View Full Version : dvd to i-pad

08-16-2015, 09:33 PM
I was thinking about getting a dvd on trigger jobs. Then I realized that the workbench is in the basement and the computer is upstairs. I don't want to be running up and down while I am working on the pistol or take all the tools up to the desk. Is there any way I can copy the dvd onto my ipad so I can take it down to the bench and refer to it as I go along?

08-17-2015, 12:03 PM
Hey there Plinker ...
I am no pro at the I pad game but ...
Currently using an app that I installed on my I pad called "GoodReader" .....
It seems to be a rather high end PDF program that works really good for my purposes .
Go to the app store and search for the program.
Works really good for me as I have downloaded Glen Fryxells book , Hodgden basic reloading manual and Lyman's cast bullet manual to it .. all in PDF and have them at my fingertips for reference .
The advantage to this program is it will recognize your local network at home (wireless) and you can transfer files from your computer to your I pad this way .. I have done this with very large files in regard to my work and it works well.
As such , it would be easy to do with the info on your dvd...

08-17-2015, 12:59 PM
DVD packet files are totally different than just reading simple PDF's. There may be an app you can play DVD vid files on an iOS system, ( am on an iPad right now) but I do not know of one.

And they are huge files!

Easy if using a PC as you can just copy the file to a USB flash drive. And use one the many WINDOWS players for it. iPads as you know are totally sealed universes (I just hate it) and you cannot do that easily. I never jailbreak anything.

Buy a cheap WIN notebook and it will be easy! Just have multiple computers as I do.

Good luck on that one.


08-17-2015, 01:18 PM
There are several ways to do it, if the DVD is not encrypted the files can be transferred to a folder in the hard drive. Then the folder can be converted to MP4 using handbrake. If DVD shrink is still available for download it will backup the DVD files to a folder.

If you cannot get around the encryption then you will need a dongle to record the video from a playing DVD.

08-17-2015, 01:36 PM
DVD shrink is great, but I don't know how available it is. PM me if you need help with finding it.

Handbrake is great for converting and loading but not all that easy to work with in my experience. My usual method for doing this is ripping it with DVDShrink, DVDdecrypter, or WinXDVDCopy Pro, all with AnyDVD running in the background to avoid encryption issues. After all, I'm just making digital backups of hard copy media I already own, which is completely legal.

I then use iSkysoft iMedia Converter to put it into an MPEG4 format and upload it using iTunes. It's complicated, it takes time, and if you ask 10 people how to do it you'll get 11 answers.

08-17-2015, 04:03 PM
I have always used the NERO Suite of programs to do most things with DVD/audio/CD/video files. And, yes, you have to buy it. :violin: That seems to bother a lot of people on here.....spending money for real computer programs.....but it will work with DVD packet files, convert them, and allow you to watch them on other PC's. No guarantee with an iPAD/iPhone. You will need the special app (again $$.$$) to read the files. Apple just LOVES to control that "sealed universe" within their little iOS world. That is why I am a WINDOWS person.......always have been..........always will be. I know they claim it is to prevent viruses, but I have NEVER had a virus in any PC in.........well, since they invented PC's!

Another one is:


There used to be a free-bee stripped down version available, but the PRO version of VideoPad Editor is cool.

"Nothing worth anything in this life is for free."

08-17-2015, 04:56 PM
How many people do you think are watching a movie with an iPad on an airplane right now.

08-17-2015, 06:08 PM
I have about six dvds on my Ipad now. I did purchase awhile ago conversion software and have used Handbrake. Did the conversions on laptop and used itunes to transfer.

08-17-2015, 06:30 PM
That is the key. You HAVE to strain everything thru that horrible *** iTunes software. I just hate that.

And yes there are clowns watching movies on iPads........right now. But getting them there is hard. Unless you stream thru WIFI, which I do all the time with Netflix, DirectTV, StarZ, HBO, Encore, and all the other streaming sources I subscribe to.

But getting raw DVD subject matter on an iPad is not NEARLY as easy as just playing it on a cheap PC. That is because of the sealed iOS software universe Apple reigns over.

I love my iPhones and iPads, but hate the crippling iOS they use.


08-17-2015, 06:54 PM
It's called a jailbreak combined w/ pwntunes and ifile. Then your iPhone is an actual hard drive that you can drag and drop files onto. There is an issue w/ Win8.1 and you can no longer drop files onto the idevice. But you can still pull them off. I'm not going to discuss the merits of a jailbreak. I've had very few issues w/ any of them and have been running them since I had an iPhone 3.

I use the DVDfab suite for handling DVDs. Paid for a lifetime license. Encryption is not a concern w/ it. One of the modules is a mp4 converter so you can play it on your idevice.

Dropbox is a good way to transfer files to your device w/out using iTunes. Granted you have to upload to Dropbox and then download it onto the idevice.

08-17-2015, 08:32 PM
It is unfortunate Apple will not put a standard USB port on their darned stuff. Would be nice to power and run a USB 2T drive from the thing! Sure would make my MIDI music and other multi-media interface functions easy! I guess they like using iTunes and forcing people to go to it for everything. Who downloads all that stupid music, anyway?

I do NOT like drip-box (!) at all!!!!!!!

08-18-2015, 04:25 PM
And, yes, you have to buy it. :violin: That seems to bother a lot of people on here.....spending money for real computer programs.....

Yup, I dislike spending money on most things I can do for free. Problem is, most of the free ones are limited, loaded with crapware, or just don't do what they say. I follow a number of tech deal sites, CNET Cheapskate being the best IMO, and there are always free full versions of these kinds of programs being given away. They don't come with support after the fact or upgrades, but they work VERY well. I bought a lifetime version of AnyDVD HD a while ago, so that takes care of 99% of my encryption issues when talking about movies. The rest were freebie full programs from that blog.