View Full Version : k98 score

03-31-2008, 05:55 PM
a friend just GAVE me his k98,now before you all think"that lucky bastid" as you type your approvals and congrats to me,it is beat to hell and back!the top of the bbl and reciever are beaten with a ballpeen hammer or crowbar (cant tell why) maby he just didnt like 8mm k98s,or,maby he did like his nylon 66....i cant tell......

that said,i can live with that..,but,the bbl looks like a sewerpipe!
i am spooked about ever pulling the trigger its so bad.

now we all know,
i have never missed.........ever.
all my firearms shoot one hole at all ranges,and always will.
i have never made a reloading mistake.
both my ex wifes talk good about me,and want me back.
im a hell of a cook.

so,having told you a little about me,please tell me a little about how you cleaned the worse bbls YOU ever saw,and did what you did help at all?

this could be fun!

04-01-2008, 07:59 AM
Start by soaking in something like ATF or Eds Red, scrub with 4/0 steel wool around a worn 35 cal brush, soak, repeat, etc. If that doesn't do it, find or make a "Foul Out" type cleaner. If it still looks like a sewer pipe, either rebarrel to 8mm or 35 Whelen or turn it into one of those 45 Carbine's with the Rhineland kit.

Firelapping before rebarelling is worth a shot too.

04-01-2008, 08:52 AM
Follow Bret4207's suggestions with the addition of, if needed, hand lapping. Various sized grinding compounds, ending with very fine/polishing grits, and a tight fitting cleaning jag and patch. Rub the grinding compounds into the patches and work back and forth in the barrel. If all else fails, you're lucky as rebarreling a Mauser is very easy. Do use a barrel wrench and action device lest you twist the action. Leverage is your friend. Soak in penetrating oils for a month and use heat judiciously. Find some articles on the net. Great project if you get into it.

04-01-2008, 12:22 PM
If your barrel turns out to be non-salvageable, you might try browsing Auction Arms for a replacement. Several months ago, I picked-up a near-mint mil-surp "take-off" 8x57 for $16 + shipping.


04-01-2008, 02:07 PM
many thanks to bret4207,725,and kraschenbirn for your thoughts.

i scoured the bbl last night and am sad to report the bbl has no rifling in the front half of it,not worn-missing,gone,awol,nada,zilch.
i have never seen this before,i wonder if its common.

i will try and find a source....
thanks again

04-01-2008, 05:09 PM
You sure it's gone, as in corroded away, and not fouled enough not to see the grooves? If so, and if that ball peening "stipling" isn't super duper fugly, rebarreling is probably the way to go. But for a free gun the cost of rebarreling might be far more than just using that one for a parts gun and picking up another usable example.

04-01-2008, 06:52 PM
thanks for the thought,i had not considerd it.
we up here in the sticks dont have much for gun shows,we have three a year,but,the same old faces and the same old tired guns are traded back and forth between the gun tables and most of us dont bother any more...

i have not seen a 98 mauser for sale in five or six years.this does not mean one wont crop up ....

i cant believe i orderd a die set before cleaning up my rifled/smooth bore,it could be a shotgun in the front half.

04-01-2008, 09:54 PM
I just today put money down on a GEW 98 with pretty much the same bore condition. It's all there, just rough as all get out. I'm hoping that JB and 50,000 long strokes will smooth it out enough. I'm lucky to have an 8mm mould that drops at .325. I didn't want to pass on a good price and all matching 1917 Oberndorf. Good luck.

04-01-2008, 10:25 PM
Call this guy: Craig, Empire GunShop 570-275-5482. I bought a 7 x 57 take off for a Chilean Mauser - $15. It was far from pretty, but very functional. Good guy.

04-02-2008, 03:18 PM
thanks i will call him.