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View Full Version : H B 4900

04-01-2008, 07:34 AM
i dont know if all have seen this bill that is up in congress maybe someone can post a copy that is in this months American Rifleman mag This is one of the most important bills to the 2nd Ammendment rights If it doesnt pass this year with Bush in office then you better start looking for something else to shoot. Most of the bill is for us the FFLs but there is some parts that will affect all gun owners. Please take a few min to make a PHONE call and voice your support for the bill to your state reps in Washington. The general U.S. House number is 1 202 224 3121 and ask for your state rep. This does mean something to all gun owners! Thanks shotman /rick g

Ed Barrett
04-01-2008, 05:00 PM
Here is the quick and dirty version;

Directly from the Congressional Record Summary:

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act of 2007 - Amends the federal criminal code to revise the civil penalties for violations of firearms law and the procedures for assessing such penalties.
Revises the definition of "willfully" for purposes of firearms violations and standards for criminal violations of firearms recordkeeping requirements.
Requires the Attorney General to: (1) make preliminary determinations on firearms license applications and notify applicants in writing of a proposed denial; and (2) establish guidelines for Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) inspections, examinations, or investigations of possible firearms violations.
Prohibits ATF from disclosing information on firearms purchasers other than to a court, law enforcement agency, or prosecutor.
Permits an owner of a firearms business whose license is expired, surrendered, or revoked 60 days to liquidate inventory.
Requires any state agency that stores or keeps explosive materials to report to the Attorney General on the location and amount of such materials.
Allows the transfer and possession of machineguns for use by federal security contractors.
Prohibits taxes or user fees for background checks under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act.
Eliminates the requirement of written permission for the use of a handgun for lawful purposes by a minor (under age 18) where a parent or legal guardian is present at all times during such use.
Restricts the disclosure of information in the ATF firearms trace system database.
Increases penalties for possession of firearms by felons with prior convictions of a crime of violence or a serious drug offense.
Not mentioned in the Congressional Record Summary:

H.R.4900 allows for barrel and receiver importation for the purpose of repairs.
It clarifies that 'manufacturing' does not include some common repair / enhancement work.
The civil penalties mentioned above relate to FFL violations which become more limited in scope including providing for a statute of limitations of 5 years on FFL violations.
H.R.4900 seems to be full of positives. This is a great bill to get behind.

04-03-2008, 05:43 AM
Holy smokes! A good one!