View Full Version : case lube

08-08-2015, 10:24 AM
hi all, I have a question about case lube. I am using one shot spray lube because it is easy and does not kill the powder or primers. after spraying out doors the instructions say allow to dry a few minutes then start to reload. it smells like poison to me. am I poisoning myself with this stuff?

08-08-2015, 02:02 PM
look up the SDS [used to be msds] it should give you a clue as to what is in it.
i'll stick to my lanolin and castor oil/neets foot oil home made stuff.

08-08-2015, 03:02 PM
Everything can be a poison ,even water ( pure ) ,I'm one of a few whom loves one shot so I may be a bit biased ( in the interest of disclosure ) the fumes deplete oxygen ( or if you prefer displaces ) the biggest worry however would be the umm lube dust, ( even more disclosures lolz ) I made wood trays,used them for years ,the build up ( that I've sanded off at least 3 times in their history ) seems like there are small flakes in the waxy layers,mica or such I'm assuming , this and in use with the aerosol propellant seems the only minor causes for concern , you did it outside so I doubt you've poisoned yourself ( you wasn't concentrating and massive inhaling it was you ? Then I'd be worried ) the pump spray bottle is another story.... with less umm fear factors ;)
As stated I love the stuff ,it's not the end all but ...it does have it's uses .it's worst crimes seems to be in improper uses ,usually way too much or not enough followed by not letting it dry first

John Boy
08-08-2015, 04:58 PM
gkdraw44 ... give Bag Balm a try. The cows love it and so will your fingers lubing cases
0.3% Hydroxyquinoline Sulfate in a Petrolatum- Lanolin Base
A slight finger swipe is all that is needed to FL size and re-form cases
It's at your drug store

08-08-2015, 07:40 PM
maybe I just like things too squeeky clean, but I use the waterbase rcbs case lube. then I wash with boiling hot water with dawn dish liquid. blow out the water with an air compressor to dry..... 24 hrs later..... lock and reload.

08-08-2015, 07:50 PM
Similar to R5R, some Lanolin mixed with 95% isopropyl alcohol in a flower spray bottle. Toss 40-50 cases on an old towel, spray lightly, roll around on the towel with my hand and size. Works great!

08-08-2015, 08:38 PM
I've heard that wire & cable pulling lubricant works as a case lube, but I haven't tried it yet.

08-08-2015, 08:51 PM
I've heard that wire & cable pulling lubricant works as a case lube, but I haven't tried it yet.

That stuff is really slick. But it gets everywhere. I hate when I have to use it for it's intended purpose. Don't want it near my dies. I use Mink Oil. Cheap and available everywhere.

country gent
08-08-2015, 09:33 PM
I have 2 bath towels one treated / imprgnated with Imperial sizing die wax the other lanolin. I simply pour the cases on one add the right lube and roll cases in the towel by gripping each end in ech hand ad raising and lowering them for a few minutes. After the towels are impregnated it takes very little lube or time to lubs 1500-2000 cases. I have used wire pulling lube in the past and industrial swaging lubes. both are similar to the lee water based sizing die wax.

08-08-2015, 10:39 PM
I've had more stuck cases with the Hornady one shot using the one and only can I'll ever buy than using lanolin and alcohol based lubes ever. The lanolin and alcohol needs to be knocked off in the tumbler when done, but that allows me one more inspection before loading.

08-09-2015, 12:57 AM
Osteodoc08, I remove the lanolin from the loaded cases by placing them on a towel, give them two very light mists of mineral spirits then rub with a second towel. It only takes seconds, removes all the residual lanolin and keeps cases from tarnishing. I've been using the alcohol/lanolin mix for the past five years and will never buy any other factory lube again.

08-09-2015, 09:44 AM
do the lanolin mixes need to be inside the case neck (223 or other bottle necks)?

08-09-2015, 09:46 AM
I've heard that wire & cable pulling lubricant works as a case lube, but I haven't tried it yet.

I mixed some with isopropyl alcohol and put it in an I Can't Believe It's Not Butter pump sprayer. It's not quite as good as the Lee wax lube done the same way because it's a little stickier, but it still works just fine. It's not as sticky as a lanolin lube.

08-09-2015, 11:39 AM
do the lanolin mixes need to be inside the case neck (223 or other bottle necks)?
one should always make sure that the inside of the neck is lubed when running anexpander thru it , a lot of case growth comes from this process ( the pulling it back out ) it's also ( in my humble opinion ) one of the most critical to remove before loading ( the outside of the case being cleaned goes without saying ) i may clean before i size but always after sizing , full length that is - neck sizing ,depending upon die choice,is a critter of another color
a polished expander also helps ( as can a carbide expander button )
citric acid does wonders in removing the various lubes

08-09-2015, 01:18 PM
hi all, I have a question about case lube. I am using one shot spray lube because it is easy and does not kill the powder or primers. after spraying out doors the instructions say allow to dry a few minutes then start to reload. it smells like poison to me. am I poisoning myself with this stuff?
I can't answer your question...and to complicate it more, is that some people are more sensitive to some chemicals that other people.
I have used hornady One Shot for "all" my rifle brass FL sizing needs for about a decade. I have "stuck" some cases when FL sizing 556 crimped primer cases...BUT, not since I started depriming those crimped primers before the FL size operation...I get a better "feel" when FL sizing without the primer, so on the off chance I didn't have enough lube on a case, I am able to "stop" and remove the case, before it's stuck.

I'll gladly deal with One Shot's ocassional "lite" lube issue, as the trade off is, that it's sooo easy to clean up.

The Smell doesn't bother me ...and my reloading room is a small upstairs bedroom, but I'm sure it'd bother some people.

08-09-2015, 01:32 PM
Osteodoc08, I remove the lanolin from the loaded cases by placing them on a towel, give them two very light mists of mineral spirits then rub with a second towel. It only takes seconds, removes all the residual lanolin and keeps cases from tarnishing. I've been using the alcohol/lanolin mix for the past five years and will never buy any other factory lube again.

Thanks for the tip. I'll have to give that a shot next time.

08-09-2015, 03:12 PM
Sometimes it's not the product that can kill you, but the propellant. Many propellants are flammable these days. This could apply to the spray products you use in the kitchen as well. You need to check everything out before bringing it into your home. You never know.

cajun shooter
08-10-2015, 09:58 AM
I did at one time make my own lanolin and alcohol case lube but it required L clean the cases after sizing. I purchased a can of Hornaday One Shot and will never use another case lube. I did on my first attempts of using this product put too little on a case and had to knock it out of my sizing die. I sprayed the next ones with more product and they sized very easy. With my 44wcf cases it's so easy I feel like I'm using a carbide die. One Shot For My Vote. Later David

08-10-2015, 05:20 PM
gkdraw44 ... give Bag Balm a try. The cows love it and so will your fingers lubing cases
0.3% Hydroxyquinoline Sulfate in a Petrolatum- Lanolin Base
A slight finger swipe is all that is needed to FL size and re-form cases
It's at your drug store
And Bag Balm smells nice too.

08-10-2015, 09:42 PM
One more for Lanolin mixed with 95% isopropyl alcohol and pour on a towel, them rub. Good stuff!

08-10-2015, 09:52 PM
How long after spraying " one shot" can i fl size. Do i have to size right away or can i wait hours or till the next day

08-11-2015, 12:15 AM
How long after spraying " one shot" can i fl size. Do i have to size right away or can i wait hours or till the next day
til it's dry.
but you can wait hours or til the next day, if you like.

08-18-2015, 06:17 PM
I'll agree with most everyone else here, if you're worried about chemical exposure, and with my naturalistic tendencies I do as well, something like a lanolin/alcohol mix would work well. Anything that is safe for use on people or animals is safe to use and in my opinion better than the chemical alternative.

08-18-2015, 08:03 PM
1:10 Liquid Lanolin / 99% alcohol in a spray bottle works great for me. Hard part was figuring out how to remove it efficiently. I've started wet tumbling recently and found that 1-2 cycles with water and a few drops of Dawn will clean it off nicely.

I tried Lee Case Lube, Lee Case Lube cut with Alcohol, RCBS water based lube, Hornady One shot, and Imperial Wax. I use the Lanolin / 99% alcohol exclusively.

08-24-2015, 03:46 AM
who wants to live forever? j/k

Pee Wee
08-27-2015, 07:55 AM
I use about 1/4 cup of lanolin and 2 bottles of 91% polypropal alcohol. You can find it at Walgreens or Walmart in the rubbing alcohol section. Its the same as Dillons Case Lube. Been making and using it for quite a while. this makes about half a gallon.

09-05-2015, 10:55 AM
maybe I just like things too squeeky clean, but I use the waterbase rcbs case lube. then I wash with boiling hot water with dawn dish liquid. blow out the water with an air compressor to dry..... 24 hrs later..... lock and reload.
I'm with you triggerhappy, the rcbs stuff is the best. I just wipe the cases off with a damp cloth, and done! Why on earth anyone would want to use greasy products is beyond me. IMO, whats worse is spraying grease inside your case! I use a bit of powdered mica in the necks.

09-09-2015, 01:48 AM
I believe P.O. Ackley disagreed about internal neck friction being the cause of case lengthening and included an experiment in his books to prove it.

762 shooter
09-09-2015, 07:26 AM
To the OP. Unless you are huffing it in a bag, there are others things higher on the "kill you" list.

As for case lube. A while back I full length sized 1K of machine gun fired 762x51 brass.

A little bit of lanolin on the fingers worked fine.

I also was directed to a product called Ultra Lube. Sold at all the big box stores and touted for amazing lube qualities. I was interested in it for my springer Feinwerkbau. I was skeptical about a vegetable based lube.

I have to say that it worked on those cases as good or better than lanolin. A little goes a long way and a wipe down cleans it off. I used the spray.



09-14-2015, 11:47 PM
I sat down for some casual 223 resizing on a little bench I built for single stage work in the living room. The bag balm does work really well! Thanks John Boy!

09-15-2015, 06:57 PM
I've used the sprays, Imperial Sizing Wax, Lee's stuff, & others, but now I almost exclusively use a small squirt of synthetic 5 - 20 motor oil or some sewing machine oil on my bench and then dab from there to the fingers as needed to lube the cases. Sewing machine oil is the best. then I wipe the cases off when done sizing. Just like the old commercial, "A little dab will do ya."

09-15-2015, 07:30 PM
A couple of years ago I was in need of some lube. Read suggestions for substitutes and went to town. The gas station/general store had a decent supply of V05. It has a high lanolin content. One tube may outlast me. As the man said a little dab will do you.
http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o21/cephas53/P1010236_zps33eb3bc8.jpg (http://s116.photobucket.com/user/cephas53/media/P1010236_zps33eb3bc8.jpg.html)

09-16-2015, 11:09 AM
I've used RCBS for a long time. Also used some special assembly oil for motors I was given. I liked the latter better but can't find the bottle I had. I've also seen a guy on Youtube use Pledge furniture polish. He sprayed it on (nice lemony scent LOL!), sized his cases (30-30 IIRC) then wiped them off with a paper towel. Looked like it worked pretty good but I haven't tried it.

09-16-2015, 12:56 PM
I've used Bag Balm since I started my adventure into this hobby. And wash it off with my Harbor Freight rock tumbler with water and laundry detergent.

09-16-2015, 01:15 PM
Try the one shot in paste from works great no stuck cases in a few years now stuff lease for years to

09-17-2015, 07:32 AM
I dont like one shot, it sometimes works fine, and it sometimes gets super sticky, so sticky that 9mm cases are really hard to size.

I have switched to alcohol+lanolin for rifle. I clean after anyway.

For pistol I wonder what I will do. Maybe apply just a little bit of lanolin, and tumble a few minutes after? I dont know. Or maybe deprime and size with lanolin, then tumble, then load on another toolhead.

09-18-2015, 04:16 PM
I dont like one shot, it sometimes works fine, and it sometimes gets super sticky, so sticky that 9mm cases are really hard to size.

I have switched to alcohol+lanolin for rifle. I clean after anyway.

For pistol I wonder what I will do. Maybe apply just a little bit of lanolin, and tumble a few minutes after? I dont know. Or maybe deprime and size with lanolin, then tumble, then load on another toolhead.

I get carbide sizer dies for all my pistol loading and skip the lube altogether.

09-18-2015, 07:24 PM
I use carbide, but some lube just makes the whole thing so much slicker (but so complicated also and gummy...).
So yeah, I might just skip the lube for the 9mm, and keep doing the lanolin + alcohol prep for rifle FL, then wash.... I guess.