View Full Version : Six Enterprises butt pad removal

08-14-2015, 04:12 PM
Anyone know how to remove the butt pad on a Six Enterprises synthetic stock? I'd like to change mine and really don't want to destroy it in the process.

Der Gebirgsjager
08-14-2015, 05:16 PM
I, for one, am not familiar with that brand of stock. Many butt pads mounted on synthetic stocks now days are glued rather than held on by screws, and is pretty much of a permanent nature requiring destruction of the pad to remove it. Then you have to work the remaining pieces of pad and glue down to the original butt surface before installing a new one. Why don't you contact the manufacturer and see what they suggest?

08-14-2015, 07:17 PM
I don't believe that the manufacturer is still in business. Six Enterprises was one of the first makers of synthetic stocks and this one was made sometime in the late 80's.

William Yanda
08-14-2015, 09:13 PM
Would gentle heat be a reasonable attempt? Damp rags could protect the stock, and if it didn't start to slip when it was just past too hot to comfortably handle it would be time to rethink the approach.

08-14-2015, 09:52 PM
Heat may help. What confuses me is that it feels like the pad is stretched over a lip at the rear of the butt, you can pull it away from the stock in some places but it seems almost like it molded into place. There's nothing really wrong with the pad so I really don't have to change it, but it's on my ultra mag and it slips around a bit when I fire the rifle. I would like a softer pad but this rifle doesn't kick as bad a my 338 win. so it's not like I can't live with it.