View Full Version : Ruger MK1 feeding issue

08-13-2015, 10:47 PM
buddy of mine just got a MK1 Target. I took it out Sunday and ran a few rounds through it I put the first mag in after checking the bore and it ran like a clock the other mag did not want to feed nose of the bullet appears to be hanging up on the bottom of the feed ramp. I loaded the first mag again and it did the same thing
I took it down and gave it a good cleaning and tried the mags again and they would not feed
Rounds tend to hang up at the top of the mag when loading also
Never owned a MK1 what should I be looking at?

08-14-2015, 11:25 AM
From what I understand, the lips of the mags can be adjusted in/out so the pistol will feed. I've not had any mag problems myself, but my bro tweaked his 22/45 mag lips and hasn't had a failure to feed since.

08-15-2015, 09:16 AM
Yeah, the feed lips control how high the bullet is pointed as it comes out of the mag. If it's hitting low, open the lips just a little. Hitting to high, squeeze them closed a bit. I have two of the MKI T Rugers and a half dozen mags all which have worked perfectly for many thousands of rounds.

08-19-2015, 03:05 PM
Check for burrs or sharp edges on the feed lips. I have had a couple that needed a little stone work to feed correctly. You could also use fine sandpaper or emery board.

Larry in MT
08-20-2015, 11:18 AM
Yeah, the feed lips control how high the bullet is pointed as it comes out of the mag. If it's hitting low, open the lips just a little. Hitting to high, squeeze them closed a bit. I have two of the MKI T Rugers and a half dozen mags all which have worked perfectly for many thousands of rounds.

That's exactly how it worked on my old Standard. Never had another problem.

08-20-2015, 11:00 PM
Remember to be gentle with the feed lips...Dave

08-21-2015, 07:59 AM
My boy dropped a Ruger MKII 22/45 mag at the range on the concrete.
Of course it landed on the feed lips.
It tweaked them just enough that they wouldn't feed right.
Of course it was the only mag I had with me because I had just changed range bags.

Took me just a minute when I got home to correct the problem and all is well.

Get you another mag and just see what happens.
If you can get more then one mag to cause the problem then look at the pistol.

08-22-2015, 12:08 PM
Hope you can gently tweak them into place, last time I went looking they were a bit hard to find. I have one that is a bit balky at times but they have had many thousands of rounds thru them since I brought that target model home almost 35 years ago.