View Full Version : Fall in August in the Midwest

08-26-2015, 10:33 AM
This has been one strange year here in Missouri.
We have had lots of rain all Summer, with flooding.
Here it is August, and we have been going into the 50's at night. It is 8:45 AM on the 26th of August, and I am wearing a long sleeve Denim shirt in the house. It has been this way for a couple weeks now.
Anyway since we are having Fall weather early, I decided to cast a few Hunting Bullets Sunday. I fired off the Lodge cast iron pot on the gas fish cooker. I was needing some 310 grain WFN bullets for my brothers 9.5 Inch Super RedHawk. I started casting the 310's in my Lee 6 Cavity mold.
Next I switched to my 2 cavity Custom Mountain Mold to cast some 375 Grain WFN-Gas Check 480 Ruger bullets for my 9.5 Inch 480 Ruger Super RedHawk.
I went back and forth between the 44's and 475's for a few hours. I would take a break and inspect bullets now and again for culls. Not many culls using the Mountain Mold. I dumped the first 2 in the sprue pile, but just looking they may have been keepers to. The Mountain mold is a pleasure to work with. The bullets just fall out of it. Unlike the 6 cavity Lee that requires some rapping with my wooden mallet.
When I decided to quit I had a little over half a coffee can of 480's and just under half a coffee can of 44's. That should keep us in bullets through regular Deer Season in November, and Alternative Weapons Season in December. With luck we will be able to get in a lot of range trigger time before I need to cast again for them. I can only stand about 50 rounds at a time, so I will get in several range trips.

I am sending off my order to Chris "Lathsmith" for dies for the Star today. I have been using my ancient RCBS that I bought new in the 1970's. I am sure the Star will turn out even better looking bullets.


08-26-2015, 10:36 AM
Here too, but the only down side I see is that the yellow jackets will get mean sooner.


08-26-2015, 10:57 AM
It's a bit warmer here in KS, but I'm certainly not complaining. I always tell people that we get about 2 weeks of nice spring and fall weather each year, and that the rest is either way hot or way cold, but this year has been an exception. Sure beats the 114F we were seeing a few years ago.

08-26-2015, 11:21 AM
I wish we had seasons here... Maybe during the next Ice Age...

08-27-2015, 01:12 AM
This has been one strange year here in Missouri.
We have had lots of rain all Summer, with flooding.
Here it is August, and we have been going into the 50's at night. It is 8:45 AM on the 26th of August, and I am wearing a long sleeve Denim shirt in the house. It has been this way for a couple weeks now.
Anyway since we are having Fall weather early, I decided to cast a few Hunting Bullets Sunday. I fired off the Lodge cast iron pot on the gas fish cooker. I was needing some 310 grain WFN bullets for my brothers 9.5 Inch Super RedHawk. I started casting the 310's in my Lee 6 Cavity mold.
Next I switched to my 2 cavity Custom Mountain Mold to cast some 375 Grain WFN-Gas Check 480 Ruger bullets for my 9.5 Inch 480 Ruger Super RedHawk.
I went back and forth between the 44's and 475's for a few hours. I would take a break and inspect bullets now and again for culls. Not many culls using the Mountain Mold. I dumped the first 2 in the sprue pile, but just looking they may have been keepers to. The Mountain mold is a pleasure to work with. The bullets just fall out of it. Unlike the 6 cavity Lee that requires some rapping with my wooden mallet.
When I decided to quit I had a little over half a coffee can of 480's and just under half a coffee can of 44's. That should keep us in bullets through regular Deer Season in November, and Alternative Weapons Season in December. With luck we will be able to get in a lot of range trigger time before I need to cast again for them. I can only stand about 50 rounds at a time, so I will get in several range trips.

I am sending off my order to Chris "Lathsmith" for dies for the Star today. I have been using my ancient RCBS that I bought new in the 1970's. I am sure the Star will turn out even better looking bullets.


You're gonna love those dies from Chris. Had the pleasure of meeting him a couple months ago. Dropped off some cash on my way back to STL from Table Rock Lake. We talked for prolly an hour. Smart guy and my die and top punch turned out perfect about a week later. He even walked me through the setup of my star and tossed me a pound of Clays he wasn't using. You should ask him bout his powder through funnels.

Lead Fred
08-27-2015, 01:23 AM
Same thing out on the left coast.

08-27-2015, 09:28 AM
It's been looking and acting like "Fall" here in S MI as well. Just looked out in the back yard - had a couple of deer munching on leaves and they already look like they are getting their "winter coats". The geese are flocking up and I'm hearing them more often. Last week . . . saw the strangest thing. Heard a flock of geese going over - looked up as the V went over and it was being lead by a sandhill crane. Never saw that before! But at least the weather is cooler which makes casting and shooting much more pleasant than the high humidity and heat.

08-27-2015, 09:46 AM
It was 62° this morning when I went outside to get the paper, the only problem with that is that the mosquitoes swarm a but quicker. Usually at this time of year it is the mid 80's.

But never fear it is back into the mid 90's by the middle of next week.

s mac
08-27-2015, 10:11 AM
Better enjoy it while we can. It has been great.

08-27-2015, 10:14 AM
I watched the stars in the cool of the night last night....so nice but strange.... NO BUGS! Where did they go? Only the horseflys have been plentiful (and mean). There aren't many grasshoppers (yet?) and very few birds. No great fly overs of blackbirds...few songbirds. Something is not right here...

You may think I'm crazy (always possible[smilie=s:) but I've watched nature with a passion for almost 60 years. I'm out in the middle of a big rural area all day- every workday. Something is different....


08-27-2015, 10:39 AM
Same thing in Eastern PA. Cool nights are great for keeping the electric bill low. I have a strange feeling we're going to have a heat wave come October.

08-27-2015, 10:47 AM
It's a bit warmer here in KS, but I'm certainly not complaining. I always tell people that we get about 2 weeks of nice spring and fall weather each year, and that the rest is either way hot or way cold, but this year has been an exception. Sure beats the 114F we were seeing a few years ago.
Amen to that Brother! If this is a result of "Global Climate Change" I'm down for more.

08-27-2015, 10:51 AM
i had to start a fire this morning

Charlie U.
08-27-2015, 09:03 PM
It's been looking and acting like "Fall" here in S MI as well. Just looked out in the back yard ............ Never saw that before! But at least the weather is cooler which makes casting and shooting much more pleasant than the high humidity and heat.
Yeah, it is something I can't ever recall seeing before.

I maintain a hummingbird feeding station at home and have been getting absolutely mobbed in the last few days. The little birds are heading south with extra gusto this year and earlier than usual. Kinda makes me wonder what they know that we don't.

08-27-2015, 09:14 PM
Cooled off here in the Great Mitten so I broke in some new NOE and accurate molds.
Getting hot again, going to hold off with the last new one.

08-27-2015, 09:40 PM
Well it only got to 100 today and forecast is 101 tomorrow . For my part of Calif. Some one said it might rain this winter . Hope they are right . Marvin

Walter Laich
08-27-2015, 10:11 PM
I wish we had seasons here... Maybe during the next Ice Age...
Texas has two seasons: a week of Fall and the rest is summer.

08-27-2015, 10:43 PM
90's are coming back for a couple weeks if you can believe the weatherman.

08-27-2015, 11:37 PM
Texas has two seasons: a week of Fall and the rest is summer.

I'm jealous. Come February, after months of cold and wind (with not enough snow cover to make snowmobiling or even sledding possible) I'll be kicking myself for not staying in TX when I had the chance.

And FWIW, I haven't seen any signs of an early fall in NE. Upper 80s and 90s still, although we did have slightly cooler temps for a bit last week. Fine time for my central air coil to freeze up. 80 degrees inside according to the thermostat right now. :(

08-27-2015, 11:58 PM
Here in Nevada, leaves are falling early, no bugs to speak of either. This is the 4th year of drought here, without a big winter with lots of snow, there will be a big natural plant and tree dye off soon, our water well will be dry, the desert will take back lots of the developed land. Ag crops are half of normal, will be little to none without a big water winter. All we can do is wait and see.

08-28-2015, 12:12 AM
Texas has two seasons: a week of Fall and the rest is summer.

I thought it was Summer and Hurricane Season... And they tend to overlap...

Chicago has two seasons -- Winter and July 4th...

08-28-2015, 12:13 AM
90's are coming back for a couple weeks if you can believe the weatherman.

They actually get paid to lie...

08-28-2015, 12:14 AM
Here in Nevada, leaves are falling early, no bugs to speak of either. This is the 4th year of drought here, without a big winter with lots of snow, there will be a big natural plant and tree dye off soon, our water well will be dry, the desert will take back lots of the developed land. Ag crops are half of normal, will be little to none without a big water winter. All we can do is wait and see.

Nevada has leaves?

I thought it only had cactus... :)

08-28-2015, 08:16 PM
Yep, cool and wet again in east KS. In July we broke 90 only about 6-8 times, normally
every single day is over 90, most over 95.

The government loons keep screaming about global warming, but if you look at the long
term solar output of sunspots, it is way, way down. Last time this happened and stayed for
about 5 cycles (11 yrs each), known as the Maunder Minimum (of sunspot activity), we had
the Little Ice Age, where everything was a heck of a lot colder for a decades. This is what
beat Napoleon going into Russia, had the coldest winter in many decades, froze his troops.

Looks a whole lot more like global cooling, and these morons keep screaming about 'got to
cut down on carbon dioxide' and heading towards wrecking the economy, when the facts are
going the other way.