View Full Version : You can't always get what you want (Forster Pilots)

08-02-2015, 07:55 PM
After refilling a Forster trimmer case with common sizes, I identified the original trimmer pilots that I needed to fill MY new case (on order from Natchez)...

Seven pilots in addition to the six that come with the original trimmer kit...

20, 31, 32, 35, 351, 375 and 457...

Natchez has the best price, but is missing two, I believe... $3.79 each, beats the stuffins out of Midway (who is also missing a few), ditto Midsouth, Grafs... Forsters wants $6 each... Ebuy has 'em at 5.80... have to figure out the S&H for Natch and fleebay and do MATH without alcohol...

08-03-2015, 04:21 PM
MATH without alcohol...

Math with alcohol:

One tequila.
Two tequila.
Three tequila.

Its an old joke, but still funny.


08-03-2015, 09:50 PM
I remember one time getting to 23 Tequila. After that I was told I proposed to 4 women in 6 minutes. Isn't math great?