal Mosin that I go to now and then...some time back there was a thread on cleaning the sewer pipe barrels that are common on the old Mosins...I tried it and it worked very well....Smith and Wesson make a bore gel (comes in aerosol spray and a squeeze bottle gel)...the aerosol wastes product..I used the squeeze bottle gel....it can stay in a barrel over night with no problem...I used it and used what is called a stainless "tornado" cleaning brush (e bay has them...I used a 30 cal)....I drenched the barrel and let it sit for an hour or so...then patched it a few times and soaked it again with the gel and let it sit for a couple of hours...patched it again and soaked the barrel again and took the tornado stainless brush and scrubbed the heck out of things...the black gook came pouring out of the crown (do it over a can or waste bucket)...I kept after it for a couple of days...soak, patch, soak, brush, patch etc....the absolute junk barrel came out shiny and clean...very minor pitting..I slugged it and it slugged about .313...I shoot .303 jacketed in it and it shoots great...it's not bad with .308 or .311 PPU that I got from Grafs on a sale....That S/W bore gel was available on Amazon (again , only the squeeze bottle...not the spray foam as you waste about half of it)...the stainless tornado brush is a specialty brush with the fibres all wound in on themselves ...I'd not use it on a "good barrel" but it sure cleaned up the old Mosins.

08-30-2015, 10:45 AM
I agree with all above, mosins can be wickedly fouled, i boil them out, a kettle full of scalding hot water will do wonders too, you will be amazed at the first patch after boiling out. I use sweets too and sometimes agressive brushes, all good it seems like some barrels have succesive layers of crud and copper. Eds red really gets thru the crud, ammonia cleaners for the copper. Boiling water loosens it all. You can use the mild household ammonia cleaners too, even some window cleaners will work. If your mosin is all over the place, i would check for bedding issues, are you screws tight? Seen many work loose after a few shots.
Be safe

08-30-2015, 12:30 PM
Welcome to the forum, Kagan21.

You didn't say whether you're shooting cast or jacketed in your Mosin. If Jacketed, you'll want to use .311 or .312 bullets.
Do you cast? If so, you can check out this thread by Goodsteel:


You need to know the dimensions of the throat of the barrel.

I use a case fired in the rifle I'm doing the "pound cast" of (actually you're making a forging of pure soft lead in the rifle's throat). For soft lead I like the pure lead made for fishing weights--it's thick lead wire comes on a spool.

09-02-2015, 12:58 PM
Well like a said before i never slugged a barrel before is there a how to on it? And last weekend i finally had time to put some amonia down the barrel and a lot of powder and copper fouling came out but i dont think i got all the copper out. And of course the ammonia was eating through my brass jag so now i have to get a nickel jag or something like that.

09-02-2015, 01:10 PM
I've found Hoppes #9 to work very well in cleaning Mosin barrels (I've owned 11 of them). It is also useful when shooting surplus ammo as it neutralizes the corrosive stuff.

09-02-2015, 08:46 PM
Very hot water for any corrosive ammo. Then dry patch. Clean as norm. Lots of oil.....you need h2o to get the salts out. Oil alone wont get it all