View Full Version : 7.35 Carcano

08-25-2015, 10:02 PM
I received a rifle that my grandfather had for years. Turns out it's a sportered m38 Carcano.

My barrel and receiver are good, and the side slick mount is there at the side butt of the stock.

However I want to return her to issued furniture. Anyone happen to have a stock and upper hand guard ?

I've found them at liberty, but by the time I put in all the missing parts that would be pieced together I might as well buy and strip a full original off gunbroker. I don't want to do that.....

Also anyone have extra 7.35 brass laying around?


08-26-2015, 01:47 AM
............You might try Springfield Sporters. I've always found them to be reasonable.


bruce drake
08-26-2015, 07:50 AM
7.35 brass can be made the same way as 6.5 Carcano brass can be done. Also you can reform 6.5 Carcano brass with a necking up in the sizing die.

Springfield Sporters has had good carcano parts in the past. I wish they were still in the complete firearms part of the business. I bought my first 1888 Commission Rifle off them in the 90s.


Adam Helmer
08-26-2015, 07:01 PM

In 1958, at age 13, I bought my first military surplus rifle; for $13.88 I bought a very good Model 1938 Terni 7.35MM short rifle. It was not an economic triumph, but it remains in my vault. As time goes by, the price of parts escalates. I have bought many "Junk" grade military rifles for parts.


08-26-2015, 08:18 PM
I think you would make good return on your investment selling it ;-)