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View Full Version : Any Opticians on Board?

08-15-2015, 03:09 PM
I've got a question as to the grinding of eyeglass lenses.

I currently wear corrective lenses, no line bifocals, and my vision is good while performing day to day activities, distance & reading etc.

I'm right handed, right eye dominant. When shooting handguns I have no issues at all. When I shoulder a scoped rifle I look through a portion of my lenses that is near the upper bridge of my nose. This seems to be giving me fits with the clarity of the crosshairs. If I look head straight-on through the "sweet spot" of my lenses, as would be measured when fitted, the crosshairs are sharp.

My question is; Can lenses be ground to have the same "prescription" at the edges of the lenses, that is present in the "sweet spot"?

I'm having a heck of a time with this, I can offset my glasses on my face to line up my lenses to see the crosshairs clearly, but that's really not a solution. If I can have a set of lenses / glasses made for shooting only, that has my distance prescription throughout the entire lens, I think this problem would go away.

Any experience or advice to offer would be GREATLY appreciated.

08-15-2015, 03:12 PM
This shouldn't be any problem.

I used to have my progressive lenses inverted so that I could see to navigate on catwalks and read gages on the ceiling over my head!

Just tell the Optician what you need.

08-15-2015, 03:27 PM
Order you a set of your distance only lenses from one of the Hong Kong optical companies. (Zenni optical, optical for less) you can get them made for under $30. The pair I am wearing now was $12 from Zeinni optical. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to get it here. They wanted $450 for my wife's progressive glasses here, but she got them for $ 100 from Zenni.
You could get the bifocal in the left eye, and distance only in the right.