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View Full Version : First Smart Fone for old fogey

08-20-2015, 07:06 PM
Well I got my first smart phone a couple of weeks ago. I still don't think I have it set up correctly. It is a Nokia Lumia 635 Windows 8.1. It will probably take me about 6 months to figure it out.lol
I had a little problems with a couple of tecks messages already. Yesterday, I started to learn about the Cortana function. So, just for the heck of it I asked it for CastBoolits website and it took a couple of times, but the site came up. But, before it did a Tapatalk app (I don't know anything about apps either) came up. I noticed a number of post that had pics with successful hunts during the hunting season had "sent via Tapatalk" and some that didn't have pics. Do you need this Tapatalk app function or does it make it easier to interact with the website or websites. Or is the phone that I mentioned more up to date which renders the Tapatalk app function not necessary?

08-20-2015, 09:14 PM
Smart fone ...sometimes seems such a misnomer ... I often have to correct a text I typed and sent that it auto-corrected ,sometimes there's humor there in that lolz sometimes not ]shrugz]
You can type here without tapatalk ,I'm doing it right now as a matter of fact,I considered the app but also considered to myself that the "posted with tapatalk" is about annoying to me,you should be able to go either way, if you can type here without it great,you can also try the app and if you don't like it delete it
I can't really comment on your fone per say as I haven't found a Microsoft based one I care for (eg;windows os ermm os is short for operating system )
As for apps ... Caveat emptor ! Many are great and,sadly,many have unwanted stuff attached to them,many flashlight apps for example have spyware built into the code that either tracks every site you go to etc.
BTW I'm not the most or perhaps best tech guy on these but only offer a few random thoughts with the hopes that it may help or even make sense ;)

08-20-2015, 09:46 PM
Yeah, I feel for you. I just did the same thing to try to catch up with everyone else, kinda wondering why as a regular flip phone did just as much for me. I just changed our data plan and picked up SWMBO's old phone out of the drawer. It's about 5 years old and completely out of date, can't update anything. At least I don't walk down the street with the darn thing in front of my face like the modern generation. GW

454 shooter
08-20-2015, 09:54 PM
I have had a smart phone for a few years. Remember, the phone is only as smart as the user. I find myself saying"stupid phone" quite often.
You can do so much with it that you can't even imagine. "There is an app for that" whatever it is.
I work outside so I use the radar often, news site, can search for materials or whatever on the internet.
Another nice thing is GPS and directions.
If you can't figure it out ask your kids or grandkids, they grew up with technology.
I use my now second smartphone for more than my first but I will never find the full potential. The phone is only as smart as the user.

08-20-2015, 09:56 PM
I also have the Nokia 635 and am also an old fogey (78)..I got the phone from ATT without a contract and think it was under $200. We do not have it hooked up to anything that has to do with the internet, our computer or any of the other things...we have it to make and receive calls from the "keyboard" or saved contacts...to send and receive text messages including photos we take with the camera in the phone...we down load via the included cord to the photo files on the computer...we have and use no computer based aps, etc...in short we have a "dumb smart phone".

We could have gotten a little flip phone or something like that but frankly got tired of having folks laugh at our phone(it was big and bulky)...now nobody knows and nobody rags us about being behind the times..My prior phone had a camera and it was easy to use and durable but the bulk was a bit much for my pocket..I called it my "click brick".


08-21-2015, 03:45 PM
You're braver than I am OhHoPr! Mine got broken when I dropped it recently. It was a flip phone, and I didn't even want a camera in mine until I got that one. Now I like the camera, too! Went to get a new phone, and the gal at Verizon and my wife did all they could to talk me into getting a "smart phone," but I'd never use it. I just need something to call with, and now, to take pics with as well. I like the smaller flip phones. They stay out of the way better than the larger flat "smart phones," unless and until needed, and I like and value that more than I do all the other things the smart phones can do. If I want to check the weather, I look at the sky. Some folks today are forgetting, it seems, that you can actually still DO that! I guess I'm just a knuckle-dragger????

My grandson was using his smart phone to take the test for his driver's license he'll be getting Monday. He turns 16 on Sunday. Amazing what they do on those newfangledy things these days, but I'm just not interested in doing stuff like that. I guess I'm incorrigible?

Love Life
08-21-2015, 03:52 PM
I didn't know Jitterbug made a smart phone...badum tish.

08-21-2015, 04:21 PM
I am just as much a Neanderthal as you guys, in that I still use a flip phone(slider actually). I updated my phone last year after having the last one for about four years, wearing out the buttons forced me to get a new one. I ended up getting the next newer model of the same kind which is still outdated I am sure. I can't get over paying extra for a data plan, and refuse to be on my phone all the time everywhere I go. Next time you go somewhere, Look around the room and close to half the people will be looking at a screen.

08-21-2015, 05:14 PM
Welcome to the Windows phone , it works ok , I have one for work min is a samsung atvi , it is very limited in apps and I don't think with the limited users that the apps get developed near as much as the Apple and Android apps even if they have an app for the windows phone.

the browser on the the windows phone OS is a bit of a let down , but the photo sharing works decent

08-21-2015, 06:05 PM
I can't have one. The things are smarter than me and they don't come with an instruction book !
Just how the heck am I supposed to figger it all out ? My car comes with instructions....why not these infernal things.

08-22-2015, 10:57 AM
We could have gotten a little flip phone or something like that but frankly got tired of having folks laugh at our phone(it was big and bulky)...now nobody knows and nobody rags us about being behind the times..My prior phone had a camera and it was easy to use and durable but the bulk was a bit much for my pocket..I called it my "click brick".


You must be one of those rad rad gramps with a connection to your grandchildren and children, maybe even a little babysitting. "Rags us" haha, that's not rags, that's communication. Well I guess you need one of those to keep up with the incoming pics.

As for the click brick that looks ingenious. I remember when they first came out back about '90. I had to go to the junk yard as I was just getting into the circle jerk scene for a bomber race car. The owner, Moe, who I knew sorta well and shot darts with on the local league was showing me something out in the yard and all of a sudden his building started making an load irritating electrical errrrr errrrr errrrr and he picked up something the size of a walkie talkie off his hip. After his call, I said what the he[[ is that Moe? It's a phone with a smile and he explained how it worked and said "It was great for his business" along with "ya gotta keep up with the times". He was in his mid fifties and I was just starting my 30's. lol

08-22-2015, 11:18 AM
Heck, I just found out how to lock the key pad on my trak fone. Had an Amishman show me how!

08-22-2015, 11:19 AM
Well, this OLDFOGEY has had a Samsung Galaxy for two years now. (My wife decided we both needed one). At first, I couldn't even figure out how to answer when someone called. After about six months, I finally learned how to put a contact in. Then, my son installed the Kindle reader which is great. I basically used and still use it as a phone and reader. It is now at least two versions old and I still can't use 95% of its capabilities. I would go back to a flip phone, but then I would have to buy a Kindle. So, I'm stuck with the galaxy........I guess.

08-22-2015, 11:31 AM
It's a wonderful age we live in, just wish I had a use for all the technology in my new(ish) Apple phone. I always say my previous (dumb) phone was smarter than I am, I even opted out of the text messages. Like most of my modern high-tech gadgets I'll never utilize more than about 10% of it. I'm still amazed that I can (and do) use it for an internet hot spot and the camera is very helpful when I remember to use it.

08-22-2015, 04:11 PM
Re: operator's manual. Almost no device includes one anymore. You have to go online and download one into a computer file. We are being dragged kicking and screaming into modern technology. GW

08-22-2015, 05:00 PM

08-22-2015, 05:56 PM


08-22-2015, 08:22 PM
I have a Samsung Galaxy and I like it. Use it for texting, taking pics, checking email, watch videos sometimes. Have downloaded apps for turkey, goose and coyote calls (used mostly to annoy my wife, and amuse my grandkids) It's amazing the quality of pics it takes, too. My wife has the same phone, so we help each other when trying to figure something out.