View Full Version : Donation Drive 2015 is underway!

Gunload Master
08-01-2015, 11:42 AM
Thank you all for being such valuable members of this great forum. Our annual donation drive is underway! This fund goes to funding our server for the next year along with additional features and upgrades that are of utmost importance when trying to handle a forum of this size. Thank you all for being a part of this great family!

*update on myself.
I have been quite busy in the past 4 months away from this place. And many of you have noticed my lack of participation so I just wanted to throw out a quick update on myself. My fiancé gave birth to our wonderful daughter 4 months ago and she has taken up almost 24/7 of my time. She was born with a large number of birth defects and had to be in primary children's hospital for over 2 months. When she was born her Trachea and esophagus were not attached which allowed no food to be able to go to her stomach. She was flown immediately after birth to Primary children's in salt lake city where she underwent surgery to correct this. What an amazing hospital with an amazing staff! This people know there stuff! She has also has 2 heart conditions that will need repaired, and she was born deaf. She's a precious gift and its been quite the amazing experience to undergo something like this. She has a long road a head of her but she will do great and she is definably daddy's little princess. I've attached a few images of her. Thanks everyone for the great support!

08-01-2015, 11:46 AM
Prayers for your Daughter and Family.

Sent what I could via Paypal.

That link in your Sig is not functioning correctly.

mister gizmo
08-01-2015, 12:36 PM
I've already made my donation via automatic payment almost a month ago. Why am I getting a request for a donation three weeks later?

08-01-2015, 02:52 PM
I've already made my donation via automatic payment almost a month ago. Why am I getting a request for a donation three weeks later?
The donation that you mention-was that for your Contributor status as a TeamBoolits member? The server donation drive is entirely seperate.
If you got a new request for the $10 contributor status, that is a setting on PayPal that you have to change on the PayPal site.

08-01-2015, 03:05 PM
Donation sent this morning...and love to you and your family....A special child is a very special gift indeed and while taking a bit more attention now and again the love that is returned is beyond what we can even understand....A special hug for both parents and for the sweet baby that has come to bless your home.

08-01-2015, 03:35 PM
She is beautiful and congratulations! It takes special parents to raise a precious gift such as she is. My daughter will still raise her pinky letting me know she has me wrapped around it and she is 23.

08-01-2015, 03:46 PM
Is there still the Sponsor level donation? I didn't see a break down of the donation levels.

08-01-2015, 04:00 PM
Yes there is.
See GunloadMasters sig line area in the OP of this thread. Or click on the TeamBoolits tab at the top of any page to see the levels of support.

08-01-2015, 06:49 PM
Donation sent via PayPal! Thanks for a great site to share my hobby!


08-01-2015, 08:59 PM
Yes there is.
See GunloadMasters sig line area in the OP of this thread. Or click on the TeamBoolits tab at the top of any page to see the levels of support.

Thank you! I am happy to support this site. Sorry...I don't do PayPal.
The check is in the mail....or as the joke goes....the Czech is in the male!

08-01-2015, 09:07 PM
Donation sent via PayPal

08-01-2015, 10:57 PM
Donation and prayers sent!

08-02-2015, 11:32 AM
Donation sent via paypal

- Thanks for all the hard work you guys do so we can be entertained and educate ourselves.

08-02-2015, 03:35 PM
$30 sent via PayPal...........and Prayers for your daughter and family sent via kneeling.....

Rap Scallion
08-02-2015, 03:54 PM
Server Donation sent on PayPal.......how do I make sure that the PP Addy contibution is credited to this site Addy?

Always glad to help the Boolits folks!

08-02-2015, 05:37 PM
I just gave 20$, and I did upgrade from team boolit to team patron which is another 10+ 20$ this year, so I gave 50$ this year. Seems fair to me for what cast boolits has allowed me to learn and enjoy.

Best luck for your baby. I also have a 2 months old first baby.

40 000 members, shouldnt be hard to get 5000$? That's 13 cents per member. Seriously. If everyone gave one dollar, that would be 40 000$....

08-02-2015, 06:17 PM
I know some don't care for some of my comments but I donated so guess you'll have to put up with me for a little while longer. Kidding aside, this is far the best place to get and share information not just shooting but life it self. Thanks to those who make it possible.

08-02-2015, 07:21 PM
I just donated 5% of the total goal amount and thank you for providing a forum of such great people and a platform for Monmouthreloading.com to be a vendor sponsor. This site is where I got started selling brass!

I wish you and your family happiness.

08-02-2015, 10:31 PM
The forum goal is five thousand dollars.
This forum has 38625 members.
If everybody only gave one dollar it would keep the forum going for seven years.
My donation (more than one buck) is on the way.

08-03-2015, 01:55 AM
Donation sent via PayPal.

08-03-2015, 09:45 AM
contributed. I have learned a lot here.

08-03-2015, 12:00 PM
Prayers and well wishes go out for your little girl and your family. Donation for the site is on the way BUT I have very limited use of the chat room now that java has moved on. I would very much like to participate in the chat and have enjoyed it a lot but I can no longer access it due to Java requirements. I need to run the latest releases of Java for my work and the chat room is not compatible with them. Is there some other chat software you could run that would not require java or run on current versions of Java?

Thank you all for being such valuable members of this great forum. Our annual donation drive is underway! This fund goes to funding our server for the next year along with additional features and upgrades that are of utmost importance when trying to handle a forum of this size. Thank you all for being a part of this great family!

*update on myself.
I have been quite busy in the past 4 months away from this place. And many of you have noticed my lack of participation so I just wanted to throw out a quick update on myself. My fiancé gave birth to our wonderful daughter 4 months ago and she has taken up almost 24/7 of my time. She was born with a large number of birth defects and had to be in primary children's hospital for over 2 months. When she was born her Trachea and esophagus were not attached which allowed no food to be able to go to her stomach. She was flown immediately after birth to Primary children's in salt lake city where she underwent surgery to correct this. What an amazing hospital with an amazing staff! This people know there stuff! She has also has 2 heart conditions that will need repaired, and she was born deaf. She's a precious gift and its been quite the amazing experience to undergo something like this. She has a long road a head of her but she will do great and she is definably daddy's little princess. I've attached a few images of her. Thanks everyone for the great support!

08-03-2015, 12:39 PM
Best wishes for your beautiful baby. May God prepare you well for the extra challenges that will be part of raising her. Server and Sponsor donations sent.


08-03-2015, 06:51 PM
$20 sent via PayPal.

08-05-2015, 11:06 AM
Check sent by snail mail. Praying for your daughter and your family.

Gunload Master
08-06-2015, 01:43 PM
Thanks for the kind words everyone! This is truly the most amazing forum/family on the entire WWW. Such a great group!
I am trying to get everything updated as soon as I possibly can! Thank you so much for the great donation and gratitude!

08-07-2015, 01:13 AM
Found some extra money.
Sent in my small part.

08-07-2015, 05:01 AM
Twice I got as far as being logged in and clicked the pay-now button on paypal, but the paypal window just goes white and won't reload. The payments don't get there.

Is there a direct paypal email I could use instead? PM me if necessary. Thanks

08-07-2015, 10:00 AM
Put my check in the mail a couple of days ago. Should be over the top by the time it gets there. Hope others will continue so goal is exceeded by a comfortable margin.

08-08-2015, 07:31 PM
Prayers to your daughter and family. Contribution of 40.00 sent by snail mail. Thanks for the great place to hang out. Point-man AKA as Jerry.

08-08-2015, 07:37 PM
Sponsorship re-upped for the year. Love this site.

Prayers for the family.

09-06-2015, 08:31 AM
This is just an "out of curiosity" inquiry - I know you have your new beautiful bundle of joy occupying a lot of your time right now, but I was wondering how long does it take to get ones membership status updated? I upped my status from Patron to Sponsor last month but haven't seen the change on my profile yet. There's no rush - like I said, just curious.