View Full Version : had a stroke

08-12-2015, 12:48 PM
guys a few months ago i had a stroke , i am now mostly back to good health thanks to physical therapy and a few lifestyle changes .
i am suffering from a few cognitive side effects mostly dealing with my memory . mostly minor , things like putting names to people i know and using a wrong word or two here and there
and i have lost almost all of my ability to do higher mathematics ..... a scary thought for a machinist .
but otherwise everything is right as rain , a few more weeks and ill be back to work with no long term worries .

i do need some help from you fellas though ... in the short time i was here before i made a few new friends and i am fairly sure i had a deal or two going with members here .
i would like to put things right with whom ever it was i dealing with but the names and details just are not coming back to me .
maybe with some luck the fellas will read this and i can make things right , thanks

08-12-2015, 12:57 PM
Hang in there, fg. Similar effects for one of my brothers-in-law a couple of years ago. It took time, but most of the cognitive effects improved. He still has occasions when he uses the wrong word or can't remember how many feet in a fathom (he was/is a sea-going man). But, those occasions are getting much less frequent as time goes on. All the best to you in your recovery.


08-12-2015, 02:32 PM
Prayers sent for your to old health status.

08-12-2015, 02:56 PM
Prayers for a speedy and full recovery

08-12-2015, 02:58 PM
You don't remember the mold you were sending me? :kidding:

Wish you the best, went down a long road like this with my father in law. Hopefully you can resurrect some memories by looking through PM's.

08-12-2015, 03:31 PM
You are in our thoughts and Prayers.


08-12-2015, 03:41 PM
If your therapist isn't doing any mental exercises, learning math over again practicing etc. Talk to them about it. The sooner you can start the better. Try to keep your sense of humor and decide that you are going to beat this. It's hard to do, my mom and dad both had some strokes. Best Wishes on your recovery.

08-12-2015, 11:16 PM
thank you gentleman . i feel good for the most part , good spirits and getting back to cheerful .
so no worries there , matter of fact my biggest problem at the moment is an abundance of free time to do as i please with .

08-12-2015, 11:24 PM
Ohhh don't you just hate that, all that free time and just can't figure out what you want to do! :guntootsmiley:

08-13-2015, 12:01 AM
Well glad to see your getting everything back to normal,
I wish you the best of luck after a number of strokes best thing that has helped me to recover has been reading everything I can get a hold of,keep the mind busy so you don't fall into the whole depression thing feel free to pm me if you want to talk about it..

08-13-2015, 07:20 AM
thank you gentleman . i feel good for the most part , good spirits and getting back to cheerful .
so no worries there , matter of fact my biggest problem at the moment is an abundance of free time to do as i please with .

You clearly need range time.
I prescribe 8x56 RS brass therapy.
Cast some. Load some. Shoot some. Repeat!
I've got some of the brass.

08-14-2015, 05:23 PM

Welcome to the stroke survivor's club.

Be aware that with prompt care and a bit of luck, a stroke is survivable and some victims, like myself, can recover with no impairment.

I have had two and my neurologist says that I present no symptoms and while I have some discernible brain damage, according to a couple of CAT scans and MRIs, my physical and intellectual abilities are quite normal. My IQ tests remain at essentially the same as pre-stroke levels and my reflexes and reactions are excellent.

It has been three years since my last stroke and I remain fully and (perhaps) over-employed, if one were to consult with my wife (who believes that I work too long and hard for my own good).

08-15-2015, 07:51 AM
Had my first stroke 23 years ago. It affected my left side. With a lot of therapy and hard work, I was back to shooting IPSC with in six months. My first exercise prop at home was a loaded Para P-13 mag.

I lost 30 points off my IQ, only 119 now.

08-15-2015, 12:18 PM
Had my first stroke 23 years ago. It affected my left side. With a lot of therapy and hard work, I was back to shooting IPSC with in six months. My first exercise prop at home was a loaded Para P-13 mag.

I lost 30 points off my IQ, only 119 now.
Get better soon! hope I never lose 30 points that would put me close to 0 :oops:

08-15-2015, 01:03 PM
fg, I pray for your speedy recovery and return to your machines. I must admit I never did remember people's names very well and as for higher math, forget it.